
Tender For Construction And Development Of 20Mld Ips At Jawaharpuram Sector-13, 1 Construction Of Ips 2 (A)Total Cost Of Civil Work 3 (A) Wet Well 4 Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator) / Manual Means In Foundation Tr, kanpur-Uttar Pradesh

Kanpur Development Authority has published Tender For Construction And Development Of 20Mld Ips At Jawaharpuram Sector-13, 1 Construction Of Ips 2 (A)Total Cost Of Civil Work 3 (A) Wet Well 4 Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator) / Manual Means In Foundation Tr. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2024. Water Treatment Plant Tenders in kanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction And Development Of 20Mld Ips At Jawaharpuram Sector-13, 1 Construction Of Ips 2 (A)Total Cost Of Civil Work 3 (A) Wet Well 4 Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator) / Manual Means In Foundation Tr
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Construction And Development Of 20Mld Ips At Jawaharpuram Sector-13, 1 Construction of IPS 2 (A)Total Cost of Civil Work 3 (a) WET WELL 4 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 5 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 6 Below NGL 1.5-3.0 m 7 Below NGL 3.0-4.5 m 8 Below NGL 4.5-6.0 m 9 Below NGL 6.0-7.50 m 10 Below NGL 7.5-9.0 m 11 Below NGL 9.0-10.5 m 12 Below NGL 10.5-12.0 m 13 Below NGL 12-13.50 m 14 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 15 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.2 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III): 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 16 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level : shuttering and finishing:1:1½:3 (1 cement : 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 17 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 18 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 19 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 20 5.9.2 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. 21 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 22 5.9.5 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 23 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 24 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 25 6.13 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.6.13.1 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 26 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 27 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.11.6.1 18 mm thick 28 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 29 12 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 30 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 31 6 mm cement plaster of mix :1:3 (1 cement: 3 finesand) 32 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 33 Distempering (first coat) with oil bound distemper of approved bran d and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian Paint after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matters and also including the surface even with plaster of Paris or approved synthetic materials and sand prepared smooth including suply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. for two coat 34 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 35 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the costofprovidingandfixingnecessary27.5cmlongwiresprings manufacturedfromhightensilesteelwireofadequatestrength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.10.6.1 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover 36 Providing and fixing factory made ISI marked steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators, side /top /centre hung, with beading and all members such as F7D,F4B, K11 B and K12 B etc. complete of standard rolled steel sections, joints mitred and flash butt welded and sash bars tenoned and riveted, including providing and fixing of hinges, pivots, including priming coat of approved steel primer, but excluding the cost of other fittings, complete all as per approved design, (sectional weight of only steel members shall be measured for payment).10.11.1 Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cementconcrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 37 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. 38 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion,(i) Single socketed pipes.12.41.2 110 mm diameter 39 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 87.5°110 mm bend analyse 40 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete.12.43.2 110 mm analyse 41 10 cm thick (average) mud phaska of damped brick earth on roofs laid to slope consolidated and plastered with 25 mm thick mud mortar mixed with bhusa @ 35 kg per cum of earth and gobri leaping with mix 1:1 (1 clay: 1 cow dung) and covered with flat tile bricks, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement and finished neat: With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tile of class designation 10. 42 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishingwith cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design :In 75x75 mm deep chase D.S.R No 12.21.1 43 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand (zone - III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, includingnecessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 44 Extra for shuttering in circular work (20% of respective centering and shuttering items) foundation plinth 45 Extra for shuttering in circular work (20% of respective centering and shuttering items) wall 46 Extra rates for quantities of works, executed: 2.24.2 In or under foul position, including pumping out water as requiredNote for item no. 2.24:- The extra percentage rate is applicable in respect of each item but limited to quantities of work executed in these difficult conditions. The unit, namely, metre depth, to be considered for payment, shall be the depth measured from the sub soil water level up to the centre of gravity of the qty executed in difficult conditions. The depth shall be reckoned correct to 0.10 m, 0.05 m or more shall be taken as0.10 m and less than 0.05 m ignored. 