Tender For Reorganisation Of Rwss Sardula Talaiyo Ka Bhilwara Under Jjm Inlcuding Five Years Operation And Maintenance With One One Year Defect Liability Period Block Khamnor District Rajsamand On Risk And Cost Basis, REORGANISATION OF RWSS SARDULA TALAIYO KA BHILWARA UNDER JJM INLCUDING FIVE YEARS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE WITH ONE ONE YEAR DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD BLOCK KHAMNOR DISTRICT RAJSAMAND ON RISK & COST BASIS. (BSR PHED 2020) Sl. No. Item Description 1 OPEN WELL 2 Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches or drains including dressing of sides and ramnming of bottoms lift up to 1.5 mtr including traking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering and ramming and deposals of surplus excavted soil as directed with a lead in a 50 mtr including stacking of useful material if available. 3 Hard rock (requiring blasting) usefulmaterial 30 % 4 Recovery of Hard rock useful material 30% 5 Add extra over item No 2.1 and 2.2 for every additional; lift of 1.5 m or part thereof. 6 In ordinary rock and hard rock 7 From 16.50 to 18.00 m 8 From 18.00 to 19.50 m 9 From 19.50 to 20.00 m 10 Add extra over item no 2.1 and 2.2 for excavation in saturated soil where pumping or bailing out of water is required including shorting strutting where required and dewatering.(Respective applicable rates) 11 From 16.50 to 18.00 m 12 From 18.00 to 19.50 m 13 From 19.50 to 20.00 m 14 Centering & shuttering with ply wood or steel sheets including strutting , propping, barcing both ways with wooden members and removal of form work up to floor three level for:Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string course.Add extra for shuttering in circular work in plan up to dia 10 m over item no 2.6.1 15 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position in binding (including cost of binding wire ) all complete up to floor three level 16 Thermo mechanically treated bars (conforming to relevant IS:1786.) 17 Providing and layiny in position specified grade of cement concrete for RCC Structure elements upto floor three level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement ; 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering shuttering and reinforcement for : 18 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets columns pillars pears abutments posts struts etc. 19 M20 grade nominal mix (with graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 20 Structural steel work in single section fixed with connecting plate includingcutting hoisting fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete above plinth level upto 4.5 mtr. height 21 In flates, tees, angles & Channals 22 In R.S. Joists 23 Random rubble stone masonary for foundation and plinth in cement sand mortar above 30 cm thick wall in: 24 Cement Mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 Sand ) 25 Random Rubble stone masonary for superstructure above plinth level one storey height above 30 cm. thick walls in : 26 Cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 Cement : 4 Sand ) 27 Plaster on new surface on wall in cement sand mortar 1:3 including raking of joints etc. complete fine finish: 28 20 mm thick 29 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved brand and manufacture and or required shade to give an even shade including all scaffolding 30 New Work ( Three or more coats) 31 Painting with ready mix paint of approved brand and manufacture in all shades to give an even shade : 32 New steel work ( two or more coats) 33 Pump Machinery 34 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of submersible monoblock pump set conforming to IS 8034 and motor conforming to IS 9283, with water proof winding. Pump shall be suitable for various delivery head and discharge with stainless steel shaft. Motor suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz AC and with water lubricated bearing to accept entire hydraulic thrust. Supply, with cable guard, thrust carbon/fiber bearing to withstand entire hydraulic thrust. The pump set shall be suitable for direct coupling, with suitable suction strainer. Pump should have suitable discharge out let as per manufacturers design. Antithrust stream lined non return valve shall be provided with the pump and minimum 6 m submersible copper conductor cable in single / double run and 2 pairs of suitable size erection clamp 10 mm thick shall be provided with each pump etc. completein all respect as perspecification, scope of work and direction of Engineer in Charge of following power rating, suitable for prescribed duty conditions of one of the makes approved by Technical Committee. 35 5.0HP, 1.85LPS,60mtr Head - At O Well-2 nos . 36 Supplying & installation 100 diameter sealed diaphragm bourden type pressure gauge of range 0 to 10 kg including all jointing material as per specification of safety cover. 37 Providing, installing, testing and commissioning of double flanged bulk flow meter with removable mechanism, of class B conforming to ISO 4064/1 or amended upto date of approved make including cost of all material and labour as per specifications with GI Box (sheet 16 SWG) suitable with locking arrangement of following dia. 38 50 mm dia 39 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering.All work up to plinth level using crusher broken aggregate. M-15 grade nominal mix (With graded stone 20mm nomtnal size). 