
Tender For Certain Revenue And Minor Works At Lgj Mil Stn, Ganganagar-Rajasthan

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Certain Revenue And Minor Works At Lgj Mil Stn. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-12-2024. Paver Blocking Tenders in Ganganagar Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Certain Revenue And Minor Works At Lgj Mil Stn
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Certain Revenue And Minor Works At Lgj Mil Stn; 1 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5 m wide and not exceeding 1.5 m in depth for foundations, shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, laying pipe line, laying of cables or fixing poles and stays and struts etc. not exceeding 10 Sqm on plan and not exceeding 1.5 metre in depth and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tilingincluding cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removingrubbish off the premises all as directed. 3 Taking down cement plaster from brick wall or concrete surfaces or ceiling including raking out joints, hacking for key & scrubbing down with water etc complete all as specified and directed. 4 Demolition of cement concrete (unreinforced) in ground floor and paving not exceeding 15cm thickness below or above ground level of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided and removal of rubbish outside MOD land complete all asdirected by Engineer-in-Charge. 5 Material and labour for PCC (1:4:8) type D2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation filling & mass concrete complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6 M & L for 40 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-0, using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate as in roof Padding etc and slope 1:30 complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 7 Material and labour for brick work with Fly Ash bricks straight or curved on plan exc. 6 metre mean radius built in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 8 M&L fly ash brick work with sub class B brick half brick thick, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius in CM 1:4 complete all complete and as specifed and directed. 9 M&L for 40mm thick damp proof course in cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-0, 12.5 mm graded stone aggregateto horizontal or vertical surfaces including necessary formwork complete all as specfied and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 10 M&L for reinforced cement concrete type A1 1:1.5:3 using 20mm graded stone aggregate inlintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, steps; seismic and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, copings, bed plates,and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating,incl formwork all as specified & directed.Note :- Reinforcement and form work shall be measured and paid for separately under appropriate item of this schedule. 11 M & L for Formwork to side and soffits of roof or floor beams hunching, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers etc complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in- charge. 12 M & L for Formwork to fair finished surfaces soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in- charge. 13 M&L for reinforced cement concrete (design mix) M-25 using 20mm graded stone aggregrate in slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and the like; all as specified and directed.Note : Reinforcement shall be measured and paid seperately. 14 S&F for TMT bars (Fe-500D) 10 mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips all as specified and directed. 15 S&F for TMT bars (Fe-500D) 5 mm dia over upto including 10 mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips all as specified and directed. 16 Returning filling in incl spreading, levelling watering and well ramming in layer n.exc 25cm thick complete all as specified and directed. 17 Removing excavated materials to a distance n. exc 50 m and depositing where directed at level n. exc 1.5 m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 18 M&L for sand filling in floors or in foundations including watering and consolidation all specified and directed 19 M&L for broken stone hardcore of gauge n exc. 63mm, deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc.15cm thick,watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 20 M&L for 75 mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in sub base below floors all specified and directed. 21 M&L for 25 mm thick PCC (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate as in floor or laid under floor incl finishing the surfaceall specified and directed. 22 Material and Labour for Double charge Vitrified ceramic tiles ,stain free, having size not less than 595mm x 595mm and 8 mm thick ,Premium (1st quality) straight edge, colour as approved by GE , in floors , set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in expoxy grout to match the colour of tiles, laid over and including 20 mm thick Screed bed or bedding layer in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 23 Material and Labour for Double charge Vitrified ceramic tiles ,stain free, having size not less than 595mm x 100mm and 8 mm thick ,Premium (1st quality) straight edge, colour as approved by GE , as in vertical surfaces such as skirting , set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in expoxy grout to match the colour of tiles, laid over and including 10 mm thick rendering in Cement Mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 24 M&L for joint free non skid ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectengular) area of each tile exc 0.06 Sqm but not exc 0.11Sqm in floor over and including 15 mm thick screed bedding in cement mortar 1:6, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured cement to match the floor all as specified and directed. 