
Tender For Turbo Generator Jobs In Navy Vessel (Rm.0807), karwar-Kerala

Cochin Shipyard Limited has published Tender For Turbo Generator Jobs In Navy Vessel (Rm.0807). Submission Date for this Tender is 03-12-2024. Diesel Generators Tenders in karwar Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Turbo Generator Jobs In Navy Vessel (Rm.0807)
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Tender Details

Tender For Turbo Generator Jobs In Navy Vessel (Rm.0807); 1 Turbo Generators - SERVICE COST 2 1.4.1.Open all unit of governing and protection unit and remove the sludge.2000 hourly / annual. 3 1.4.2. Check the condition of the units on which operation comments were made during the preceding operation period. 4 1.4.3. Check the pressure differential governor of the starting oil pump, in case of sludge in the governor 5 1.4.4. Check the rotor run out in the thrust bearing 6 1.4.5 On completing of the service life (10000-12000 hrs), replace the major parts of turbo alternator. 7 1.4.6. Carry out the inspection / renewal of metal balls of lub oil system shuttle valves/ nr valves. Clean lub oil sump and baffle plates. 8 1.4.7. Open all units of governing and protection units and remove the sludge. Undertake overhauling/ tuning of all hydraulic and electric control components (local/ remote). Undertake trials as per OEM manual, carryout tuning. Repair and renew as necessary. 9 1.4.8. Check operation of QCV (Quick Closing Valve). Overhaul the assembly, carryout checks as per OEM manual. Repair/ renew parts/ sub-assemblies as required. 10 1.4.9. Check operation of GSR (Gland Steam Regulator). Overhaul the assembly, carryout checks as per OEM manual. Repair/ renew parts/ sub-assemblies as required. 11 1.4.10. Carryout inspection of steam chest nozzle control valve and nozzles for clogging/ clear from obstruction. Overhaul/ repair and renew as per OEM manual, as necessary. 12 1.4.11. Undertake chemical/ mechanical cleaning of condenser (shell and tube), lub oil cooler (shell and tube) and air ejector (shell and tube). Carryout inspection/ thickness gauging of body. Undertake renewal of doors/ end covers. Replace zinc anodes. 13 1.4.12.Overhaul complete assembly of feed controller and undertake tuning, as per OEM manual.Repair/ renew as necessary. 14 1.4.13. Remove the sludge and match clearance values as per OEM document. 15 1.4.14. In case of sludge in the governor, clean and box back and set value as per OEM manual 16 1.4.15. Carry out the inspection of spring loaded NR valves 17 1.4.16. Opening of Air ejector inspection door, measurement of nozzle clearances and inspection of steam piping for leakages/ deterioration and replacement if required. 18 1.4.18.Application of Belzona 1392 coating on tube sheet of all Six TG condenser. 19 Cladding - SERVICE COST 20 1.42.5 Cladding over Steam auxilaiary machineries1.42.5.1Turbines of Turbo generators 21 Pumps- SRVICE COSTOverhauling of Pump. Job involves :-1.45.1 Removal of pumps and degutting of associated system.1.45.2 Overhauling of Pump, priming unit and motor (for monoblock pumps only) , replacement of worn out components as per opening up inspection. Pressure testing of casing and metal build up if required1.45.3 Renewal of Mechanical seal1.45.4 Pressure/ leak test of pump post boxing up. Painting of pump body and foundation with anti corrosive paint primer and top coat.1.45.5 Fitment of Pump, reftitting associated systems. Renewal of all fasteners (Mat-Al Bronze) and gaskets to be undertaken.1.46.6 Decoupling and couping with motor/engine and final alignment.1.46.7 Inspection, renewal of damaged pump stool / foundation.1.46.8 Inspection, renewal of damaged shock mounts (mounts supplied by yard/Navy).1.46.9 Carry out performance trial of the pump including parameter checks (suction/ discharge pressure), vibration trials, insulation / SPM checks on motor, motor starting running current checks etc assess for satisfactory performance and defects if any to be rectified. 22 1.45.44. TG sea water pump- Capacity:220TPH monoblockcentrifugal pump 23 1.45.45. TG condensate pump - Capacity:25 TPH monoblockcentrifugal pump 24 1.45.46. TG starting oil pump- Capacity:17TPH Gear type 25 1.45.47. TG emergency oil pump - Capacity:01TPH Gear type 26 Boilers and TD Auxilaries - SERVICE COST 27 Renewal /Repair of Outer Insulation materials and Cement lagging TD Auxilliaries (TGs) 28 Turbo Generators - MATERIAL COST 29 1.4.1.Open all unit of governing and protection unit and remove the sludge.2000 hourly / annual. 