
Tender For Insurance Of Various Machines/Employees Of The Factory, kabirdham-Chhattisgarh

Lauh Purush Sugar Plant has published Tender For Insurance Of Various Machines/Employees Of The Factory. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-11-2024. Insurance Service Tenders in kabirdham Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Insurance Of Various Machines/Employees Of The Factory
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For insurance of various machines/employees of the factory-1 (Workmen’s compensation) Clerical Staff, Engaged in Trade on Merch, EMPL, Employer in Sugar mills with Covid-19 Compensation Factory Employee 1) Sanvida Employee - 52 – 13200000.00 2) Seasonal Sanvida - 06 - 1080000.00 3) Collector Rate - 42 - 6000000.00 Total - 100- 20280000.00 4) Contractor Technical - 20 - 4000000.00 5) Seasonal Contractor Technical - 126 -22200000.00 6) As per Collector Rate - 300 - 43200000.00 7) As per Seasonal Collector Rate - 395- 56880000.00 Total - 841- 126280000.00 G. Total 2 Bagasse (In Open) Max. Stock for insurance 10000MT. ( FIRE) 3 (A) Buildings (B) F.F.F. (FIRE/ FORCE MAJEURE) 4 Wight bridge (FIRE/FORCE MAJEURE/BREAK DOWN) 5 ETP (FIRE/FORCE MAJEURE/BREAK DOWN) 6 Sugar weighing System (FIRE/FORCE MAJEURE/BREAK DOWN) 7 Chimney (FIRE/ FORCE MAJEURE) 8 Sugar Stock (200000 Qtls.) (FIRE/ FORCE MAJEURE) 9 Molasses stock 5000 MT. (FIRE/ FORCE MAJEURE) 10 Store inventory (FIRE/ FORCE MAJEURE) FORCE MAJEURE, FIRE AND ALL TYPE MACHINERY BREAK DOWN POLICY Cane Milling Plant 11 Three motion electrically operated CANE UNLODING SYSTEM WITH ALL Accessories and other items 12 Supporting material of cane unloders with Gantry for above two motion Electrically operated CANE UNLODING SYSTEM 13 MAIN CANE CARRIER Structure Column, side plate, runner beems, cross beams, tie beams ,Leveling pad ,head end & tail shaft ,fasteners, slat, chain, motor with plantery Gear boxes etc for cane carrier 14 Cane chopper rotor Assy. with drive 15 CANE FIBERIZER Rotor Assy. with drive 16 ELEVATING RAKE CARRIER side plate, runner beems, cross beams, tie beams , Leveling pad, head end & tail shaft ,fasteners, slat, chain, motor with plantery Gear boxes etc for cane carrier 17 Tramp Iron Separator with drive 18 Cane equalizer with drive 19 Cane belt conveyor with drive RTEC & Mill Sl.No Particulars 3 ROLLER MILL SIZE- 33 X 66 With TRPF having Triplex chain and Sprocket Drive Arrgt. 20 Mill foundation bolt & leveling pad ,Head stocks & Assembly parts ,top cap, Discharge side cap, pin Bayonet caps , RAM And Bridge blocks with key & cross beams (4 sets) ,Mill feed Discharge ,& Top roller mill bearing housing for top ,Feed , Discharge ,Mill trash beam assembly with trash plate, bolts & housing ,Mill top , Discharge & meschaert scraper assembly with level, Eye bolts, bearing housing, Mill crown pinion 21 Assembly of TRPF for size- 33 x 66 mill with triplex chain driven arrangement with TRPF TOP & TRPF Bottom roller 22 Donally chute for 1st, 2nd,3rd & 4th mill 23 Rope coupling for mills 24 Planetry Gear box For Mill Drive (Suitable for 450 KW -4 Nos) 25 Mill AC Drive motor (450 kw -04 Nos ) with VFD Panel for mill drive motors 450 kw- 4 Nos 26 Whirler Tanks (4 Nos) , S.J. Tank -1 No., Imbibition water tank - 1 No, screen Juice Tray 4 Nos with gutters, Pump & motors 27 Hydraulic Jack , Hydraulic