25% extra 47 earth work 48 for P.C.C. 49 F0R RCC Raft 50 for Wall 51 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 52 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sidesoffoundationsetc.inlayersnotexceeding20cmindepth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 53 Finishing walls with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat. 54 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910 on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786. 55 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 56 Finishing walls with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat. 57 (b) HT Room And UPPCL 58 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 59 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 60 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 61 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 62 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 63 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 64 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 65 6.13 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.6.13.1 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 66 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 67 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 68 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 69 5.9.5 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 70 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 71 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 72 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.11.6.1 18 mm thick 73 12 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 74 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 75 Cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 12 mm cement plaster 76 P/F 1mm thick MS sheet door with frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm MS gusset plates .. ..Using MS angels 40x40x6mm for diagonal braces. 77 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the costofprovidingandfixingnecessary27.5cmlongwiresprings manufacturedfromhightensilesteelwireofadequatestrength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.10.6.1 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover 78 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 79 Distempering (first coat) with oil bound distemper of approved bran d and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian Paint after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matters and also including the surface even with plaster of Paris or approved synthetic materials and sand prepared smooth including suply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. for two coat 80 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 81 12.22 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. 82 12.41 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion,(i) Single socketed pipes.12.41.2 110 mm diameter 83 12.42 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 87.5°110 mm bend analyse 84 12.43 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete.12.43.2 110 mm analyse 85 10 cm thick (average) mud phaska of damped brick earth on roofs laid to slope consolidated and plastered with 25 mm thick mud mortar mixed with bhusa @ 35 kg per cum of earth and gobri leaping with mix 1:1 (1 clay: 1 cow dung) and covered with flat tile bricks, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement and finished neat: With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tile of class designation 10. 86 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishingwith cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design :In 75x75 mm deep chase D.S.R No 12.21.1 87 4.17 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand (zone - III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, includingnecessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 88 (c) Boundary wall and Gate 89 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 90 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 91 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 92 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 93 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 94 Providing and laying damp-proof course 50mm thick with cement concrete1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand (zone-II): 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size) including Providing & applying a coat of residual petroleum bitumen of grade VG-10of approved quality using 1.7kg per square metre on damp proof course after cleaning the surface with brushes and finally with piece of cloth htly soaked in kerosene oil. 95 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 96 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 97 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 98 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 99 5.9.2 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. 100 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 101 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 102 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 103 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 104 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 105 (d) Chamber and Connection 106 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 107 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 108 Below NGL 1.5-3.0 m 109 Below NGL 3.0-4.5 m 110 Below NGL 4.5-6.0 m 111 Below NGL 6.0-7.50 m 112 Providing and Laying thermal insulation with 400 G polythene sheet including supply of all labour T&P etc all complete 7053 dsr material asper attached analysis 113 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 114 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 115 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 116 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 117 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 118 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 119 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 120 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 121 Cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 12 mm cement plaster 122 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :4.