25 M&L for joint free non skid ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectengular) area of each tile exc0.18 Sqm but not exc 0.38 Sqm in floor over and including 15 mm thick screed bedding in cement mortar 1:6, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured cement to match the floor all as specified and directed. 26 M&L joint free glazed ceramic coloured tiles 450 x 350 x 7mm thick on vertical surfaces as in skirting, dado etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tile laid over and including 10mm thick backing coat in cement mortar (1:4) including necessary cutting as per site requirement complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 27 M&L for 20 mm thick Granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite overand including 20 mm thick screed bed in CM 1:6 completeall as specified and directed. 28 M&L for 75 mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 using 40 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregate as in plinth protection finished even and smooth without using extra cement with & including 10 mm wide, 30 mm deep joints at the rate of 3.00 mtr centre to centre and at every turning & filling the joints with bitumen & sand mixture complete all as directed. 29 S&F steel ventilator with top hung shutter incl hinges, handle, steel peg stay complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 30 Supply & fixing, 4mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in squares not exceeding0.5 Sqm in each pane complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in- charge. 31 Supply and fixing of Fibre glass Reinforced plastic (FRP)door frame of required colour of cross-section 90mm x 45mm having single ribate of 32mm x 15mm to recieve shutter of 30mm thick includinglaminated door frame moulded with fire retardant grade unsaturated polyster resin and chopped strand mat(CSM) also door frame laminated shall be 2mm thick and shall be filled with suitable wooden block of 2nd class hard wood, frame shall be covered with fibre glass from all sides. MS stay flat iron 25mm x 3mm shall be provided at the bottom to steady the frame complete all as specifiedand as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 32 Supply and fixing of 30 mm thick glass fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) paneled door shutter conferming to IS:14856-2000 of required colour andmade with fire retardant grade unsaturated polyster resin,moulded to 3mm thick FRP laminated for forming hollow rails and style with suitable second class hardwood timber block inside at required places for fixing of fittings,cast molithically with 5mm thick FRP laminated for panels including fixing to frames,complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 33 S&F in repair vitreous china squatting pan Orissa pattern size 580 x 440 mm white with integral foot rests (excl flushing cistren) but including P trap set in and provions of lime concrete bedding complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 34 S & F in repairs Vitreous China urinals, half stall complete including providing and fixing plugs, bedding urinal against wall in cement mortar 1:2,securing urinal to plugs with and including 60mm long brass screws, pointing around urinal back in cement;grating and Union for discharge pipe complete all as specified and directed. 35 S&F in repair vitreous china wash hand basin coloured Flat back of size 580x450mm,including 32mm dia chromium plated waste coupling long screwed shank andfly nut, flanged end bedded in red led cement and other end fixed and PVC waste pipe including cutting for and pinning in ends of brackets in CM 1:3 all as specified . 36 S&F in repairs PVC valve less, syphonic action type flushing cistern,10 ltrs capacitylow level, white, with inlet ball valve, float, handle and telescopic pipe flush pipe of polyethylene of low or high density or PVC, 32mm dia, for low level cistern and connection to pipes all as directed. 37 Supply & fixing pillar tap cast copper alloy with capstan head, chromium plated, fancy type screwed down, high pressure with or without letterHot or Cold with long shank and fly nuts screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule 15mm bore complete, all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note :-The minimum weight of tap shall be as given in SSR or in relevant IS 38 S&Fbib tap 15mm bore cast copper alloy chromium plated long body fancy type with capston head and cup screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 39 S&Fangle valve/stop valve 15 mm bore fancy type, cast copper alloy, chromium plated screwed down high pressure , screwed both ends for iron pipe or for union,complete, all as specified & directed by Engineer-in charge 40 Supply & fixing450 mm long PVC connection 15mm size with PTMT nuts complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 41 S&F tubular towel rail, Brass chromium plated 20 mm dia, Dtype, 60cm long between flanges complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 42 S&F 15 mm diagalvanised steel tubing medium grade including necessary fittings like sockets, tees, elbows, reducers, unions etcfixed to walls / ceilingcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 43 S&F 20 mm diagalvanised steel tubing medium grade including necessary fittings like sockets, tees, elbows, reducers, unions etcfixed to walls / ceilingcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 44 S&Fgun metal globe or gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed of 20mm bore fixed in repair all as specified. 