
Request For Proposal Supply Of Lab Equipment’S For Eee Department, Katihar-Bihar

Department Of Science And Technology has published Request For Proposal Supply Of Lab Equipment’S For Eee Department. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-12-2024. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Katihar Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Request For Proposal Supply Of Lab Equipment’S For Eee Department
Open Tender

Tender Details

Request For Proposal Supply Of Lab Equipment’S For Eee Department-1 OCC and SCC of Synchronous Generator D.C. Motor– Alternator Setup Should consist of the following features Features : • Should have 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded arrangements. • All machines should be mounted on finely painted sturdy base frame with easy machine interchangeability. • Should be able to draw all graphs • Machines should operate upto 300W power levels & upto 1500 RPM. • Must use Trunnion mounted DC machine as Dynamometer for loading other machines with facility to measure shaft power using electronic torque / speed measurement • One Dynamometer type DC m/c per aluminum Rack with multiple panels A) Technical Specifications of interfacing panel rack - 1 No. Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system made up of Alluminium extruded profiles carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility. Should be able to hold following control panels with colorful overlay. B) Each control panel rack consists of : - Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel [10 Shrouded Banana] 1 No. •4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A . •DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . •Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . Integrated AC (1 phase) measurement panel 1 No. . •Bidirectional Multifunction Meter •3 Phase 3/4 wire, 415V, CT Input 5A •LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W •V.I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH Modbus RTU RS 485 3 Ph. Bidirectional power cum Energy meter panel --1 No. • Bidirectional Multifunction • 3 Phase ¾ wire, 415V, CT Input 5A • LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W • V,I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH • Modbus RTU RS 485 FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel --1 No. • FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. • Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V. 3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel --1 No. • Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each - 3 Nos. • Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way 6A/440 V. • DC Rotor excitation with circuit breaker (3Amp) • 1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel • 1 ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each. • 2 no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor. • 8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch. • 1 No. lamp holder with input sockets DC voltmeter & DC ammeter panel 1 No. a) DC voltmeter(0-300V) b) DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode c) Field failure relay to control Armature supply. d) 4A Circuit Breaker. • SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal conditioning panel --3 Nos • Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics. • Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg. to give output 0-2.5Vdc (FS). 3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field & AC generator field. • Provided with built in P/PI controller to keep DC motor (prime mover) speed constant while synchronizing 3 coupled 3 phase alternator with grid / other 3 phase alternator. Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel 1 No. (a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc Resistor Load Panel 1 No. Should have off position to run on no load. (1)AC Resistors = 10K/200WX3 phases/ 6 steps (2) DC Resistors = 750E/400W / 6 steps LC Load panel 1 No. (A) Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/1.5H/3H/400mAX3Nos. (B) Capacitive load =1.25m/2.5m/5m/415VX 3Nos. Variable AC & DC Supply Panel Variable O/P : AC 0-270V/3A Variable O/P : DC 0-250V/3A Following Essential accessories should be provided with trainer: A) Hand held tacho meter – 1 No. B) Shrouded patch chord – 118 C) Well written students workbook explaining at least 50 experiments with instructor guide. – 1 No. D) Demo CD to help student to work by themselves – 1 No. PC interface panels: 1) AC Multi parameter measurement meter (MMM)/Power Network analyzer • These MMM meters replace above since they offer modbus connectivity. • Modbus RS485 to USB converter needed – 2nos. 2) DC Current /Voltage Measurement Expt. Panel • DC current hall sensor (x2nos.): Closed Loop current measurement using Hall sensor IC (max. I/P upto 20A, 50/60Hz), Isolation = 2.1KV, Proportional O/P = 0 - 2.5V, 1 CH. • DC Voltage transducer (x2 nos): Using high speed opto coupler IC (max. up to 600Vdc), isolation = 2 KV, 1 CH. • Function Blocks Used : Precision rectifier (x 2 nos) with gain = 5, LPF (x2nos) with gain = 2, Span Zero Circuit to interface with ADC(0-2.5Vdc) for both current & voltage, only 1 functional block each supplied, 2nd , Field failure/zero current detector. Needs CIP panel to interface with PC USB port. 3) Computer Interface panel • Connects to PC USB port using USB IO module through 25 pin D (M) connector on CIP & type A to mini B cable. • 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with 1no input simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. • V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4-20mA (100E load) switch settable. • I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V 4) Software on CD: • Virtual Workbench package is a USB / serial modbus based software working on windows dot Net platform coupled with USB IO module useful as general purpose utility which supports different control strategies like Single or multi loop PID controllers, Fuzzy controller etc, Graph plotting in XY, XT & polar mode etc, Modbus interface, Data logging, Event trigger, inbuilt Function generator etc a. DC Integrated machine 1 No. Voltage : Varm = 180V, Vfield = 180V Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 2 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 6 terminals Rotor Construction : Should be Standard commutator / brush arrangement with laminated stack, brought out on 2 terminals Stator Construction : separately excited field winding with laminated pole solid yoke & series winding brought out on 4 terminals Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, trunion mounted Machine for use as Dynamometer with torque & speed sensors. Must be able to work as shunt/series/compound motor as well as generator. b. 3 Phase AC Integrated m/c - 1 No. Voltage : 415VAC, 50Hz Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 4 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 10 terminals Rotor Construction : must be Star connected, four terminals including star point brought out on 4 slip rings mounted on shaft. Stator Construction: Six terminals to be brought out to start the machine using STAR - DELTA Starter. Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, Application: Must work as slip ring wound rotor I.M, synchronous motor, & synchronous generator. Inclusive of 3 Years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. 2 Xd and Xq using Slip Test D.C. Motor– Alternator Setup Should consist of the following features Features : • Should have 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded arrangements. • All machines should be mounted on finely painted sturdy base frame with easy machine interchangeability. • Should be able to draw all graphs • Machines should operate upto 300W power levels & upto 1500 RPM. • Must use Trunnion mounted DC machine as Dynamometer for loading other machines with facility to measure shaft power using electronic torque / speed measurement • One Dynamometer type DC m/c per aluminum Rack with multiple panels A) Technical Specifications of interfacing panel rack - 1 No. Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system made up of Aluminum extruded profiles carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility. Should be able to hold following control panels with colorful overlay. B) Each control panel rack consists of : - Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel [10 Shrouded Banana] 1 No. •4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A . •DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . •Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . Integrated AC (1 phase) measurement panel 1 No. . •Bidirectional Multifunction Meter •3 Phase 3/4 wire, 415V, CT Input 5A •LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W •V.I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH Modbus RTU RS 485 3 Ph. Bidirectional power cum Energy meter panel --1 No. • Bidirectional Multifunction • 3 Phase ¾ wire, 415V, CT Input 5A • LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W • V,I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH • Modbus RTU RS 485 FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel --1 No. • FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. • Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V. 3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel --1 No. • Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each - 3 Nos. • Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way 6A/440 V. • DC Rotor excitation with circuit breaker (3Amp) • 1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel • 1 ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each. • 2 no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor. • 8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch. • 1 No. lamp holder with input sockets DC voltmeter & DC ammeter panel 1 No. a) DC voltmeter(0-300V) b) DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode c) Field failure relay to control Armature supply. d) 4A Circuit Breaker. • SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal conditioning panel --3 Nos • Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics. • Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg. to give output 0-2.5Vdc (FS). 3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field & AC generator field. • Provided with built in P/PI controller to keep DC motor (prime mover) speed constant while synchronizing 3 coupled 3 phase alternator with grid / other 3 phase alternator. Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel 1 No. (a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc Resistor Load Panel 1 No. Should have off position to run on no load. (1)AC Resistors = 10K/200WX3 phases/ 6 steps (2) DC Resistors = 750E/400W / 6 steps LC Load panel 1 No. (A) Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/1.5H/3H/400mAX3Nos. (B) Capacitive load =1.25m/2.5m/5m/415VX 3Nos. Variable AC & DC Supply Panel Variable O/P : AC 0-270V/3A Variable O/P : DC 0-250V/3A Following Essential accessories should be provided with trainer: A) Hand held tacho meter – 1 No. B) Shrouded patch chord – 118 C) Well written students workbook explaining at least 50 experiments with instructor guide. – 1 No. D) Demo CD to help student to work by themselves – 1 No. PC interface panels: 1) AC Multi parameter measurement meter (MMM)/Power Network analyzer • These MMM meters replace above since they offer modbus connectivity. • Modbus RS485 to USB converter needed – 2nos. 2) DC Current /Voltage Measurement Expt. Panel • DC current hall sensor (x2nos.): Closed Loop current measurement using Hall sensor IC (max. I/P upto 20A, 50/60Hz), Isolation = 2.1KV, Proportional O/P = 0 - 2.5V, 1 CH. • DC Voltage transducer (x2 nos): Using high speed opto coupler IC (max. up to 600Vdc), isolation = 2 KV, 1 CH. • Function Blocks Used : Precision rectifier (x 2 nos) with gain = 5, LPF (x2nos) with gain = 2, Span Zero Circuit to interface with ADC(0-2.5Vdc) for both current & voltage, only 1 functional block each supplied, 2nd , Field failure/zero current detector. Needs CIP panel to interface with PC USB port. 3) Computer Interface panel • Connects to PC USB port using USB IO module through 25 pin D (M) connector on CIP & type A to mini B cable. • 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with 1no input simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. • V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4-20mA (100E load) switch settable. • I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V 4) Software on CD: • Virtual Workbench package is a USB / serial modbus based software working on windows dot Net platform coupled with USB IO module useful as general purpose utility which supports different control strategies like Single or multi loop PID controllers, Fuzzy controller etc, Graph plotting in XY, XT & polar mode etc, Modbus interface, Data logging, Event trigger, inbuilt Function generator etc a. DC Integrated