Auction Sale Of Cond. And U/S Melting Scrap Such As Cond. End Shield, Anchors, Connecting Rod, Elbow, Centre Pivot, Bss Hanger, Narrow Jaw Adapter, Screw Coupling, Tie Bar, Draw Bar Hook, Welding Test In Full/Cut/Single/Fabricated Pieces, Push Rod, Lever, Cut Parts Of Cattle Guard, End Shield, Stator W/O Coil, Knuckle, Adapter, Axle Guide, Cut Brake Beam, Brake Wheel Lever, Side Pillar, Anti Falling Atd Rod, Pull Rod, Shaft, Toothed Segment, Tamping Tool, Racer, Portable Drilling Machine Chucks, Air Brake Components, Wagon/Coach Cut Up Parts, Supporting Plate, Cbc Pin, Bogie Frame Cut Ups, Sleeves, Brake Head With/Without Brake Block Attachments, Adjustable Pull Rod & Safety Chain, Brake Gear Components, Slack Adjuster, Crow Bar, Adapter, Angle, Channel, Plate, Rod, Different Types Of Cocks, Pipe, Rings, Brake Anchor, Anchor Block, Buckle, Box, Pin, Rivet, Bolt, Back Bush, Anvil Smith, Pedal Switch & Base, Stay Plate, Inner & Outer Rings Of Bearing, Air Dryer, Connecting Rod, Brake Gear Components, Screw Coupling,Spring Holder Plate Assembly, Crank Shaft Assembly, Cylinder Linear Centering Disc, Double Hook Chain, Chain Of Various Sorts And Sizes, Alternator End Shield, Modified Hanger, Weighing Machine Weights, Test Bar & Hardness Table, Parking Brake Link, Axle Box Inner Cover, Tension Rod, Tensioning Rod Gauge Plate, Pin Punches, Pinch Bar, Nut, Wide Jaw Adapter, Narrow Jaw Adapter, Top Housing, Door Chainless Cotter, Cc Pad, Control Rod, Fabricated Side, Cut Off Angle Cock And All Released M.S. Components Of Rolling Stock/Carriage/Wagon/Loco. All The Above Items Are Of All Sorts, Bss Hanger(Shackle Pin), Bogie Brake Gear Components, Shapes And Sizes In Full/Broken/Cut/Dismantled In As Is Where Is Condition. Pl.No. 98050126. Custodian: Cdms-Rsf-Gsd-Per. Location: Bin Inote: 1) During Delivery Any Major Non Ferrous Items Found The Same May Be Handed Over To Custodian.