Tender for Instruction To Bidders For Invitation Of Bid Normal Refit (Nr) Of Tug Tez - Erection of fixed staging/scaffolding in way of steel renewal work(Based on Volume Basis, LXBXH). Staging material to be provided by Contractor. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 2 Fire sentry for minimum 10 hot work locations /day Note:- Fire sentries with adequate knowledge of fire and safety procedures for all hot work locations will need to be provided i.a.w NO 09/12. Sentries are to be in possession of required type of fire extinguishers in appropriate quantity. All sorts of fire safety to be ensured by sentries upon completion of job / shift in surrounding areas as well. Asbestos sheet / fire proofing blankets to be provided during hot work in vicinity of sensitive equipment / electrical systems or cabling, with vendor holding responsibility for damage and repairs in case of fire/ incident. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 3 Cleaning and Gas free certification i.a.w NO 09/12 of Fuel / Oil Tanks, Water ballast Tank, Fresh Water Tank .Ballast Tank (Qty 02), Fuel Tank (Qty 04), FW Tank (Qty 02), Misc Tank (Qty 03)(Area - 923 Sqm). Material and Service to be provided by contractor. 4 Pressure testing of underwater tanks/void spaces/cofferdams including repairs/blanking of manhole covers (with new rubber gaskets/studs/bolts/as required) and defect rectification of all structural leaks i.a.w no. 01/15. Ballast Tank (Qty 02), Fuel Tank (Qty 04), FW Tank (Qty 02), Misc Tank (Qty 03). Material and service to be provided by contractor. 5 Bollard and Fairleads - Carry out surface preparation by hydro jet blasting up to bare metal to WJ 2 standard. Repairs/ renewal to be undertaken as per hull survey report of bollards / fairleads and stiffening members in the vicinity.Double Bollard (Qty 04), Single Bollard (Qty 7), Fairleads (Qty 4). Note:- After hydro jetblasting to WJ 2 standard, primer application to be undertaken to prevent flash rusting the same is to be put up for inspection prior to repair / renewal or painting to refit monitoring team. Inspection to be cleared post repairs by NSRY/ QC team. Material and service to be provided by contractor 6 Sea Tubes/ Sea Chest - (a) Carry out surface preparation up to bare metal (SA 2.5 standard). Examine the sea tubes/ sea chest for internal corrosion, excessive pitting, cracks etc. In addition carry out endoscopy of sea tubes. Repair / renew as per hull survey report. Air pressure test is to be carried out of all sea tubes. (b) Paint renewal of sea tubes to be undertaken. Sea tubes which cannot be preserved by painting are to be galvanised and spray coated with Navy approved paint scheme Jotun. (Qty - 03)Material and Service to be provided by contractor. 7 Underwater Painting - (a) Remove marine fouling and loose paint using hydrojet washing and prepare for underwater inspection. Remove complete old paint to bare metal from hull using hydrojet blasting to WJ 2 standard and prepare for hull survey. Defects to be rectified as per hull survey report. Job involves opening and cleaning on gratings.(b) Paint scheme on full underwater hull and boot top including wind and water areas i.e. Area up to 500mm above boot top area is to be restored post sweep by grit blasting to SA 2.5 standard.Draught marks to be painted with underwater paint scheme and the top coat to be painted with white paint. (i) Forward (ii) Midship, (iii) Aft. Renew defective draught marks. Note-:Navy approved paint scheme Jotun to be applied. Painting to be carried out as per NO 53/16.Material and Service to be provided by contractor 8 Above Water Area, Weather Deck Area and Masts - Carry out surface preparation of entire area by hydro jetblasting up to bare metal to WJ 2 standard of weather deck, above water area, ship side, inner side of buwark and 300 mm above from deck on super structure area and prepare for hull survey. Defects to be rectified as per hull survey report. Carry out painting of above water area with high performance advanced hybrid coating system as per navy approved paint scheme Jotun mentioned below post sweep by grit blasting to SA 2.5 standard except super structure and weather deck area to be painted with high performance non- skid coating system as per navy approved paint scheme Jotun mentioned below.(a) Paint scheme for above water area (ship side, Mast, bridge, deck & super structure)(Area - 730 Sqm):- (i) 02 coats of primer to achieve 80 microns dft, (ii) 02 coats of Ral 7040 colour specification to achieve 80 microns thickness, (iii) Total dft 320 microns.(b) Paint scheme of weather deck area (Upper Deck, Boat Deck, and Bridge Top Deck) (Area - 400 Sqm) :- (i) 01 coat primer coat - dft 50 microns, (ii) 02 coat anti corrosive intermediate coat -dft 300 microns, (iii) 02 coat non skid top coat (NMRL approved) - dft 500 microns, (iv)Total dft - 850 microns.Note:- Painting to be carried out as per no 53/16. Mast to be rigged up and proved post painting. Material and service to be provided by contractor 9 Funnel - Carry out surface preparation by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). Clean and restore paint of surroundings structure, funnel structure. Heat resistant paint on funnel to be applied as per navy approved paint scheme ral 9011(black) and/or RAL 9010 (white) and/or is 5/ 358 (buff colour) as per no 53/ 16. Material to be provided by contractor 10 Machinery Spaces - (a) Clean all bilges, machinery foundation and surface preparation as per ST 3 standard and painting of the entire area. (Paint scheme Jotun)(b) Machinery pipeline painting as per colour coding post surface preparation. (c) All equipment/ machinery to be painted as per existing paint scheme. (d) Painting of bulkheads, deck head and deck area of engine room and voith comaprtment to be undertaken as per existing paint scheme Jotun.