40 Providing & Lowering in tubewell ISl marked GI Pipe B class as per IS: 1239 or amended up to date threaded and double flanged (welded) on both ends and two number 25x3mm flat welded on both ends between pipe & flange, rubber washer & nut bolts etc. complete in all respect. 41 50mm dia 42 Providing & Fixing of ISI Marked GI Bend 90 Degrees of following sizes including all jointing materials B Class 43 50mm dia 44 Supply & Fixing of ISi marked three core PVC flat submersible cable as per IS 694: 1990 or amended up to date and conductor as per class 5 of IS 8 130: 1980 includ ing making connection etc. 45 3 core 4.0 mm2 46 Supply & Fixing XLPE insulated / P.V.C. sheathed cable of 1.1 KV grade with aluminium conductor Armoured of IS:7098-I/1554-1 approved makein ground as per IS:1255 including excavation of 30cmx75cm size trench, 25 cm thick underlayer ofsand, second Class bricks covering, refilling earth, compaction of earth, making necessary connection, testing etc. as required of size. 47 10.0 Sq.mm, 4 core 48 Supply and Fixing of electric control feeder panel comprising of suitable rating MCCB , fully automatic star-delta starter, over load relay,ampere meter with CTs, volt meter, phase preventer, suitable starting capacitors, phase indicators, lighting arrangement etc. complete suitable for three phase pump set. The panel should have space for energy meter ( supplied by DISCOM).All these equipments shall be housed by panel box made out from 18 gauge M.S. Sheet with powder coating. Panel should be ofminimum size 900 x 600 x 450 mm with Stand ( made of angle iron of size 35x35x5mm) duly bolted/screwed with enclosure box having 4 legs, each leg’s length 18 and double door including in built locking system.The legs should be embedded in M-15 cement concrete plat form. The size of CC platform should be equal or bigger than the base size of panel having height of at least 200 mm from ground level. The panel should have opening of suitable size in front of space for energy meter with glass for meter reading. The operation of panel should be suitable for on 440 Volt AC Supply. 49 Above 5.00 HP and up to 10.00 HP 50 Rising main 51 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointing in trenches Ductile Iron (DI) ISI marked K-7 grade S&S pipes as per IS: 8329-2000 (amended upto date), with internal cement mortar lining suitable for potable water with rubber ring (EPDM) joints as per IS: 5382-1985 incl. all taxes (Central and Local) transportation and frieght charges, inspection charges, loading/unloadingcharges, stacking of pipes including cost of labour and material, specials(Tee, bend etc.) satisfactoryhydraulic testing, disinfection etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer in Charge.( excluding earth work) with excise Duty Exemption. Note:- Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout areinclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 52 Dia (mm) TypeClass 53 100 DI K-7 54 Providing,supplying,lowering & Laying in trenches,standerd lengths HDPE,PE-80 ISI Marked pipes of following grade and nominal diameter as perconferming IS-4984:1995 With necessory jointing material like mechanical connectors,i.e. thead/insert joint/quick release coupler joint/compression fitting joint or flanged joint and specials jointing pipe by butt fusion welding method,including all taxes (Central and local), transpotation and freight charges,inspection charges,loading /unloading charges ,stacking the same in closed shade duly protectingfrom sunrays and rains ,including cost of labour and material ,specials (Tee band etc) satisfactory hydraulic testing etc.Complete as per technical specifications and direction of engineer-in charge,(excluding earth work) .Note-Providing and fixing of all requsite specials as per drawing ,design and layout are inclusivein RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid seperately. supply upto 110mm dia coil & above 110mm dia straight length in 6M. 55 110mm dia PE-80 PN-10 56 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing at all level/ depths Dl standard specials with rubber ring (EPDM)/ nut bolt and insertion sheet and jointing as per IS: 5382 1985 such as tees, bends, tapers, caps etc. within trenches in DI pipe line complere including all marerial, labour, taxes, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge (excluding earth work) 57 AJS Tee , Bend, Reducer (All End Socketed) 58 Upto 300 mm Diameter 59 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, manually operated DI D/F Resilient (Soft) seated Gate Valve EPDM Coated DI wedge 100% vaccum light, flange Dimention IS: 14846,of approved make PN 1.6 class and CI Tail Piece- 2 Nos. (IS: 5531- 1988- amended up to date- For CI Plane Ended Specials) of same size of following dia completeincluding all material like Instren Rubber Sheet of thickness- 6.00 mm(ISI Mark)- For Rubber Sheet), MS Nut Bolts(IS: 1363 Part I-1984- amended up to date), CI Detachable Joint (IS: 8794- 1988 amended up to date), labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. (Nominal Dia. in mm) 60 Soft seated sluice valves 61 Dia (mm) PN rating 62 1001.6 63 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line,DI resilient seatedNon Return valves (NRV) of approved makePN 1.6 class and CI Tail Piece- 2 Nos. (IS: 5531 amended up to date- For CI Plane Ended Specials) of same size of following dia completeincluding all material like Instren Rubber Sheet of thickness- 6.00 mm (ISI Mark)- For Rubber Sheet), MS Nut Bolts (IS: 1363 Part I-1984- amended up to date), CI Detachable Joint (IS: 8794- 1988 amended up to date), labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer.(Nominal Dia. in mm) 64 Dia (mm) PN rating 65 100 1.6 66 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches for water supply pipe lines,shoring and strutting if required as per required gradient and line including safety provisions using site rails and stacking excavated stuff including up to all required lead cleaning the site etc. complete forlifts up to 1.5 depth and strata as specified. The work also includesdepositing and refilling of trench with watering & ramming /compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed for lead up to 50 mtr. 67 In all type of soil 68 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 69 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 70 In soft Rock 71 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 72 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 73 In Hard Rock ( required blasting) 74 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 75 In Hard Rock ( Blasting prohibited) 76 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 77 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for pipe lineand chambers by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 78 Providing and laying in position cement concrete in specified grade over prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 79 M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mmnominal size). 80 Deduct rate for above item of E/W for pipe line, in case of road cutting, deduct 10%for each layer of 100 mm thick road cut i.e. 20% for 200 mmthick and so on. 81 In soft Rock 82 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 83 In Hard Rock ( Blasting prohibited) 84 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 85 Cement concreteSaddle block. 10 Nos) 86 Earth work in excavation in foundationtrenches or drains including dressing of sides and ramming of bottons, lift upto 1.5 mt. including taking the excavated soil and depositing the refilling of Jhiri with watering and ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within lead of 50m. 87 All kind ofsoil. 88 Centering & shuttering with ply wood or steel sheets including strutting , propping, barcing both ways with wooden members and removal of form work up to floor three level for:Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string course.Add extra for shuttering in circular work in plan up to dia 10 m over item no 2.6.1 89 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position in binding (including cost of binding wire ) all complete up to floor three level 90 Thermo mechanically treated bars (conforming to relevant IS:1786.) 91 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforcement cement concrete all RCC structural elements upto plinth levelincluding curing compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering shuttering and reinforcement 92 M15 grade nominal mix (with 20mm nominal size) 93 SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class B confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines and specifications complete:Media : Water (Clear ), Temp. 50 deg., Pr. rating: PN16, Protection type: IP- 68,Body Material : IS-210 Gr. FG-200, Accuracy Class :Class B (±2 % @ Nominal flow rate), Magnetic Drive,Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 94 BFM 100 mm 95 GLSR 96 Construction of RCC Circular Ground Service Reservoirs on Hillockof required capacity including excavation in all types of strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab, top roof slab/dome, 20 mm thick cement plaster with water proofing compound in CM 1:3 proportion and food grade epoxy paint to inner face of the container and dome/slab, including refilling and disposing of surplus stuff , all labour and material charges, providing and fixing accessories such as M.S./Alluminium ladder/RCC Stairs inside and outside, manhole frame and cover, puddle collar,ventilators, satisfactory hydraulic test and water tightness test as per IS code and providing three coats of cement paints to all exposed surface of structure etc. complete in all respect as per design data, criteria, obligatory requirements and detailed specifications, scope of work and GA drawing. The job include painting the name of the scheme and other details on the reservoir and any other work related to structure as per the directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Technical Specification and Scope of Work. 97 For capacity up to 500 KL.