45 S&F 110 mm dia PVC SWR pipe, single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed with clamps to walls all as directed. 46 S&F 75 mm dia PVC SWR pipe, single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed with clamps to walls all as directed. 47 S & F 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends any radius 48 S & F in repair 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends with access door any radius 49 S&7 F 110 mm dia PVC (SWR) junction single, (Single T) equal or unequal with access door any radius all as directed 50 S&F in repair vent cowl 110 mmcast iron complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 51 S&F in repair PVC (SWR) floor trap 75mm dia with grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 52 M&L PVC (SWR) in repair gully trap 125/110mm, seting and jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 53 S&F for Rotational moulded polythene water storage tank 500ltr capacity vertical with closed top, ISI marked hoisted and fixed in position all as specified in SSR part-I. including 20 mm bore PTMT float valve, connection nipple 2 Nos complete all as specified and directed.. 54 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using20 mm graded aggregates as in benching / haunching ofmanholes including forming channels including necessary formwork etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 55 M&L precast cement concrete 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate and set cement mortar 1:6 as in cover slabs (for manholes etc,) chajjas, shelves and similar articles with plain faces complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 56 Supply and laying DWCPE (SN8) 180 (OD)/163 (ID) mm diameter drain pipes as per IS-16098 (Part-II), laid in trenches onPCC bed to required slope, including all accessories/fittings, jointing and tested complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.Note : PCC and earth work shall be measured and paid separately. 57 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick on brickwork or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:6 on wall, finished fair even and smooth including mixing of WPC in mortar all as specified and directed. 58 M&L for rendering 15mm thick on brickwork or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 on wall, finished fair even and smooth including mixing of WPC in mortar all as specified and directed. 59 M & L rendering 10 mm thick in cement mortar (1:4) on fair faces of concrete surfacesof ceiling finished fair and even without using extra cement complete all as specified & directed by Engr-in-charge. 60 M & L rendering 5 mm thick in cement mortar (1:3) on fair faces of concrete surfacesof ceiling finished fair and even without using extra cement complete all as specified & directed by Engr-in-charge. 61 Supply only integrated water proofing compound complete all as directed by Engr-in-charge. 62 M&L for two coats of acrylic distemper on newly plastered surfacesof walls over one coat of primer and 1 mm thick wall care putty including preparation of surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 63 M&L for complete removal of existing treatment and two coats of acrylic distemper over one coat fo primer and 1 mm thick wall care putty onplastered surfaces of walls including preparation of surfaces complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 64 M&L for preparation of new plastered and applying two coats of weather proof exterior emulsion paint (Apex ultima or equivalent) over a coat of primer over 1 mm thick wall care putty complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 65 M&L for complete removal of existing finishes and treating with two coats of weather proof exterior emulsion paint (Apex ultima or equivalent) over a coat of primer over 1 mm thick wall care putty complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 66 Material and labour for preparing newly plastered or pointed surface of ceiling by sand papering or by any other mean and after preparing the surfaces applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in- charge 67 M&L for preparation ofnew plasteredsurface of walls and applying two coats of cement base paintcomplete all as specified & directed 68 Material and labour for preparing newly plastered or pointed surface of wall by sand papering or by any other mean and after preparing the surfaces applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in- charge 69 Taking down chowkhats or frames n.exc 1.5 sq. meach with shutters (without taking off shutters from the frame) complete all specified and directed directed. 70 Taking down chowkhats or frames exc 1.5 sq. m but n.exc 4.0 sq. m each with shutters (without taking off shutters from the frame) complete all specified and directed directed. 71 Taking down shutters of any description exc 1.0 Sqm but not exc 2.0 Sqm each all as specified and directed. 72 Taking down existing shutter and refixing in same opening shutters of any description exc 1.0 Sqm but not exc 2.0 Sqm each all as specified and directed.