30 1.4.2. Check the condition of the units on which operation comments were made during the preceding operation period. 31 1.4.3. Check the pressure differential governor of the starting oil pump, in case of sludge in the governor 32 1.4.4. Check the rotor run out in the thrust bearing 33 1.4.5 On completing of the service life (10000-12000 hrs), replace the major parts of turbo alternator. 34 1.4.6. Carry out the inspection / renewal of metal balls of lub oil system shuttle valves/ nr valves. Clean lub oil sump and baffle plates. 35 1.4.7. Open all units of governing and protection units and remove the sludge. Undertake overhauling/ tuning of all hydraulic and electric control components (local/ remote). Undertake trials as per OEM manual, carryout tuning. Repair and renew as necessary. 36 1.4.8. Check operation of QCV (Quick Closing Valve). Overhaul the assembly, carryout checks as per OEM manual. Repair/ renew parts/ sub-assemblies as required. 37 1.4.9. Check operation of GSR (Gland Steam Regulator). Overhaul the assembly, carryout checks as per OEM manual. Repair/ renew parts/ sub-assemblies as required. 38 1.4.10. Carryout inspection of steam chest nozzle control valve and nozzles for clogging/ clear from obstruction. Overhaul/ repair and renew as per OEM manual, as necessary. 39 1.4.11. Undertake chemical/ mechanical cleaning of condenser (shell and tube), lub oil cooler (shell and tube) and air ejector (shell and tube). Carryout inspection/ thickness gauging of body. Undertake renewal of doors/ end covers. Replace zinc anodes. 40 1.4.12.Overhaul complete assembly of feed controller and undertake tuning, as per OEM manual.Repair/ renew as necessary. 41 1.4.13. Remove the sludge and match clearance values as per OEM document. 42 1.4.14. In case of sludge in the governor, clean and box back and set value as per OEM manual 43 1.4.15. Carry out the inspection of spring loaded NR valves 44 1.4.16. Opening of Air ejector inspection door, measurement of nozzle clearances and inspection of steam piping for leakages/ deterioration and replacement if required. 45 1.4.18.Application of Belzona 1392 coating on tube sheet of all Six TG condenser. 46 Cladding - MATERIAL COST 47 1.42.5 Cladding over Steam auxilaiary machineries1.42.5.1Turbines of Turbo generators 48 Pumps- MATERIAL COSTOverhauling of Pump. Job involves :-1.45.1 Removal of pumps and degutting of associated system.1.45.2 Overhauling of Pump, priming unit and motor (for monoblock pumps only) , replacement of worn out components as per opening up inspection. Pressure testing of casing and metal build up if required1.45.3 Renewal of Mechanical seal1.45.4 Pressure/ leak test of pump post boxing up. Painting of pump body and foundation with anti corrosive paint primer and top coat.1.45.5 Fitment of Pump, reftitting associated systems. Renewal of all fasteners (Mat-Al Bronze) and gaskets to be undertaken.1.46.6 Decoupling and couping with motor/engine and final alignment.1.46.7 Inspection, renewal of damaged pump stool / foundation.1.46.8 Inspection, renewal of damaged shock mounts (mounts supplied by yard/Navy).1.46.9 Carry out performance trial of the pump including parameter checks (suction/ discharge pressure), vibration trials, insulation / SPM checks on motor, motor starting running current checks etc assess for satisfactory performance and defects if any to be rectified. 49 1.45.44. TG sea water pump- Capacity:220TPH monoblockcentrifugal pump 50 1.45.45. TG condensate pump - Capacity:25 TPH monoblockcentrifugal pump 51 1.45.46. TG starting oil pump- Capacity:17TPH Gear type 52 1.45.47. TG emergency oil pump - Capacity:01TPH Gear type 53 Boilers and TD Auxilaries - MATERIAL COST 54 Renewal /Repair of Outer Insulation materials and Cement lagging TD Auxilliaries (TGs)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-12-2024 Due Date Extended for tenders closing on 30-11-2024. Admin Corrigendum Date Extend 03-12-2024

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