
Tender For Cc Road Construction Work From Mahawari House To Heera House In Village Kaprua (Jagat) - Excavating ,Supplying , Stacking And Filling Of Local Earth (Including Royalty ) By Mechanical Transport Upto A Lead Of 1 Km Also Including Ramming And Wat, badaun-Uttar Pradesh

Rural Engineering Department has published Tender For Cc Road Construction Work From Mahawari House To Heera House In Village Kaprua (Jagat) - Excavating ,Supplying , Stacking And Filling Of Local Earth (Including Royalty ) By Mechanical Transport Upto A Lead Of 1 Km Also Including Ramming And Wat. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-12-2024. RCC Road Tenders in badaun Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Cc Road Construction Work From Mahawari House To Heera House In Village Kaprua (Jagat) - Excavating ,Supplying , Stacking And Filling Of Local Earth (Including Royalty ) By Mechanical Transport Upto A Lead Of 1 Km Also Including Ramming And Wat
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Cc Road Construction Work From Mahawari House To Heera House In Village Kaprua (Jagat) - Excavating ,Supplying , stacking and filling of local earth (including royalty ) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 1 km also including ramming and watering of the earth including all complite as per DSR -2023S.I.NO..2.25 (a) 2 1:4:8(1 cement : 4 coarse sand (Zone III ) derived from natural sources: 8 graded Stone aggregate 40mm noinal size derived from natural sources etc. as per D.S.R.NO. 4.1.8 3 Construction of granular sub base by providing well graded material spreding in uniform layer on prepared surface in place mehed &compaction with hand rammer i/c Sention by S.E. R.E.D Bareily 4 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S ( non modular ) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in 1:4 (1cement :4 coarse sand ) S.I.No 6.1.1 5 12mm Thick cement Plasterof mix 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand ) as per DSR 13.4.1 6 Supply and Laying of 125 Micron Polythin Sheet over Base Concrete Including Labour Material T&P etc. 7 Providing and Laying design Mix conc. M-30 grade, inroads/taxi tracks/runways using cement content as per design mix, useing coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, providing dowel bars with sleeve/tie bars wherever required, laying at site spreading and complacting mechanically by using needie and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope/camber,finishing with required texture, including steel form work with sturdy M.S. channel sections, curing, making provision for construction/expansion, costruction& longitudinal joints (10mm wide x50mm deep) by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints with approved joint filler and sealannts, complete all[items of joint fillers, sealannts, dowel bars with sleeve/tie bars to be paid sparately) SDR No. 16.43.1 8 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams.suspended floors, roof having slope up to 150 landings, balconies , shelves,chajjas,lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral staircases above plinth level upto floor five level excluding the cost of centering , shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:.1.5:3(1 cement : 1.5 Coarse sand (Zone III ) derived from natural sources: 3 graded Stone aggregate 20mm noinal size derived from natural sources (All work upto plinth) DSR No 5.3 9 Steelworkweldedin builtup sections/framedwork,includingcutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.Ingratings,frames,guardbar,ladder,railings,brackets, gates and similar works (DSR 2023, 10.25.2) 10 Providing and fixing 18 mm thick Granite Stone gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels.AS PER DSR Area of slab over 0.50 sqm 11 Letter Writing on Granite Sign Board asPer Schedule 821

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 854 /-
INR 44000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 21.64 Lakhs /-
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