(Note:- Refixing includes taking down, easing and adjusting and also refixing builders hardware as required including renewal of unserviceable screws, etc.) 73 S & F framed work as in chowkhats of doors windows of angle iron, gates or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces etc confirming to Gde Fe-290 (E-165) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge 74 S&F for powder coated aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators and aluminium partition with one or more rebates including jointing cleats glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws etc complete with locking arrangements for fixing with powder coating on aluminium sections, minimum thickness of poweder coating shall be 50 micron as per the specification. The top and bottom horizontal members and vertical members adjacent to wall shall be fixed with floor, ceiling, walls and cills where required and fixed with the help of rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with expansion hold plate fastners. Aluminium section shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically whereever required complete in all respect all as specified & directed by Engr-in-Charge. 75 S&F for powder coated anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, side hung type without sash, aluminium sections weighing exc 0.55 Kg/m (1.50 to1.80mm th) including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodised aluminium fittings such as peg stays 150 mm long (01 No) hinges type B-21 100 mm long (2 Nos) suitalbe handle (01 No) in each window shutter and necessay accessary as required complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge (Note: Glass will measured and paid separately). 76 S&F for 4.8 mm thick sheet glass, ordinary quality and glazing with aluminium snap beading of any size of glass in each pane with solar control film 25 micron reflective type sticked to glass panes as per instructions of manufaturers all as specified and directed. 77 S&F mild steel mortice lock 4 lever vertical type, size 100mmbrass complete all as specified. 78 S & F double action floor spring hydraulicallyregulated made up of minimum 1.25 mm thick aluminium alloy sheet foundation box, main body with stainless steel cover, governing pivot made of brass, other parts made of mild steel heavy duty and fixed 79 S & F powder coated standard aluminium anodised grill size of mesh 75 mm x 75 mm and 8 mm thick section using U channel 25 x 12 mm all as specified and directed 80 S&F factory made window, made out of MS hollow section of size 79mm x 39mm x 1.6mm thick frame with double shutter (glazed and wire guage shutter) made out of Z section using flush butt welding and tenon riveting all as per IS 1038/83, dobby hinges shall be provided to both shutter, locking arrangement as per sample approved by GE, provided with knob Z section handles 100mm size and 150 mm long hook and eye welded to frame and shutter,four number legs welded to frame including necessary flat iron beading for securing wire gauge and 8nos tower bolt 150mm length and guard bar used only 12mm square bars(guard bar measured and paid separately under respective item)etc complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 81 S&F for 35 mm thick 2nd class hard wood factory made plain framed, panelled shutter (two panel) with lock rail and panel of 9 mm B.W.P. commercial ply or 12 mm veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both faces. The size of rail and stile as per IS : 1003 (Part I), kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated complete all as specified and directed. 82 S&F for 35 mm thick 2nd class hard wood glazed and skeleton shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze, etc. (without sash bars), edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded. fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing glass, etc.; sizes of me-mbers of shutters as specified in SSR Part I, Section 8, clause 8.24 (a) complete all as specified and directed. 83 S&F hold fast of flat iron conforming to Fe-290 (E-165) including preparing the surfaces & treated with two coats for coaltar & sanded with clean sharp sand complete all as specified & directed. 84 S&F 100 mm long butt hinge, extruded alluminum alloy with stain less steel hing pin, complete all as specified and directed by Engneer -in-Charge . 85 S&F 200 mm long aluminium anodisedbarrel tower bolt, of extruded sections complete all as specified and directed by Engneer -in-Charge . 86 S&F 150 mm long extruded aluminium alloy handle,Fabricated type anodised complete all as specified and directed by Engneer -in-Charge . 87 S&F 100 mm long butt hinge, medium weight, cold rolled mild steel complete all as specified and directed by Engneer -in-Charge . 88 S&F for 300 mm long mild steelsliding door bolt type, stove enamelled black, with bright bolt not less than 12 mm dia with and including a minimum of 6 bolts and nuts, four on bolt plate and two on staple plate complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F 300 mm long aluminium sliding bolt plate type stove enamelled black with bright bolt not less than 16 mm dia with and including a minium of 6 bolts and nuts four on bolt plate and two on stapple plate and fixed complete all as specified 90 S & F 300mm mild steel helical door springrat tail type including roller platecomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge 91 S&F for stainless steel wire cloth 0.63 nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture1.40 mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staplesall as directed. 92 S&F for 150 mm long floor door stopper of aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised with hard drawn steel spring all as directed. 