
Tender For Construction Of New Tubewells (S/I/T/C Of Pumping Plant For Tubewell) In Golf Link-1, Sector - Omega - 1 Greater Noida. - Transportation Of Rig Machine 2 Carriage Of Rig Machine From Div. Store To Site Work. 3 Carriage Of Rig Machine T & P , noida-Uttar Pradesh

Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority has published Tender For Construction Of New Tubewells (S/I/T/C Of Pumping Plant For Tubewell) In Golf Link-1, Sector - Omega - 1 Greater Noida. - Transportation Of Rig Machine 2 Carriage Of Rig Machine From Div. Store To Site Work. 3 Carriage Of Rig Machine T & P . Submission Date for this Tender is 06-12-2024. Tube Well Tenders in noida Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of New Tubewells (S/I/T/C Of Pumping Plant For Tubewell) In Golf Link-1, Sector - Omega - 1 Greater Noida. - Transportation Of Rig Machine 2 Carriage Of Rig Machine From Div. Store To Site Work. 3 Carriage Of Rig Machine T & P
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Construction Of New Tubewells (S/I/T/C Of Pumping Plant For Tubewell) In Golf Link-1, Sector - Omega - 1 Greater Noida. - TRANSPORTATION OF RIG MACHINE 2 Carriage of rig machine from div. Store to site work. 3 Carriage of rig machine T & P from truck. 4 Loading & unloading of T & P. 5 TRANSPORTATION OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY 6 Carriage of tube well assembly, housing pipe, plain pipe. 7 Loading & unloading of Tube well assembly i.e . Heavy loads. 8 Drilling of pilot bore by 675/550mm dia R.R. Bit upto required. 9 Leveling & Dressing of site. 10 Installation of rig machine. 11 Dismantling of rig machine (1/2 of installation) 12 Digging and filling of 15x7x1 M3 size pit for water & mud circulation for drilling 13 Water arrangement for drilling of bore hole upto lowering & completion of tubewell work. 14 Drilling of675mm dia bore GL to 65m BGL 15 Drilling of550mm dia bore 65 to 80m BGL 16 Drilling of550mm dia bore 80 to 120m BGL 17 Drilling of550mm dia bore 120 to 160m BGL 18 Drilling of550mm dia bore 160 to 200m BGL 19 Drilling of550mm dia bore 200 to 220m BGL 20 Electric logging of pilot bore with resistivity survey. 21 LOWERING OF TUBEWELL ASSEMBLY 22 Lowering of 350x200mm dia MSERW tubewell assembly pipe upto 200M BGL including filling of pea-gravel in between the annular space of pipe & bore. 23 350mm dia housing pipe upto 0-60m 24 200mm dia pipe 60-80m 25 200mm dia pipe 80-120m 26 200mm dia pipe 120-160m 27 200mm dia pipe 160-200m 28 TUBEWELL ASSEMBLY 29 350mm dia MSERW housing pipe Jindal/Surya/TaTa make 7.1mm thick. 30 350mm dia MSERW slotted pipe Jindal/Surya/TaTa make 7.1mm thick. 31 200mm dia MSERW plain pipe Jindal/Surya/TaTa make 7.1mm thick. 32 200mm dia MSERW slotted pipe Jindal/Surya/TaTa make 7.1mm thick. 33 350x200mm M.S reducer with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 34 350mm dia well cap with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 35 350mm dia M.S ring with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 36 350mm dia M.S Clamp with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 37 200mm dia M.S ring with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 38 200mm dia bail plug with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 39 200mm dia Centre guide with 12mm thik. M.S Plate 40 Girder for tube well assembly support 41 PEA GRAVEL 42 1.6mm to 4.8mm Lal-Qua/Chandigath Pea-gravel screened 43 TRANSPORTATION OF AIR COMPRESSOR & T&P 44 Carriage of 600/350 PSI Air Compressor by breakdown service from Div. Stone of work. 45 Carriage of 600/350 PSI Air Compressor & T&P 46 Loading & unloading of T & P 47 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBEWELL BY 600/350 PSI AIR COMPRESSOR 48 Errection of 600 PSI Air compressor & camp equipage 49 Development of T/W by 600 PSI air compressor 50 After completion of work dismentaling of compressor with T & P 51 TRANSPORTATION OF O.P UNIT & T&P 52 Carriage of 3 Cusec Capacity O.P Unit by break down 53 Carriage of unit T & P from Div. Store to site work 54 Loading & unloading of T & P 55 Development of T/W by 3 CUSEC O.P. UNIT 56 Errection of O.P. Unit & Camp Equipage 57 Development of Tubewell 58 After completion of work dismentling of O.P. Unit 59 Yield test of tube well by O.P. Unit & Testing of water for Chemical & Bactorial Test 60 K.S.B. make submersible pump set, capacity 1500 Lmp at 54m delivery head 25 hp suitable for true bore well of 300mm dia Housing capable of pumping of cold and clear water not chemically attacking to pump construction material directly coupled to electric motor 2900 RPM operating on 400 + 5% volts, 3 phase 50Hz A.C. supply with bronze impeller and C I non return valve with 3.0 m core submersible cable. (Morlut approved rate.) GNIDA 61 CUBICALE CONTROL PANEL 62 Specification :- L.T Contol Start Delta panel floor mounting indoor type dust vermin proof, front operated door opening. made of 16/14 Swg CRCA sheet steel, duly powder coated after necessary pre treatment in raf- 7032 shade power & Control wiring shall be made through flexible copper wire of suitable size. The starter panel shall be suitable to operte on 440+/- 10% Volts, 3 phase 50 Hz AC Supply. The starter panel shall comprise of the following. 63 INCOMING 64 1. 100A TPN MCCB of L&T Make-1 no.2. 0-100A Ammeter With ASS & CTs-1 set3. 0-500 V Voltmeter with VSS-1 Set. 4. RYB Phase indicating Led lights with toggle switch & protection fuses-1 set.5. Submersobale cable finofex 1x3x16mm2 8mtrs.6. outgoing7. 