(e) Clean all limber holes and drain holes. Examine structures not covered by lagging, paying particular attention to position where water is likely to accumulate, longitudinal junctions with side plating and machinery bearers with bottom plating, horizontal surfaces such as tank tops, horizontal stiffeners and structure obscured by cable plating.(f) Portable fittings that obscure structure are to be removed for examination of structure behind. Paint to be restored as per existing paint scheme. Paint to be provided by Firm.Material and Service to be provided by contractor 11 Cathodic Protection Sacrificial Anodes - Renew sacrificial anodes fitted to underwater hull, voith, inlets and outlets, sea chest, bilges and coffer dams and ring anodes as per hull survey report. Quality certificate of the Anode to be provided for newly fitted anodes prior fitment. (MK III / MK IV - 13, Special Voith Anode - 30, Ring Anodes for OBD - 13). To be paid on actual. Material and Service to be provided by contractor 12 Steel Renewal- All machinery / equipment, switchboard/ control panels, electronic and communication equipments , all light fittings, pipe lines, valves, electrical cables, junction boxes, lagging, panelling, obstructions, protrusions, foundation etc in way of steel renewal will be removed and refitted. (a) Renew steel (if required) along with structural sections of following locations: -(i) Underwater Hull (ii)Underwater compartments (iii) Fuel, Fresh Water, Ballast and Misc tanks (iv) Superstructure (v) Masts (vi) Weather deck, bridge deck, funnel deck anddeck fittings (vii) internal compartments. (b) Job also involves degutting / regutting works like lagging, tiling, underlay , panelling, pipes electrical wires minor eqpts. Brackets, wooden fittings. (c) New plates / stiffeners (DMR 249A only) to be blasted to SA 2.5 and primer should be applied before erection. (d) Prepare surface and apply one coat of primer immediately after completion of hot work. (e) Record section wise report of steel renewal and forward report in 03 sets of hard copy and 01 set of soft copy to navy / ship staff. Steel plates supplied by Yard. All consumables material suppliedby contractor. Payment on actuals. Quote for Service and Material seperately. Note:- Job involves degutting / regutting of panelling, lagging, electrical equipment’s, wooden fittings andBrackets for survey. Area 100 Sqmm. 13 Repair & refitment of panelling including regutting of lagging, clamps and fasteners. Mat-SS, thickness - 50 mm, B15 Type. Payment on actuals.Material and Service to be provided by contractor 14 Fabrication & fitment of new panelling including regutting of lagging, clamps and fasteners. Mat-SS, thickness - 50 mm, B15 Type. Payment on actuals.Material and Service to be provided by contractor 15 Anchor, Chain Cable and Cable Locker - Remove and lay out Anchor, chain cables and accessories. Carry out surface preparationup to bare metal to SA 2.5 standard for survey of anchor, chain cable along with accessories , naval pipe and cable locker. Anchor cleaning sea water line to be repaired/ renewed and make functional. Repairs to be under taken as per hull survey report. Dismantle anchor and chain cable , clean and grease all joining shackles. Strip and grease slip in cable locker. Re-arrange cable length to ensure equality of wear. Re-mark cable length. Overhauling hull associated fittings including deck rollers and renew as required. Clean and grease trunion pin and housing. Grease to be used:- LG-280 Patt No 0474/910-0502. The machined surface of the joints of lugless joining shackles are to be examined for corrosion. All Anchor, chain cables and accessories are to be stripped, greased and re-assembled. Anchor, chain cable and cable locker to be painted as per existing paint scheme and restore in cable locker. Paint to be provided by refittng firm. (Qty: Anchor - 02, chain length- 275 mtr, Swivel piece- 04, Lug less Joining shackles- 10, D Shackles- 04). Material and service to be provided by contractor. 16 Overhauling-Capstan (Mfd- Geeta Eng. Works) - Following work to be carried out:-(a) Overhauling of capstan along with motor assembly and changing of oil. Equipment to be proved for satisfactory operation. Undertake weather proofing of motor terminal box.(b) Renew all high speed bearings.(c) Capstan Control panel damaged.(d) Contactor & control transformer to be Replaced Quote for Service and Material seperately(d) Blow out all motor windings thoroughly with clean dry air.(e) Clean and thereafter varnish dirty and oily windings. (f) Motor to be overhauled, with both bearings renewed & tested onboard on load (subject to QC checks).(g) Overhauling of brake mechanism to be carried out.(h) Inspect and overhaul the control panel and renew defective components and cabling.(j) System to be proved for designed operation and load trials to be offered. (k) Carry out surface prepaeation of foundation and structure by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). Clean and restore paint scheme post surface preparation. Material and Service to be provided by Contractor. 17 Overhauling-Anchor Winlass (Mfd- Geeta Eng. Works) - Following work to be carried out:-(a) Overhauling of anchor winch along with motor assembly (415V, 10HP), rollersand anchor windlass accessories.Changing of oil and insulation checks of the motor to be undertaken. Undertake weather proofing of motor terminal box. Undertake survey of structure post load testing. Structural defects to be rectified, if any.