
Tender For Formation Of Bypass To Thirupathur Town (Phase - I) Km 0/0 - 5/225., thirupathur-Tamil Nadu

Highways Department has published Tender For Formation Of Bypass To Thirupathur Town (Phase - I) Km 0/0 - 5/225.. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-12-2024. Road Work Tenders in thirupathur Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Formation Of Bypass To Thirupathur Town (Phase - I) Km 0/0 - 5/225.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Formation Of Bypass To Thirupathur Town (Phase - I) Km 0/0 - 5/225.; 1 Clearing heavy jungleby cutting, removing anddisposing ofallmaterialssuchas bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds,toporganicsoilnotexceeding 150mm in thickness rubbish including cutting of trees upto 150mm girthas per clause No.201 of MORT&H Vth rev. 2 Providing and laying carted earth of CBR 8 for construction of sub grade and side berms in accordance with specification and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Carted Earth with a leadof 13 Km for the formation of road for 95% Compaction MORT&H No.305 3 Providing and laying carted earth for construction of sub grade and side berms in accordance with specification and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Carted Earth with a leadof 13 Km for the formation of road for 97% Compaction MORT&H No.305 4 Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and all incidential charges such as bailing out water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard specification forcutting as per MORT&H Vth specification No.301,111,112 5 Construction of Granular sub-base Grade-V 180mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 6 Construction of Granular sub-base Grade-III 100mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 7 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates toWet Mix Macadam 250mm. thickin two layers of 125mm each thick specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to the site, laying in uniform layers with pavers in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per clause 111,112,406,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 8 Providing and laying Prime Coat over WBM/WMM surface using 7Kg of Emulsion Bitumen(SS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,502,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 9 Providing and laying Tack Coat over WBM/WMM surface (treated with primer) using 2.50Kg of Bitumen Emulsion(RS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery,fuel and all otherincidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,503,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 10 Providing and laying 100 mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous Macadam using 0.24 cum. Of 26.50-13.20mm, 0.25 cum. Of 13.20-2.36 mm and 0.23 cum. Of 2.36 mm & below and with 53.20 kgs. Of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. Including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111, 112, 505, 900 MORTH Rev-5. 11 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete to 40mm thick using 0.13 cum. of 19.00-9.50mm, 0.17 cum. of 9.50-2.36mm and 0.26 cum. of 2.36 mm and below with 50.30 kgs. of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 30mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111,112,507,900 MORTH Rev-5. 12 Providing RCC M15 grade precast KM stone of standard design as per IRC 8-1980 and fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete (as per MORT&H specification No.805). 13 Providing RCC M15 grade precast HM stone of standard design as per IRC 26-1967 and fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete (as per MORT&H specification No.805). 14 Proving RCC M15 grade Boundary Stone pillars of standard design as per IRC 25-1967 and fixing in position including finishing, painting and lettering, as per MORTH specification No.807 15 SUB ESTIMATE - Junction ImprovementsConstruction of Granular sub-base Grade-V 180mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 16 Construction of Granular sub-base Grade-III 100mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 17 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates toWet Mix Macadam 250mm. thickin two layers of 125mm each thick specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to the site, laying in uniform layers with pavers in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per clause 111,112,406,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 18 Providing and laying Prime Coat over WBM/WMM surface using 7Kg of Emulsion Bitumen(SS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,502,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 19 Providing and laying Tack Coat over WBM/WMM surface (treated with primer) using 2.50Kg of Bitumen Emulsion(RS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery,fuel and all otherincidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,503,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 20 Providing and laying 100 mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous Macadam using 0.24 cum. Of 26.50-13.20mm, 0.25 cum. Of 13.20-2.36 mm and 0.23 cum. Of 2.36 mm & below and with 53.20 kgs. Of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. Including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111, 112, 505, 900 MORTH Rev-5. 21 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete to 40mm thick using 0.13 cum. of 19.00-9.50mm, 0.17 cum. of 9.50-2.36mm and 0.26 cum. of 2.36 mm and below with 50.30 kgs. of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 30mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111,112, 507,900 MORTH Rev-5. 22 Providing Barrier Type Kerb for median / islands using vibrated cement concrete of grade M20 (1:1.5:3) using 20 and 12mm ISS HBG metal from approved quarry, including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, including hire and fuel charges of all the machineries employed for this work, including all labour charges for mixing, laying, curing, painting, including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per drawing and standard specification as per MORT&H Rev.5 408, 409 23 Earthwork including removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction ofroad way and side drains inaccordance with specifications and the lines , grades and crosssections shown in the drawingsor as indicatedby the Engineer for Carted Earth with a lead of 13km forfilling of Centre median and Islands MORT&H 305 24 Bus lay by:Providing and laying carted earth of CBR 8 for construction of sub grade and side berms in accordance with specification and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Carted Earth with a leadof 13 Km for the formation of road for 95% Compaction MORT&H No.305 25 Providing and laying carted earth for construction of sub grade and side berms in accordance with specification and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Carted Earth with a leadof 13 Km for the formation of road for 97% Compaction MORT&H No.305 26 Construction of Granular sub-base Grade-V 180mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 27 Construction of Granular sub-base Grade-III 100mm thick by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 (Specification Number as per MORTH Rev.V 111,112,401,900). 