93 M&L for preparation of new or previously untreated wooden surface of any description not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and apply two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of pink primer all as specified. 94 M & L for painting steel and iron surfaces of any discription,over 10 cm width or girth, with preparation of new or previously untreated surfaces priming with one coat of read oxide & finish with two coats of synthetic enamel paint ordinary tint all as spefified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 95 M&L for preparation of old steel surfaces of any description exc 10cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 96 M&L for preparation of old wooden surface of any description not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and apply one coats of synthetic enamel paintall as specified. 97 S&F in repair looking mirror of selected quality of size600 mm X 450 mm withbevelled edge mounted 6 mm thick commercial plywood and aluminium channel of required size fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers all as directed. 98 S & F Solid PVC Wall Lining consisting of 5mm thick wood grain printed PVC sheet used inclusive of solvent cement and fixing at site on PVC frame as per specifications and drawingcomplete all as specified and directed. 99 S & F 5 mm thick PVC sheet fillet of width 35 mm for wall paneling inclusive of fixing on to wall to make PVC frame complete all as per specification and directed 100 S & F 8 mm looking mirror of selected quality with bevelled edge mounted on stainless steel studcomplete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 101 S&F in repair drapery stainless steel rods, standrad quality, not less than 25mm dia with brackets and heads at both ends, etc. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 102 Taking down eaves gutters and rainwater pipes (any size or pattern) including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks etc., including cleaning or refixing or removal to Store (measured overalll as fixed along the cente line over fittings and accessories) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 103 S & F for 0.71 mm plain aluminium sheeting Alloy 31000 H4 in covering of expantion joint stappeled with self tapping screw includings dismenteling of old any type of sheet complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 104 E/M PortionTaking down carefully existing copper/aluminium point wiring for light, socket or power bell complete with fittings such as switches, sockets, ceiling roses, holders, call bells & manking good the disturbed surfaces of wall, matching the colour with existing surface complete all as specified and directedNote : Rate for making good shall be deemed to be included in above item rate 105 Material and labour for concealed Point wiring for one light point controlled by one way one switch (using red, black and green colour wires as colour coding) complete with 1.5 Sqmm(nominal cross section area) single core FRLSH PVC insulatedunsheathed and multi strand copper conductor cable 1100 volt (ISI marked)drawn through andincludingPVC conduit 20mm dia (medium duty, ISI marked) with all fittings and all accessories i.e. pipe bend, pipe hook, elbow, junction boxes etc., including Pressed steel powder coated sunken terminal box suitable for modular switch socket (Min 50mm deep and 1.6mm thick sheet, suitable size ) concealed in wall, including inner and outer plates (cover plate) suitable for fixing the modular switch, including cutting chases in wall and making good disturbed surfaces of walls/ceiling/floors etc. by using CM (1:3), including fixing ofswitches complete all as specified and as directed. (switches shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate item of BOQ). 106 All as per srl item No 105 above but One socket out let 5/6 amps point controlled by one switch on the same board completed all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in Charge 107 All as per srl item No 105 above but One socket out let 5/6 amps point controlled by one switch on independent board and not below the any other switch board completed all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in Charge 108 Material and labour for concealed Point wiring for onesocket out let 15/16 Amps point controlled by one switch (on independant board) (using red, black and green colour wires as colour coding) complete with 2.5 Sqmm (nominal cross section area)single core FRLSH PVC insulatedunsheathed and multi strand copper conductor cable 1100 volt (ISI marked)drawn through andincludingPVC conduit 20mm dia (medium duty, ISI marked) with all fittings and all accessories i.e. pipe bend, pipe hook, elbow, junction boxes etc., including Pressed steel powder coated sunken terminal box suitable for modular switch socket (Min 50mm deep and 1.6mm thick sheet, suitable size ) concealed in wall, including inner and outer plates (cover plate) suitable for fixing the modular switches / socket, including provn of 2.5 Sqmm single core FRLSH PVC insulated multi strand copper conductor wire continues as earth wire connected to earth dolly etc. including cutting chases in wall and making good disturbed surfaces of walls/ceiling/floors etc. by using CM (1:3), including fixing ofswitch, socket complete all as specified and as directed. (switch, socket shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate item of BOQ ). 