machine 1 No. Voltage : Varm = 180V, Vfield = 180V Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 2 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 6 terminals Rotor Construction : Should be Standard commutator / brush arrangement with laminated stack, brought out on 2 terminals Stator Construction : separately excited field winding with laminated pole solid yoke & series winding brought out on 4 terminals Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, trunion mounted Machine for use as Dynamometer with torque & speed sensors. Must be able to work as shunt/series/compound motor as well as generator. b. 3 Phase AC Integrated m/c - 1 No. Voltage : 415VAC, 50Hz Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 4 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 10 terminals Rotor Construction : must be Star connected, four terminals including star point brought out on 4 slip rings mounted on shaft. Stator Construction: Six terminals to be brought out to start the machine using STAR - DELTA Starter. Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, Application: Must work as slip ring wound rotor I.M, synchronous motor, & synchronous generator. Inclusive of 3 Years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. 3 Sequence Impedance of Alternator D.C. Motor– Alternator Setup Should consist of the following features Features : • Should have 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded arrangements. • All machines should be mounted on finely painted sturdy base frame with easy machine interchangeability. • Should be able to draw all graphs • Machines should operate upto 300W power levels & upto 1500 RPM. • Must use Trunnion mounted DC machine as Dynamometer for loading other machines with facility to measure shaft power using electronic torque / speed measurement • One Dynamometer type DC m/c per aluminum Rack with multiple panels A) Technical Specifications of interfacing panel rack - 1 No. Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system made up of Alluminium extruded profiles carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility. Should be able to hold following control panels with colorful overlay. B) Each control panel rack consists of : - Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel [10 Shrouded Banana] 1 No. •4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A . •DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . •Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . Integrated AC (1 phase) measurement panel 1 No. . •Bidirectional Multifunction Meter •3 Phase 3/4 wire, 415V, CT Input 5A •LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W •V.I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH Modbus RTU RS 485 3 Ph. Bidirectional power cum Energy meter panel --1 No. • Bidirectional Multifunction • 3 Phase ¾ wire, 415V, CT Input 5A • LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W • V,I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH • Modbus RTU RS 485 FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel --1 No. • FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. • Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V. 3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel --1 No. • Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each - 3 Nos. • Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way 6A/440 V. • DC Rotor excitation with circuit breaker (3Amp) • 1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel • 1 ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each. • 2 no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor. • 8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch. • 1 No. lamp holder with input sockets DC voltmeter & DC ammeter panel 1 No. a) DC voltmeter(0-300V) b) DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode c) Field failure relay to control Armature supply. d) 4A Circuit Breaker. • SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal conditioning panel --3 Nos • Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics. • Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg. to give output 0-2.5Vdc (FS). 3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field & AC generator field. • Provided with built in P/PI controller to keep DC motor (prime mover) speed constant while synchronizing 3 coupled 3 phase alternator with grid / other 3 phase alternator. Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel 1 No. (a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc Resistor Load Panel 1 No. Should have off position to run on no load. (1)AC Resistors = 10K/200WX3 phases/ 6 steps (2) DC Resistors = 750E/400W / 6 steps LC Load panel 1 No. (A) Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/1.5H/3H/400mAX3Nos. (B) Capacitive load =1.25m/2.5m/5m/415VX 3Nos. Variable AC & DC Supply Panel Variable O/P : AC 0-270V/3A Variable O/P : DC 0-250V/3A Following Essential accessories should be provided with trainer: A) Hand held tacho meter – 1 No. B) Shrouded patch chord – 118 C) Well written students workbook explaining at least 50 experiments with instructor guide. – 1 No. D) Demo CD to help student to work by themselves – 1 No. PC interface panels: 1) AC Multi parameter measurement meter (MMM)/Power Network analyzer • These MMM meters replace above since they offer modbus connectivity. • Modbus RS485 to USB converter needed – 2nos. 2) DC Current /Voltage Measurement Expt. Panel • DC current hall sensor (x2nos.): Closed Loop current measurement using Hall sensor IC (max. I/P upto 20A, 50/60Hz), Isolation = 2.1KV, Proportional O/P = 0 - 2.5V, 1 CH. • DC Voltage transducer (x2 nos): Using high speed opto coupler IC (max. up to 600Vdc), isolation = 2 KV, 1 CH. • Function Blocks Used : Precision rectifier (x 2 nos) with gain = 5, LPF (x2nos) with gain = 2, Span Zero Circuit to interface with ADC(0-2.5Vdc) for both current & voltage, only 1 functional block each supplied, 2nd , Field failure/zero current detector. Needs CIP panel to interface with PC USB port. 3) Computer Interface panel • Connects to PC USB port using USB IO module through 25 pin D (M) connector on CIP & type A to mini B cable. • 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with 1no input simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. • V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4-20mA (100E load) switch settable. • I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V 4) Software on CD: • Virtual Workbench package is a USB / serial modbus based software working on windows dot Net platform coupled with USB IO module useful as general purpose utility which supports different control strategies like Single or multi loop PID controllers, Fuzzy controller etc, Graph plotting in XY, XT & polar mode etc, Modbus interface, Data logging, Event trigger, inbuilt Function generator etc a. DC Integrated machine 1 No. Voltage : Varm = 180V, Vfield = 180V Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 2 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 6 terminals Rotor Construction : Should be Standard commutator / brush arrangement with laminated stack, brought out on 2 terminals Stator Construction : separately excited field winding with laminated pole solid yoke & series winding brought out on 4 terminals Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, trunion mounted Machine for use as Dynamometer with torque & speed sensors. Must be able to work as shunt/series/compound motor as well as generator. b. Salient Pole alternators:- 3 Phase - 1No. Voltage: 415VAC, 50Hz Capacity/RPM /Terminals : 300W/4 Pole m/c / 1500RPM Rotor Construction : Star connected, four terminals including star point brought out on 4 slip rings mounted on shaft. Stator construction : Separately excited field winding with laminated solid yoke, 4 pole brought out on 2 terminals Winding Temp. : A embedded Thermistor brought out on 2 eyelets mounted on terminal box for monitoring winding temperature Frame/ Mounting Shaft dia: 90 Frame, Chasis mounted 19mm dia. With easily swappable gear coupling Inclusive of 3 Years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. 4 Regulation efficiency of alternator using direct loading, synchronous impedance method and ZPF method D.C. Motor Alternator Setup Should consist of the following features Features : Should have 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded arrangements. All machines should be mounted on finely painted sturdy base frame with easy machine interchangeability. Should be able to draw all graphs Machines should operate upto 300W power levels & upto 1500 RPM. Must use Trunnion mounted DC machine as Dynamometer for loading other machines with facility to measure shaft power using electronic torque / speed measurement One Dynamometer type DC m/c per aluminum Rack with multiple panels A)  Technical Specifications of interfacing panel rack - 1 No. Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system made up of Alluminium extruded profiles carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility. Should be able to hold following control panels with colorful overlay. B)  Each control panel rack consists of : - Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel [10 Shrouded Banana] 1 No. pole MCB of 415 V/4A . 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . Integrated AC (1 phase) measurement panel 1 No. . Multifunction Meter Phase 3/4 wire, 415V, CT Input 5A display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W Pf, KVA, KW,KWH Modbus RTU RS 485 3 Ph. Bidirectional power cum Energy meter panel --1 No. Bidirectional Multifunction 3 Phase ¾ wire, 415V, CT Input 5A LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W V,I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH Modbus RTU RS 485 FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel --1 No. FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V. 3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel --1 No. Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each - 3 Nos. Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way 6A/440 V. DC Rotor excitation with circuit breaker (3Amp) 1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel 1  ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each. 2  no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor. 8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch. 1 No. lamp holder with input sockets DC voltmeter & DC ammeter panel 1 No. a)  DC voltmeter(0-300V) b)  DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode c)  Field failure relay to control Armature supply. d)  4A Circuit Breaker. SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal conditioning panel --3 Nos Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics. Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg. to give output 0-2.5Vdc (FS). 3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field & AC generator field. Provided with built in P/PI controller to keep DC motor (prime mover) speed constant while synchronizing 3 coupled 3 phase alternator with grid / other 3 phase alternator. Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel 1 No. (a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc Resistor Load Panel 1 No. Should have off position to run on no load. (1)AC Resistors = 10K/200WX3 phases/ 6 steps (2) DC Resistors = 750E/400W / 6 steps LC Load panel 1 No. (A) Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/1.5H/3H/400mAX3Nos. (B) Capacitive load =1.25 /2.5 /5 /415VX 3Nos. Variable AC & DC Supply Panel Variable O/P : AC 0-270V/3A Variable O/P : DC 0-250V/3A Following Essential accessories should be provided with trainer: A) Hand held tacho meter 1 No. B)  Shrouded patch chord 118 C)  Well written students workbook explaining at least 50 experiments with instructor guide. 1 No. D)  Demo CD to help student to work by themselves 1 No. PC interface panels: 1)  AC Multi parameter measurement meter (MMM)/Power Network analyzer These MMM meters replace above since they offer modbus connectivity. Modbus RS485 to USB converter needed 2nos. 2)  DC Current /Voltage Measurement Expt. Panel DC current hall sensor (x2nos.): Closed Loop current measurement using Hall sensor IC (max. I/P upto 20A, 50/60Hz), Isolation = 2.1KV, Proportional O/P = 0 - 2.5V, 1 CH. DC Voltage transducer (x2 nos): Using high speed opto coupler IC (max. up to 600Vdc),isolation = 2 KV, 1 CH. Function Blocks Used : Precision rectifier (x 2 nos) with gain = 5, LPF (x2nos) with gain = 2, Span Zero Circuit to interface with ADC(0-2.5Vdc) for both current & voltage, only 1 functional block each supplied, 2nd , Field failure/zero current detector. Needs CIP panel to interface with PC USB port. 3)  Computer Interface panel Connects to PC USB port using USB IO module through 25 pin D (M) connector on CIP & type A to mini B cable. 