28 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates toWet Mix Macadam 250mm. thickin two layers of 125mm each thick specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to the site, laying in uniform layers with pavers in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per clause 111,112,406,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 29 Providing and laying Prime Coat over WBM/WMM surface using 7Kg of Emulsion Bitumen(SS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,502,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 30 Providing and laying Tack Coat over WBM/WMM surface (treated with primer) using 2.50Kg of Bitumen Emulsion(RS1) per 10sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery,fuel and all otherincidental charges etc., complete as per Clause 111,112,503,900 of MORTH Rev-5 for formation of Bypass Road 31 Providing and laying 100 mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous Macadam using 0.24 cum. Of 26.50-13.20mm, 0.25 cum. Of 13.20-2.36 mm and 0.23 cum. Of 2.36 mm & below and with 53.20 kgs. Of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. Including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111, 112, 505, 900MORTH Rev-5.. 32 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete to 40mm thick using 0.13 cum. of 19.00-9.50mm, 0.17 cum. of 9.50-2.36mm and 0.26 cum. of 2.36 mm and below with 50.30 kgs. of VG 40 bitumen for premixing per 10 sqm. including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 30mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne vibratory / pneumatic roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory / pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 111, 112,507, 900MORTH Rev-5. 33 Filling With earth in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting for box cutting including all labour charges for excavation involving an average horizontal throw up to 2.0m and an average vertical lift up to 0.5m including breaking clods including all other incidental charges etc., complete.as per clause 301 - 305 of MORT & h specifications. FOR BERMS 34 Box Culvert:Earthwork excavation in all classes of soilexcept hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as baling out water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF BOX CULVERT , WING WALLas per MORT&H Vth specification No.304. 111,112 35 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 36 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 37 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 38 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 39 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 40 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 41 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 42 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 43 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 44 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 45 Km 4/830(3x3 Single Cell Box Culvert) 46 Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M-10, Nominal Mix 1:3:6 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of form work, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths tools and plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for BASE COURSE OF BOX CULVERTAND WING WALL as per clause No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 of MORT&H Vth rev 47 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 48 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 49 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 50 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 51 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 52 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 53 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 54 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 55 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 56 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 57 Km 4/830(3x3 Single Cell Box Culvert) 58 Vibrated Cement Concrete M20 nominal mix 1:1.5:3using40mmISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site but excludingcost and fabrication of steel but including cost of formwork,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curingconcrete, Working at heights, soft water, hire charges for tools and Plants, including all other incidental charges, etc., complete for Footings of Wing wall (Below sill level) as per specification No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2200 of MORT&H Vth rev 59 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 60 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 61 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 62 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 63 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 64 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 65 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 66 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 67 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 68 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 69 Km 4/830(3x3 Single Cell Box Culvert) 70 Vibrated Cement Concrete M20 nominal mix 1:1.5:3using40mmISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site but excludingcost and fabrication of steel but including cost of formwork,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curingconcrete, Working at heights, soft water, hire charges for tools and Plants, including all other incidental charges, etc., complete forStem of Wing wall (Above sill level)as per specification No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2200 of MORT&H Vth rev 71 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 72 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 73 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 74 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 75 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 76 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 77 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 78 