
Tender For Repairs To Fencing Gate Compound Wall And Certain Misc Works At Inhs Asvini Under Age I Asvini, asvini-Maharashtra

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repairs To Fencing Gate Compound Wall And Certain Misc Works At Inhs Asvini Under Age I Asvini. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-12-2024. Paver Blocking Tenders in asvini Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repairs To Fencing Gate Compound Wall And Certain Misc Works At Inhs Asvini Under Age I Asvini
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repairs To Fencing Gate Compound Wall And Certain Misc Works At Inhs Asvini Under Age I Asvini; 1 Demolition of cement concrete in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) all as specified and removing demolished material out of MD land 2 M&L for RMC (ready mix concrete) M-25 in hardstanding including curing properly with making vatta of CM upto 15 days complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 3 M&L for forming 12mm thick expansion joints filled with pre-formed bituminous filler and top 30mm primed and sealed with sealing compound, Grade A for thickness upto 150mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 4 M&L 50mm thick PCC type C-1, (1:3:6) using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in sub base complete all as specified and directed 5 Dismantling of stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness in floors, arpons etc. 6 S&F chequered cement concrete tiles of size 30cm x 30cm x 25mm, set jointed and pointed with neat cement slurry incl 20mm thick screed bed or bedding in CM 1:6 complete all as directed. 7 M&L forHardcore (broken stone or boulders) of gauge n exc. 63mm, deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc.15cm thick,watered and rammed to a true surface complete as directed. 8 Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made chamfered edge cement concrete paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour, design & pattern as in footparth, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc., of required strength, thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, compacting and proper embedding/ laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 9 M&L PCC in roof kerbs of mud stops, rounded or chamfered on edges type C1 (1:3:6) using 20 mm graded aggregate 10 M&L for Framed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete(fixing of steel sheet included in item rate. 11 Supply only Plain or corrugated steel sheets in thickness and size as directed by Engr-in-charge for steel gates complete all as directed by Engr-in-charge. (fixing charges included in item No 10.00 above) 12 M&L for Pressed steel frames for doors of size (105 x 60mm) with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, etc., complete, as specified. 13 Taking down cement plaster of any description and in any position including raking out joints, hacking for key scrubbing down with water etc and removing of debris from site complete 14 Demolition of Brickwork or stone /boulder masonry, built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar including all quions, arches, pillars etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework & precast concrete articles 15 M&L brickwork with sub class B bricks straight or curved on plan exc 6mtr mean radius built in cement mortar 1:6 by using old size bricks. 16 M & L for PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in coping etc.and similar work including necessary formwork weathring slightly rounded or chamfered all as specified & directed 17 M & L Rendering 15mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in CM 1:4finished even & smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified 18 Material & labour for preparationof newly plastered surfaceof walls and applying two coat of cement base paintcomplete all as directed. 19 M&L for applying two coats of exterior paints of Make:- Asian paint smart care Damp sheath exterior/Asian paints ACE Sparc exterior emulsion/Nerolac Suraksha plastic Exterior emulsion Paint/Berger weather coat champ complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. Note work will be carried out in some places uptoheight of 35 mtrfrom ground level with sacoffolding and necessary safety arrangements complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 20 Dismantling wrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided for complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 21 M&L for Rolled sections as in framing for cladding, glazing, fencing for vertical posts and the like fixed with angle cleats and connecting plates, etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 22 S& F in repairs concertina coil fencing 600mm dia of short profile having corewire dia 2mm and pitch between barb 24mm and tape 0.5mm thick including cutting, fixing, welding, rebating etc. complete all as specified and directed 23 S&F in repairs chain link MS galvanised fencing, including line wires, any mesh, size and type to any type of standards, rails, sraining bolts etc. and also including provision of binding wire etc. complete all as specified and directed 24 S&F in repairs Galvanised. 2 strand, steel barbed wire 2.24mm dia barbed with 2mm dia barbs at 75mm spacings and straining and fixing to any type of standard rails strain- ing bolts, including, securing or tying at crossings with and provision of galvanised mild steel wire, staples or steel pins, etc. as directed (each line wire to be measured) 25 M&L Mild steel round bars, 10mm dia as in tie rod, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for fixing chain link MS galvanised fencing to steel post,hooking ends conforming to Fe 290-0 Gde E-165 complete all asspecified & as directed. 26 S&F in repairs 50mm to 110mm nominal bore, mild steel tubes as railing,vertical posts,trusses,purlings etc complete including welding or fabrication all as directed by Engr-in-charge. 27 M&Ltwo coats of synthetic enamel paint on steel & iron surfaces of any description, not otherwise, described, over 10cm width or girth including preparation of new surface & applying one coat of red oxide primer complete all as directed 28 M&L for Excavating in post holes (or similar holes) each n exc 0.5 cu. m, getting out in hard/dense soil including returning, filling in and ramming earth or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in layers not exceeding 25 cm complete all as directed by Engr-in-charge. 29 M&L for cement concrete in foundation filling and mass concrete type B2 1:2:4(40mm graded aggregate) complete all as directed by Engr-in-charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 17-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 80000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 40 Lakhs /-
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