
Tender For 01 - Repair Work Of Toilets And Urinals Built By The Municipality At Various Places In The City Within The Limits Of The Municipality - Cement Concrete With 4 Cm Gauge Approved Stone Ballast, Coarse Sand & Cement In The Proportion Of 8:4:1 Incl, hapur-Uttar Pradesh

Nagar Palika Parishad has published Tender For 01 - Repair Work Of Toilets And Urinals Built By The Municipality At Various Places In The City Within The Limits Of The Municipality - Cement Concrete With 4 Cm Gauge Approved Stone Ballast, Coarse Sand & Cement In The Proportion Of 8:4:1 Incl. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-12-2024. Toilet Bathroom Tenders in hapur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For 01 - Repair Work Of Toilets And Urinals Built By The Municipality At Various Places In The City Within The Limits Of The Municipality - Cement Concrete With 4 Cm Gauge Approved Stone Ballast, Coarse Sand & Cement In The Proportion Of 8:4:1 Incl
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

01 - Repair work of toilets and urinals built by the municipality at various places in the city within the limits of the municipality - Cement Concrete with 4 cm gauge approved stone ballast, coarse sand & cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 including supply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work SI 281 2 M-150 Brick Work in 1:4 cement & fine sand 1.25 F.M. mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. requried for proper completion of the work. SI 305 (a) 3 12 mm Thick plaster withCement and approved coarse sandin 1:4. over brick workminimum thickness not to be less than 1 cm. 4 R.C.C. Work with cement, approved coarse sand & 2 cm gauge approved stone grit in proportions of 1:2:4 in slab excluding supply ofreinforcement and its bending, but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I binding wire and including necessary centering and suttering etc. and supply of all materials, labour. Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work including cost of binding wire. The rate excludes making of of drip course which shall be baid extra. SI 284 5 M.S (tor steel or plain) in plain work such as R.C.C or R.B. work including bending for proper shape as necessary incuding bending for porper complition of the work and including suppy of all steel & wastage, bend, hooks, and authorished overlapping shall be measured. SI 504 6 Cement Concrete with 2 cm gaugeapproved stone grit, coarse sand& cement in the proportion of 4:2:1including supply of all materials, babour, tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the workSI 279 (a) 7 Supply vitrified tiler in flooring in skirting ……… SI 632 New Item 8 Providing wall putty on New surface with approved ……….. SI 662 New Item Roof 9 Providing cement Primer on new surface SI 662 New Item 10 Fixing weather with coat SI (6 60+661+6 61) New Item (80×35×35) = 150 11 Providing painting or vanishing work of two coat and including of all work complete. 12 Providing and fixing white vertreous china pedestal type water closet (European type) standard size ISI marked Hundustanware or Equivalent with seal and lid, 10 litre low leel white vitreous china flushing cistern & C.P. flush bend, overflow arrangement with specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design complete including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required complete as per direction of Engineer-in charge.dsr 2018 SI 17.3.1 13 Same as above but White Virteous china Orissan pattern Indian type W.C. pan of size 580×440mm Hundustanware or Equivalent with intergral type foot rests and I piece construction white itreous china squatting plate with an intergral longitudinal flushing cistern, with fitting, standard size G.I. flush pipe for back and front flush with standard spreader pipes with fittings and cutting and making good the walls and floors etc. wherever required. dsr 2018 SI 17.1 14 Flat back wash basin of size 630×450 mm dsr 2018 SI 17.7.1 15 Providing and fixing white vertreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basian of 430×260×350 mm and 340×410×265 mm sizes ISI marked Hundustanware or Equivalent respetively with 5 litre white P.V.C. automaticflushing eistern with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and dsr 2018 SI 17.1.1 16 Providing and fixing 600×450 mm bevellededge mirror of superior glass ( of approved quality Atul or equivalent) complete with 6 mm thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers complete. SI 21b.11 17 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank ISI 12701 marked ( Sintex or equivalent) with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, and the base support for tank complete as per direction of Engineer- dsr 2018 SI 18.48 18 Providing and fixing CPVC Pipe 15 mm DSR 2018 18.7.1 19 Providing and fixing GI Pipe 20 mm SI DSR 2018 18.7.1 20 Providing and fixing PVC Pipe 75 mm Chaptar New Item (ii) 21 Providing and fixing PVC Pipe 110 mm Chaptar New Item (iii) 22 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long body bib cock 15 mm nominal bore DSR 2018 18.49 23 Providing and fixing C.P. brass Stop cock 15 mm nominal bore DSR 2018 18.52 24 P/F 100 mm brass locker DSR 21.13 25 P/F Towel rail 600 mm long DSR 17.73.2 26 S/F wiring point for light. 27 S/F wiring point for plug. 28 S/Fof batten holder 29 S/Fof 40 mm G.I union 30 S/Fofangle valve 15 mm dia 31 S/Fofwest jali for sheet m.rate. 32 S/Fofwest pipe 33 S/Fof 20 mm G.I union 34 GST

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1770 /-
INR 29500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 14.65 Lakhs /-
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