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 79 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 80 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 81 Km 4/830(3x3 Single Cell Box Culvert) 82 Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 nominal mix 1:2:4using40mmISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site but excludingcost and fabrication of steel but including cost of formwork,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curingconcrete, Working at heights, soft water, hire charges for tools and Plants, including all other incidental charges, etc., complete for Parapet over box culvertas per specification No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2200 of MORT&H Vth rev 83 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 84 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 85 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 86 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 87 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 88 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 89 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 90 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 91 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 92 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 93 Km 4/830(3x3 Single Cell Box Culvert) 94 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M25 design mixusing 20mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite including cost of cement at site including soft water, labour charges for mixing transporting, laying and curing concrete, etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for Box culvert as per clause No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2200, 2300of MORT&H Vth rev 95 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 96 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 97 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 98 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 99 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 100 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 101 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 102 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 103 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 104 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 105 Km 4/830(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 106 Supply and fabrication of Fe.500D steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlapping to the required length whenever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc,complete as per clause No.1600 of MORT&H Vth rev 107 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 108 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 109 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 110 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 111 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 112 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 113 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 114 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 115 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 116 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 117 Km 4/830(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 118 Providing and fixing PVC seepage pipes of 100mm dia of required lengths for abutments and wings including costs and conveyanceof all materials to work site and labour charges for fixing, etc. complete to drain the backfill in between abutment and wings as per MOR&H Vth specification No.2706 119 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 120 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 121 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 122 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 123 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 124 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 125 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 126 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 127 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 128 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 129 Km 4/830(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 130 Vibrated cement Concrete M30 design mixusing ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite and cement at site including all labour charges for fixing concrete, laying, vibrating, hire charges for tools and plants, compacting, curing with all leads for soft water, including all other incidental charges, formwork, cost of pre moulded expansion joints and fixing the same in position etc., excluding steelcomplete for wearing coat of 75mm uniform thickness over deck slab as per clause No1000,1200,1500,2700, 2702 of MORT&H Vth rev 131 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 132 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 133 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 134 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 135 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 136 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 137 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 138 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 139 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 140 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 141 Km 4/830(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 142 Filling with clean gritty gravel havingpie value more than 35 degreeincluding cost and conveyance of gravel to work site, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges, etc., complete as per CL.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC:78-2014 143 Km 0/150 (Inter Section)(2x1.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 144 Km 0/600(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 145 Km 1/493(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 146 Km 1/717(5x2.