(b) Renewal of Both Main & control cable and operating lever to be replaced with new. Quote for service &Materials Seperately.(b) Renew all high speed bearings (6208.2ZR).(c) Blow out all motor windings thoroughly with clean dry air.(d) Clean and varnish dirty and oily windings.(e) Motor to be overhauled, both bearing to be renewed & tested onboard on load (subject to QC checks).(f) Overhaul brake mechanism.(g) Overhaul the control panel, and renew defective components and cabling.(h) Renew all safety pins along with SS chain.(j) Load test details to be furnished. Note:- Vendor to cater for all consumables, including POLstopup required for energising the equipment post repairs.(k) System to be proved for designed operation and load trials to be offered. (m) Carry out surface prepaeation of foundation and structure by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). Clean and restore paint scheme post surface preparation. Material and Service to be provided by Contractor 18 Overhaulrng- slr.glu Armlnoat DaviL (MfS * Bliawar,ilEngineering Pvt Ltd) :Itul overhauling of boar ldavit, manual re.l-ease lnoof, gear box along with fnotor assembly to be lcarried out. Insul-ation lchecks of the motor to be lundertaken. Undertake lweather proofinq of motorlterminal box (I P61) . lourinq trial-s motor t-lparameters are to l recorded and same to becleared by NSRY QC.(b) Renewal of boat fall and release mechanism wire rope along with end fittings , securing arrangement, hooking arrangement and other associated lifting gearsto be undertaken.(c) Operation of manual hand release mechanism tobe proved.(d) Replacement of gearlbox oi I to be carried IIOUL. I l(e) Replacement of alllf i*i t swi tches ro be lcarried out withlspecifications as Ilexrsting and proving ofllimit switch operation tolbe undertaken.l,rl Peplac?mtrnt of attlot-= nrpples and greaseIto be charged. lrnl carry out surfacelpr, ptut ion o f f oundat ionland strucrure by hydro;er Ilbtast ing to achieve WJ2lstandards for undertakrnglsurvey. Struccurallrepairs/ renewal to belundertaken as per surveylreport of NSRY QC ream.lclean ano restore paintlnost surface preparation l19 inspection ro belottered to NSRY QC. l(h) Load test to be carried out postcompletron of repafrs andequipment shouldwithstand load trial-s.Defects observed duringLoad testing t-o beliquidated. (j ) System tobe proved for designedoperation and l-oad trialsto be cl-eared. Load testcerti f icate t.o be provided post successfull completion of loadtesting. Note: - Vendor tocater for allconsumables, includingPOLs topup required forenergising the equipmentcost repairs.Ylaterial- and Service tore provided by:ontracto 19 Overhauling4.7 Mtr Rescue Boat Mfd - M/s Poly Glass Fibre Industries - Operationlised the Rescue Boat. Carry out following: - (a) Repair of GRP hull structure to be carried out. Check and inspect the double securing arrangement of boat coller. Repair/ renew as required. Trials to be carried out along with weighing of boat with accessories post repairs. Test certificate to be provided.(b) Overhauling of motor boat engine including calibration of injectors.(c) Fitment of reflective tapes on boat coller.(d) Boat chocks and cushion of sitting arrangement of rescue boat, to be repaired.(g) Boat securing strap (gripes) to be renewed along with end fittings. Mat - polyester.(h) 02 in Nos oars and boat hook (Qty-02) for rescue boat damaged / broken. To be renewed. (j) Renew polyester webbing boat sling for lowering and hoisting purpose. SWL 3.5 ton. Load test certificate to be provided. Boat trials to be conducted and proved for satisfactory performance. Material and Service to be provided by contractor 20 Towing Hook with quick release mechanism Mfd- M/s Nautiluis Eng & Construction Company - Carry out overhauling and load testing of towing hook and undertake repairs. job involves renewal of release line. Load test certificate to be provided.Additionally, pneumatic cylinder and air line, solenoid, push buttons mechanism to be checked and proved for satisfactory operation. (Qty - 02). Material and service to be provided by contractor 21 Doors-water tight and non wt doors - (a) WT Doors - (i) Carry out surface preparation of foundation and structure by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). (ii) Repair clips, hinges for looseness and associated fittings for signs of wear and tear. Examine washers, toridal sealing rings and rubber sealing. Renew worn out parts and rubber beading. (iii) Carry out chalk test of all W/T doors. (iv) Paint to be restored as per existing navy approved paint scheme Jotun. (Qty - 06, Size - 1750X700). (b) NWT Doors - (a) Repair NWT doors hinges and deformed structure (including replacement of door locking mechanism with spares, hinges, handles, stoppers, latches, hydraulic door closing mechanism and rubber beading. Job involves removal & fitment, repair of coaming of door, structural coaming, frames). Renew 07 hydraulic doors closer for NWT doors. Curtain to be provided made of fire retardant cloth. NWT doors - 14. Material to be provided by refitting firm. Material and Service to be provided by contractor. 22 Scuttles and Windows - Repair hinge fittings, toughened glass and glass rails for looseness and sign of wear / damage. Renew worn out/ damaged parts and rubber beading. Curtain to be provided made by fire retardant cloth. Material to be provided by refitting firm. (Side scuttle with dead light: Qty - 14, Glass Thickness- 8-15 mm, Size - 250-300 mm). (windows - 20) . 