(20 KL At Sardula) 98 Providing and fixing double flanged ISI marked DIClass K-9 pipes as per IS:8329-2000 (amended up to date), asvertical pipes for RCC Reservoirs including specials required such as duck foot bend, bend, tee etc. providing clamps at every 3 mtr,jointing materials such as nuts, bolt, rubber packing, hydraulic testingetc. complete in all respect up to and from valve chamber as per direction of EIC, Technical Specification and Scope of work 99 100 mm 100 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line at work site, DI D/F Resilient seated (soft seated) Sluice Valves (Gate Valves) , Vacuum tight(bubble tight), straight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following class & dia complete confirming to BS-EN-1171/ AWWA C-509 and of following specifications: Body & bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, Wedge of same material as body & shall vulcanisedrubber lined with EPDM (food grade quality) and seals of NBR Face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/ IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) /Din 3202 F4, Stem/ spindle of SS (AISI 316 or equivalent) Electrostatic epoxy powder(EP-P)/ Fusion bond epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 microns inside and outside, Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367(Galvanised steel) Insersion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC, Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 101 100 mm 102 Solarisation 103 SITC of IEC, TUV certified, MNRE approved Solar Panels suitable for Rooftop as well as Utility Scale Solar Power Projects with 25 years of Linear Generation warranty. Work includes designing of solar panel area and structure, showing arrangement of panel on available space, installation ofPV module structure on shed / roof as per drawings including super structure wherever necessary as per drawin. Mountingstructure suitably designto withstand wind velocity upto 150km/hr.Grid Tie Transformer less inverters, Multiple independent MPPTs, Peak efficiency of >98%. Connect up to multiple strings PV arrays, Easy & fast connection, Built-in string-level monitoring, IP65 protection level, Wi-Fi / internet based remote monitoring with 5years warranty. All cabling up to panel and metre, earthing etc. required accessiories and taxes are inclusive. 104 At Prop OW Sardula 105 Distribution Pipe Line 106 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointing in trenches Ductile Iron (DI) ISI marked K-7 grade S&S pipes as per IS: 8329-2000 (amended upto date), with internal cement mortar lining suitable for potable water with rubber ring (EPDM) joints as per IS: 5382-1985 incl. all taxes (Central and Local) transportation and frieght charges, inspection charges, loading/unloadingcharges, stacking of pipes including cost of labour and material, specials(Tee, bend etc.) satisfactoryhydraulic testing, disinfection etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer in Charge.( excluding earth work) with excise Duty Exemption. Note:- Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout areinclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 107 Dia (mm) TypeClass 108 80DI K-7 109 Providing,supplying,lowering & Laying in trenches,standerd lengths HDPE,PE-80 ISI Marked pipes of following grade and nominal diameter as perconferming IS-4984:1995 With necessory jointing material like mechanical connectors,i.e. thead/insert joint/quick release coupler joint/compression fitting joint or flanged joint and specials jointing pipe by butt fusion welding method,including all taxes (Central and local), transpotation and freight charges,inspection charges,loading /unloading charges ,stacking the same in closed shade duly protectingfrom sunrays and rains ,including cost of labour and material ,specials (Tee band etc) satisfactory hydraulic testing etc.Complete as per technical specifications and direction of engineer-in charge,(excluding earth work) .Note-Providing and fixing of all requsite specials as per drawing ,design and layout are inclusivein RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid seperately. supply upto 110mm dia coil & above 110mm dia straight length in 6M. 110 90 mm dia PE-80 PN-6 111 75 mm dia PE-80 PN-6 112 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, manually operated DI D/F Resilient (Soft) seated Gate Valve EPDM Coated DI wedge 100% vaccum light, flange Dimention IS: 14846,of approved make PN 1.6 class and CI Tail Piece- 2 Nos. (IS: 5531- 1988- amended up to date- For CI Plane Ended Specials) of same size of following dia completeincluding all material like Instren Rubber Sheet of thickness- 6.00 mm(ISI Mark)- For Rubber Sheet), MS Nut Bolts(IS: 1363 Part I-1984- amended up to date), CI Detachable Joint (IS: 8794- 1988 amended up to date), labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. (Nominal Dia. in mm) 113 Soft seated sluice valves 114 Dia (mm) PN rating 115 801.6 116 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches for water supply pipe lines,shoring and strutting if required as per required gradient and line including safety provisions using site rails and stacking excavated stuff including up to all required lead cleaning the site etc. complete forlifts up to 1.5 depth and strata as specified. The work also includesdepositing and refilling of trench with watering & ramming /compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed for lead up to 50 mtr. 117 In all type of soil 118 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 119 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 120 In soft Rock 121 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 122 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 123 In Hard Rock ( required blasting) 124 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 125 In Hard Rock ( Blasting prohibited) 126 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 127 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for pipe lineand chambers by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 128 Providing and laying in position cement concrete in specified grade over prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 129 M20 grade Nominal Mix 1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 130 Deduct rate for above item of E/W for pipe line, in case of road cutting, deduct 10%for each layer of 100 mm thick road cut i.e. 20% for 200 mmthick and so on. 131 In soft Rock 132 For HDPE pipe line dia up to 110 mm 133 In Hard Rock ( Blasting prohibited) 134 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal. 135 Cement concreteSaddle block. 15 Nos) 136 Earth work in excavation in foundationtrenches or drains including dressing of sides and ramming of bottons, lift upto 1.5 mt. including taking the excavated soil and depositing the refilling of Jhiri with watering and ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within lead of 50m. 137 All kind ofsoil. 138 Centering & shuttering with ply wood or steel sheets including strutting , propping, barcing both ways with wooden members and removal of form work up to floor three level for:Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string course.Add extra for shuttering in circular work in plan up to dia 10 m over item no 2.6.1 139 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position in binding (including cost of binding wire ) all complete up to floor three level 140 Thermo mechanically treated bars (conforming to relevant IS:1786.) 141 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforcement cement concrete all RCC structural elements upto plinth levelincluding curing compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering shuttering and reinforcement 142 M15 grade nominal mix (with 20mm nominal size) 143 SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class B confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines and specifications complete:Media : Water (Clear ), Temp. 50 deg., Pr. rating: PN16, Protection type: IP- 68,Body Material : IS-210 Gr. FG-200, Accuracy Class :Class B (±2 % @ Nominal flow rate), Magnetic Drive,Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 144 BFM 100 mm 145 Providing service connection as per technical specification and standard drawing as per relevant IS code (amended upto date) from all kind of water mains up to consumer Meter/ premises (completed job) this job includes digging out suitable size of pets and trench for laying service line in all kind of soil including demolition of cement concrete wbm, black top etc. of all thickness; cutting of CC road / Jhiri by using a concrete cutter machine; depositing and refilling of pit and Jhiri with watering and ramming/ compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 metre; providing and fixing of all fitting duly approved in accordance with ISO/DTR 9080 as per specification for potable water including approved make of MS clamp with saddle piece gunmetal ferrule 4.0 mm(ISI) make gun metalNRV (isi Make), valve( IS 778) and specials with mdpe pipe pe-80 pn-12.5 as per ISO 4427 below ground level andP&F GI pipe 15mm dia class B (ISI Mark) above ground level in the premises for fixing tap ( maximum lenth with flashing, cleaning, disinfecting and testing of pipe line complete required fo mtr.)P &fservice connection complete in all respect including mm bib cock with foam flow chrome plated with complete brass body including brass handle having good quality with wt 300to 325 gm including accessories with flushing ,cleaning, disinfection and testing of pipe line complete requried for making of service connection complete in all respect includinglabour charges. in addition to the ferrule and orifice of 4 mm dia should also be provided in the service line at the entry point of the consumers property in such a way that it should be accessible for inspection of VWSE,PHED and any other authortywhich would be like to be inspect as and when required the service line should be laid at least 45 CM below ground level, except in case of concrete bituminous roads where minimum depth Shal be 20 cm. For detailed specification of MDPE pipeS please refer section technical specifications of bid document. general specification of mdpe pipe shall be under: The raw material Shal be virgin PE-80 blue compound any comply with the requirement of ISO/directive of testing material; 9080with minimum required of strength of 8 kg/ per cm. The raw material shall be Food grade quality pressure rating Shall be 12.5 bar.The Pipe Shal bear iso marking 146 Average length up to 05 mtr 20mm dia MDPE pipe.and 02 mtr15mm GI PipeClass B 147 O&M 148 O&M of 5 years