
Tender For Work Related To Construction Of 04 No. 11/0.400 Kv New Substations In The Area Of ​​Electricity Distribution Division Dadri. - Additional 250Kva T/F At Nagar Palika Office S/S Dhoom Manikpur 2 Safe Carriage Of Following Stock Material, From A, noida-Uttar Pradesh

Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Tender For Work Related To Construction Of 04 No. 11/0.400 Kv New Substations In The Area Of ​​Electricity Distribution Division Dadri. - Additional 250Kva T/F At Nagar Palika Office S/S Dhoom Manikpur 2 Safe Carriage Of Following Stock Material, From A. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-12-2024. Substation Tenders in noida Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Work Related To Construction Of 04 No. 11/0.400 Kv New Substations In The Area Of ​​Electricity Distribution Division Dadri. - Additional 250Kva T/F At Nagar Palika Office S/S Dhoom Manikpur 2 Safe Carriage Of Following Stock Material, From A
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Work related to construction of 04 No. 11/0.400 kV new substations in the area of ​​Electricity Distribution Division Dadri. - ADDITIONAL 250KVA T/F AT Nagar Palika Office S/S Dhoom Manikpur 2 Safe carriage of following stock material, from any of the Store Center of PVVNL to work siteincluding Loading from Store and safe unloading at site for Item No. 3 to 15 3 ST POLE 11MTR 4 PCC POLE 8.5MTR 5 STONE PAD 6 T/F 250KVA 7 11KV CROSS ARM 8 11KV PIN INSULATOR 9 11KV FUSE SET 10 DROPPER CHANNEL 11 EARTHING COMPLETE 12 TOP CHANNEL 13 DISTRIBUTION BOX 14 LT PVC CABLE AL 1X400SQMM 15 LT AB CABLE 3X120SQMM 16 Errection of above Following material and Supply and errection of the DE-CENTRALISED material for completing the works as per RESPO. 17 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, 65x8mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, P.G.Clamp, Stone Pad, Al. Binding wire, E bracket 75x10mm, and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as any fabrication work if required & fixing of cross bracing sets 4.3mtr long, from G.I.Angle 65x65x6mm. The work includes cutting holes and providing G.I.Bolt of 16x40mm size, in the middle of the cross bracing with 01No. spring washer of proper size as per drawing/ as per schedule.Double Pole Structures(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 18 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, F bracket 75x10mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, Stone Pad Al. Binding wire and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as an fabrication work if required.Single Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 19 Grouting of supports in CC 1:3:6 (Cement, sand & 20mm stone grift). Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x1/6th of full length of the support, upto ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with C.C. 1:3:6 (Cement, Course sand and Stone grift) with muffing as per RESPO. Work includes back filling and proper ramming.Single Pole and Double Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 20 FIXING OF STONE PAD COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 21 FIXING OFMS TOP CHANNEL COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 22 FIXING OF CROSS ARM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 23 FIXING OF DROPPER CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 24 FIXING OF PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 25 FIXING OF DISTRIBUTION BOX AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 26 FIXING OF 11KV FUSE SET AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 27 CONNECTING OF LT PVC CABLE ALU. 1X400SQMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 28 Installation and Commissioning of 11/0.4 KV, 250 KVA T/F Mounted on Plinth as per site requirement and providing & fixing of Lugs & copper L-piece (04 No.) of size 400x50x6mm and making of L.T.Connectionswith complete work in all respects. 29 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of AB Cable 3x120sqmm at different locations of T/F as per site requirement. 30 Driving of MSearth rod of size20x2500 mm in earth andjointing through G.I. wire of 6 SWG between support and earth electrode by providing proper size of bolts and nuts for pole earthing. Supply Erection, fixing, grouting of stay rod in cement, sand and brick ballastin ration 1:4:8 in Block 600*600*300 mm with binding & nuzzlingincluding providing & fixing of stay insulator complete in all respect with grouting. (All Work and Material in the scope of Contractor) 31 Providing and Fixing of Clamp with Nut Bolt and Washer with complete work in all respect. 32 Providing and Fixing of Alu. Lugs 400sqmm as per site requirement. 33 Providing and Fixing ofcopper bus bar as per site requirement. 34 Providing and Fixing of Pearcing Clamps per site requirement. 35 Fabrication of T/F Chair Structure and Chair for 250KVA T/F as per site requirement. 36 Fabrication of Wiremes Fencing for 250KVA T/F as per site requirement. 