Tender For 2000161032-Hiring Of Ex-70 Poclain Cy - 2025 0161032 10 10 10 HIRING OF POCLAIN 1,880 H Email : VIJAYKUMAR.KUNCHE@AMNS.IN Contact : Name : Vijay Kumar Kunche Item Details : Scope of Work, Pricing format The primary scope of work for Poclain EX-70 is to excavate the spillage material deposited underneath the conveyors at stockpile area its premises. S.No. Description Specifications UOM Quantity 1 Poclain EX-70. For retrieval of spillage material by excavating the spillage material underneath the conveyors. Model: - Poclain EX 70 or equivalent Hourly basis 1880 hours Safety Context: As part of implementing best industry standards, FPS is being driven to mitigate risks during operation of equipment inside plant premises. To meet the standards, all equipment being arranged should have following systems in place as per the following. All equipment provided should have these systems installed. During maintenance activities on the equipment, any spare being brought shall be exempted considering the short duration of stay, however this will be at the discretion of area in charge. TYPE OF VEHICLE EX - 70 Swing ALARM REQUIRED DRIVER FATIGUE MONITORING SYSTEM REQUIRED Vendor must ensure all the manpower for operating the equipment will go through training programmes being arranged by AMNS mandatorily to meet AMNS standards on FPS for vehicle and driving. Once in every quarter, vendor must submit list of trainings attended by workers to AMNS area in charge. Necessary trainings on FPS for vehicle and driving shall be given to all the drivers/associates by AMNS on a pre-defined schedule. Provided systems should follow necessary FPS standards and vendor is responsible for proper functioning of the installed systems. Area Incharge/Safety Incharge/Engineer can any time inspect and any deviations in the same shall be viewed as failure in following safety systems in the plant and necessary actions shall be taken against the vendors. Important Note: 1. Equipment must be in good operating condition (Proof of the Invoice <(>&<)> insurance related documents has to be submitted in the Un-Price bid). 2. Recommended year of vehicle manufacturing should be not more than 8 years at any time during contract period. 3. Equipment availability should be 8 hours per day for all calendar days of the month. Terms <(>&<)> conditions: 01) Operator for the equipment shall be provided by the contractor at his cost. The operators to perform as per the directions of our Engineer at site. In case there is no operator available to operate the equipment, the same period shall be considered as Break down period. If repeatedly operator is not available contract shall be terminated by M/s AMNS INDIA without any notice to the contractor. Single Point of contact should be available for all the equipment deployed <(>&<)> Daily report to be submitted to responsible AMNS INDIA Engineer. Page 2 of 4 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS PELLETS VIZAG Near Flyover, Scindia Road,Visakhapatnam,530004,Andhra Pradesh,India GSTIN 37AAACE1741P1ZG PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000124780 Date 28.11.2024 Submission Date 08.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Sravan Lanka Contact Email sravan.lanka@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 02) The equipment should be fit with proper braking, lighting; horn system (including reverse horn) etc. from SAFETY point of view and also the Equipment should comply with our HSE policy requirement. 03) HSD charges will be in contractor’s scope. 04) HSD, Spares, consumables, and Lubricants required for running of equipment shall be arranged by contractor. Hire charges shall include cost of such items and no separate payment shall be made for the same. We shall not guarantee no minimum payment for equipment’s being deployed at site. 05) The operators should be equipped with all PPE for operating hours of machine. All safety measures have to be taken care by the contractor. 06) The operators should have valid License as per R.T.O. The Vehicle has to operate as per R.T.O norms <(>&<)> our safety norms. 07) The Vehicle should adhere to all statutory norms. 08) Medical check-up (eye <(>&<)> ear testing) for operator should be made available. 09) Machine should be available for 24 hours a day at site. Equipment shall be available all the time at our site only so that it can be used on call basis in case of emergency works. 10) Contract can be terminated at any point of time with 07 days prior notice within the contract period in such case no compensation will be paid whatsoever the reason. 