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 123 P/F in position precast RCC manhole cover and frame : HD - 20 : Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter. 124 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910 on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786. 125 2.24 Extra rates for quantities of works, executed: 2.24.2 In or under foul position, including pumping out water as requiredNote for item no. 2.24:- The extra percentage rate is applicable in respect of each item but limited to quantities of work executed in these difficult conditions. The unit, namely, metre depth, to be considered for payment, shall be the depth measured from the sub soil water level up to the centre of gravity of the qty executed in difficult conditions. The depth shall be reckoned correct to 0.10 m, 0.05 m or more shall be taken as0.10 m and less than 0.05 m ignored. 25% extra 126 earth work 127 for P.C.C. 128 for Wall 129 (e) L.T. Room 130 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 131 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 132 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 133 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 134 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 135 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 136 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 137 6.13 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.6.13.1 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 138 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 139 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 140 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 141 5.9.5 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 142 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 143 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 144 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.11.6.1 18 mm thick 145 12 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 146 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 147 Cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 12 mm cement plaster 148 P/F 1mm thick MS sheet door with frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm MS gusset plates .. ..Using MS angels 40x40x6mm for diagonal braces. 149 10.11 Providing and fixing factory made ISI marked steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators, side /top /centre hung, with beading and all members such as F7D,F4B, K11 B and K12 B etc. complete of standard rolled steel sections, joints mitred and flash butt welded and sash bars tenoned and riveted, including providing and fixing of hinges, pivots, including priming coat of approved steel primer, but excluding the cost of other fittings, complete all as per approved design, (sectional weight of only steel members shall be measured for payment).10.11.1 Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cementconcrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 150 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the costofprovidingandfixingnecessary27.5cmlongwiresprings manufacturedfromhightensilesteelwireofadequatestrength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.10.6.1 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover 151 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 152 Distempering (first coat) with oil bound distemper of approved bran d and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian Paint after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matters and also including the surface even with plaster of Paris or approved synthetic materials and sand prepared smooth including suply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. for two coat 153 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 154 P/F panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows etc - for panelled or panelled and glazed shutters 25 mm to 40 mm thick - Float glass panes - 5.5mm thick 155 12.22 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. 156 12.41 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion,(i) Single socketed pipes.12.41.2 110 mm diameter 157 12.42 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 87.5°110 mm bend analyse 158 12.43 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete.12.43.2 110 mm analyse 159 10 cm thick (average) mud phaska of damped brick earth on roofs laid to slope consolidated and plastered with 25 mm thick mud mortar mixed with bhusa @ 35 kg per cum of earth and gobri leaping with mix 1:1 (1 clay: 1 cow dung) and covered with flat tile bricks, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement and finished neat: With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tile of class designation 10. 160 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishingwith cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design :In 75x75 mm deep chase D.S.R No 12.21.1 161 4.17 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand (zone - III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, includingnecessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 162 (f) Transformer Room 163 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 164 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 165 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 166 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 167 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :6.4.