32A TP Power Contractor of L&T Make-3 nos. 8. O/L Relay of Range 20-33A of L& T make -1 no.9. Fully automatic star delta timer-1 no.10. Protection Relay against Over/Under Voltage, Single/ Reverse/Phase Unbalance of havells make (Pro-Shield)-1 No.11. Suitable arrangement by using PLC/Timers to operate the starter for the set duration on every preset intervel of time including covering the time lapse due to power failure or other reason-1 set 65 Main Piping and Valve for Tubewell 66 1.24m 150mm MSERWdouble flanged column pipe in 3m leanth2.1No 150mm CIDF Band3.1No 150mm CIDF Reflax Valve4.2 Nos 150mm CIDF Sulice Valve5.1 No 150mm CIAF Tee6.1 Pair Column Pipe Clamp7.1 Set rubber Packinf and necessary Nut Bolt8.2 Nos 150mm MSDF Pipe in Length of 1.50m9.2 Nos 150mm MSDF Pipe in Length of 1.00m 67 M/S colomn pipe 150 mm dia 1mtr lenth 10 mm the lives (mortul approved rate) GNIDA. 68 Provinding & fixing of 200 Amp. Tipc switch fuse unit with HRC fuses with board in place of rewirable kit kat. 69 Providing and fixing of following: 70 Waler anoot copper cable hot bunch wire (mortul approved rate) 71 Excavation in Foundation in ordinary soil (Leam Clay or Sand ) including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 30 m and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into bthe trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation tranches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the Engineer in charge upto a distance of 30 m from the foundation tranches 72 Same as item no. 305 but in 1:4 one cement & four Coarse sand of 2.20 F.M. Mortar. SOR 305 (a) 73 1:4 Cement mortar(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 74 Providing and laying s&s centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pipes conforming to IS: 8329 75 250MM dia ductile iron class K-7 pipes.DSR-18/18.72.4 76 As in item 303 to 307 above but in superstructure including necessary cutting & moulding of brick as required SOR 309 77 1:4 Cement mortar(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 78 12mmCementplasterwithcementmortarinproportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of single coat for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth. SOR(13.4.2) 79 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) 80 Providing and laying cement concrete in 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete, Including cost of form work. In Foundation and floors. SOR(4.1.8) 81 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 82 Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. RCC Grade M25 using batching plant transit mixer & manual placing . MORTH-9.06 E/Case-II 83 Finishing walls with exterior emulsion paint (Apex) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over @ 1.25 Ltr/10sqm including one coat of primer applid @0.75Ltr/ 10sqm coat curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat. SOR(13.60.2) 84 New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer (Rate as per DSR 2013/13.41.1/P-225) 85 Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following operations: (a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment.(b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. 22.7(d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-incharge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm square 3 mm deep. (e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test.“All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge : With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65mm. SOR(22.7) (d) finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jintless cement morter mix 1:4 (1 cement 4 coarse sand) 86 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work (When not included in and an over all rates) brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and excluding the supply of steel and its wastage Bend, hooks and authorized over lapping shall be measured upto floor to level. As per current price list from SAIL (Excluding GST) FE-500 PRIMARY STEEL. 87 10mm to 12mm tor 88 Provinding and fixing glass panes with putty and glazing clips in steel doors, windows,clerestory windows all complete with : 4.0 mm thick panes. SOR(425) 89 Lettering with black Japan paint of approved brand and manufacture (Rate as per DSR 2018/13.71/P-234) 90 Providing and laying D.P.C 2.50 cm thick withCement concrete Consisting of One Part Cement1.5 part of Coarse Sand and three part of approved 10 mm graded Stone grit and including water proofing martreial as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge in the proportion as specified by manufacturer.SOR(361)- 91 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting,hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steelprimer using structural steel etc. as required. DSR(2018/10.25) (Sail Steel) 92 In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gatesand similar works 10.25.2 93 Providing and laying S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) / Ductile Iron Pipes conforming to IS : 8329: 94 200 mm dia Ductile Iron Class K-7 pipes Rubber Gaskets Including Based onDAR-18/18.72.3 95 Supply and Installation of required size steel pipe 10mm thick conforming to IS 3589 through trenchless excavation of thrust pit and reciving pit required size and the excavation & filling back & compaction complete as per specification for road crossing by Auger boring method. Pipe will be installed at depth beyond 3m below the ground surface in downward required slope.M/S approved . 8820-12% =7875.00 96 200 mm dia pipes 97 Providing and Laying CI Sluice Valve with Cap Complet with bolts, Nuts, Rubber etc. 300mm Dia (DSR 2018 Item No 18.31.6) as per site requirement of Rising Main Class I 98 Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolts, nuts, rubber etc. 250mm Dia(DSR 2018 Item No 18.31.5) as per site requirement of Rising Main Class I 99 Labour Cess and GST will be paid extra as per govt. orders

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1070 /-
INR 95000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 47.15 Lakhs /-
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