
Tender For Mod2-Capital Repair-Furnace Relining Job, Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Mod2-Capital Repair-Furnace Relining Job. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-12-2024. Furnace supply Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Mod2-Capital Repair-Furnace Relining Job
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Tender Details

Tender For Mod2-Capital Repair-Furnace Relining Job 27022302 10 10 10 VARIOUS REFRACTORY JOBS AS PER REQUIRT 375 TO Email : SARAVANA@myamns.in Contact : Name : SARAVANA Item Details : 1. AM/NS SCOPE: - 1. All refractory material’s details like BOM, and specification provided by AMNS. 2. All the basic design, assembly drawings related to the refractory job application will be provided during job execution, metallic anchors, special electrodes required for anchor welding will be providing by AM/NS. 3. Required gate passes for manpower <(>&<)> tools tackles will be issued. 4. Providing Hanging platform arrangements will be in AMNS scope, but handling will be in contractor’s scope. 5. Water, compressed air, and power connection at one point will be provided. (Any extension/boards to different locations, pipes, hoses, hand bulbs in contractor’s scope). 6. Issuing the work permit <(>&<)> daily toolbox talk. 7. Site illumination and work area lighting will be provided by AMNS. 8. Provide the arrangements like dumping chute for debris removal safely and handling the debris from height. 9. Any required mechanical jobs in the furnace before refractory job i.e., cutting/rectification of shell. 10. Refractories dry out shall be carried out by AMNS. 11. Providing Hoist for material shifting from ground level to different levels of furnace for safe and speedup the job. 12. Dumper <(>&<)> loader will be provided by AM/NS wherever applicable for debris (plastic / wooden / etc.) removal. 13. AM/NS will provide tractor/dumper/Trailer and hydra/ forklift for refractory material shifting from store to site (inside the plant). 2. CONTRACTOR SCOPE: - 1. Furnace refractory dismantling and re lining job will be under contractor’s scope. 2. Hanging platform will be used from UBF top to Furnace roof. UBF level and below furnace will be done by scaffolding parallelly. 3. Handling of hanging platform is in the scope of contractor. 4. To execute the job as per BOM <(>&<)> drawing within the time limit. Delays will attract suitable penalty. 5. To ensure the highest quality job <(>&<)> workmanship in all respects through proper stage wise quality checks and detailed inspections. Any wastage of material will be debited from the contractor final bill as per standard practice. 6. To clearly submit the application micro plan with methodology (hanging platform or scaffolding etc.) and the same is to be submitted in the technical offer. 7. Provide all necessary and sufficient required manpower, skilled / unskilled workers, welder, carpenters, and technical supervisors as per job and as the direction of AMNS site Incharge. Workers should be physically fit, certified by medical practitioner. To submit the manpower details in the technical offer. 8. There must be adequate and separate qualified staff from contractor to take care of (a) Material movements (b) Job supervision (c) Quality checks and inspection (d) Safety on round the clock basis. Page 2 of 3 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000124820 Date 29.11.2024 Submission Date 07.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Ms. Shashimita Gupta Contact Email SHASHIMITA.GUPTA@AMNS.IN MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 9. Submit the man-power list, tools / tackles <(>&<)> other machinery list in advance for pass / permissions. 10. Tools <(>&<)> Tackles and equipment used at site are certified by the competent authority. Such certificates must be valid at all points of time. 11. It is contractor’s responsibility to certify all Electrical related equipment and power board by our electrical team in advance. 12. 30-meter electrical cable without joint and panels required for connecting machines/equipment. 13. Lifting <(>&<)> shifting of refractory materials is contractors’ scope, in case of emergency contractor should be arranged lifting equipment like winch machine for material shifting purpose. 14. All material shifting / handling to <(>&<)> fro is in contractor scope within plant premises from store to site and site to store. (AM/NS will provide the required equipment as per availability). 15. All required tools <(>&<)> tackles including all consumables for refractory dismantling, lining and removal of debris, like electric / pneumatic breakers, electric board with RCB etc. 16. Competent Hoist operator for lifting/lowering the material to furnace platform in contractor scope, without damaging the machine. 17. All the scaffolding materials required to execute the job inside the furnace like pipes, clamps, metallic jaali etc. All scaffolding must be standard AMNS practice. If required, the same scaffolding / platform will be used by mechanical / other agencies involved inside the furnace jobs. 18. All the wooden formats and required tools, welders, carpenters etc. required for the job. 19. All tools / critical equipment min two numbers (one operation <(>&<)> one standby). 20. Any materials / tools etc. issued (if any) by AMNS to be returned in good condition after the completion of the job and to be stored at the designated place. Any damage etc. to be repaired and conditioned. 21. Proper marking <(>&<)> welding of the anchors. Enough welding machines should be available as per requirement. Only certified welders to be deployed for the job. 22. Removal of old refractory material with anchors blankets etc. and disposal to designated location on day-to-day basis. (Dumper <(>&<)> loader will be provided by AM/NS wherever applicable). Proper surface cleaning of shell by wire brush etc. before start of application work. 23. Contactors shall maintain the housekeeping of workplace time to time while working. 24. Upon completion of the work, contractor will dump any leftover debris at one place designated by AM/NS. Contractor to get the house keeping completion clearance from user operation dept. before submitting the final bill. 25. After completion of job, all refractory related materials should be shifted from Installation site to designated place. 26. Any other misc. job which is related to the Module refractory is in the scope of the contractor. 27. Contractor must properly store and handle the material at site. Ensure no material is damaged / wasted due to wrong handling. If any material is damaged / wasted due to wrong handling suitable penalty will be imposed. 28. Persons kept for administrative /paper works will not be assigned any kind of technical jobs at site. 29. Compliance of all the statutory requirements. 30. Work will be done on round the clock basis, so quality expert and safety person from contractor side must be available at site on round the clock basis. 31. Bills will be submitted in appropriate format <(>&<)> in line with the work order UOM’s etc. and material reconciliation statement in line with PO terms and conditions. 32. Providing regular electrodes required for old anchor cutting, any scaffolding / support welding etc. required for the job. 33. Kick-off meeting on the execution part preparations from both the sides well before the job start up to be done.

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