
Tender For Online Tender Document For Empanelment Of Analytical Testing Laboratories For The Analysis Of Allopathic Drugs, Medical Consumables And Surgicals, Panchkula-Haryana

Haryana Medical Services Corpn Ltd has published Tender For Online Tender Document For Empanelment Of Analytical Testing Laboratories For The Analysis Of Allopathic Drugs, Medical Consumables And Surgicals. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-12-2024. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Panchkula Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Online Tender Document For Empanelment Of Analytical Testing Laboratories For The Analysis Of Allopathic Drugs, Medical Consumables And Surgicals
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Tender Details

Online Tender Document For Empanelment Of Analytical Testing Laboratories For The Analysis Of Allopathic Drugs, Medical Consumables And Surgicals Online Tender Document For Empanelment Of Analytical Testing Laboratories For The Analysis Of Allopathic Drugs, Medical Consumables And Surgicals-1 Disposable Shoe cover 2 Disposable Cap 3 Para film 4 CODON Set 5 Oxygen tubing, suction tubing (different colours) 6 Grip lock 7 Oxygen hood for neonates 8 Mucous suction trap 9 ECG electrodes (Disposable kit) pack of 6 10 Dark Eye Glasses 11 Nebulisation Set (Mask with Tubing with Chamber (Paediatric ) 12 Patient Identification Band Adult size (different colours) 13 Disposable Plastic Bed Pan 14 Skin Stapler Standard ( Single Unit) 15 Lega Clip size LT 400 (Titanium ligating clips Large size having lateral and transverse grooves on the inner clips), (Single Unit) 16 Pouch Arm Sling Standard 17 Guide Wire Teflon Coated J Tip 18 Skin Traction Set Standard Size 19 Craner Wire Splint 20 BB Splint (Bohler- Braun) 21 Skeletal Traction 22 PMO Line 23 Tackers for Mesh Fixation (Non absorable) 24 PPE KIT(COVID) 25 Triple Layer Mask(COVID) 26 COVID Kavach™ Anti- SARS Cov-2 IgG Antibody Detection ELISA (96 Micro Well Coated Plate 27 ECG Electrodes (Neonate) 28 Triway (three way stop clock) lipid resistant Pyrogen free, Sterile, Latex free 29 Blood Lancets for glucometer 30 Nasal Prongs Term & Preterm single patient use with twin bore nasal pronges sets, extra soft medical grade nasal tips 31 Q-way 6 inches ,sterlized using ethylene oxide 32 Uro bag (neonates)- 100 ml 33 Urine bag 2000 ml, single unit packing 34 Disposable Mask 35 Sterile cord clamp non toxic, pyrogen free sterile for single use only single unit packing 36 Disposable Eye Patch 37 Oxygen venti-mask (PVC/Disposable)Medium 38 Nebulisation Set (Mask with Tubing with Chamber (Adult ) 39 Patient Identification Band Mother & Child Size (different colours) 40 Patient Identification Band Paediatric size (different colours) 41 Disposable Plastic Urine Pan 42 Lega Clip size LT 300 (Titanium ligating clips medium size having lateral and transverse grooves on the inner clips), (Single Unit) 43 Shoulder Immobilizer Standard 44 Epidural Set 45 Guide Wire Teflon Coated V Straight Tip 46 TURP loop 47 Balance Salt Solution (BSS for eye) 48 Air Mattress 49 Bed Side Pulley 50 N-95 Respirator Mask(COVID) 51 Dead Body Cover(COVID) 52 Thermal Scanner(COVID) 53 Bivalent Antigen Based Rapid Diagnostic Kit for Malaria 54 RTPCR Kits for quantitative Viral Load test for Hepatitis B Virus 55 RTPCR Kits for quantitative Viral Load test for Hepatitis C Virus 56 DNA Blood Extraction kit 57 Viral RNA extraction kit 58 Salt Testing Kit 59 RPR/VDRL (50 test each) 60 Urine screening through Dry Chemistry Rapid testing kit/strips for multiple drug uses:-1. Morphine/ Opiates 2. Buprenorphine3. Tramadol 4. D. Propoxyphene 5. Benzodiazepines test Kit Kit 61 Dual Kits for HIV and Syphilis 62 CBNAAT TB Cartridges 63 Troponin Kit 64 VTM Media(COVID) 65 Real Time PCR Kit(COVID) 66 Covid19 IgM/Igm Rapid test (wondfo SARS-COV-2 Antibody test)(COVID) 67 Rapid Screening Kits for Covid-19 Test(COVID) 68 MagNa Pure 24 Total NA isolation Kit, Pack size-96(COVID) 69 MPLCt NA Isolation Kit- Lysis/ Binding Buffer Refill, Pack size-100ml(COVID) 70 Standard Q Covid19,Ag test(Rapid Antigon Test) 71 SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Kits test Kit Kit 72 Pregnancy testing kits  73 Truenat MTB Chips 74 truenat (RIF chips) 75 CBNAAT-XDR Cartriges 76 BBL MGIT Tubes for use in Bactec MGIT 960(7ml)-100 tubes/pkg Catalouge no 245122 77 BACTEC MGIT 960 Supplement kit (100 tests, PANTA and OADC combined) catalogue No: 245124 78 BACTEC MGIT 960 SIRE kit .One kit is sufficant for 40 test catalogue No: 245123 79 Genotype MTBDR SI V2.0 96test. 31796AM. Test kits composed of 31796 A Genotype MTBDR SI V2.0 80 Genotype MTBDR plus V2.0 30496AM. Test