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with 1no input simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4-20mA (100E load) switch settable. I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V 4)  Software on CD: Virtual Workbench package is a USB / serial modbus based software working on windows dot Net platform coupled with USB IO module useful as general purpose utility which supports different control strategies like Single or multi loop PID controllers, Fuzzy controller etc, Graph plotting in XY, XT & polar mode etc, Modbus interface, Data logging, Event trigger, inbuilt Function generator etc a.  DC Integrated machine 1 No. Voltage : Varm = 180V, Vfield = 180V Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 2 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 6 terminals Rotor Construction : Should be Standard commutator / brush arrangement with laminated stack, brought out on 2 terminals Stator Construction : separately excited field winding with laminated pole solid yoke & series winding brought out on 4 terminals Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, trunion mounted Machine for use as Dynamometer with torque & speed sensors. Must be able to work as shunt/series/compound motor as well as generator. b.  3 Phase AC Integrated m/c - 1 No. Voltage : 415VAC, 50Hz Capacity/RP M/Terminals : 300W / 4 Pole m/c / 1500RPM 10 terminals Rotor Construction : must be Star connected, four terminals including star point brought out on 4 slip rings mounted on shaft. Stator Construction: Six terminals to be brought out to start the machine using STAR - DELTA Starter. Chasis mounted, 19mm dia, Application: Must work as slip ring wound rotor I.M, synchronous motor, & synchronous generator. c.   Test gear for Synchronizing of 2Nos. Of 3 phase Generator (3 phase AC machines) consist of one set of Synchroscope panel with 3X2 lamps, Sync Switch, essential accessories like connecting cables, students workbook, patch cords etc. Inclusive of 3 Years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. Total Quoted Price : ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS LAB Sr. No Items Specifications 1 LCR METER Product Features:- Comprehensive range of functions, L, C, R, Z, Q, D, theta Measurement accuracy 0.25% Test frequency standard 100 Hz / 1 kHz Series or parallel mode Auto ranging & Auto computing Low accuracy prompt 4 point measurement technique Front panel zero compensation Compact & low cost 2 MEASUREMENT OF SELF INDUCTANCE BY MAXWELLS BRIDGE FEATURES Circuit is engraved and components are mounted on the top ofthe Bakelite Sunmica panel for better and clear understanding. 1 KHz sine wave oscillator of variable amplitude. One Decade Resistance Dial is provided on the board for measurement. One Variable Resistance (Ten Round Pot of Resistance of 1000 Ω ). One Decade Inductance Dial is provided on the board for measurement. Few Unknown Inductances are provided on the board for study. Digital Meter for null detector find the null point. A complete working manual containing theory, circuit detailsand operating procedure is supplied with the experimental board. For assembling the circuit, stackable type connecting leads are supplied with the experimental board for easy and perfect interconnections. 3 MEASUREMENT OF SELF INDUCTANCE BY HAYS BRIDGE FEATURES Circuit is engraved and components are mounted on the top ofthe Bakelite Sunmica panel for better and clear understanding. 1 KHz sine wave oscillator of variable amplitude. One Decade Resistances Dial is provided on the board for measurement. One Variable Resistance (Ten Round Pot of Resistance of1000 ). One Decade Capacitors Dial is provided on the board for measurement. Few Unknown Inductances are provided on the board for study. Digital Meter for null detector find the null point. A complete working manual containing theory, circuit detailsand operating procedure is supplied with the experimental board. For assembling the circuit, stackable type connecting leads are supplied with the experimental board for easy and perfect interconnections. 4 MEASUREMENT OF SELF INDUCTANCE BY ADERSONS BRIDGE FEATURES Circuit is engraved and components are mounted on the top ofthe Bakelite Sunmica panel for better and clear understanding. 1 KHz sine wave oscillator of variable amplitude. DC Fixed supply provided on the board. Two Decade Resistances Dials are provided on the board for measurement. One Variable Resistance (Ten Round Pot of Resistance of1000 ). One Decade Capacitors Dial is provided on the board for measurement. Few unknown inductances are provided on the board for study. Digital Meter for null detector find the null point. A complete working manual containing theory, circuit detailsand operating procedure is supplied with the experimental board. For assembling the circuit, stackable type connecting leads are supplied with the experimental board for easy and perfect interconnections. 5 MEASUREMENT OF SELF INDUCTANCE BY OWENS BRIDGE FEATURES Circuit is engraved and components are mounted on the top ofthe Bakelite Sunmica panel for better and clear understanding. 1 KHz sine wave oscillator of variable amplitude. One Variable Resistance (Ten Round Pot of Resistance of 1000 Ω ). One Decade Capacitors Dial is provided on the board for measurement. Few Unknown Inductances are provided on the board forstudy. Digital Meter for null detector find the null point. A complete working manual containing theory, circuit detailsand operating procedure is supplied with the experimental board. For assembling the circuit, stackable type connecting leads are supplied with the experimental board for easy and perfect interconnections. 