109 S & F modular switch 6Amps, single pole, one way (1 module) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 110 S & F modular switch 6/16Amps, single pole, one way (1 module) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 111 S & F modular Socket outlet multipurpose type 6 Amp, flush type (2 module) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 112 S & Fmodular Socket outlet multipurpose type 6/16 Amp, flush type (2 module) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 113 Supply and fixing Batten holder polycarbonate cased body (B22 base), top line series, with back plate complete all as specified and as directed. 114 Supply and fixing Ceiling Rose, polycarbonate, isolated body, surface bakelite 3 terminal, 240 volts, 5/6 Amp complete all as specified and as directed. 115 Supply and fixing LED tube light fitting polycarbonate housing 1 x 20Watt, appx 4 feet long, with decorative box linear, housing environment friendly, including electric connection with using 2 core flexible copper conductor cable 23/0.00076 from ceiling rose to tube fitting, complete fitting with all accessories and following specifications, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge :- (a) Lumen system efficacy of luminaire should be minimum 110 Lumen per watt.(b) Input Voltage range : 140 to 270 volts.(c) Temp operating range : Minus 5°C to Plus 45°C(d) Power factor : Minimum 0.95 (e) THD : Current THD Max10% and voltage THD max 5%(f) IP rating : IP-20.(g)LED Driver of the same make as of the luminaire.(h) LED driver should be complete with all protections vizopen/short circuit protection, over voltage protection, all as per standard design of manufacturer.(j) Surge protection minimum 2.5 kV. (k) CCT : Minimum 6000K(l) CRI : Minimum 80 (m) Rated life time : 50000 burning hrs @L70 (Average 10 to 12 hrs daily) 116 Supply and fixing ventilating Air fresher Fan of size 250mm sweep, AC single phase 230V 50Hz, 1200RPM, copper winding, made of sturdy Engineering plastic complete with louvers shutter, including provision of cutting of wall for suitable opening as per fan and making good the disturbed surface as per existing, including electric connection with PVC Sheathed copper conductor flexible cable of suitable size drawn in flexible PVC conduit from ceiling rose to fan complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note:- (i) Serial Number as issued by Engr-In-Charge of fan and GE Office name shall also be written on fan with red colour permanent marker, cost for the same shall deemed to be included in the quoted unit rate nothing extra shall be paid on this account. (ii) Old unserviceable Air Fan will be deposited to MES Storeyard 117 Supply and hanging /fixing ceiling fan 1200 mm sweep AC Supply (Input Voltage Range ; 120 to280V), BLDC type, 5 star rated, BEE and ISI Marked super enamelled, copper winding of B class insulation, single phase, maximum 30W (± 10%), Temperature rise 40 degree maximum without remote with and including capacitive regulator, 03 No blades, down rod including accessories, white colour, total harmonic less than 10%, 5 speed, hanging in position including making connection with flexible cord three core twisted copper conductor of suitable sizefrom ceiling rose to fan complete all as specified.Note :- (i) Serial Number as issued by Engr-In-Charge of celing fan and GE Office name shall also be written on fan with red colour permanent marker and fixing of regulator on switch board, cost for the same shall deemed to be included in the quoted unit rate nothing extra shall be paid on this account 118 Material and labour for concealed sub main wiring (using colour coding such as red, black, white, green colour or as directed) with 6 Sqmm single core (03 run i.e 2 runs for main phase and neutral, 01 run for continues as earth wire) FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed multistrand copper conductor cable drawn through and including PVC conduit 25 mm dia (medium quality ISI marked), for independent circuit for DB to aviation light including all fitting arrangement i.e. PVC clamp, rawl plug, screw, PVC junction box, tee, bend etc. and including cutting of chases in wall and making good disturbed surfaces of walls as per original complete all as specified and as directed.Note :- Three runs of copper conductor cable and one run of PVC conduit including accessories shall be measured and paid as one unit (one RM length) for payment and extra length of cables required for connection to MCBs/DB shall not be measured and the cost for the same shall deemed to be included in the unit rate. 119 Supply and fixing (concealed flush to wall) factory made DB (made out of CRCA sheet not less than 1.2mm thick, fitted with DIN channel neutral link and 200 Amp rated bus bar) SPN, 8 Way 240V, suitable for mounting MCB/Isolator etc, conforming to IS-13032, DB shall be semi glosy finished with epoxy polyster based powder paint sprayed and backed at high temperature between powder paint process to ensure smooth finish and protection against corrosion atmosphere. The DB shall be double door type with hinged door with locking arrangement, the DBs shall be same make as MCBs, DB shall be provided with level marking indicating the incoming and outgoing circuits on always as specified. The DBs shall be of IP-43 protection class, and including making good disturbed surfaces of walls as necessaty complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note :- MCB/Isolator etc shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate item of BOQ. 120 Supply and fixing MCB ‘C’ curve suitable for 230 volts AC supply, 6 to 32 Amps, SPN with over load and short circuit protection and rupturing capacity not less than 10 KA,fixing in DB complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge 121 Supply and fixing MCB ‘C’ curve suitable for 230 