Supply Of Materials For Mahathmagandhi Nregs Works (Public) , Materials , Quarry Waste , Stone Aggregate(Single Size): 40 Mm Nominal Size , Stone Aggregate(Single Size):20 Mm Nominal Size , Stone Aggregate(Single Size): 10 Mm Nominal Size , Coarse Sand (Zone Iii) , Portland Cement , Hire Charges Of Concrete Mixer 0.25 To 0.40 Cum With Hopper , Vibrator (Needle Type 40 Mm) , Sundries , Wall Form Panel 1250X500 Mm , Corner Angle 45X45x5 Mm 1.50 M Long , 100 Mm Channel Shoulder 2.5 M Long , Double Clip (Bridge Clip) , Single Clip , M.S. Tube 40 Mm Dia , Stone For Masonry Work , Structural Steel Such As Tees, Angles, Channels And R.S. Joists , Red Oxide Zinc Chromate Primer , Adjustable Span Eso+Si (2.35-3.40) , Adjustable Telescopic Prop 3 M (2.02-3.75M) , Wall Form Panel 1250X450xmm , Corner Angle 45X45x5 Mm 2.50 Long , Column Clamp 450X1070 Mm , Prop 2 M (2-3.5M) , Twisted Steel/Deformed Bars , Acrylic Exterior Paint , Exterior Primer , Mild Steel Tubes Hot Finished Welded Type , Welding By Electric Plant , Bamboo 25 Mm Dia 2.5 Meter Long , Polyethylene Water Storage Tank With Cover And Suitable Locking Arrangemnet , Pvc Pipe 110 Mm Outer Dia 6Kgf/Cm2 , Pvc Elbow 110 Mm Dia , Pvc 45 Degree Elbow 110 Mm Dia , Pvc Door Elbow 110 Mm Dia , Pvc Bend 110 Mm Dia , Pvc Tee 110X110x110mm Dia , Pvc Door Tee 110X110x110 Mm Dia , Pvc End Cap 110 Mm Dia , Pvc Socket/Coupling 110 Mm Dia , Pvc Reducer 110X75 Mm Dia , Pvc Pipe 110 Mm Outer Dia. 4Kgf/Cm2 , Gravel 5 Mm To 10 Mm , Gravel 1.5 Mm To 2 Mm , Material - 75 Mm Valve , Flats Up To 10 Mm In Thickness , Mild Steel Round Bar 12 Mm Dia And Below , Fine Sand (Zone Iv) , Laterite Stone Of Size 35X20x20cm , Beam Clamp 300-380 Mm (450-1070 Mm) , Second Class Kail Wood In Planks , Second Class Kail Wood In Scantling , Hollock Ballies 125 Mm Diameter , Water Proof Ply 12 Mm Thick , Bolts And Nuts Up To 300 Mm In Length , Royalty For Good Earth , Average Rate Of Mild Steel Round Bars For Reinforcements , Stone Aggregate(Single Size): 06 Mm Nominal Size , Vitrified Floor Tile 60X60 Cm , High Polymer Modified Quickset Tile Adhesive , Ceramic Glazed Tiles Ist Quality Minimum Thickness 5 Mm In All Colours Shades And Designs Except Burgundy, Bottle Green Black , Black Plastic Seat (Soild) With Lid C.P.Brass Hinges And Rubber Buffers , Vitreous China Pedestal Type Wate Closet , Flushing Cistern P.V.C. 10 Lts Capacity (Low Level) (White) (With Fittings, Accessories And Flush Pipe) , Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink - Without Drain Board 470X420 Mm Bowl Depth 178 Mm , C.I. Bracket For Wash Basin And Sinks , Anjili Wood Planks