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 168 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 169 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 170 6.13 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.6.13.1 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) 171 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 172 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 173 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 174 5.9.5 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 175 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 176 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 177 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.11.6.1 18 mm thick 178 12 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 179 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 180 Cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 12 mm cement plaster 181 P/F 1mm thick MS sheet door with frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm MS gusset plates .. ..Using MS angels 40x40x6mm for diagonal braces. 182 10.11 Providing and fixing factory made ISI marked steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators, side /top /centre hung, with beading and all members such as F7D,F4B, K11 B and K12 B etc. complete of standard rolled steel sections, joints mitred and flash butt welded and sash bars tenoned and riveted, including providing and fixing of hinges, pivots, including priming coat of approved steel primer, but excluding the cost of other fittings, complete all as per approved design, (sectional weight of only steel members shall be measured for payment).10.11.1 Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cementconcrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 183 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the costofprovidingandfixingnecessary27.5cmlongwiresprings manufacturedfromhightensilesteelwireofadequatestrength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.10.6.1 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover 184 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 185 Distempering (first coat) with oil bound distemper of approved bran d and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian Paint after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matters and also including the surface even with plaster of Paris or approved synthetic materials and sand prepared smooth including suply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. for two coat 186 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 187 P/F panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows etc - for panelled or panelled and glazed shutters 25 mm to 40 mm thick - Float glass panes - 5.5mm thick 188 12.22 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. 189 12.41 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion,(i) Single socketed pipes.12.41.2 110 mm diameter 190 12.42 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. 87.5°110 mm bend analyse 191 12.43 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete.12.43.2 110 mm analyse 192 10 cm thick (average) mud phaska of damped brick earth on roofs laid to slope consolidated and plastered with 25 mm thick mud mortar mixed with bhusa @ 35 kg per cum of earth and gobri leaping with mix 1:1 (1 clay: 1 cow dung) and covered with flat tile bricks, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement and finished neat: With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) brick tile of class designation 10. 193 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishingwith cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design :In 75x75 mm deep chase D.S.R No 12.21.1 194 4.17 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand (zone - III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, includingnecessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 195 (g) Valve Chamber 196 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 197 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 198 Below NGL1.50-3.0 m 199 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 200 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.3 1:2:4(1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III): 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 201 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 202 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 203 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 204 Finishing walls with Textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr. per 10sqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat.over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr 10 Sqm new pwd s. no 32 205 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 206 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 207 5.9.2 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. 208 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910 on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786. 209 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 210 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 211 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 212 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 213 (h) Inlet Chamber 214 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 215 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 216 Below NGL 1.5-3.0 m 217 Below NGL 3.0-4.5 m 218 Below NGL 4.5-6.0 m 219 Below NGL 6.0-7.50 m 220 Below NGL 7.5-9.0 m 221 Below NGL 9.0-10.5 m 222 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 223 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :5.1.2 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III): 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 224 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete,excludingthecostofcentering,shuttering,finishingand reinforcement - All work up to plinth level : shuttering and finishing:1:1½:3 (1 cement : 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 225 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 226 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 227 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 228 Finishing walls with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work for two coat. 229 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 230 5.9.2 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. 231 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 232 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 233 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910 on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786. 