23 WT Hatch - (a) Carry out surface preparation of foundation and structure by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). (b) Repairs and overhauling of WT Hatches. (Including surface preparation of hatch body and primer application,repairs to Coaming of hatches, Structural coaming, frames and straightening of bent hatches by removal & fitment, replacement ofnew locks, auto locks, hinge pins, hinge assembly, rubber beading and removal & fitment). (c) Carry out chalk test post repairs and renew worn out parts as necessary. (Qty - 07). Material and Service to be provided by contractor. 24 Manholes - (a) Renewal of manhole covers to be undertaken of various tanks. (b)Renewal of rubber gasket and fastners to be undertaken of maholes. (Qty - 15). Material and Service to be provided by contractor. 25 Overhauling- Sewage Treatment Plant (Mfd - Hamworthy, England, Model-ST 1 A-C) - Undertake following routines:(a) Functioning of level switches of V-1 tank.Carryout de-sludging of V-2 tank by backflushing line. Clean the seawater ‘y’ type strainer at the inlet to bookcell. Lub oil to be renewed. Clean air supply filter / regulator element in solvent. Drain, inspect & clean the ‘bookcell’. Remove large deposits of hard material with diluted hydrochloric acid. Post completion of routines, operate system and inspect for leaks and proper cell amperage.(b) Inspect the tightness of belt and check leakage from gland of discharge pump. Repack the gland (if required).(c) Carry out following on Macerator pump:- (i) Check to ensure there are no leakages from the main seals. Renew drive end bearing and seals. (ii) Ensure impeller is free for rotation with no vibration. (iii) Ensure overload units operating correctly. (iv) Remove drain plugs provided at each end of the bracket of the electric motor and allow any accumulated moisture to drain away. Replace damaged plugs.(d) Clean and lubricate all plug cock valves. Lubricate valves in fully opened or fully closed position only.(e) Repair/ Replace all defective components. Post repairs, STP to be proved for operation as per designed parameters.(f) Undertake effluent test from NABL accredited lab and check compliance to MARPOL norms.(g) Sewage pollution prevention certificate valid for duration of five years from a state authorised accredited agencies as specified in MEPC 115(51) and 227(64) as per annex iv of marpol 73/78.(h) Carry out calibration of fixed H2S sensor. Certificate of calibration to be obtained from the OEM. Date of calibration and next due date should be clearly indicated on the certificate. System to be proved post repairs.Material and Service to be provided by contractor 26 Life raft - (a) Renew Hydrostatic Release Gears by NABL accredited agency. (Qty 02) Quote for material. (b) Life raft stowing brackets (Qty 02) along with life raft securing straps, slips, hooks, rubber padding of brackets and shackles to be renewed. Quote for services and material. 27 Fender - Key hole fixed rubber fenders on fwd and aft of tug found damage/ perished. Fenders to be renewed as per existing fender. Job involves renewal of securing fasteners and fitment of fenders. Mat to be provided by refitting firm. Payment on actuals. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 28 Fenders -Tyre fenders of barge found damaged. Renewal of tyre fenders (Qty- 26, Aircraft tyres with outer dia 90 cm) to be carried out. Job involves fabrication of three hook brackets along with securing plate for securing tyre with chain in three diamensions, renewal of eye pads associated with rubber fenders,20 mm galvanised chain and D shackle 20 mm.Note:- (i) Job involves cutting and welding assistance for removal of existing damaged pad eyes and removal and fitment of Tyre fenders. (ii) Job involves degutting / regutting works like lagging, underlay, panelling, electrical wires minor eqpts. Brackets if required for welding of eye pads.(Note :Vendor to clear QC checks from user manager prior fitment).Payment on actuals. Material and Service to be provided by contractor 29 Fender - D type rubber fender port and stbd (under water) damaged/ perished. to be renewed in situ. job involves welding and cutting assistance.(length - 600 mm, width - 305 mm). Payment on actuals. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 30 Life saving applicences - Following life saving appliances to be renewed: (a) stretcher. Size - standard. (Qty - 01) (b) First Aid box (Qty - 03) (c) Life Jackets (Qty - 20) Quote for Service and Material seperately. 31 Renewal of life saving appliance - (a) lifebuoy with self-igniting light and smoke signal (mob marker) quick release type to be renewed on bridge deck (qty 02) (b) lifebuoy with life line (30m long) to be renewed on main deck (qty 02) (c) ordinary lifebuoy damaged. to be renewed on main deck (qty 04) (d) lifebuoy with self-igniting light and 30m buoyant life line to be renewed on funnel deck (qty 04). Material and service to be provided by contractor 32 Renewal of Name Board Ships illumination name box on mast damaged/ defective. To be renewed. Job involves securing arrangement and electrical fittings. Mat - MS (qty 01) Box dimensions - 770 mm X 470 mm, Font Size - 150 mm. Material and Service to be provided by Contractor 33 Ships name board on Port and Stbd side to be renewed. Mat - Wood (qty 02) with name engraved by steel electroplating. Size - 1090 mm X 780 mm, Font Size - 230 mm (Hindi and English Fonts).Material and Service to be provided by Contractor 34 Renewal and fitment of punka lowers damaged at various trunkings. size – 6”. Payment on actuals. Material and Service to be provided by contractor 35 Life saving applicences - pilot cum embarkation rope ladder broken. to be renewed. (Dia - 20 mm, Length - 03 mtr). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 36 Renewal of mushroom head with spindle and valves. mat to be provided by refitting firm. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 37 Airvent pipe and valve - Overhauling of 15 in nos (10 ball type check valve and 05 goose neck) of Airvent pipe to be undertaken. Repair structural defects. Air vent valves of all ballast tanks found to be not holding. Valve to be overhauled and mesh to be replaced.Material and service to be provided by Contractor. 38 Accommodation and offices - Renewal of sunmica, wooden furniture and wooden fittings, locking arrangement, hingesof table,wooden cupboards and drawersin compartment and accommodation spaces. Dining table - 01 (1200x700x750h),locker - 10, bunkdrawer - 14, Quote for Service and Material seperately. 39 Renewal of single mattress (6 1/2 inch), mattress covers and their securing arrangements. Rectified and renewal as necessary. bunk cover - 14, mattress - 14(single type mattress). Mat to be provided by refitting firm. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 40 Executive Chairs (Revolving) of master, chief engg and wheel house broken and damaged (Qty 04) nos. to be replaced. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 41 Removal of old deck covering to be undertaken. Surface preparation to ST 3 standard to be carried out for hull survey. Defects to be rectified as per survey report of yard. Deck covering to be renewed post application of primer on deck. Payment on actuals. Material and Serviceto be provided by contractor 42 Ventilation System - Carryout chemical/ mechanical cleaning of all trunkings. Renew perished / damaged trunkings on upper deck and mess. paint to be restored post repairs as per existing paint scheme. Payment on actuals.Quote for services and material. 43 Grease filters inside exhaust trunking in galleys to be cleaned and preserved. Renew if defective. Quote for services and material. 44 50 running meter area of bulwark damaged / deformed at various location. To be repaired / renewed. mat – MS. Payment on actuals. Quote for services and material. 45 Dado area in wet compartment corroded / damaged. to be repaired / renewed. Job involves removing of gutting degutting of panels. Payment on actuals. Quote for services and material. 46 Securing bracket of fire hose box corroded at multiple locations. to be renewed. mat to be provided by refitting firm. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 47 02 bulwark door damaged/ corroded. To be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 48 Canvas covers of following deck equipment torned/ perished. to be renewed. Windlass (Qty-02), and control stand (Qty-02), rescue boat (Qty-02), search light (Qty-02), magnetic compass (Qty-02), capstan (Qty-02), and illumination boards(Qty - 02). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 49 Deck locker in the forecastle deck corroded and thinned, to be renewed with its securing brackets. Mat - SS. Securing bracket Mat - MS.Size 2 mtr X 1mtr X 700mm. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 50 Jack staff and ensign staff support pipe with socket and shoe corroded in forecastle and qarter deck to be renewed as per sample. Material - GI pipe 50 NB. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 51 Hand pump fitted on forecastle and quarter deck jammed and handle broken. to be overhauled and handle to be renewed. Qty 03 nos. size 40 NB. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 52 Removal, chemical clean and repair of pipelines in bathroom, toilet, galley to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (Mat - cu- ni/ 50nb). Payment on actuals. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 53 Tiling works in various toilets and bathroom damaged. to be renewed. Payment on actuals. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 54 Following defective WC and bathroom accessories to be renewed. (a) shower - 04, (b) water tap - 04, (c) urinal with full fittings and accessories - 02, (d) commode with full fittings and accessories - 02, (e) two way basin / sink - 02 (f) basin drain pipe - 06. Note. Defective valves and reducers, to be renewed. Quote for services and material. 55 Drain pipe lines chocked at various locations on upper deck. to be repaired/ renewed. Job involves renewal of strainer, flanges, SS nut bolts and degutting – regutting. Mat – MS, Length – 10 mtr. Payment on actuals. Quote for services and material. 56 Strip and clean sanitary system drain pipes. Re-galvanize/ renewal to be undertaken if required. Payment on actuals. Material and service to be provided by contractor 57 Main deck port side and stbd side footsteps corroded and thinned. Material -MS Chequred plate. To be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 58 IMO stickers to be restored after painting. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 59 08 nos cleat fitted in upper deck on bull work broken and damaged to be renewed as per sample. Material MS. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 60 Ladders - Carry out surface preparation to ST 3 standard of all ladders up to bare metal. Repairs to be under taken as per hull survey report of ladders with associated footsteps and handrails. Paint to be restored as per existing paint scheme. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 61 All electrical equipments securing brackets, fireman line securing clamps corroded/ thinned/ broken at various locations on upper deck. To be renewed with paint scheme. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 62 Wooden paneling in master cabin, ED cabin, crew cabin, WCS and bathrooms damaged/ broken. To be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 63 Paint Scheme Renewal Water Ballast Tank and Fresh Water Tank - Carry out complete surface preparation to bare hull (SA 2.5 standards). Thereafter Paint to be restored as per existing paint scheme post repairs as per hull survey report for the following tanks:-(a) Water ballast tanks - 553 Sqm (b) Fresh Water Tanks - 70 sqm. Material and Service to be provided by contractor 64 Internal Super Structure and Compartments - Carry out degutting and surface preparation to bare metal (ST 3) standard of all internal super structure and compartmentsfor hull survey.Repair works to be under taken on internal hull structure including bulkhead and fittings as per survey report of various compartments on upper deck and below decks. Painting to be under taken post repairs as per existing paint scheme. Payment on actuals. Quote for services and material. 65 Geared Rope Reel - Carry out surface preparation of foundation and structure by manual chipping/ buffing up to bare metal (ST 3). Repairs/ renwal to be undertaken as per hull survey report. Painting to be undertaken post repairs. Material and service to be provided by contractor 66 Metalic canopy on Main deck to be renewed. Job involves complete renewal of stanchions (Mat - Stainless Steel), stanchion shoes, securing strips and installation with new canopy (45 sqm). Job involves provision of ligting arrangement including fittings. Material and service to be provided by Contractor 67 Full length chain cable - 05, Dia - 17.5 MM. Note- Payment on actuals. Material to be provided by Contractor. 68 Port and Stbd Main engine, Make- Caterpillar, Model- 3512C (Port- 11816 hrs, Stbd- 11757 hrs):- Carry out Following Top Overhaul/ 12K routines on both Main engines.(a) Remove and inspect components of the air shut off damper. (b) Replace the coolant temperature regulator. (c) Remove and clean engine speed/ timing sensor. (d) Overhaul Air Starting motors. (e) Overhaul water pump. (f) Overhaul the auxiliary water pump. (g) Adjust engine valve lash.(h) Inspect the condition of metallic compensators and change all flexible hoses. (j) Clean the lubricating bowl of the air starting motor. (k) Inspect the crankshaft vibration damper for evidence of dents, cracks and leaks of the fluid. Identify causes and rectify at source. Replace in case defect on damper beyond permissible limits. (l) Change engine oil and oil filter. (m) Replace the secondary filter in the fuel system. (n) Remove and clean crankcase breather elements, inspect condition of hoses and replace defective seals. (p) Change primary filter and water separator of the fuel system. (q) Renew Alternator and accessories belts. (r) Flush engine cooling system and renew Main engine coolant. (s) Check engine mounts. (t) Inspect the Cylinder head assembly. (u) Replace Electronic Unit Injectors. (v) Clean the Oil suction screen after oil has been drained. (w) Inspect the following components, renew if required: (i) Camshaft followers (ii) Cylinder head assembly (iii) Scavenge oil pump (iv) Engine wiring harness (v) Exhaust manifold seals (vi) Exhaust manifold bellows (vii) Fuel pressure regulating valve (viii) Fuel priming pump (ix) Fuel transfer pump (x) Inlet manifold gaskets (xi) Inlet manifold seals (xii) Oil pump (xiii) Prelub oil pump (xiv) Push rods (xv) Rocker arms (xvi) Spacer plates (xvii) Software update (xviii) Turbocharger (x) Inspect the following components:- (i) After cooler core (ii) Camshaft (iii) Alignment of driven equipments (iv) Engine control module (v) Exhaust bellow shields (vi) oil suction screen (vii) Both Main Engines Sea water pump to be overhauledNote:-Post completion of routines, Check for any oil/ water leakage, exhaust leakage, stop the engine and re-check engine oil level, top up if require. Trials to be undertaken and system performance to be proved for satisfactory. Quote for Service 69 Kit for Top Overhaul/ 12K routines of both Main engines. Quote for Material 70 Lub oil cooler of both Main engines to be dismantled, chemically cleaned and boxed back with new gaskets. System to be pressure tested and proved for operation post fitment of coolers. Quote for Service and Material seperately 71 Carry out SDC checks of both Main engines both hot and cold, and prove from remot control mode for satisfactory performance, rectify all defects. Defective sensors/gauges to be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately Carry out SDC checks of both Main engine local control panel and wheel house control panel, rectify all defects. Quote for Service and Material seperately 72 Port and Stbd Diesel Alternator (M/s Cummins India Ltd) (Present Running Hours - Port: 9624 hrs; Stbd: 9617 hrs) - Carry out following Major overhaul/ 12K routines on both DA:-(a) Remove intake and exhaust manifold. Clean & pressure test, (b) Remove turbocharger. Clean, inspect & repair with new spares. (c) Remove fuel injection pump. Clean, inspect, calibrate & repair with new spares, (d) Remove rocker levers & shaft. Clean, inspect & repair with new spares. (e) Remove injectors, clean, inspect, repair & calibrate with new spares, (f) Remove fuel connections (high pressure pipe lines).Clean, inspect & repair with new spares, (g) Remove push rods. Clean, inspect. Replace if required, (h) Dismantle cylinder head. Clean, inspect & repair with new spare parts, (j) Dismantle one piston & one connecting rod assembly. Replace if required. Based on inspection, undertake inspection of balance piston / connecting rods accordingly, (k) Remove and Replace fresh water Pump, (l) Replace vibration damper. (m) Remove belt tensioner. Clean, inspect & repair with new spare parts, (n) Remove & replace fuel feed Pump, (p) Replace