Provision of lighting arrangement in Municipal Park near house no A-60 & A-23 Ashok Vihar phase 3 in ward no 66in AC-17under Keshav Puram Zone.-Provision of lighting arrangement in Municipal Park near house no A-60 & A-23 Ashok Vihar phase 3 in ward no 66in AC-17under Keshav Puram Zone., DSR DAR ELECTRICAL-2022, DAR ELECTRICAL (WITH CP ONLY)-2022, DAR CIVIL-2018 and approved items; 1 DSR ITEM 2 5.1:Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 metre long, 40 mm dia including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe etc. (but without charcoal/ coke and salt ) as required. 3 5.18:Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing along with existing surface/ recessed conduit/ submain wiring/ cable as required. 4 7.5.1:Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required.Upto 35 sq. mm 5 7.6.1:Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing masonry open duct as required.Upto 35 sq. mm 6 14.16.1.a:Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe lSI marked along with all accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc. conforming to IS 14930, Part II complete with fitting and cutting, jointing in ground (75 cm below ground level) including excavation and refilling the trench but excluding sand cushioning and protective covering etc. , complete as required.63 mm dia (OD-63 mm & ID-51 mm nominal) 7 14.15.1:Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc. conforming to IS 14930, Part II complete with fitting and cutting, jointing etc. in the existing trench, complete as required.63 mm· dia (OD-63 mm & ID-51 mm nominal) 8 OD4565/2024-2025:Supply and fabrication of pole protection system made up of 8SWG steel wire mesh of size25mmx75mm rectangular with 50mmx50mmx6mm MS angle iron for supporting the mesh and grounding the protection system in suitable quality of CC etc as reqd. 9 OD4566/2024-2025:Installationof LED Street Light/Flood Light on new light pole up to 12m ie. Connection etc. as required. 10 OD4872/2024-2025: Fabrication, supply & erection of 4.0 mtr height, minimum 3mm thick, bottom dia of 130mm & top dia of 70mm, base plate of size 225x225x12mm thick flange mounted hot dip galvanized octagonal pole made from HT steel plate ,window with flash cover with full vertical window cover at appropriate height from the base plate on existing cement concrete pedestal as required. i/c supplying and fixing of 6 mm thick laminated mounted sheet inside the windowand i/c providing and welding 3 nos. GI strips 4 mm thick of suitable length and having suitable size tapped holes as reqd, terminal block suitable for 25 sq mm conductor – 4 nos. & shorting links on DIN channel i/cpdg and fixing DIN channel of suitable length,, 6 Amp. SPMCB ‘C’ curve characteristics, earth stud, cable support clamp suitable for upto 4x25 sqmm cable. Logo/Name of manufacturer shall be either embossed or Rivited plateon the pole. Galvanization as per relevant IS code required. 11 OD4873/2024-2025:Fabrication,Supplying,Installation,testing,Commissioning of 12 mts.high mast System with its accessories ,Mast shaft shall be in one section , hot dip galvanized 4mm thick(Single dip ) inside & out sides &suitable for wind velocity as per IS 875 part3 .There shall be in longitudinal seam weld per section and No circumferential weld. It should also included accessories For Semi High Mast head frame ,2 point suspension system , 5X2.5 sqmm Copper conductor with steel wire steel wire rope 5mm dia. (7/19construction) single drum winch ,galvanized lantern carriage arrangement suitable for 4/6 Nos. Flood Light luminariessymmetrically And its control gears boxes and lighting finial ,the mast shall have integral type manual tool mounted at the base compartment of its raising and lowering operation with foundation bolts and Anchor plate and control panelhousing suitable RCC (1:2:4) shallowfoundation of size 1m(L) x 1m wide and 2m deep i/c excavation of earth, providing cutting, bending and placing in position, reinforcement of cold twisted bars of 12 mm dia -2100mm long (approx.) - 16 nos.and reinforcement of cold twisted bar of 8 mm dia - 3700 mm (approx.) - 13 nos. (with 150 mm spacing) as required with positioning of foundation bolts and providing DWC HDPE pipe for cable entry & exit as required for the high mast considering The safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10T/sqm at 2mts. Depth with all material i/c 4Nos S.P MCB,1 no Double pole 16Amp.MCB etc as reqd. Logo/Name of manufacturer shall be either embossed or Rivited plate on the pole. Galvanization as per relevant IS. 12 OD5073/2024-2025:Providing and laying in position M25 grade reinforced cement concrete foundation of size 450 mm (L) ×450 mm (W) and 1000 mm deep i/c excavation of earth, providing cutting, bending and placing in position, reinforcement of cold twisted bars of 12 mm dia- 960 mm long(approx)-8 nos. and reinforcement of cold twisted bars of 8 mm dia- 1400 mm (approx) -6 nos.(with 150 mm spacing) as required with supplying and positioning of 4 nos. foundation bolts16 mm dia,600 mm long, J type i/c 2 nos. template anchor plates of size 225mm×225mm×3mm and providing DCW HDPE for cable entry and exit as required for 3 m and 5 mtr pole. 13 Approved Rate Items 14 122.1.3:Supply of XLPE insulated PVC sheathed Al. Conductor Armoured Cable 1.1KV grade conforming to IS-7098 of following size:-2C*10 sqmm 15 122.1.55:Supply of PVC insulated and FR PVC Sheathed multicore copper conductor 1.1KV grade, conforming to grade IS 694 as required . 3*1.5 16 122.2.17:Fabrication, supplying and fixing class B galvanised double overhang arm bracket made out of 250mm long galvanised top tube with cap and 250mm long 32 mm dia galvanised pipes with tightening bolts complete as required. 17 122.2.15:Fabrication, supplying and fixing class B galvanised single overhang arm bracket made out of 250mm long galvanised top tube with cap and 250mm long 32 mm dia galvanised pipe with tightening bolts complete as required. 18 122.2.25:Providing and fixing of Stainless steel name plate of size 6×8 sq inch made of 20 gauge sheet including engraved name of area representative duly painted along with SS clamp nut bolt etc as required 19 122.2.24:Providing and laying of HDPE PIPE OF 40mm outer dia with PN 4 rating by hand Moling/Mannual method Confirming to IS 4984 592 20 DAR-CIVIL 21 110.10:Providing and fiving name board made of MS Sheet 90x60cm, 1mm thick with frame of MS angle 50x50x6mm, two diagonal braces at the back of the sheet of MS flat 40x6mm, total height of the board above ground level 2.40m, length of legs below ground 0.30m embedded in CC block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 30x30x45cm including excavation and removal of surplus earth with in 50m lead, applying priming coat of approved steel primer, painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and lettering with enamel paint of approved colour (one side) as per drawing/direction of Engineer-in-Charge