234 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 235 Painting 1st coat over priming coat (but excluding cost of priming coat) on steel and other metal surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10 Sq.M. in area with superior synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, H gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade and including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 236 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 237 (i) Road Work 238 Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket ) capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross-sections, and transporting to the embankment location with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3 (INCLUDING EXTRA Cartage of earth up to 10.0 km distance excluding loading and un loading all complete of work) AND ALSO including 239 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 240 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material 303.1 obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, 3.14) spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 303.1. 241 Brick on edging on both side of the road with M-150 bricks 23 cm deep and 12cm wide laid in mud mortar including supply of all material labour T&P etc. complete in all respect as per direction of E/I (Analysis rate) 242 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavater at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause Morth 401. 243 Providing, laying spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/ base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to archive the desired density. Morth 406. 244 Providing and applying priming coat with bitumen VG-10 on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying VG-10 @ 0.75 Kg per sqm. using mechanical means . MORTH502. 245 Providing and applying Tack coat with bitumen VG-10 pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 Kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom MORTH503. 246 Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 100- 120 TPH hot mix plant producing on average output of 75 tonnes per hours using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder @ 3.4% of VG-30 transported to site laid over previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade level and alignment and rolled as per class 501.6 & 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction complete in all respect. MORTH 504 247 Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete with 100 – 120 TPH type HMP producing on average output of 75 tonnes per hours using crushed aggregate of specified grading premix with bituminous binder @ 5% of VG-30 and filler transporting the hot mix to work site laying with Hydrostatic pavers finisher with sensor control to the required grade level and alignment, roller with smooth wheeled ,vibratory and tendem rollers to achieved the desired compaction complete in all respect. MORTH 508 248 (j) DG Set Foundation 249 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. 250 Below NGL 0.0-1.50 m 251 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :4.1.8 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 252 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class 150 in foundation and plinth in:6.1.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 253 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 254 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 255 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 256 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 257 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 11.3.1 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 258 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.11.6.1 18 mm thick 259 (B)INSTALLATION OF PUMPING PLANT & ACCESSORIES AT INTERMEDIATEPUMPING STATION (I.P.S.) 260 INSTALLATION OF PUMPING PLANT & ACCESSORIES AT INTERMEDIATEPUMPING STATION (I.P.S.) 261 PUMPING PLANT 262 Non-clog, single stage, Bottom suction submersible sewage pump suitable for handling raw sewage of a specific gravity of 1.03 driven by submersible electric motor suitable for operation on 380 + 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC supply system along with 35 mtrsubmersible cable and having following specification & M.O.C. Capacity - 90 LPSTotal Head - 20 mtrH.P. of Motor - 45 RPM (Synch) - 1500 M.O.C.Pum cacing - As per IS 210 Mechanical - Eagle Burgmann Impeller- CF8MSS-316Shaft - As per AISI-410 263 Accessories of each submersible pumping plant 264 (a) Pedestal with autocouping - 1 No. (b) S.S. guide pipe approx - 10 M(c S.S. chain with shackles approx - 12 M(d) C.I.D.F. bend 200 mm dia x 900 - 1 No. (e) Submersible cable - 30 M 265 0.415 KV L.T. outgoing panel for pumping plantL.T. control panel having 2 Nos. Bus coupler and 8 Nos. outgoing panels or incoming/ outgoing will be considered as per requirement of work suitable to operated on 415 ± 6% Volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC supply as per details given below-A- 2 Nos. Bus coupler (1 No. for D.G. set and 1 No. for power supply from LT end) each consisting of following items -1600 amp ACB - 1 No.C. Ts of suitable ratio - 1 No. Ammeter with selector swich - 1 No. Voltmeter with selector switch - 1 No.Power factor meter (0.5 Lag & 0.5 Lead)-1 No Frequency meter - 1 No.KWH meter - 1 No.2 Pole over current relay & one plore earth fault relay 1 No.B- Bus bar chamber having 3 Nos. bus bars for phase and 1 No. bus bar for neutral of suitable size - 1 No. C- 6 Nos. composite panels for pumping plants (06 Nos for P.P. & 02 No. spare) each consisting of following items-160 amp MCCB - 8 Nos.A.Ts of suitable ratio - 1 No. Ammeter with selector swich - 1 No.Power capacitor controlled by main switch of suitable rating - 1 No. Thermal over load protection - 1 No.Reverse rotation trip device - 1 No.Automatic start/stop device according to level in the sump - 1 No. Indicating lamps (Auto/manual/low level/reverse rotation) - 