volts AC supply, 06 to 32 Amps, SP with over load and short circuit protection and rupturing capacity not less than 10 KA,fixing in DB complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge 122 Supply and fixing blanking plate suitable for any type of DB complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 123 Supply and fixing energy efficient LED security light fitting of 35 W pressure die cast aluminium housing/body, heat resistant clear toughened glass,better optics for uniform distribution street luminaire, with driver, including electric connection with using 2 core flexible copper conductor cable 1Sqmm from ceiling rose to light fitting, fixing the light fitting with new bracket made out of GI tubing light grade 32mm dia, 1.5 metre long bent to shape at 120 degree angle at half metre from bottom, including two Nos clamps made out of MS Flat iron size 25x3 mm with suitable nuts and bolts for fixing of bracket including painting to MS clamp and nut bolts with two coats of aluminium paint over a coat of red oxide primer, complete fitting with all accessories and following specifications, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge :- (a) Lumen system efficacy of luminaire should be minimum 110 Lumen per watt.(b) Input Voltage range : 140 to 270 volts (c) Temp operating range : Minus 10°C to Plus 50°C (d) Power factor : Minimum 0.95(e) THD : Max10%.(f) IP rating : IP66. (g) IK rating:Minimum IK07 (h) Built in potted LED Driver of the make as of the luminaire.(j) LED driver should be complete with all protections vizopen/short circuit protection, over voltage protection, all as per standard design of manufacturer.(k) Surge protection 10 kV (inbuilt + extended) (l) CCT : 5700 K. (m) CRI: Minimum 70 (n) Lens - High Efficiency wide angle lens. (o) BIS Approved fixtures and driver (p) Rated life time : 50000 burning hrs @L70 (Average 10 to 12 hrs daily) 124 Supply and fixing LED lamp minimum 3 star rated 9W LED B-22 base complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge with following specifications(a) Lumen system efficacy of lamp should be minimum 100 Lumen per watt.(b) Input Voltage range : 140 to 270 volts(c) Temp operating range : Minus 10°C to Plus 45°C(d) Power factor : Minimum 0.95(e) CRI: More than70 125 M&L for earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60 cm x 6mm thick burried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 metre below ground level with top edge of earth plate at a depth of not less than 1.5 metre below ground level, earth plate surrounded by 15cm thick and packed layer of charcoal dust and common salt, connected to earth lead ofGI wire 4 mm dia (8 SWG) by means of bolts, nuts and washers of the earth wire.galvanised iron or steel and thimbles and other end of the earth wire connected to earthing test point and protected by galvanised iron pipe light grade 15mm dia and water pipe 20mm dia GI medium grade with funnel and wire mesh, PCC chamber in cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1and CI cover with frame all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 of MES Schedule Part-I of SSR-2009. Notes :- (i) 20 mm dia GI pipe medium for watering to be provided with a socket and plug and should be 10 cms above ground level. (ii) Outer edge of earth pit will be 1 metre away from the outer edge of PCC chamber. (ii) GI wire upto DBs earth connection is included in this item.(iii) Water pipe shall be provided in slanting position 126 Supply and laying and testing cable LT XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, glavanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) 1100 volt grade with stranded aluminium condutor size 16 Sqmm 4Core including making necessary electrical connections by using AI thimbles of appiropriated size complete all as specified and directed Note : Excavation, earthwork will be measured and paid separately under respective item respective item of BOQ.. 127 Supply and laying and commissioning LT XLPE cable 1100 Volt grade 50 Sqmm 3.5 Core with stranded aluminium conductor PVC sheathed armoured confirming to IS 7098 (Part-I) laid in trenches/along poles/ through pipe/through duct completeincluding taking out of existing cablel all as specified and directred.Excavation and earthwork shall be paid and measured separately 128 Removing surplus soil to a distance n. exc 50 m and depositing where directed at level n. exc 1.5 m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 129 Supplying and laying,factory made unreinforced precast concrete cable cover LV type-1, flat, of size 250x150x40mm, laid flat and dryin trenches over the cable for protection, length perpendicular to the direction of cable adjacent to each other, complete all as specified and directed. 130 M&L sand cushioning with dry and clean locally available sand for under ground cable 8 cm before laying cable and 15 cm after laying and punned to 18 cm after laying of cable complete all as specified.(Note : Punned thickness shall be considered for payment purpose) 131 Suply and fixing medium grade glavnized pipe 25 mm dia with all fitting laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 132 Supply and fix stop valve, screwed 25mm (1)dia pipe 133 Cutting exisiting DI pipe 150 mm dia, opening the dead plate and fixing of new GI pipe complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 18-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 25-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 67000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 33.45 Lakhs /-
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