kits composed of 30496A Genotype MTBDR plus version 2.0 and 51610 Genol yse 81 GT Blot 48 reagent Kits 82 Genolyse 96 test :51610 83 2FDC (P) (H50 & R75) 84 3FDC CP (A) (H75 ,R150 & E275) 85 3FDC(P) (H50,R75,Z150) 86 4FDC(A) (H75,R150,Z400 & E275) 87 Adhesive resin cement (Dual lock composite resin cement), 4.5 gm ISI/ISO/CE marked 88 Air rotor cartridges (NSK) supertorque, Standard head ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 89 Air Rotor Spray bottle 90 Arch Bar Length 1feet ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 91 Barbed Broaches , Made of stainless steel, can be sterilized length ≥ 21 92 Blue Elastic Separators ( Leone/ American Orthodontics/T.P Orthodontics/Ormco/3m Unitek) ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 93 Bondable Buccal Tubes Upper And Lower Right And Left 2nd Molars .022†Mbt (Desires/ Leone / American Orthodontics/T.P Orthodontics/Ormco/3m Unitek) ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 94 Bone graft material for dental purpose ISI/ISO/CE/MARKED 95 Calcium Hydroxide , Paste System Based and Catalyst -radiopaque 96 Cavity Varnish 5% sodium Fluoride 97 Calcium Hydroxide, Powder 98 Collagen membrane-sterile bioresorbable GTR collagen membrane ISI/ISO/CE Marked 99 Colourless O Rings (Leone / American Orthodontics/T.P Orthodontics/Ormco /3m Unitek)ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 100 EDTA 17 % paste form. 101 Composite Finishing Kit 102 Composite Finishing Kit- Disc type 103 Disposable Patient Drape Sheets 104 Dental Chair Covering Sterilized Cling Foil Rolls ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 105 Esthetic fiber post system 106 Crown cutting kit, set of 14 burs 107 Eugenol 108 EDTA 17 % paste form. 109 Fiber- reinforced splinting material- bondable reinforced ribben fiber-approx 2mm width ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 110 Composite Finishing Kit 111 Flowable Composite 112 Fixer & developer solution set (manual) to make 13.5 Lt solution each of fixer and developer 113 Formocresol Formalin, Cresol Glycerin ,Formocresol Formalin BP 20% v/v , Cresol IP 32% v/v , Glycerin IP QS 114 Esthetic fiber post system 115 Expansion Screw 3 Pin (Leone / American Orthodontics/T.P Orthodontics/Ormco /3m Unitek)ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 116 Forsus fatigue resistant device( 3 m unitek ), proprietary itemISI/ISO/CE MARKED 117 Gum Paint 118 Hybrid Composite Resin for Anteriors ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 119 Loose Preadjusted Edgewise MBT bracket 022 slot ISI/ISO/CE MARKED per bracket 120 Mercury Pure Triple Distilled 121 Mineral Trioxide Aggregate ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 122 NaOCl 5.25% Solution ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 123 Mini Plates ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 124 Pit & Fissure Sealant ( 6 ml bottle) Solution 125 Pulp Devitalizer 126 Pre fabricated metallic post ( Cemented) 127 Pre fabricate metallic post (Threaded) 128 Resin Cement ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 129 Preformed Molar bands without buccal tubesISI/ISO/CE MARKED 130 Powerscope 2 (American orthodontics proprietary item)ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 131 Silver Alloy Non-Gamma-2 Lathe Cut Alloy 132 Rubber Dam Kit 133 Root Canal Spreader 15-40, 21 mm 134 Root Canal Spreader 15-40, 25 mm 135 Rubber dam sheet ISI/ISO/CE Marked 136 Rubber base impression material addition silicone putty with compatible light body 600-900ml putty with 50 ml light per 300ml of Putty ISI/ISO/CE marked 137 Retraction cord (assorted size ISI/ISO/CE MARKED 138 Silk Suture material (3-0) 139 Stainless Steel Wire 26 G. Soft ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 140 Small cotton rolls for isolation ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED(Length-37mm, Dia-8-10mm) 141 Sterilization rolls for packing Instrument 15cm x 200mtrs 142 Zinc Oxide Powder 143 Zinc Phosphate Cement , Powder and Liquid 144 Topical Fluoride APF Gel 1.25% 145 Male Condom 146 Copper bearing intra-uterine device IUCD 380 A & IUCD 375 147 Molecular biology grade water as per requirement 148 RNase and DNase degradation solution 149 RNase and DNase degradation solution wipes 150 Lc Prep Lysi/Bind Buff DNA, MBP

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-12-2024 Date extension corrigendum. Date 20-12-2024
2 20-12-2024 Date extension corrigendum regarding to extend the date. Date 30-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5000 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 50 Lakhs /-
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