1 set3 Nos. panels for miscellaneous works, each consisting of following items-MCCB of 100 amp capacity - 2 No. C. Ts of suitable ratio - 1 No.Ammeter with selector swich - 1 No.Indicating lamps - 1 set1 Nos. outgoing panels for miscellaneous works, each consisting of following items- MCCB of 63 amp capacity - 1 No. C. Ts of suitable ratio - 1 No.Ammeter with selector swich - 1 No. Indicating lamps - 1 set 266 Starter 267 SOFT starter suitable for operation on 380 ± 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply suitable for starting and running of 45 HP electric motor and 8 to 12 starts and stops Hr. 268 running of 45 HP electric motor and 8 to 12 starts and stops Hr. 269 Main Pipe, Valves and special 270 MotoroperatedC.I.D.F.risingspindletype,sluicevalvewith actuators conforming to IS: 14846 suitable for sewage application of following size. 271 200 mm dia size 272 450 mm dia size 273 C.I.D.F. Reflex valve conforming to IS : 5312 suitable for sweage applicable of folllowing size. 274 200 mm dia size 275 450 mm dia size 276 C.I.D.F. dismantling joint of following size 277 200 mm dia size 278 450 mm dia size 279 C.I. Pipes and specials - 280 150 mm x 200 mm dia C.I.D.F. Enlarge - Nos. 281 450 mm dia C.I.D.F. pipe 282 200 mm dia 900 C.I.D.F. bend 283 450 mm x 300 mm x 200 mm dia C.I.A.F. Tee 284 450 mm dia C.I. blind flange 285 Necessary MS, Nut-Bolt and washer 286 Necessary SS, Nut-Bolt and washer 287 Necessary rubber packing of suitable size 200 mm and 300 mm 288 H.O.T. Crane 289 Provision of H.O.T. crane of 5 ton capacity along with gantry girder and chainpully block and geared trolly suitable for 4.5 meter span and 10 meter clear lift complete in all respect for circular pump house suitable for 7 meter travelling lenlgth for installation of pumping plant. 290 Sewage level regulator/controller 291 Provision for ultrasonic level regulator/controller for measuring sewage level in the sump suitable for indication of low and high level in mtrs. 292 Electromagnetic flow meter 293 Provision for 450 mm dia electromagnetic flow meter complete with display unit including power cable installlation teting & commissioning. 294 Pressure Transmitter 295 Pressure gauge complete with necessary Cu. Tubing, stop cock and necessary fittings suitable for sewage applicable. 296 Power and control cable 297 Supply & laying of 1100 volt grade, 2x625 sqmm 3.5 core, Armored, Al conductor size of XLPE cables required for power wiring form L.T. Panel of sub station to L.T. panel of Pump 298 Supply & laying the 2 x 625 sqmm 3.5 core Armored, Al Conductior size ofXLPE cables required for power wiring form L.T. Panel of pump house sto starters. 299 Earthing 300 Double earthing of all electrical equipments as per latest IER specification complete with slat, charcoal, G.I. earth electrodes, watering pipe, C.I. earth boxes and G.I. earth strips of suitable of size. 301 Construction fo foundation for pumping plants, starters and panels 302 Installation of Pumping plants and all related equipments at site. 303 Commissioning of all pumping plants and related equipments at site. 304 Testing of Pumping Plants 305 At Works 306 At Site 307 Painting of all equipments 308 Internal and external electrification of pump house, substation room and campus. 309 Spares pump set/starter and spare parts 310 Spare pump of 90 LPS/20 m head/45 H.P. - 1set 311 Starter for above pump - 1 set 312 Impelle set - 1 No. 313 Shaft - 1 No. 314 Mechanical Seal - 2 Nos. 315 Upper and lower ball/thrush bearing - 2 Nos. 316 Auto Coupling - 1 No. 317 Spare part for L.T. panel and starter 1 set 318 Tools & spanners 319 Heavy duty pipe wrench 450 mm size - 2 Nos. 320 Screq wrench 350 mm size - 2 Nos. 321 Ring Spanners - 1set 322 DE spanners - 1 set 323 Socket wrench with tommy bar and sockets of diff. size - 1 set 324 insulated piler -2 Nos. 325 Scrow driver - 2 Nos. 326 Hammer with handle - 2 Nos. 327 hexaframe - 2 Nos. 328 Sprit level - 1 No. 329 Miscellaneous items required 330 L.T. magger with testing lead - 1No. 331 Tong tester for measuring of electrical quantity - 1No. Fire Extinguisher - 4 Nos 332 12 mm thick electric resstant rubber matting for LT equipments - 8Nos. 333 20 mm thick electric resistance rubber matting for HT equipments - 2 Nos. 334 Portable electric drill machine with complete range fo drill bits. - 1 No. 335 Manually operated crimping tool with complete range of dies upto 100 sqmm size cable - 1 No. 336 Portable deqatering submersible pump set complete wth starter, delivery pipes and other accessories - 1 No. 337 Steel almirah for keeping records and spares - 2Nos. Steel table with sunmica top - 1 1 No. 338 Steel chair - 4 Nos. 339 Chequered plate of required size to cover all cable trenches in pump house and substation - 1 Lot. 340 Provision of C. I. sluice Gate Conferming to IS 13349 or AWWac- 501 having F shapped wall thimble of C.I. spindle 341 Provision for Mini Tubewell with 100 mm PVC pipe including Cora 100 Submersible pump for campus water requirement complete in all respect. 342 Pole mounted Solar LED 1*18 W Street lighting Fixture installation 343 Mechancial coarse screen with conveyour belt taking as one stand by 20 mm opening. 344 (Belt Conveyor -600 mm width) 345 Miscellaneous Works 346 Installation of DG sets at intermediate pumping station (I.P.S.) [SCHEDULEOFWORKFORINSTALLATIONOFDGSETSATMAINSEWAGEPUMPINGSTATION(M.P.S.) 347 Supply of silent type DG set, engine, alternatorcapable of developing 180 KVA at 415 + 6%volts,50 Hz AC at 0.80 P.F. logging and self exciting coupled with suitable BHP diesel engine connected with flexible coupling and mounted on common base plate complete withfuel tank inside the acoustion system and in built control panel 12 voltleadacide battery with leadsilencer manual control panel & AVM pads D.G.Set shall be mounted in open sky resting on thefoundationasperthedesign. 348 SuitableAMFpanelfloormountingtypecomprising of Ammeter/ Voltmeter with slector switch,power factor meter,shortcircuit protection, mainsupply voltage monitor shortcircuit protection relay, selector switch auto/manual/off, indicating lamps, push buttonstart/stop/re-setetc. 