6 TO STUDY PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMER (3 PHASE) AND ITS APPLICATION IN CALIBRATION OF THREE PHASE ENERGY METER Control Board :- Rust free powder coated control board made up of high grade Fibre moulded body (FRP) of minimum thickness 4 mm for better safety and in compliance with IS3021/IEC60335-1, tested from NABL accredited Lab. Shock proof banana jack terminal (BS-10), BS10 safety terminals are in compliance with IS302-1/IEC60335-1, tested from NABL accredited Lab. The Enclosure is open from front side for fitting of Engraved diagram Bakelite plate. Back side door is with hinges & lock for open the door from back side suitable for table mounting. The Control panel should be provided to fit the instruments mentioned below of Size L - 1220mm x H- 610mm x D - 230mm. The control panel should be mounted on M.S. Angle frame of size 35mm x 35mm x 4mm of height 760 mm with provision for grouting on floor through fasteners. The frame should have extended platform with hinges made of 19mm plyboard with sunmica fitted top of size 1220mm x 305mm. Trainers and Machines should be from NSIC registered manufacturing unit. (i)                                     Digital AC Voltmeter Micro-controller based, NABL Certified, 0-500V 1 No. (ii)                                   Digital AC Ammeter Micro-controller based, NABL Certified, 0-5A 1 No. (iii)                                 Three Phase Energy Meter 1 No. (iv)                                FP MCB 10 Amp 01 No. (v)                                  Indicating Lamps LED type 16 mm dia 3 Nos. (vi)                                Insulating Terminals. (vii)                              Patch chords. (viii)                            Instruction manual. Additional Accessories Compulsory Items (Externally Connected) require to conduct experiment (i)                                    Phase Shifting Transformer Rotary type of capacity 0.5 KVAhaving primary winding on stator and secondary winding onrotor side, all 6 terminal of stator and 4 teminal of rotor should be bought on the top of the transformer fitten on bakelite sheet through BS-10 safety terminals. (ii)                                 Portable 3 Phase Wattmeter, NABL Certified, dynamometertype with anti parallax mirror with 150 mm knife edgepointer enclosed in engineering plastic case, 2.5 Amp, 500V - 1 No. Total Quoted Price : BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Sr. No Items Specifications 1 To verify KVL & KCL. To verify superposition Theorem To verify Thevenin’s and Nortons theorem. To verify Maximum Power transfer theorem. Salient Features • Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. • Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. •Hands on learning by constructing circuits using built in power bread board panel as well as using Discrete component panel. •Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS •Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / 1A. & ± 12V, 1A. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated), 0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated High Volt DC 15V to 110V, 100Ma, AC Supply : 12-0-12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. •Built in Function Generator – O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : 1 Hz to 1MHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage ± 400mV ( + 50% modulation) •Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. •Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. •Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. •BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. •Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto 1MHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. •2 / 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. •Onboard DPMs provided with mode/range selection. (A) DC volt : 2V/200V - 1No. (B) DC current : 2mA/200mA - 1No. (C) DC Volts/Current : 20V/200mA - 1No. •Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - 1No. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - 1No. •Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (1No.) •Onboard POTS : 1K - 1No. 1M - 1No. •Operating Voltage: 220/240Vac switch settable ±10%, 50Hz/60VA. DC, AC & Wave Shaping Circuit Experiment Panel : DC : Resistance, current & voltage measurements, Loading of Potentiometer, Ohms law, Power DC circuits, Series, parallel & mixed circuits, Kirchoffs law, Superposition theorem, Thevenins & Nortons theorems, Reciprocity, Compensation, Tellegen, Millman theorems & Maximum Power transfer theorem, Voltage distribution of capacitors in series & parallel, total capacitance of capacitors in series & parallel, charging & discharging of capacitor through resistance & time constant, Wheatstones Bridge, 2 Port Network Y, Z,h, ABCD Parameters & Star Delta Network, T & Pi attenuators. AC : AC Voltage & Current Measurements - R-L series, R-C series, R-L-C series circuit (Series Resonance). R - L parallel, R-C parallel, R-L-C parallel(Parallel Resonance), Active, Reactive power & power factor(Vector Diagram), average & RMS Value measurement. Wave Shaping: Differentiator, Integrator, Clipping, Clamping, Passive filters LC / RC, LPF/ HPF Inclusive of 3 years of onsite warranty and trainer should be safety aesthetically designed injection molded desk not wooden box (anti Green), not metallic box (Corrosive and shock possibility for the students). 2 To measure three phase power using two wattmeter methods. SALIENT FEATURES • Facilitates study of CT, PT tests. 3 ph., 1 ph., power measurement, calibration of energy meter, pf measurement etc. • Facilitates easy & safe wiring by students due to 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded socket arrangement for high voltage circuits. • Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & colorful screwless overlays showing circuit diagram & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding & connections. • Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook. • Digital multifunction meters for measurement of all parameters (V,I,W,PF,VA,VAR,Energy). • Short circuit protection due to over loading or wrong connections. • Measurement CTs & protection CT provided to plot magnetization curve of Cts. Technical Specifications A] Aluminum rack 4 x 3 profile sturdy Modular flat panel (table top) system, carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures (panel) to minimize shock possibility. Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel • 4 pole MCB of 415 V/2A . • DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . • Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . Integrated AC (1phase) measurement panel • Bidirectional Multifunction Meter • 3 Phase 3/4 wire, 415V, CT Input 5A • LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W • V.I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH • Modbus RTU RS 485 Integrated AC (3/1 phase) measurement panel • Digital meter (96X96mm) for measurement of 3Ø & 1Ø parameters. • Voltage line to line & line to neutral. • Current for all 3Ø up to 5A. • Power factor, frequency, watts, VAR, VA & energy in Kwhr. Potential Transformer [PT] Panel • Consists of 2 nos. of PTs (230V:24V secondary), 200VA with both primary &secondary terminated at shrouded 4mm sockets. • Null detection & balancing components- 2 capacitors (100pF, 0.001uF) & 47K, 33K resistors & 470K pot. Current Transformer [CT] Panel • Consists of 2 nos. of EI core CTs (5A:1A secondary) & 1 no. of ferrite CT (40A: 0.4A Sec.) with both primary & secondary terminated at shrouded 4mm sockets. • Null detection & balancing components- 3 capacitors (10uF, 1uF, 0.1uF) & 100E / 0.25W, 0.1E, 0.01E 5W resistors, 500E pot. Single Phase Input MCB Panel • 1 Ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 2nos. • 1 no. of Lamp Holder with input terminals. Lamp Load 230V /15/40/60/100W X 3 bulbs with individual ON/OFF using 6A toggle switch. Resistor Load panel (1) AC Resistors : 10K / 5K / 3.5K / 2.5K / 2K / 1.5K / OFF 200W x 3 phases / 6 taps. (2) DC Resistors : 750E / 600E / 300E / 212E / 162E / 125E/ 112E / 100E / 400W /8 taps + OFF + separate 60E tap for DC series Gen. LC Load panel (1) Inductive load : 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/1.5H/ 3H /400mA X 3Nos. (2) Capacitive load : 1.25u /2.5u/5u/415VX 3Nos Variable AC Voltage & current injector Panel • Variable AC voltage O/P : 0-270V/0.75A • Variable AC current O/P : 0-12 Amp Phase angle meter panel • Measure phase angle between two voltages (230/ 440 Vac, 50Hz) • Internally 2 Pts for isolation • 1 phase 300VA transformer with primary 0-230Vac & secondary 0 - 115 - 230Vac as sample to measure iron loss in transformer using Lloyd fisher square method List of Experiment : 1. Current transformer (CT) testing 2. Potential transformer (PT) testing 3. Calibration of single phase energy meter 4. Measurement of 3ø power by 2 wattmeter method 5. Measurement of 3ø power by 1 & 3 wattmeter method 6. Measurement of power in a 1ø AC circuit using 3 ammeter method 7. Measurement of power in a 1ø AC circuit using 3 voltmeter method 8. Find out filament resistence at cold & hot condition. 9. Power factor improvement technique using shunt capacitor 10. Study of testing of phase sifting Transformer 11. Study effect of grounding of the neutral point in a 3 ph. system. a) Solidly grounded neutral b) Resistance grounded neutral c) Floating neutral (ungrounded) 12. Plot the magnetization curve of measurement CT & Protection CT & determine knee point voltage. 13. Iron Loss Measurement in a Xmer using Lloyd fisher square method 14. Self & mutual inductance measurement of PT Inclusive of 3 years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. 3 To perform open and short circuit test on single phase transformer. Salient Features: • Facilitates study of transformer operation, determine its equivalent circuit, use of tertiary winding to suppress harmonics etc. • Facilitates easy & safe wiring by students due to 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded socket arrangement for high voltage circuits. • Each of following standalone Electrical trainers may need a set of associated panels which are mounted in a light weight sturdy aluminium flat demo panel system. • Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & colorful screw less overlays showing circuit diagram & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding & connections. • Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook. Technical Specifications Aluminum profile Sturdy Modular Flat Panel system, carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures (panel) to minimize shock possibility. Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel • 4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A . • DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . • Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A for 300VA or 3A -5A for 1KVA/3kVA. 3 Phase Bidirectional power cum Energy meter panel x 3 nos. • Bidirectional Multifunction Meter • 3 Phase 3/4 wire, 415V CT Input 5A • LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230V, 45-65 Hz, 5W • V.I., Hz, Pf, KVA, KW,KWH • Modbus RTU RS 485 (optional) FWD-OFF-REV switch panel • FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. 1 phase AC Input supply panel • 1 phase MCBs of 4A/1.6A - 2nos. • Bulb Load. AC voltmeter panel • Voltage range : 500V. • 1 pole 4 way switch to select line voltage for three phase Dual range AC ammeter panel • Current range:2A/6A selectable . • 1 pole 7 way switch to select phase current for three phase Milliohm (V-I method) / Rect/ CAP Load Panel • Transformer : 230V/14V/3A. • DC Voltmeter : ( 0 –10Vdc). • DC Ammeter : ( 0 –10A). • Diode bridge rectifier with Rectifying capacitor Resistive Load • AC Resistors 10K/5K/3.5K/2.5K/2K/1.5K/OFF (6 taps+1 OFF) 200W x 3 phase • DC Resistors 750E/600E/300E/212E/162E/ 125E/112E/100E/400W /8 taps + OFF + separate 60E tap for DC series Gen. Lamp Load • 230V/100W X3 bulbs with individual ON/OFF using 6A toggle. Parameters : • VA rating : 300VA • X mer type: 1 Phase/ 3 Phase • Construction : Double wound iron core EL STEP DOWN xmer/ Iron core strip lamination type step down Delta primary / Star secondary design. • Primary : 3 Nos. Isolated primaries 0-415/0.24A at 50Hz brought out on 3 x 4 sockets • Secondary : 3 Nos. Isolated windings groups main 110V/0.5A, zigzag 110V/0.5A, Tertiary 220V/0.25A brought out on 4 x 3 x 3 sockets. • Accessories: 3 Phase / 3 Amp. Variac (table top) List of experiments : 1. Study of Manufacturing Quality Tests. 2. Study of Insulation resistance test. 3. Study of Turns ratio test 4. Study of Polarity test. 5. Study of Performance tests. 6. Study of Open circuit test 7. Scott connection : Using 2 nos. of 1 phase Transformer 8. Study of Load regulation test. 9. Study of Back to back test (sumpner test) 10. Study of Winding temperature rise test. 11. Measurement of winding resistance by DC V–I method. 12. Study of effect of type of load on transformer output waveform 13. Study of Parallel operation of single-phase transformers 14. Study of Scott connection for 3phase to 2 phase conversion 15. Three phase transformers - basic configurations – their effect on capacity utilization regulation. 16. Study of Phasor Groups in 3 Phase Transformer connections 17. Study of Phasor Group1 connections in 3 phase Transformer. 18. Study of Phasor Group2 connections in 3 phase Transformer. 19. Study of Phasor Group3 connections in 3 phase Transformer. 20. Study of Phasor Group4 connections in 3 phase Transformer. 21. Study of using Tertiary winding on 3 phase transformers for suppressing harmonics. 22. Study of Load regulation, efficiency & Temp. rise test on 3 phase Transformers 23. Study of Manufacturing Quality Tests on 3 phase transformers 24. Study of Short circuit test 25. Determination of zero sequence reactance of 3 phase transformer. 