sea water pump, (q) Remove starter motor. Clean, inspect, & repair with new spare parts , (r) Replace all hoses of cooling system, air system, lub oil and fuel systems, (s) Replace all zinc plugs, (t) Tighten all foundation bolts, (u) Clean all dismantled parts and cylinder block top position. Assemble engine with all new gaskets / o rings, seals and above dismantle sub-assemblies, (v) Carry out tappet setting. (w) Undertake inspection and cleaning of charge air cooler followed by pressure testing. (x) Remove Heat exchanger, clean & pressure test. (y) Reflush cooling system with fresh coolant. (z) Check all cut-out & safety controls., rectify all defects. (aa)Dismantle all liner & replace with new O-rings & liners. (ab)Remove flywheel and flywheel housing. Clean, inspect and repair with new spare parts. (ac) Remove Gear case cover. Clean, inspect & repair with new spare parts. (ad)Remove and replace tappets. (ae) Remove Cam Shaft. Clean, inspect & remove with new spare parts. (af) Remove Lubricating oil pump. Clean & inspect. (ag) Remove Crankshaft. Clean, inspect & measure the crankpins and main journals. Regrind/Replace if require. (ah)Remove and replace Main Bearing. (aj) Clean & inspect cylinder block. Check inline boring of main cap. (ak) Post completion of routines, Start the engine, check for any oil/ water leakage, exhaust leakage, stop the engine and re-check engine oil level, top up if require.Note:- Prove both DA for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service 73 SupplyKit for Major Overhaul/ 12K routines of both Diesel Alternators. Quote for Material 74 SupplyPick up magnetic. (2885708). Quote for Material 75 SupplyVoltage Monitoring relay VCTD2 (SPE0101172135). Quote for Material 76 SupplyUnder voltage relay 220/240 V AC (LV429407). Quote for Material 77 SupplyInhibitor Corrosion DCA14L. (3167217). Quote for Material 78 Carry out following works on both DA:- (a) Clean all contact studs and bolts from rust cleaner and to be tightened, (b) Check AVR for serviceability and rectify. Carry out calibration, after calibration of AVR undertake the voltage control test and paralleling trials (c) All loose screws to be tightened, (d) Carry out calibration of over voltage protection unit (OVPU) and reverse power relay and renew, if required(e) Undertake trials on completion of overhauling viz. Full load trials, voltage control test, speed control test and paralleling trials. Rectify all defects. (f) Both DA winding heaters and control panel door to be renewed. (g) Following instrumentation gauges and PCBs of DA control panel to be renewed:- (i) Ammeter (ii) Voltmeter (iii) Lub oil pressure (iv) Lub oil Temp (v) Fresh water temp (vi) Exhaust gas temp (vii) Tachometer (viii) Hour counter. (h) All cable conduits of DA to be renewed.(j) Alternators/ Dynamo to be renewed and proved for operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 79 Both DA expansion tanks to be replaced along with all accessories and new gauge glass to be renewed as per existing fitted. Quote for Service and Materialseperately. 80 Following works to be undertaken on both DA:- (a) Carry out SDC checks of both DA local control panel, rectify all defects.(b) LCP panel display (Make- Inteli drive DCU marine) to be renewed.(c) DA control battery charger to be renewed(d) Electronic Governor to be renewed.(e) Carry out load trials and observe parameters.Quote for Service and Material seperately. 81 Reciprocating Air compressor :- Carry out following routines:-(a) Renew all pressure gauges (Qty 04), (b) Carry out complete major overhauling of compressor including motor.(c) All cut-outs to be renewed and proved for operation. (d) Performance trials to be conducted and system to be proved for satisfactory performance. Quote for Service 82 Air Comp Ingersoll-Rand 7T2- Kit Complete overhaul 7T2 (37123742AS01). Quote for Material 83 Element filter T-line (32012957). Quote for Material 84 Both MD Air compressor outlet filter element to be renewed.Moisture trap to be opened, cleaned and boxed back. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 85 Pressure guage (0- 32 bar) to be Renewed at discharge pipe in both Air Compressors. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 86 Carry out overhauling of Air compressor starter panel. Calibrate all safety relays and renew all defective sensors, gauges relay/components (if required). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 87 Port and Stbd Voith Turbo Schneider, Model - 21 R 5/150-2 (Running Hour: Port- 9542 hrs, Stbd- 9612 hrs):- Carry out Following 10K/ Dry docking routines of both Voith and 10 Yearly Routines.1.Renewal of Blade Shaft Seals of VSP(a)Take axial and torsional readings and zero position of blade(b) check and report condiction of blade and rotor case bottom (c) take backlash reading and checks contact pattern on main gear (d) drain oil from rotor casing (e) pump oil out of upperhousing (f) drain oil from suction and discharge pipe at pump (g) remove blade barring cover (h) slacken large bolts on blade actuating lever (i) hang blade and chain block (j) expand blade actuting lever and remov axial holding plate (k) lower blade (l) move blade to work shope (M) remove gland ring (n)Remove packing ring with seal (P) check blade for damage (q) Measur bearing clearance (r) renewal of shaft seals and its associate parts (s) fitments of blade (t) oil filling (u) trail runs (v) health check sof VSP systems (x) Instruments calibration and alaram checks.2. Replacement of ten blade Seals of Voith Propulsion system during dry docking.Note:- Rectify all defects and renew components wherever not satisfactory. Quote for Service 88 Kit for 10K/ Dry docking routines of both Voith. Quote for Material 89 Following oil pressure sensors and transmitters on local display panel on both Voith not working, to be renewed and SDC checks to be carried out. system to be proved for satisfactory operation:- (i) Lub oil pressure (ii) Control oil pressure (iii) Rotor oil pressure.