Rate Contract For R And C Laboratory Department Dr. Bbci Supply Of Laboratory Reagent Consumables And Chemicals , Qiaamp Dna Blood Mini Kit (50) , Magmax™ Ffpe Dna/Rna Ultra Kit , Qiaamp Dna Ffpe Tissue Kit (50) , Qiaamp Rna Blood Mini Kit (50) , Racked Filter Tips 1000 Ul , Racked Filter Tips 200 Ul , Racked Filter Tips 20 Ul , Racked Filter Tips 10 Ul , 1.5 Ml Microtube , 0.5 Ml Tube , 0.2 Ml Tube Flat Cap Pcr Tube , 2 Ml Microtube , Pcr Master Mix 2X , Semi Skirted 96 Wells X 0.2 Ml Plate , Nuclease-Free Water , Kim Wipes , Tissue Roll , Trizol™ Reagent 200 Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol , Chloroform , Absolute Alcohol Mb Grade , Ultrapure™ Dnase/Rnase-Free Distilled Water , Red Blood Cell Lysing Buffer(10X) , 10X Tbe , 10X Tae , Agarose Low Eeo , Etbr Solution , 6X Loading Dye , Dna Ladder 20 Bp (Dye Plus) , Dna Ladder 100 Bp (Dye Plus) , Dna Ladder50 Bp (Dye Plus) , Superscipt Cdna Synthesis Kit( With /Without Rnase Inhibitor) , Iscript Cdna Synthesis Kit , Trupcr Egfr Assay Kit 24 Kit , Trupcr Bcr-Abl1 Qualitative Kit , Trupcrbcr-Abl1 Quantitative Assay Kit , Trupcrbcr-Abl1 Transcript Screeningkit , Trupcrpml-Rara Qualitative Kit , Trupcr Pml Rara Quantitative Kit , Xylene Mb Grade , Maxiamp 0.2 Ml Tube Strips With Flat Cap , Adhesive Film For 96 Well Plate , 2-Mercaptoethanol 50Ml , 10X Pbs Solutionph 7.4 , Powder Free Nitrile Gloves Small , Powder Free Nitrile Gloves Medium , Absolute Alcohol , Rna Storage Solution , Low Retention 1.5 Ml Microtube , Low Retention 2 Ml Microtube , Low Retention Racked Filter Tips 1000 Ul , Low Retention Racked Filter Tips 200 Ul , Low Retention Racked Filter Tips 20 Ul , Low Retention Racked Filter Tips 10 Ul , Parafilm Roll , Ventana Roche Ki67 Mib1 Antibody 5Ml , Cd 56 Antibody 7 Ml , Ish I View Blue Detection Kit , Inform Eber Probe Kit , Mum 1 Antibody , E-Cadherin Antibody , Cytokeratin (Clone : Ae1 & Ae3) , Anti Human Globulin 1 X 10 Ml , Oct Compound Cat 6769006 , Orthopthaldehyde (Opa) Sundew Pharmaceuticals ,Pr , Fetal Bovine Serum(Fbs) 500 Ml Cat Rm1112 , Di Water Less Than 1Ppm Hardness , 90 Mm Petri Dish , Sterilzed Cotton Swab Stick , Frosted Microslideslide Tomo(Adhesive Glass Slides) , Spirit Rectified 450 Ml , Enzymatic Cleaner Cleaning Solution Neutral Ph Detergentfor Scope /Ot Instruments , Whatman Filter Paper No 146 X 57 Cm Pkt Of 100 , Micro Slides Glass Plain 76Mm X 26M X .95Mm Pkt Of 50Nos , Microslide 75Mm X 25Mm X 1.35Mm (1Pkt= 50 Slides) , Erba Cuvettes Single Reaction Src 10(1000),(For Transisi Commerce Analyser) , Erb Protine Ls 10 X 5 Ml , Tacrolimus Kit , Tacrolimus Accessories , Tacrolimus Calibrator , Csa Cyclospor In E Cat Df80 , Micro Tip(2-200Ml), (1Pkt=1000 Tips) , Micro Tips (20-1000 Ml) , Micropipette Tips0.5 Ml , Cover Slip 22Mm X 50Mm , Cover Slip Micro Square 22 X 22 Mm , Histopath Blocks White Embedding Rings , Multiparameter Reagent Stip For Urinalysis , Trupcr Bcrabl 1 Control Kit (Format -5 Batches) , Trupcr Bcrabl 1Kit (Format - 24 Rxn) , Micro Centrifuge Tube 1000Ul , Test Tubes 12 X 75 With Rim Autoclavable , Biopsy Forcep For Upper G J Endoscope Fb 24 K-1 , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Concentrate 500Ml , Isopropyl Alcohal 500 Ml , Microscopic Slide Tray , Hitech Spots 2Cm X 2Cm 200 Sheet (100 Spots) , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk Cefazoline Sd047 , Dtt 1Gm (Dithiothreitol) , Cell Freezing Medium , Dmos Serum Free , Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate Excelar 500Gm , Aluminium Casettes 23.5 X 14.5 Cm For Cryogenic(Storage Container) , Neutral Red Dye , Potassium Fericyanide , Sodium Hypochlorite Aquaclore 5% Usp Can Of 5 Ltr , Sodium Hypochlorite 1Ltr (Sodium Hypochlorite Blood Discard) , Ish Red Counter Stain Ii , Zn Acid Fast Stain Kit (K005 , Bags Blood Collection Transfer With Spikes 300 Ml (Terumo Penpol) , Tscd Wafer (Scxw017) , Aldehyde Free Powder Based Medical Device Disinfection 0.25%(1.5 Kg) , Coplin Jar Plastic , Irradiation Indicator Label Rad Tags 25Gy/Min Max Indicators Box Of 100Nos , Syto 13 Cat S7575 Molecular Probes , D0818 Sigma Aldrich Decalcifying Solution Lite Aqueous Sol 1 Ltr , Phloxine B 25 G , Centrifuge Tubes 15 Ml Conical Screq Cap Graduated Plastic Unsterile , Pencil Diamond For Glass Writhing , Sodalime Indicator 5Kg Can , Absolute Alcohol Pack Size 500 Ml , Lugos Iodine 500 Ml , Oxidase Disc , P 16 Antibody Clone E6h4 , Anti -Beta Catenin Antibody