26. Determination of equivalent circuit of 3 phase transformer 27. Self & mutual inductance measurement of 1 phase transformer 28. Determination of equivalent circuit of 3 phase transformer. Inclusive of 3 years of onsite warranty and trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there and shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords and shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students. 4 Basic safety precautions. Introduction and use of measuring instruments voltmeter, ammeter, multi-meter, oscilloscope. Real-life resistors, capacitors and inductors. SALIENT FEATURES • Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. • Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. •Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT •Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / 1A. & ± 12V, 1A. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated), 0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated High Volt DC 15V to 110V, 100Ma, AC Supply : 12-0-12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. •Built in Function Generator – O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : 1 Hz to 1MHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage ± 400mV ( + 50% modulation) •Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. •Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. •Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. •BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. •Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto 1MHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. •2 / 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. •Onboard DPMs provided with mode/range selection. (A) DC volt : 2V/200V - 1No. (B) DC current : 2mA/200mA - 1No. (C) DC Volts/Current : 20V/200mA - 1No. •Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - 1No. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - 1No. •Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (1No.) •Onboard POTS : 1K - 1No. 1M - 1No. •Operating Voltage: 220/240Vac switch settable ±10%, 50Hz/60VA DC, AC & Wave Shaping Circuit Experiment Panel : DC : Resistance, current & voltage measurements, Loading of Potentiometer, Ohms law, Power DC circuits, Series, parallel & mixed circuits, Kirchoffs law, Superposition theorem, Thevenins & Nortons theorems, Reciprocity, Compensation, Tellegen, Millman theorems & Maximum Power transfer theorem, Voltage distribution of capacitors in series & parallel, total capacitance of capacitors in series & parallel, charging & discharging of capacitor through resistance & time constant, Wheatstones Bridge, 2 Port Network Y, Z,h, ABCD Parameters & Star Delta Network, T & Pi attenuators. AC : AC Voltage & Current Measurements - R-L series, R-C series, R-L-C series circuit (Series Resonance). R - L parallel, R-C parallel, R-L-C parallel(Parallel Resonance), Active, Reactive power & power factor(Vector Diagram), average & RMS Value measurement. Wave Shaping: Differentiator, Integrator, Clipping, Clamping, Passive filters LC / RC, LPF/ HPF Discrete Component Panel : Panel with following discrete components : 7 Resistors, 5 diodes, 1 LDR, 1 Zener, 3 NPN transistors, 1 PNP transistors,1 UJT, 4 Capacitors, 1 HV Capacitors, 2 SCR, 2 FET & MOSFET, 1 12V RELAY, 3 Inductors,1 Linear pot, 1 Triac, 1 Audio transformer, 1 PUT, 1 HW Resistor, 1 DIAC, 92 Banana sockets for patch cording to construct various circuits. Digital multimeter TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1) General 1.1 Displaying: LCD displaying 1.2 Max. indication: 1999 (3 ½), auto polarity indication 1.3 Measuring method: Dual slop A/D transfer 1.4 Sampling rate: Approx. 3 times / sec 1.5 Over range indication: MSD display “1” or “-1” 1.6 Low battery indication: “ “ symbol displays 1.7 Operation: “0 ~ 40” 0C, relative humidity <80% 1.8 Power: One 9V battery 1.9 Size: 189x97x35 (LxWxH) 1.10 Weight: Approx. 375g (including a battery 1.11 Accessories: Test leads, User manual, holster, gift box and 9Vbattery 1.12 Testing accessories: A pair of alligator clip, a test accessory of hF, K-type hot thermocouple (banana shape plug) Colour Digital Storage Oscilloscope 100mhz 1gs/S With FFT Specifications Horizontal •Bandwidth : DC - 100MHz •Channels : 2 •Bandwidth Limits : 20MHz (-3dB) •Sample Rate : 1GS/s •Sample Mode : Real Time •Sample Memory Dept: 40 K •Time base range : 4ns/div~80s/div •Time base accuracy : ±50ppm •Display Type : 7 inch LCD color ( 800X 480 pixels ) •Display Language : English Input •Mode : Sample, peak detect, averaging •Input coupling : DC, AC, GND, •Input impedance : 1MΩ ± 2% in parallel with 20pF ± 3pF •Probe attenuation factors: 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X •Maximum input voltage: 300 VRMS ( 420V pk-pk ~ CAT I & CAT II ) Vertical •Vertical resolution : 8 bits •Vertical sensitivity : 2mV/div~5V/div (input to BNC) •Rising time (typical on BNC) : 3.5nS •Accuracy : ± 3% Trigger •Trigger Source : Ch1, CH2, Line, External •Trigger Modes : Auto, Normal, Single, Edge •Trigger Coupling : AC, DC, LF Reject, HF Reject •Trigger Sensitivity : DC to 100MHz: 200mV •Trigger Level Range : CH1,CH2 : ±8 Division from Center of Screen Interface •USB Measurement system •Automatic measurement Frequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cyclic RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Pulse width, -Pulse width, Delay 1-2 Rise, Delay 1-2 Rise, Delay 1-2 Fall, +Duty,-Duty, Vbase, Vtop,Vmid,Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, BWIDTH, FRF, FFR,LRR,LRF,LFR,LFF •Waveform math : + ,-, x,÷ •Waveform storage : 10 waveform, 10 setups •Lissajous figure : Available •FFT window : Hanning, hamming, blackman, rectangle •FFT acquisition points : 1024 points Power Supply •AC230V, 50Hz 5 Star to Delta and Delta to Star conversion of the three circuit. Aluminum rack 4 x 1 profile sturdy Modular flat panel (table top) system, carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures (panel) to minimize shock possibility. Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel • 4 pole MCB of 415 V/2A . • DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . • Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A - 2.3A . FWD/REV ,Star-Delta starter panel [12 Shrouded Banana] 1 No. • FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF,6A/440V. • Star/Delta switch 3 pole ,3 way with centre OFF,6A/440V. Lamp Load 230V /15/40/60/100W X 3 bulbs with individual ON/OFF using 6A toggle switch.

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