37 Chemical Earthing of BODY AND NEUTRAL OF DISTRIBUTION T/F : Providing of earth elctrode strip in pipe terminal type chemical earthing proper hot deep galvanization dia 50 mm length 3 mtr down conductor size - 32mm x 6mmterminal connection hole dia 8mm The cavity between the strip & pipes is filled with condutive mixture - for hermetically filling inside the cavity i.e. between secondary conductor & primary conductor, crystline compound is to be injected in the electrode assembly. It is a combination of high conductivity metal alloys, copper & aluminum power, conductive carbon / cement and bonding material etc the electrode should be sealed from both the ends. The outer pipe of the elctrode should be zinc coated the characteristics of this compound is highly cnductive, non magnetic & non corrosive in G.I. Including providing of Pgs backfill compound each elctrode should be supplied with bags of 25 kg x 2 bfc compound (ground resistance enhancement powder 50 kgs each CPRI tested to connect the above chemical earthing with the GI strip of size 32 mm x 6 mm suitable for distribution transformer. 38 ADDITIONAL 100KVA T/F AT Mewatiyan near Adarsh nagar S/S Chithera 39 Safe carriage of following stock material, from any of the Store Center of PVVNL to work siteincluding Loading from Store and safe unloading at site for Item No. 40 to 57 40 T/F 100KVA 41 ST POLE 11MTR 42 PCC POLE 8.5MTR 43 STONE PAD 44 AB CABLE 3X120 45 WEASEL CONDUCTOR 46 T OFF CHANNEL 47 11KV PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN 48 11KV TOP CHANNEL 49 11KV DROPPER CHANNEL 50 S/S BASE ANGLE 51 STAY SET COMPLETE 52 LT XLPE 1X240 53 LT XLPE 1X35 54 3PHASE DISTRIBUTION BOX 55 11KV DISC INSULATOR 56 EARTHING COMPLETE 57 11KV FUSE SET 58 Errection of above Following material and Supply and errection of the DE-CENTRALISED material for completing the works as per RESPO. 59 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, 65x8mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, P.G.Clamp, Stone Pad, Al. Binding wire, E bracket 75x10mm, and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as any fabrication work if required & fixing of cross bracing sets 4.3mtr long, from G.I.Angle 65x65x6mm. The work includes cutting holes and providing G.I.Bolt of 16x40mm size, in the middle of the cross bracing with 01No. spring washer of proper size as per drawing/ as per schedule.Double Pole Structures(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 60 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, F bracket 75x10mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, Stone Pad Al. Binding wire and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as an fabrication work if required.Single Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 61 Grouting of supports in CC 1:3:6 (Cement, sand & 20mm stone grift). Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x1/6th of full length of the support, upto ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with C.C. 1:3:6 (Cement, Course sand and Stone grift) with muffing as per RESPO. Work includes back filling and proper ramming.Single Pole and Double Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 62 FIXING OF STONE PAD COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 63 FIXING OFMS TOP CHANNEL COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 64 FIXING OF S/S BASE ANGLE AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 65 FIXING OF DROPPER CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 66 FIXING OF T OFF CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 67 FIXING OF PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 68 FIXING OF DISC INSULATOR WITH FITTINGS AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 69 FIXING OF DISTRIBUTION BOX AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 70 FIXING OF 11KV FUSE SET AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 71 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X240QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 72 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X35QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 73 Installation and Commissioning of 11/0.4 KV, 100 KVA T/F Mounted on Plinth as per site requirement and providing & fixing of Lugs & copper L-piece (04 No.) of size 400x50x6mm and making of L.T.Connectionswith complete work in all respects. 74 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of AB Cable 3x120sqmm at different locations of T/F as per site requirement. 75 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of WEASEL CONDUCTOR as per site requirement. 76 Driving of MSearth rod of size20x2500 mm in earth andjointing through G.I. wire of 6 SWG between support and earth electrode by providing proper size of bolts and nuts for pole earthing. Supply Erection, fixing, grouting of stay rod in cement, sand and brick ballastin ration 1:4:8 in Block 600*600*300 mm with binding & nuzzlingincluding providing & fixing of stay insulator complete in all respect with grouting. (All Work and Material in the scope of Contractor) 77 Providing and Fixing of Clamp with Nut Bolt and Washer with complete work in all respect. 78 Providing and Fixing of Alu. Lugs 35sqmm as per site requirement. 79 Providing and Fixing ofSUSPENSION CLAMP as per site requirement. 80 Providing and Fixing of NUT BOLTS AND WASHER as per site requirement. 81 Providing and Fixing ofDead End Clamp as per site requirement. 82 Providing and Fixing of PEARCING CLAMP per site requirement. 