
Auction Sale of Property - SCHEDULE “A”DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTYAll that piece and parcel of the residentially converted lands totally measuring about 11 acres and 18 guntas including the Kharab land in Survey nos. 39/1, 39/2, 40/3, an, Bangalore-Karnataka

Axis Bank Limited has published Auction Sale of Property - SCHEDULE “A”DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTYAll that piece and parcel of the residentially converted lands totally measuring about 11 acres and 18 guntas including the Kharab land in Survey nos. 39/1, 39/2, 40/3, an. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-12-2024.Sale of Property and Building Tenders in Bangalore Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale of Property - SCHEDULE “A”DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTYAll that piece and parcel of the residentially converted lands totally measuring about 11 acres and 18 guntas including the Kharab land in Survey nos. 39/1, 39/2, 40/3, an

Tender Details

Auction Sale of Property - SCHEDULE “A”DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTYAll that piece and parcel of the residentially converted lands totally measuring about 11 acres and 18 guntas including the Kharab land in Survey nos. 39/1, 39/2, 40/3, and 42/1 all situated at M. Medehalli, Attibele Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on the;East by: Lands in Survey No. 43,West by: RoadsNorth by: Mayasandra GadiSouth by: Lands in Survey No. 41.SCHEDULE “B”PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYEDThe undivided share, right, title and interest in Schedule “A” property mentioned above works out to 195 Square Feet.SCHEDULE “C” APARTMENTResidential apartment bearing no. A-105, Khata no. 531, Assessment No. T-8-A-105, First floor of Tower -8, consists ofOne Hall, One Bed Room, Kitchen, Bath Room, and a balcony, in the residential apartment complex known as “JANAADHAR SHUBHA” constructed on the schedule “A” property, having a super built up area of 418 Sq Ft with vitrified flooring and the proportionate share in the common area, such as , passage/s, stair/s, duct/s, room/s, water, drainage and/or electrical conduit/s and/or other area/s used in common with the Purchaser/s of other Apartment/s and is bounded on;East by: B-106West by: Open SpaceNorth by: Tower No. 9South by: CorridorThe super built area means and includes the exclusive Floor area of each apartment unit and proportionate areas covered by common wall/s, passage/s, stair/s, duct/s, well and/or room/s, drainage and/or electrical conduit/s, parks, and/or other area/s used in common with the Purchaser/s of other Apartment/s

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INR 147000.0 /-
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