11) Diesel price variation Clause: - The Base Price of the diesel is taken at the time contract finalization date.The rates are firm for a period of one year subjected to revision only in case of variation in HSD price of 5% below <(>&<)> above the Base price. Formula: For Every 10% variation in diesel price (or part thereof), corresponding variation in unit rate is 3% (or part thereof). In other words, HSD component in unit rate is 30%. Break down /Period of Non-operation of the equipment: 1. The un-planned stoppage of the equipment, due to any reason (men/machinery), during work is considered as breakdown. 2. Equipment is allowed for planned maintenance with prior permission of responsible AMNS INDIA Engineer upon providing the standby equipment. 3. In case of breakdown of equipment, the contractor has to provide an alternative equivalent or higher capacity machine within TWO hours. 4. In case equipment/machine is not arranged at the right time by the contractor, AMNS INDIA has the right to arrange from alternative contractor and the difference of cost incurred shall be debited to the contractor. Note: Break Down clause to be considered individually for the EQUIPMENTS 5. The contract is liable for termination without notice period, if a) The number of break downs is more than three times in a month. b) Prolonged breakdown for more than two days and alternative is not arranged by the contractor starting of third day. AMNS INDIA reserves the right to terminate the contract on above grounds. 6. The contractor is allowed to keep standby men or machine to ensure better service at his own expenses. LOADING OPERATIONS Page 3 of 4 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS PELLETS VIZAG Near Flyover, Scindia Road,Visakhapatnam,530004,Andhra Pradesh,India GSTIN 37AAACE1741P1ZG PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000124780 Date 28.11.2024 Submission Date 08.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Sravan Lanka Contact Email sravan.lanka@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 1. Operation hierarchy and reporting to be clearly described to their team as per attached Flow diagram. 2. Supervisor should report to the responsible AMNS India Engineer with respect to operations and shift management. Supervisor will be the single point of contact in term of loading operation. 3. Credentials of the operators to be submitted as per SCRUM system. Facilities for communication 1. Walkie talkies’ to be provided to the operators/ supervisors by the contactor with proper licence for day-to-day communication for additives loading. 2. Maintenance of walkie talkie is under the scope of the contractor. 3. Contract should ensure that operators are well versed with operation of Walkie talkies. 4. Instructions to be taken from CCR / Area- In-charge. 5. In case of urgency/idle time, Loaders will be used for handling pellets, Fines and Filter cake. Payment will be made on hourly basis as per the existing AMNS rates. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The scope of the work includes conveyor inspection from Conveyor-AC1, Conveyor-AC2 to Shuttle Conveyors and health of conveyors, magnet cleaning, metal detector detected items cleaning and other equipment before starting loading operation. 2. Supervisor to be kept for material loading selection and co-ordination with shift Engineers and control Room. 3. Inspection of discharge chute, material choking, material spillage, if any and cleaning. 4. Regular housekeeping of mentioned scope area with the help of provided casuals. 5. Loader can be used in other plant operations as per requirement. 6. Ensuring AC1 conveyor and AC2 Conveyors should be emptied completely before conveyors stopping. 7. Hopper bottom and conveyor tail end material to be cleaned. PROCESS SAFETY 1. Identification of Coal, Limestone and Bentonite material wise to be ensured by vendor before giving responsibility to operators. 2. Proper selection of material selection switch to be ensured to avoid the wrong material loading into the additive bins. 3. To emphasize process related Hazard due to wrong material loading, Penalty will be levied to the contractor. In case wrong material reporting to bin, 5 times the wrong material loaded quantity will be deducted for loading tonnage. Period of Contract: The contract is valid for 12 months which may be extended for one or more year(s) on existing rates, terms, and conditions, upon satisfactory performance and mutual consent. Payment Terms: 1. Payment will be made every month within 30 days from the date of completion of job and acceptance. 2. Payment mode is NEFT/ RTGS account transfer through e-payment- as per the details received. Responsibility to any loss: Contractor will have to submit an undertaking at the time of award of contract that any loss, accruing to the property, during the contract period (and extensions, if any), will be borne by the contractor at his own cost. The assessment of damage made by AMNS is final. Insurance: Insurance of men and machinery is in the scope of the Contractor. AMNS is not responsible for any loss or damage of any kind.