piping ,Valves, Fittings, Panel, Accumulators, Mill lubrications system complete with piping, valves & fitting ,S.S Juice spreader ,Juice pipelines, Valve fitting, Hardwares gasket, Unscreen, Screen & imbition juice pump with coupling & base frame , Haedware & Gasket etc. 28 MISC , Mill coupling 29 Rotary Juice screen 1990 mm dia x 350 mm Long with drive & supporting structure 30 INTERMEDIATE RAKE CARRIER W/O DRIVE ( 1700 mm Wide x 10 mtr. Span) with planetary gear Boxes, 40 HP Motor with VFD For IRC- 3 Sets. 31 Mill platform, Foundation bolts , Stair case, Ledders, Hand rall , toe plate etc. 32 25T MILL HOUSE CRANE and bridge, end carriage, trolley with rail & clamping plate for MILL HOUSE CRANE BAGASSE HANDLING SYSTEM AND CONVEYORS 33 BAGASSE ELEVATOR With DRIVE (1700 mm wide) 34 Double Trough Type MAIN BAGASSE CARRIER With Drive ( 1700 mm wide) (Sum Insured= 66 Lacs) 35 BAGASSE BELT CONVEYOR to storage with DRIVE ( 1200 mm x 150 Mtr.) 36 RETURN BAGASSE BELT CONVEYOR With DRIVE ( 1200 mm x 150 Mtr.) 37 BAGASSE Bailing M/C 5T Capacity 38 Bale Breaker 25T/ Hr BOILING HOUSE -CLARIFICATION EVAPORATION , PAN, BOILING, COOLING, CURING,GRADING & BAGGING PLANT JUICE HEATING 39 Juice Tank 40 Phosphate slurry Dosing Tank with accessories 41 VL Juice heater for raw Juice 1st heating (240 m²) with accessories Sl.No Particulars 42 Tubular Juice Heater for raw Juice 2nd Heating - 2 Nos., Clear Juice heating - 2 Nos., sulphited Juice heating - 3 Nos. (200 m²) with C 43 Dynamic juice heater for raw Juice final heating (200 m²) with accessories 44 Juice Sulphiter with drive & with accessories 45 Continuous sulpher Burner ( 70 + 70+ 100) with electrical melting and FRP piping 46 Air Blower 750 m³ / h 47 Air Blower 400 m³ / h 48 MOL Station with accessories 49 Juice Clarifier with accessories 50 Vacuum Filters with accessories 51 Miscellaneous 52 1st body Semikestner type ( HS- 2000 m2 ) Having 5 mtr. L g Tube with accessories 53 2nd Body Robert Body ( HS- 2200 m2 ) Having 2.5mtr. L g Tube with accessories 54 3rd effect Robert Body ( HS- 750 m2 ) with accessories 55 4rd effect Robert Body ( HS- 400 m2 ) with accessories 56 Last effect Robert ( HS- 400 m2) with accessories 57 Condensate flash Vessel 58 PHE for Flash Vessel 59 Syrup sulphitor 60 Syrup & Mollasses storage tanks 61 SS Tubes for 11 Nos Juice heaters, 2 Nos semekentners & 8 Nos evaporator body 62 Misc . Of above GRAINING AND CRYSTALLIZATION PLANT 63 AH,BH & CL Molasses conditioners with accessories 64 Batch vacuum pans ( 70T) with accessories 65 Batch vacuum pans ( 60 Ton ) with accessories 66 Continuous pan 20 mt/hr for B Massecuite with all required necessary fittings and accessories 67 SS Tubes OF ABOVE FOR Batch vacuum pans (70 T) 102 od- 2 Set, Batch vacuum pans ( 60T) 102 OD - 2 Set & Continuous pan 20mt /hr for B Massecuite 102 OD - 1 Set 68 Seed Crystallizer - 30 T With accessories 69 Vacuum Crystallizer - 30 T With accessories 70 Air cooled crystallizer - 75 Ton For A Massecuite - 3 Nos , B Massecuite - 1 No. & C Massecuite - 1 No with accessories 71 Vertical crystallizer riser type with liquidation pumps for B Massecuite- 200 Ton with accessories 72 Vertical crystallizer, twin type with liquidation pumps for C Massecuite- 300 Ton with accessories 73 Batch type Centrifugal m/c for A 1750 KG/ Charge with DC drive 74 Accessories