Construction Of New Pump House Building Sector 13 Gida Gorakhpur - Pump house (3.60x3.00mtr.) and Chlorinating Room (2.60x1.80mtr.) 2 Nos.Excavation in foundation in ordinarysoil (loam, clay or sand ) including lift up to 1.5m and lead up to 50m. Filling, Watering and ramming of excavated earth in to the trenches or into the space between and the side of foundation trenches or in to the plinth and disposal of surplus earth up to a distance of 50m . from the centre of the foundation trenches. 2 100 mm thick Concrete with 40 mm gauge brick ballast, local sand and cement in proportion( 8: 4 :1) in foundation and floors including supply of all materials, labour, T& p etc . Required for proper completion of the work. 3 Ist class brick work in 1.6 cement and coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials labour , T& p etc . Required for proper completion of the work. 4 Same as item no. 3 but in super structure inl:6 cement & medium sand martor. 5 M.S Angle iron chaukhat of 40mm x 40mm x 6mm size supplky and fixing including simple moulding straight work as in chaukhat and also supply of all materials,labour T&P etc. Required for proper completion of the works. 6 Supply and fix 35mm thick sheesham wood fully Panelledwindows shutters including supply and fixing of wooden cleats and stops and fixing adjustments of hinges bolts locks handles spring and other fittings 7 supply and fixing of hold fast in doors and windows of size 25cm x 4cm x 9mm flat iron including their cutting and moulding and weilding to required shape also including other materials such as nails and screws etc, required for proper completion of the works. 8 R.C.C work with cement coarce sand and 20mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 excluding supply of reinforcement and its banding but including its fixing and binding the same with 0.5mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) and including centering and shuttering supply of all materials , labour T&P required for proper completion of the work.Column Footing - 1.79 m3 9 R.C.C work with cement coarce sand and 20mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 excluding supply of reinforcement and its banding but including its fixing and binding the same with 0.5mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) and including centering and shuttering supply of all materials , labour T&P required for proper completion of the work. Column- 2.24 m3 10 sun shade with cement, course sand and 20mm gauge approved stone ballast in proper ration of 1:1.5:3 including supply of reinforcment and it bending and including its fixing and binding its fixing in position with centering , curing supply of all materials labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 11 same as item no. 09 but in lintel 12 same as item no. 09 but in slab 13 same as item no. 09 but in beam 14 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as R.C.C works wrought to required shape as necessary including bending and supply of steel, wastege over lapping and hooks etc. complete required for proper completion of works.Total RCC work 11.61 m3 X 1.5%X7850 kg = 1367.07 kg 15 Mild steel gril in windows ,wrought to required form including suppply of all materials , labour, T&P etc.. Required for proper completion of the works. 16 12mm thick plaster with cement local sand and mortar in 1:6 (over brick work with 3mm floating coat of neat cement including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc required for proper completion of works from GL.upto super structure. 17 Same as above but in proportion l:4with cement and fine sand morter on ceiling. 18 25 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement coarse sand and 20mm gauge approved stone ballast laid in panels finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cement and 7.5cm thick base concrete consisting Ipart of cement 4part of local sand 8 part of 1st class brick ballast 4cm gauge in the proportion of 1:4:8 and removing any over lapping or mortar at the joints of panels if any and giving them uniform finish including supply of all materials labour anf T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. 19 20mmthick cement plaster in dado or skirting in (1:2) consisting of cement and coarse sand laid in panels finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cement or 1:5 cement and marble dust including supply of all materialslabour T & P etc required for proper completion of the work. 20 supply and fix 40mm thick fully panelled wood shutter including supply and fixing and adjust of handle,bolt,locks,hings,springs and other and fittings but excluding painting and suppy of fitting. 21 Same as above but fully glazed windows shutters. 22 Supply and fixing of oxidized iron fittings for door & window. Quantity as item No. 19 + 20 23 Painting or varnishing new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one coat priming and two caot of approved paint or varnish including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. 