Tender For Supply Of Various Ophthalmic Items - Bonn eye scissors, sharp-sharp, straight, 3.5 inch, SS Conjunctival miniature coment scissors, curved, 4.5 inch, 55 DeWecker iris scissors, blunt-sharp tips, 4.5 inch, 55 Enucleation scissors, full-curved, 5 inch, SS Enucleation scissors, half-curved, 5 inch, 55 Intraocular scissors, curved 2mm blade, squeeze action handle, Titanium Intraccular scissors, straight 2mm blade, squeeze action handle, Titanium Iris scissors, angled, 3.5 inch, SS Iris scissors, curved, 3.5 inch, SS Iris scissors, straight, 3.5 inch, SS Knapp Strabismus Scissors, curved, 4.5 inch, SS Knapp Strabismus Scissors, straight, 4.5 inch, SS McPherson-Westcott stitch scissors, curved blunt tip, 4.5 inch, 55 McPherson-Westcott stitch scissors, curved pointed tip, 4.5 inch, SS Osher IOL scissors, angled, with microserrated odge, 3.5 inch, SS Standard eye scissors, blunt, curved, 4 inch, SS Standard eye scissors, blunt, straight, 4 inch, SS 215 Stevens tunotomy scissors, blunt, straight, 3.5 inch, SS Stevens tenotomy scissors, blunt, straight, 4.0 inch, SS Stevena tanotomy scissors, long, pointed, curved, 4.5 inch, SS Stevens tenotomy scissors, long, pointed, straight, 4.5 inch, 55 Stevens tenotomy scissors, pointed, straight, 3.5 inch, 55 Stevens tenotomy scissors, pointed, straight, 4.0 inch, 55 Troutman-Castroviejo micro corneal seimors, right, 3.5 inch, SS Trouman-Castroviejo micro corneal scissors, left, 3.5 inchs, SS Troutman-Castroviejo Comeoscleral Scissors, Medium Blades, Left, 4.0 inch, 55 Troutman-Castroviejo Corneoscleral Scissors, Medium Blades, Right, 4.0 inch, SS Uthoffcapsulotomy scissors, curved 10 mm hlades, Titanium Vannascapsalotomy scissors, angled 6.0 mm bladen, SS Vannescapsalotomy scissors, angled, 11 mm blade, SS Vannascapsalotomy scissors, curved 11 mim blades, SS Vannescapsulotomy scissors, curved 1.0 mm blades, SS Vannasuapsulotomy scissors, curved 6.0 mm blades, SS Vannascapsulotomy scissors, straight 6.0 mm blades, SS Vannancapsulotomy scissors, straight, 11 mun binde, SS Westcon tenotomy schaors, curved, 3.5 inch, Titanium Westcott tenotomy scissors, straight, 3.5 inch, Titanium Ayer Chalazion Forceps, With Stop 5crew, I mm dia, 3.5 inch, 55 Ayer Chalazion Forenps, With Stop Screw, 11 mm dia, 3.5 inch, 55 Backham Towed Clamp, straight, 3.50 inch, 88 Backhaus Towel Clamp, curved, 3.50 inch, SS Barraqoor Cilia Forceps, 4.5 inch, 155 Bishop Harman time forceps, 1X2 teeth, 0.3 mm fip, 3.5 inch, Titanium Hishop Harmum tinus forceps, 1X2 teeth, 9.5 mm tip, 3.5 inch, Titanium Bishop Harmon tissue forceps, 1X2 teeth, 0.9 mm tip, 3.5 inch, Titanium Castroviejo Colibri corenal forceps (1X2 Teeth), 0.12 mm tip, 3.5 inch, Titanium Castroviejo forcepso (1X2 Teuth), 0.3 min tip, 3.5 inch, Thanium Castroviejo forceps (1X2 Teeth), 0.5 min tip, 3.5 inch, Titaniom Ernest Nucleus Cracker, 40 inch, SS Eye Dressing Forceps, Serrated, Straight, 4.0 inch, SS Eye Dressing Forceps, Sommed, curved, 4.0 inch, SS Faulkner IOL, insertion fisceps, angled, 4.0 inch, Titanians Fochinner Conjunctiva Forceps, Daliente Ring Jaws, with tying platform, 4,0 inch, Titaniam Graele iris forceps, curved, serrated. 0.8 mm tip, 3.5 inch, SS Graefe iris forceps, angled, serrated. 0.8 mm tip, 3.5 inch, SS Hartman mosquito forceps, straight, 3.25 inch, SS Hartman mosquito forceps, curved, 3.25 inch, SS Inamoracapsulerhexis forceps, vaulted 14 mm shanks, 4.5 inch, Titanium Intraecular foreign body removing forceps, Titanium Kraff Capsule Tag Forceps, 11mm Jaw, 4.0 inch, Titanium Linss forceps, (1X2 teeth). 03 mun tip with tying platform, Titanium Masketuapsulorhexis forceps, Cystotome Tips, Corved Ilium shank, 4.0 inch, Titanium McPherson comeal forceps, straight, 1X2 Teeth, 0.12mm with 0.4mm Tying Platform, 4.0 inch, SS McPherson corneal forceps, angled, 1X2 Teeth.0.12mm with 0.4mm Tying Platform, 4.0 inch, SS McPherson tying forceps, angled, 5 mm platform, 4.0 inch, SS Pre Chopper forceps, Wide Jaws, Max Opening 2. Amin, Straight, SS Pre Chopper forceps, Wide Jaws, Max Opening 2.8mm, curved, SS Pre Chopper forveps, Wide Jaws, Max Opening 2.8mm, angled, 55 Serrefine clamp, straight, 1.5 inch, 55 Serrefine clamp, curved, 1.5 inch, SS Utratacapsulorhexis foronps, cystotome tip angled 11 mm shank, 4.0 inch, SS Utratacapsulorhexis forcups, cystotome tip curved 11 man shank, 4.0 inch, SS Von Girmele fixation forceps with multiple atraumatic teeth, 4.5 inch, SS Wies chalarion forceps, 15.0mm solid lower plata, 9.0mm x 12.0mm open serrated upper plate, locking thumb screw, flat handle, 4.0 inch, SS Agarwal Phoco chopper, 4.5 inch, SS Barraquer Wire lid mirror, Large, 55 Barraquer Wire lid mirror, medium, S5 Bechert Nucleus Rotator, Angled, 9mm, SS Bonn micro iris hook, SS Bowman lacrimal probe, set of 4 sілев, 55 Castroviejo callipers 20 mum curved, SS Flieringa sheared fixation rings, set of 8 (15-22 mm), 58 Gill corneal dissector, curved, SS IVA silicon tubing set with Test-Chamber Kratz adjustable aspirating wire speculum, SS Lieberman Eye Speculum Adjustable Solid Blade 85 mm, 58 Martinez double ended comeal dissector 3X11 mm, SS NagahanaPhaco Chopper Blunt 90 Degree, 4,5 inch, 55 Nightingale Capsule Polishing Curette, 1.75mm, SS Sapphire blade crescent 2.8 mm with retractable handle Schiotz Tonometer Cortified Calibration, German Silicon tubing for aspirating speculuns 100 cm Sinskey II lens manipulating hook, angled, SS Titanium flared straight Phaco tip, 30 degree for 2.8 mm incision with wrench and a set of 5 corresponding silicon sleeves .