like Superheated wash water system with tubular heat exchanger 75 Air Compressors -7 kg/cm²,250 CFM Sl.No Particulars 76 Continuous centrifugal m/c for B -Dia 1500 77 Accessories for centrifugal m/cs 78 Pug mill & magma mixer for continuous centrifugal m/c 79 Continuous centrifugal m/c for CAW -Dia 1500 80 Accessories for centrifugal m/cs 81 Pug mill & magma mixer for continuous centrifugal m/c 82 Continuous centrifugal m/c for CAW -Dia 1500 83 Accessories for centrifugal m/cs 84 Pug mill & magma mixer for continuous centrifugal m/c 85 Standby continuous centrifugal m/c for BCAW Curing 86 Accessories for centrifugal m/cs 87 Continuous vertical sugar melter ( 15 T/h) with Accessories for sugar melter 88 Transient Heaters 89 Seed conveyors 90 Misc SUGAR HANDING ,DRYING & BAGGING 91 Singal tray grass, Hopper with accessories 92 Multi tray Hopper with accessories 93 Sugar Elevator with accessories 94 Sugar Grader with accessories 95 Sugar Silo with releated accessories- 100 MT 96 Sugar Silo with releated accessories- 50 MT 97 Dust collection Arrangement 98 Sugar distribution Belt conveyor 99 Sugar weighing Machine 100 Stitching Machine with slat conveyor 101 Molasses weighing 102 Molasses storage tank 5000 m3 /hr 103 Hot and cold water service tanks 300 HL 104 Water conservation recirculation system 2 Nos fan less type cooling tower 105 Misc. of above BALANCE OF PLANT 106 Gear Box 107 Pumps- RAW Juice pump for weighed mixed juice & motor -2 Nos., Screw types molasses pumps- 2 Nos., Injection / Spray water Pumps, Vacuum pump with VFD, Mud liquidating pump, Milk of lime pump, sulphited syrup pump 108 Motors 109 SS/FRP/CI Pipe line 110 MS Standard & Fabricated pipe with fitting 111 All valves 112 Fire fighting 113 Hardware ,Gasket ETC. 114 MS Fabricated Tanks 115 Fabricated steel supporting material 116 MISC of Above Sl.No Particulars Condensation ,injection & Spray pond plant system & Allied 117 Condensers size- 800 mm -2 Nos. For evaporators & 1200 mm 5 Nos. for pan condensers with Automation with 1 Ejector 118 Spray pond with Nozzle 119 Injection pump & spray water pump 120 Header pipe pump to condenser, header from tail pipe to spray pond 121 Miscellaneous STEAM GENERATING PLANT 122 Boiler parts & Allied 123 Structure with foundation Bolt & Grill plate 124 Boiler Pressure parts & Allied 125 Boiler mounting & Allied 126 Boiler auxiliaries & Allied 127 Boiler all non pressure parts 128 Boiler ducting & piping supporting structure 129 Boiler ducting & piping foundation accessories 130 Boiler feed water tank & allied 131 De- aerator & Allied 132 PRDS & Allied 133 R.O. Plant 134 ESP 135 SWAS 136 MISC Feed Pump POWER GENERATING PLANT 137 Overhead power house crane assembly with Gantry for Mill House Crane 138 Back Pressure turbo set & Allied 9 MW & 5 MW 139 Cooling tower complete 140 Plant Electrical Main LT Distribution panel & Allied a. Main panels & Allied b. Other panels allied 141 DG Set 750 KVA 142 Pressure ventilation 143 Switch yard 144 Power Transmission Line 145 Plant Instrumentation Main cable distribution panel & Allied a. Main DCS Panels & Allied for mill, boiler, Power, process house and cogeneration b. Other panels & Allied

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Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
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