24 Finishing wall with waterproof .Cement paint of approved make and quality over one priming coat on new work with two coats, to give an even shade. Including prepration of surface &supply of all matrials labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work for inner side. 25 Finishing wall with water proof .Cement paint of approved make and quality over one priming coat on new work with two coats, to give an even shade. Including prepration of surface &supply of all matrials labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work for outer side. 26 Provide and Fixed R.C.C. Precast jalies of 30cm x 60cm size including supply of all materials, labours T&P etc.required proper completion of works. 27 Supply and fixing of rolled steel joists 150mm x 100mm x75mmincluding its painting with approved paint and also one coat of primer. 28 Supply of all materials ,Labour ,T&P etc. required for construrction of 250mm dia S.C. Drain. 29 Supply of all materials ,Labour ,T&P etc. required for construction of stilling chamber,V Notch etc. complete. 30 Rain water down pipe 100mm dia PVC with fixed MS clamp etc. including supply of all materials labour,T&P etc. required proper completion of works. 31 Internal electrification of Pump house 32 Boundary WallsExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50m and lead upto 30m. and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth in to the space between the building and side of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by engineer in charge. 33 Concrete with 40mm gauge Stone ballast, Coarse sand in 8:4:1 in foundation including supply of all materials labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 34 R.C.C.Work with cement approved coarse sand and 2cm gauge stone girt (Dala) in the propotion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in Column Footing excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including fixing and bending the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I. banding wire and including necessary centering and shuttring etc.& also including supply of all materilas,labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. Column Footing 35 R.C.C. Work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge (nomianl size) dalla stone aggregate in the proporation of1:1.5:3M-20 in R.C.C. Column excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B W.G.G.I. binding wire and as required supply of all materials, labour centering and shuttering and removal of the same after completion of work. 36 R.C.C. Work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge (nomianl size) dalla stone aggregate in the proporation of1:1.5:3M-20 in R.C.C. Plinth Beam excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B W.G.G.I. binding wire and as required supply of all materials, labour centering and shuttering and removal of the same after completion of work. (For Beam) 37 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as reinforced cement concrete (when not included in over all rate) wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of work, supply of steel, all labour etc. required and including wastage bend, hooks and authorised over lapping shall be measured. 38 M-150 class brick work in 1:4 and C/sand mortar in foundation and plinth including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks rquired and supply of all material labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work 39 M-150 class brick work in 1:4 and C/sand mortar in supper structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks rquired and supply of all material labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work 40 12 mm thick plaster with cement mortar inproportion of 1:4 cement and C/ sand over brick work minium thickness not be less than 10 mm including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper, comletion of work. 41 Finising walls with water proof cement paint of approved make and on new work with 3 coat to give an even shade including supply of all materials labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completon of the work. 42 Mild steel or iron work in heavy size such as Trusses, builtup gate, required racks, roof work, gate etc. wrought to required for including drilling holes, riveting or relding where necessary and their fixing, required completion of work. 1No. Quantity weight 5 Qtls 43 Supply/Filling of carted Earth in Pump House Campus 44 Construction of Interlocking 45 Provision for arboriculture for development of pump house compound L&S 46 Site clearance and other unforeseen works 47 Rising Main (tubewell to OHT)Supply of the following sizes of D.I. pipes Class K-7 conforming to latest I.S. 8329/2000 complete in all respect F.O.R. destination including all taxes and insurance. 200mm Dia K-7 48 Supply of D.I. S/S or flanged Specials conforming to I.S. 8329/2000 Suitable for above C.I.S/S pipe F.O.R destination including all Taxes and insurance 10% Cost of DI Pipe.. 49 Supply of the following sizes of D.I. Double flanged sluice valves as per I.S. 780/1969 class-1 working pressure 10kg/Sqcm F.O.R Destination including all taxes and Insurance. 200mm Dia 50 Excavation for pipe line trenches in ordinary soil,(lime, clay or sand including lift up to 1.5m and lead up To 50m and refilling, watering, ramming of excavated earth in to trenches and disposal of surplus earth up to 50 m from the center of the foundation trenches . 