349 Anti-Vibrationmountings 350 Exhaustpipe,fuellineandfueltank 351 SparepartsforD.G.set 352 CompletepowerwiringandearthingofD.G.setand AMF panel as per IER specification withnecessary power and control cable, salt,charcoal,G.I.earthelectrodes,wateringpipe, C.I.earthboxesandG.I.earchstripofadequate size. 353 ConstructionoffoundationofD.G.setandAMF panel. 354 InstallationofD.G.setandotheraccessories includingcommissioningandtesting. 355 MiscellaneousWorks 356 (C) INSTALLATION OFSCADA/ AUTOMATION AT INTERMEDIATEPUMPING STATION (I.P.S.) 357 GSM/GPRS Based Remote Terminal Units With analog and Digital parameter and features as specified to store and transmit data on GSM backbone to MCS (1 no. IRTU for 2 Pumps) and should able to send & recived SMS from registered mobile parallel mode. 358 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication hardware for RTUs capable to transfer data from remote site to MCS with all accessories and should able to send & recived SMS from registered mobile parallel mode. 359 Intelligent energy meters 360 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947- 1 & IEC : 60947-6-1) of rating 400 Amp. 361 Complete cabling for 6 pumps 362 Security Survelliance IP Camera 363 (D) After completion of the work, one year maintenance and operation of I.P.S 364 Chaukidari(365x3) 365 Pump Operator (365x3) 366 Electrition(365x2) 367 MISLANIOUS WORK LAYING SEWER LINE ALL COMPLETE 368 A-LAYING OF SEWER LINE FROM EXSTING MANHOLE TO IPS 369 Supply of the following pipe suitable for R/R joints as per relevant IS Specification FOR destination including all taxes, insurance and transportation charges up to UP Jal Nigam Divisional Stone in Ghazipur city 600 mm dia DI K – 9 18.72.24 DSR 2021 Analyse 370 Supply of the specials for above pipes 371 Supply of following D.I.D/F fittings as per relevant IS Specification or other equivalent make FOR destination including all taxes, insurance and transportation charges 372 600 mm dia double orifice kinetic type air valve 373 NRV 600 mm dia 374 Sluice valve 600 mm dia 375 Excavation for following depth below G.L. for laying of Rising mains in ordinary soil earth, sand, loam, and clay including cutting of jointing pits trimming dressing leveling refilling of trenches in 20cm layers watering and ramming the same including removal of surplus earth or other dismantled materials up to a distance 50m from the center of trenches.0.0 - 1.5 376 Extra on above for excavation in soil mixed with moorum shingle kankar etc. where special T & P is to be used.0.0 - 1.5 377 Carting of following sizes of DI-K-9 Pipes & rubber rings from store to site of work, lowering the same into trenches and laying true to the alignment and gradient including excavation of earth below invert of pipes cost of all jointing materials testing etc. complete.600 mm DI K - 9 378 Carting & re-carting of excavated earth where sufficient width of road is not available for stacking of surplus earth during excavation & laying of Riming mains (Average lead 250m) 379 Carting of following sizes of CI fittings from store to site of work lowering the same into the already prepared, tranches also including fixing in position including supply of all materials such as bolts, nuts rubber packing, white lead etc. labour & T&P complete 380 600mm dia double orifice kinetic type air valve 381 NRV 600 mm dia 382 Sluice valve 600 mm dia 383 Supply of all materials labour T&P for construction of Brick masonry chamber to place sluice valve, Air valves etc. complete as per UP Jal Nigam type Design 384 Supply of all materials labour T & P etc. complete for construction of cement concrete Thrust Blocks (2.5*1.25*1.25m size) in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 20mm gauge stone ballast also including excavation, refilling properly fixing pipe/ bends etc. all complete at suitable locations i.e. bends etc. as directed by Engineer in charge 385 B- CONSTRUCTION OF BYE PASS SEWER FROM IPS TO EXSTING SEWER LINE FOR STP 386 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay and sand) for lead upto 50 M and lift up to 1.50 M filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the space of foundation trench and disposal of surplus earth up to a distance of 50 M from the foundation trenches. Depth Below G.L. 387 0.00 - 1.50 M 388 1.50 - 3.00 M 389 3.00 - 4.50 M 390 Supply,Laying &Carting of 1000 mm dia DI K-9 Pipe Laying &Carting of 1000 mm dia DI K-9 Pipe and special from stroe to the site fo work, lowering the same into trenches in depth upto 1.5m below ground level true to alignment, . complete but excavation and relling of trenches from ground level to the invert level of pipe 391 Supply ,Laying &Carting of 1000mm dia. RCC Hume pipes (NP-3class) and special from stroe to the site fo work, lowering the same into trenches in depth upto 1.5m below ground level true to alignment, caulking the joints with necessary spun yarn soaked in bitumen and jointing with 1:2 cement mortar in coarse sand including excavation of earth below invert level of pipe cost of all jointing materials, testing etc. complete but excavation and relling of trenches from ground level to the invert level of pipe 392 Bedding 393 Lean Concrete in foundation in 1:4:8 proportion with cement, coarse sand and 40 mm gauge stone ballast including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 394 Plain cement concrete in proportion 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone ballast including centering and shuttering all labour, material T&P etc. complete 395 RCC 1:1½:3 block at the end of Bye Pass Sewer to keep it in position preventing from flood damage or otherwise in cement coarse sand 20mm gauge grit including supply of all other materials labour T&P etc. complete 396 Launching Apron 397 MS Works 398 Steel work welded in builtup section 399 Site Clearance & unforeseen works 400 Miscellaneous Works

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 1872000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 9.35 Crore /-
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