
Tender For Maintenance Of Completed Scheme Under Na-Iinarelazone.Subhead. Conducting Detailed Topographical /Photogrammetry Survey Using Tss /Dgps Of Gram Sabha Land/Drain/Roads And Unidentified Dda Land Under Jurisdiction Of Sun-Division-I And V., narela-Delhi

Delhi Development Authority has published Tender For Maintenance Of Completed Scheme Under Na-Iinarelazone.Subhead. Conducting Detailed Topographical /Photogrammetry Survey Using Tss /Dgps Of Gram Sabha Land/Drain/Roads And Unidentified Dda Land Under Jurisdiction Of Sun-Division-I And V.. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-11-2024. Unmanned aerial vehicle Tenders in narela Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Maintenance Of Completed Scheme Under Na-Iinarelazone.Subhead. Conducting Detailed Topographical /Photogrammetry Survey Using Tss /Dgps Of Gram Sabha Land/Drain/Roads And Unidentified Dda Land Under Jurisdiction Of Sun-Division-I And V.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Maintenance of completed scheme under NA-IINarelazone.SubHead. Conducting detailed topographical /Photogrammetry survey using TSS /DGPS of Gram sabha land/drain/roads and unidentified DDA land under jurisdiction of sun-division-I and V.; 1 Survey, Map making - Using DGPS and Drone (Survey Instrument). A) Conducting detailed Photogrammetry Survey using DGPS and Drone and preparing Orthophoto maps showing Geographical parameters like longitudes, latitudes at corner of all joints of marked area, Azimuth/ orientation with levels w.r.t. sea levels, sections and all site profile taking observation of actual land limit i/c plotting the park /land / educational socities/ other areas etc. in any size and showing all existing features like building (any shade), footpath kutcha/ pucca, planter, parking space, all minor and major tree, hedges, boundary wall, tube wells, high tension line electric line/ electric pole all surrounding internal / external roads, drain, sewer lines, water line, ponds ditches other services and other structure coming in the area and mentioning the length, width and area of the services and showing level according to MSL inert, top at required distance etc. i/c geo-referencing as directed by Engineer-in-charge and supplying the following details. i) The complete information required on the survey is expected to all details likecontours at 0.5m interval, are under encroachment, area under litigation etc. as directed by Engineer-in- Charge. ii) Digitalization of Sizara and super imposition of survey plan (as per item no-1) on it including transferring the nearest permanent reference point to the corner of the plot. iii) preparation of survey drawing on suitable scale and supply the same in hard copy of 5 sets of colored drawings on desired scale and soft copy in Auto CAD/ Global Mapper Software and DWG format. Cost includes submission of one draft copy and five final colored copies of the maps in pen drives as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. 2 Digitalization of Sizara and superimposition of Survey plan (as per item no-1) on it including transferring the nearest permanent reference point to the corner of the plot (payment shall be made only of area which has been digitalized). 3 Providing and fixing 15 cm dia at top, 20 cm at bottom and 90 cm high precast reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand: 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) boundary stone as per standard design, including finishing smooth with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 fine sand) 4 Add correction factor@0.973 on Rs.2,98,340 = ₹ 2,07,346.00 5 Total(A+B-C)

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 51187.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 25.59 Lakhs /-
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