83 Fixing, tightening & nozzling of stay set complete with wireand stay rod with the poles of required tension as per drawing, including providing & fixing of Stay Insulators of 11KV and Stay Clamps with Grouting of stay rods (20x1800)mm including all work of excavation, cement concrete in size (0.60x0.60x0.30)m in ratio 1:3:6 cement, sand, 20mm Stone grift) as per drg. Including back filling of soil and proper ramming etc. 84 ADDITIONAL 100KVA T/F AT Mahaveer Wala G Vihar S/S Chithera 85 Safe carriage of following stock material, from any of the Store Center of PVVNL to work siteincluding Loading from Store and safe unloading at site for Item No. 86 to 103 86 T/F 100KVA 87 ST POLE 11MTR 88 PCC POLE 8.5MTR 89 STONE PAD 90 AB CABLE 3X95 91 WEASEL CONDUCTOR 92 T OFF CHANNEL 93 11KV PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN 94 11KV TOP CHANNEL 95 11KV DROPPER CHANNEL 96 S/S BASE ANGLE 97 STAY SET COMPLETE 98 LT XLPE 1X240 99 EARTHING COMPLETE 100 LT XLPE 1X35 101 3PHASE DISTRIBUTION BOX 102 11KV DISC INSULATOR 103 11KV FUSE SET 104 Errection of above Following material and Supply and errection of the DE-CENTRALISED material for completing the works as per RESPO. 105 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, 65x8mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, P.G.Clamp, Stone Pad, Al. Binding wire, E bracket 75x10mm, and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as any fabrication work if required & fixing of cross bracing sets 4.3mtr long, from G.I.Angle 65x65x6mm. The work includes cutting holes and providing G.I.Bolt of 16x40mm size, in the middle of the cross bracing with 01No. spring washer of proper size as per drawing/ as per schedule.Double Pole Structures(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 106 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, F bracket 75x10mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, Stone Pad Al. Binding wire and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as an fabrication work if required.Single Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 107 Grouting of supports in CC 1:3:6 (Cement, sand & 20mm stone grift). Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x1/6th of full length of the support, upto ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with C.C. 1:3:6 (Cement, Course sand and Stone grift) with muffing as per RESPO. Work includes back filling and proper ramming.Single Pole and Double Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 108 FIXING OF STONE PAD COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 109 FIXING OFMS TOP CHANNEL COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 110 FIXING OF S/S BASE ANGLE AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 111 FIXING OF DROPPER CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 112 FIXING OF T OFF CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 113 FIXING OF PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 114 FIXING OF DISC INSULATOR WITH FITTINGS AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 115 FIXING OF DISTRIBUTION BOX AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 116 FIXING OF 11KV FUSE SET AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 117 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X240QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 118 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X35QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 119 Installation and Commissioning of 11/0.4 KV, 100 KVA T/F Mounted on Plinth as per site requirement and providing & fixing of Lugs & copper L-piece (04 No.) of size 400x50x6mm and making of L.T.Connectionswith complete work in all respects. 120 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of AB Cable 3x95sqmm at different locations of T/F as per site requirement. 121 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of WEASEL CONDUCTOR as per site requirement. 122 Driving of MSearth rod of size20x2500 mm in earth andjointing through G.I. wire of 6 SWG between support and earth electrode by providing proper size of bolts and nuts for pole earthing. Supply Erection, fixing, grouting of stay rod in cement, sand and brick ballastin ration 1:4:8 in Block 600*600*300 mm with binding & nuzzlingincluding providing & fixing of stay insulator complete in all respect with grouting. (All Work and Material in the scope of Contractor) 123 Providing and Fixing of Clamp with Nut Bolt and Washer with complete work in all respect. 124 Providing and Fixing of Alu. Lugs 35sqmm as per site requirement. 125 Providing and Fixing ofSUSPENSION CLAMP as per site requirement. 126 Providing and Fixing of NUT BOLTS AND WASHER as per site requirement. 127 Providing and Fixing ofDead End Clamp as per site requirement. 128 Providing and Fixing of PEARCING CLAMP per site requirement. 