
Tender For Regular Annual Maintenance Work Of Ramnagar Sps In Nagar Nigam Varanasi, Distt. Varanasi - Cleaning Of Silt/Sludge Deposite In The Sump-Well Of Ramnagar Sps With The Help Of Rope And Bucket By Manual Labour Disposal Of Taken Out Silt/Sludge And, Varanasi-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Regular Annual Maintenance Work Of Ramnagar Sps In Nagar Nigam Varanasi, Distt. Varanasi - Cleaning Of Silt/Sludge Deposite In The Sump-Well Of Ramnagar Sps With The Help Of Rope And Bucket By Manual Labour Disposal Of Taken Out Silt/Sludge And. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-12-2024. Tree Cutting Tenders in Varanasi Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Regular Annual Maintenance Work Of Ramnagar Sps In Nagar Nigam Varanasi, Distt. Varanasi - Cleaning Of Silt/Sludge Deposite In The Sump-Well Of Ramnagar Sps With The Help Of Rope And Bucket By Manual Labour Disposal Of Taken Out Silt/Sludge And
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Regular Annual Maintenance Work Of Ramnagar Sps In Nagar Nigam Varanasi, Distt. Varanasi - Cleaning of silt/sludge deposite in the sump-well of Ramnagar SPS with the help of rope and bucket by manual labour disposal of taken out silt/sludge and other garbage at suitable dumping place from the SPS. This work also includes all safety equipment such as gas mask, helmet, safety belt, hand globs and gumboots to prevent any casualty during working including supply of all labour T&P etc. complete 2 Cleaning of silt and sludge deposited in effluent pipe line, by pass effluent pipe line, chamberand dilution chamber under Ramnagar sewage utilization scheme with the help of manual labours through rope and bucket and disposal of taken out silt/sludge from the site at suitable dumping place up to 5 km including all labours T&P complete. 3 400 mm dia by pass line 150m 4 500 mm dia effluent line above colum 620m 5 Regular maintenance for removal of chokage of VNC pumps under Ramnagar sewege pumping stationincluding cleaning of both campus disposal of surplus malaba by hand trolley at suitable place as directed by site in-charge. The work includes arrangement of labour like sweepers etc. materials and T&P as required for proper maintenance of site. 6 Gardener Grass and small jungle tree cutting in dilution pump house campusand outer side of boundry wall above drain of SPS campus including supply of all labour ande T&P etc. 7 Hiring of 1 nos full skilled pump operater for operate pump at Sump and dilution pump . 8 Dismantling of existing plaster including disposal of materials as directed by Engineer-in-charge within a distance of 60m 9 Scraping old white or colour washing from wall including disposal of materials as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 10 12mm thick plaster with cement mortal in proporation (1:3) cement & coarse sand over brick-work minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (including extra rate of 70.15/sqm for plastering in spherical ceiling). 11 12mm thick plaster with cement mortal in proporation (1:4) cement & coarse sand over brick-work minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 12 Removing paint or varnishing with paint remover or caustic soda. 13 Painting or varnishing with valsper or high grade enamel or varnish one coat over previoulsy painted surface. 14 Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complet. 15 one priming and one coat dry destamper on new work 16 Dismantling Reinforcement cement concrete of damaged parts of roof of old main pumping station including disposal of rubbish ot the dumping ground within 50 metres lead. 17 Dismantling of brick work with cement mortar including supply of alllabour, material , T&P and disposal of surplus malaba as per direction of Engineer In -charge. 18 Cement concrete with 20mm gauge approved stone ballast, coarse sand and cement in the proporation of 3:1,5:1 including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 19 1st class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar required for reconstruction of boundary wall as per type design including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work 20 For super struture 21 Leakage reparing of effluent line including all labour material T&P etc completed in dilution pump campus as per direction Engineer-in-charge. 22 New CC Inter locking work with preparing of base by GSB & sand including dressing, ramming, watering and supply of all labour material T&P etc completed in dilution pump campus as per direction Engineer-in-charge. 23 For sefty providing sefty shoes/gumboot, Hand gloves, helmet, mask, senitizer, blower including pipe, florocent jackat & for fire sefty sand bucket & stand. 24 Supply and fixing of exahust fan at panel room in sewage pumping station. Including cutting of wall and reinstatement same. 25 Hiring of 1 Nos full skilled electrician for checking testing etc of electric pannel as well as changing of phase and other electric means such as bulb, light, fan, wiring fuse ,replacement of kit kat relay etc except than motor and pump. 26 Regular repairing and greesing of pump at sump well and dilution pump including dismantling, opening, greesing of shaft, bearing and lowering, testing etc as per direction by Enginner-in-Charge. 27 10 Hp 28 15 Hp 29 25 Hp 30 Dismantling of following pipe of efflurnt line 31 500mm RCC NP3 32 Supply of following pipe for efflurnt line 33 500mm RCC NP3 34 Laying and jointing of following pipe for efflurnt line 35 500mm RCC NP3 1.50m to 3.00m depth 36 Execavation of trench for sewer laying at following depth 37 0.00m to 1.50m depth 38 1.50m to 3.00m depth 39 Bedding for RCC NP3 pipe in 1:2:4 in cement, course sand and 20mm gauge stone ballast including supply of all material, labour, t&p etc complete. 40 1.50m to 3.00m depth 41 Binding of following moter after burnt including dismantling, lowering, disconnection & connection of wire, fitting, Testing etc comlete. 42 10 Hp 43 15 Hp 44 25 Hp

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-12-2024 Date corrigendum 02 Date 11-12-2024
2 30-11-2024 Date corrigendum Date 06-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5900 /-
INR 83000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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