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 147 Km 1/900(2x1.50 Single Cell Box Culvert) 148 Km 2/530(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 149 Km 2/920(3x3 Triple Cell Box Culvert) 150 Km 3/096(5x2.5 Single Cell Box Culvert) 151 Km 3/400(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 152 Km 4/370(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 153 Km 4/830(2x2 Single Cell Box Culvert) 154 Minor Bridge:Earthwork excavation in all classes of soilexcept soft integrated rock and hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and liftsincluding cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as baling out water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, PIERS AND WINGS. as per section 111,112,304 of MORT&H Specifications (Fifth Revision) 155 Vibrated Cement Concrete M10grade, Nominal Mix 1:3:6, using 40mm ISS HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing , transporting, laying, and curing concrete working in heights and hire charges for tools and plants, and all other incidental charges etc complete as per relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Rev No.1000, 1500, 1700, 2100 156 VibratedCement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix (1:1.5:3) using 40mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cementat siteincluding cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, layingand curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as per relevant standard specifications, for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, PIERS AND WINGS BELOW SILL LEVEL as per MORT&H Vth Rev.1000, 1500, 1700, 2200 157 VibratedCement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix (1:1.5:3)using 40mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cementat siteincluding cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, layingand curing concrete , working at height , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS, AND PIERS ABOVE SILL LEVEL as per MORT&H Vth specification 1500, 1700, 2200 158 VibratedReinforced Cement Concrete of grade M30 design mixusing20mm & 12mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cementat siteexcluding cost of steel but including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, layingand curing concrete , working at height , tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for DIRT WALL CUM BED BLOCK OVER ABUTMENTS AND BED BLOCK OVER PIERS as per MORT&H Vth rev. No.1500, 1700, 2200 159 Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm dia. PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, cost and labour for 900mm dia. semi-spherical back fill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing, etc.,to drain of the backfill IN THE ABUTMENTS AND WINGS as per MORT&H Vth rev 2706 160 Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of deck slab and including cost and conveyance to worksite, labour for fixing the same in correct position and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification 161 VibratedReinforced Cement Concrete of grade M30 Design MixusingISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cementat site but excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, layingand curing concrete , working at height, hire charges fortools and plants including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for DECK SLAB as per MORT&H Vth rev No.1500, 1700, 2300 162 Providing filter media behind the abutments and wings for 600mm thickness using filter material cut for mix to clause 309.3.2.2 of MORT&H Vth rev well packed with smaller sized towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall including cost and conveyance to work site includingall labours and other incidental charges including hire charges for tools and plants employed filter mediaetc., for complete as per Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC:78-2014. 163 Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean grittyfree drainage gravel having PHI Value morethan 35including cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads and lift for water and all other incidental charges etc, complete for FILLING BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS AND WINGS as per Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC:78-2014. 164 Providing and fixing PVC EXPANSION JOINT in between deck slabs over abutment and pier as shown in the drawing including cost and conveyance of expansion joints including shalimar pad and joint sealant etc, complete as per MORT&H Vth Rev No.2600 165 Supply and fabrication of Fe-500 D steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel at siteand cost of fabrication,labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlapping to the required length whenever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc,complete, Fe-500 D grade as per MORT&H Vth Rev No.1600 166 Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 grade, Nominal Mix 1:2:4, using 40mm ISS HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing , transporting, laying, and curing concrete working in heights and hire charges for tools and plants, and all other incidental charges etc complete as per relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Rev No.1500, 1700,2704 167 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M30 design mix using ISS graded HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cement at site but excluding cost and fabrication ofsteel butincluding labour charges for mixing, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, soft water,hire charges for tools and plants, including all other incidental changes etc., complete for APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Rev No.1500, 1700, 2704 168 Vibrated cement Concrete M30 design mixusing 20mm, 12mm, 6mm and ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite and cement at site including all labour charges for concrete,mixing,laying, vibrating, hire charges for tools and plants, compacting, curing with all leads for soft water, including all other incidental charges,formwork,cost of premoulded expansion joints and fixing the same in position etc., complete for wearing coat of 75mm uniform thickness using surface reinforcement over deck slab and approach slab as per MORT&H Vth rev No.2702.2 169 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-40, Grade, Design Mix,using ISS sizeHBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cement at site but excluding cost and fabrication of steel, but including form work including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants, including all other incidental charges etc.,, complete for RCC CRASH BARRIERS OVER DECK SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Rev.No.811, 1700, 2703.3. 170 Providing and fixing of G.I drainage spouts 100mm dia as per GOI drawing SD/205 with grating arrangements at top as shown in the drawing using 12mm x 25mm flats for grating arrangements, and 100mm dia drainage spout projecting300mmbeyond the bottom of deck slab as shown in the drawing including cost and conveyance of G.I pipes and flats and fixing them in position etc,complete as per MORT&H Vth ref No.2705 171 Calculation of SubTotal, GST and Total carried out by system automatically 172 Sub Total Amount for above all items (excluding GST) 173 GST 18% for above SubTotal Amount 174 Total in Figures (SubTotal + GST)

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