129 Fixing, tightening & nozzling of stay set complete with wireand stay rod with the poles of required tension as per drawing, including providing & fixing of Stay Insulators of 11KV and Stay Clamps with Grouting of stay rods (20x1800)mm including all work of excavation, cement concrete in size (0.60x0.60x0.30)m in ratio 1:3:6 cement, sand, 20mm Stone grift) as per drg. Including back filling of soil and proper ramming etc. 130 ADDITIONAL 100KVA T/F AT Royal Farnicher GT Road S/S Chithera 131 Safe carriage of following stock material, from any of the Store Center of PVVNL to work siteincluding Loading from Store and safe unloading at site for Item No. 132 to 148 132 T/F 100KVA 133 ST POLE 11MTR 134 PCC POLE 8.5MTR 135 STONE PAD 136 LT XLPE 1X35 137 T OFF CHANNEL 138 EARTHING COMPLETE 139 11KV PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN 140 11KV TOP CHANNEL 141 11KV DROPPER CHANNEL 142 S/S BASE ANGLE 143 STAY SET COMPLETE 144 11KV FUSE SET 145 AB CABLE 3X120sqmm 146 WEASEL CONDUCTOR 147 LT XLPE 1X240 148 3PHASE DISTRIBUTION BOX 149 Errection of above Following material and Supply and errection of the DE-CENTRALISED material for completing the works as per RESPO. 150 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, 65x8mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, P.G.Clamp, Stone Pad, Al. Binding wire, E bracket 75x10mm, and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as any fabrication work if required & fixing of cross bracing sets 4.3mtr long, from G.I.Angle 65x65x6mm. The work includes cutting holes and providing G.I.Bolt of 16x40mm size, in the middle of the cross bracing with 01No. spring washer of proper size as per drawing/ as per schedule.Double Pole Structures(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 151 The excavation of foundation pit in mix soil/normal soil/soft soil & hard rock as per site condition and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be (750x450)mm and having depth of 1/6th of the full length of the support. Erection of support, complete with providing & fixing of all G.I.Clamps size of 75x10mm, F bracket 75x10mm, G.I.Nut bolt & washer, Stone Pad Al. Binding wire and other accessories as per drawing. The work includes carriage and handling of supports from sectional store to pit site as well as an fabrication work if required.Single Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 152 Grouting of supports in CC 1:3:6 (Cement, sand & 20mm stone grift). Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x1/6th of full length of the support, upto ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with C.C. 1:3:6 (Cement, Course sand and Stone grift) with muffing as per RESPO. Work includes back filling and proper ramming.Single Pole and Double Pole(a) ST POLE 11MTR/PCC POLE 8.5MTR 153 FIXING OF STONE PAD COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 154 FIXING OFMS TOP CHANNEL COMPLETE WORK IN ALL RESPECT. 155 FIXING OF S/S BASE ANGLE AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 156 FIXING OF DROPPER CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 157 FIXING OF T OFF CHANNEL AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 158 FIXING OF PIN INSULATOR WITH PIN AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 159 FIXING OF DISTRIBUTION BOX AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 160 FIXING OF 11KV FUSE SET AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 161 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X240QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 162 CONNECTING OF LT XLPE CABLE 1X35QMM AS PER SITE REQUIREMENT. 163 Installation and Commissioning of 11/0.4 KV, 100 KVA T/F Mounted on Plinth as per site requirement and providing & fixing of Lugs & copper L-piece (04 No.) of size 400x50x6mm and making of L.T.Connectionswith complete work in all respects. 164 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of AB Cable 3x120sqmm at different locations of T/F as per site requirement. 165 Laying, Sagging and Re-Sagging of WEASEL CONDUCTOR as per site requirement. 166 Driving of MSearth rod of size20x2500 mm in earth andjointing through G.I. wire of 6 SWG between support and earth electrode by providing proper size of bolts and nuts for pole earthing. Supply Erection, fixing, grouting of stay rod in cement, sand and brick ballastin ration 1:4:8 in Block 600*600*300 mm with binding & nuzzlingincluding providing & fixing of stay insulator complete in all respect with grouting. (All Work and Material in the scope of Contractor) 167 Providing and Fixing of Clamp with Nut Bolt and Washer with complete work in all respect. 168 Providing and Fixing of Alu. Lugs 35sqmm as per site requirement. 169 Providing and Fixing ofSUSPENSION CLAMP as per site requirement. 170 Providing and Fixing of NUT BOLTS AND WASHER as per site requirement. 171 Providing and Fixing ofDead End Clamp as per site requirement. 172 Providing and Fixing of PEARCING CLAMP per site requirement. 173 Fixing, tightening & nozzling of stay set complete with wireand stay rod with the poles of required tension as per drawing, including providing & fixing of Stay Insulators of 11KV and Stay Clamps with Grouting of stay rods (20x1800)mm including all work of excavation, cement concrete in size (0.60x0.60x0.30)m in ratio 1:3:6 cement, sand, 20mm Stone grift) as per drg. Including back filling of soil and proper ramming etc.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 27-11-2024 E-Tender No. 47/2024-25, EUDC-II Noida 27-11-2024 Date 03-12-2024

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Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 4350.0 /-
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