200mm Dia K-7 for T.W.430X0.80X1.20 51 Carting from the store (up to 8 Km.) The following sizes of D.I. double pipe k-7 and specials to the site of work lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including jointing, testing of pipeline and including supply of jointing material such as nut & bolts, rubber insertion, white lead etc. com- plate but excluding cost of trenching and cutting of pipes etc. For making of lengths but including making joints. 200mm Dia K-7 for T.W. 52 Carting of D/F Sluice valves of following sizes to the site of workslowering them into already prepared trenches and fixing them In position including supply of jointing materials such as bolt nut, rubber insertion white lead complete with excluding values and specials required but including the testing etc. complete excluding values and specials required but including the testing etc. complete. 200 mm dia 53 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required and construct masonry type sluice valves chamber as per type design including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete. 54 Supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. required and construct thrust blocks at the bends. 55 Providing and lowering of MS Pipe for Tube well Drilling of Borehole for Tubewell construction by DC/RC/DTH Rig Machine including transportaion, erection, dismantling of Rig and assosiated T&P complete in all respect including required all material labour etc.Transportation, Installation Dismantling of Rig machine and logging of bore hole 56 600 MMØ DC/RC Drilling up to 100 meter 57 600 MMØ DC/RC Drilling from 101 meter to 200 meter deep 58 200 MMØ Tubewell assemling supply + Fitting and specials 59 300 MMØ Tubewell assemling supply + Fitting and specials 60 200 MMØ MSERW Pipe Slotted as per IS 8110 61 MS fittings such as clamp, bail plug, reducer, well cap, girder & support structure 62 MS fittings such as ring & centre guide 63 200 MMØ MSERW Plane/Slotted Pipe 64 300 MMØ MSERW Plane/Slotted Pipe 65 200 MMØ MSERW Plane/Slotted Pipe 66 Supply and unconsolidated packing of gravel with suitable size 67 Tranportation, Installation Dismantling of 250/400/600 PSI Compressor 68 Charges for Development by 400 PSI Compressor per hour 69 Tranportation, Installation Dismantling of 1 Cusecto 3 Cusec OP Unit and Yield test, water test 70 Charges for Development of TW by 3 cusec OP Unit 71 Supply and lowering of pumping plants assembly & supply and fixing of chlorinating Plants (1nos.)Pumping Plant:-SITC of Pumping plant including pumps with motors starter, pannel, cable, complete in all respect with all required material T&P labour with 41m head and 400 lpm discharge.25 HP 72 Pressure Transmitter 73 Valves:-Supply and carting up to site of work of the following dia DI butterfly /sluice valves, class I, working pressure 10 Kg/cm2 confirming to IS: 780/1969 or its latest amendments, including valve fittings & Dismantling Joints as per requirement F.O.R. destination, and lowering theminto the already prepared trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipelines and testing etc. complete and also including supply of jointing materials etc. complete .including all taxes and insurance, as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge.a Electrically operated Sluice Valve PN 1.0dia 150 mm 74 Valves:-Supply and carting up to site of work of the following dia DI butterfly /sluice valves, class I, working pressure 10 Kg/cm2 confirming to IS: 780/1969 or its latest amendments, including valve fittings & Dismantling Joints as per requirement F.O.R. destination, and lowering theminto the already prepared trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipelines and testing etc. complete and also including supply of jointing materials etc. complete .including all taxes and insurance, as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge.b Check Valve PN 10 DPCVdia 150 mm 75 Dismantling Joint PN 1.0 dia150 mm 76 Column Pipe:-SITC ofColumn pipe of MS pipefor connecting submersible pumpsa 150 mm Diasize - MS pipe 77 SITC of Chain Pulley Blocks 78 Chlorinating System:-Supply , Installation of chlorinating system with dosing pump 0-6 LPH capacity with 100 Litres(1w+1s) tanks,valves ,pipes with required acessories(Automatic dosing system for chemical injection) 79 Supply and fixing of 63 KVA Transfarmer for New Pump House S/ of T/F 11/0.4KV 63 KVA. Size 1280x780x1360 mm, ONAN type cooling method with copper Winding Material. Total weight should be 1140 kg. Oil 190 Ltr. SIR 2023-24 80 ST. Pole 11 mtr. Long. SP-55 81 S/F Top Chanel. 82 Top Chanel clamp.Uppcl. 83 ACSR Weasel Conductor. 84 Dropper Angle.. 85 Dropper Clamp. 86 T-off Chanel. 87 S/F T-off Chanel clamp. 88 11 KV Polymeric disc insulatar T&C type 45 KN. 89 S/F Disc fitting. 90 S/F PG Clamp 91 S/F Pin Insulator with Pin. 92 S/F TPMO with polymer insolatar 93 S/F 3 Fhase D.O Fuse. 94 LT cable 240 sqmm 3.5 core 95 11 KV GI Stay Set complete 96 S/o Aluminium paint. 97 S/o Red oxide paint. 98 S/o Nut bolt & washar. uppcl. 99 Add GST@18% on S.No 01 to 78 100 Cartege and erection charge @ 15% on S.No 79 to 98