(iv) Bearing oil temperature. (v) Limit Switces. Post renewal, system to be proved for satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately seperately. 90 Both Voith Lub oil coolers to be chemically cleaned and pressure tested. Zinc anodes to be supplied. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 91 Voith Indication panel/ display in engine room to be calibrated. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 92 Oily Water Separator, Make- Blohm & Voss Industries GMBH, Model- Turbu 20NPB-0.5 :- Carry out complete overhauling (Major overhauling) of the separator and renew all worn out parts including instrumentation guages. Post completion of routines, OWS trials to be undertaken and system performance to be proved for Satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material separately 93 OWS ppm meter to be calibrated for designed performance. Renew if required. Quote for Service and Material seperately seperately. 94 CO2 Fire Fighting System (Make - M/s New Fire) - Carry out following routine/works :- (a) Renew all flexible hoses. (b) Overhaul non-return valves and safety stop valves. (c) Remove and inspect cylinder operating heads, test for correct functioning. Rectify all defects.(d) Carry out weight test of all CO2 cylinders, refill gas if required. Qty-10(e) CO2 control panels malfunctioning, to be repaired. (g) CO2 fire fighting system bottles to be pressure tested at 1.5 times of working pressure (10 Main cylinders and 03 pilot cylinders).(h) Blow out all distributing piping with LP air to make sure that it is not blocked.(j) Calibrate pressure gauges fitted in the system.(K) Check Audio Visual Alarm Function of CO2 system, Limit Switches In Control Panel for Operation, Renew if defective . (l) CO2 fire fighting system to be proved for satisfactory performance. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 95 Serviceability checks of CO2 fire fighting control system to be undertaken and all defects to be rectified. Control panels to be proved for designed performance and limit switches to be renewed. Quote for Service and Materialseperately . 96 External Firefighting system, Make-FFS System, Model-(250*350)XP:- Following works to be undertaken on Port FIFI system (a) Port FIFI clutch lub oil cooler to be cleaned and pressure test to be carried out. (b) Serviceability checks of Port FIFIsystem to be undertaken, all defects to be rectified. Trials to be undertaken and system performance to be proved for satisfactory. (c) Actuator nozzles of FIFI system on top of bridge not operating. Same to be renewed. Qty- 01 (d) Fire monitor panel and pendant switch with cable and Control panel at bridge operating erratically, control panel checks to be undertaken and defective components to be renewed. (e) Port FIFI lub oil and lub oil filter to be renewed. (f) Port FIFI clutch not engaging/ disengaging from remote, defect to be rectified. (g) Lub oil leakage from port FIFI lub oil level indicator, oil level indicator unit to be replaced.(h) Complete overhauling of pump and gear box of PORT side, job require removal of pump and gear box and renewal of defective/ worn out spares. Quote for Service and Materials.Note:- Relevant lub oil to be provided by contractor, seaprate cost breakdown for Lub oil to be given (Qty- 50 lt.rs ) . 97 Firemain hoses to be renewed as per sample. Quote for Material 98 Voith cooling Pump (Make:- B.E. PUMP, 18 TPH Centrifugal) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Remove suction and discharge pipe flange fasteners, coupling bolt of motor coupling. (b) Remove pump foundation bolts and take out pump from motor. (c) Motor drive end and driven end bearings to be replaced. (d) Motor load trials to be undertaken prior assembly, followed by SPM checks. (e) Insulation checks to be undertaken and rewinding of the motor to be undertaken if low insulation. (f) Motor windings to be fabricated with high temperature cut out. (g) Continuity and insulation checks of Starting panel of the PUMP to be carried out. Relays, MCBs, single phase preventor, timers and any control components defective to be replaced. (h) Remove impeller lock nut and take out the impeller. (j) Remove mechanical seal. (k) Remove bearing cover from other side and take out shaft. (l) Renew mechanical seal and bearings. (m) Clean all parts post inspection and assemble. (n) Calibrate suction and discharge pressure gauge (-1 to 3) kg/cm2 & (0 to 6) kg/cm2 . (p) Re-fitment of pump and motor on foundation and alignment to be carried out. System to be proved for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service and Material seperately 99 Domestic F/W and S/W Pump (Make:- B.E. PUMP, Capacity- 2 TPH, Centrifugal) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Remove suction and discharge pipe flange fasteners, coupling bolt of motor coupling. (b) Remove pump foundation bolts and take out pump from motor. (c) Motor drive end and driven end bearings to be replaced. (d) Motor load trials to be undertaken prior assembly, followed by SPM checks. (e) Insulation checks to be undertaken and rewinding of the motor to be undertaken if low insulation. (f) Motor windings to be fabricated with high temperature cut out. (g) Continuity and insulation checks of Starting panel of the PUMP to be carried out. Relays, MCBs, single phase preventor, timers and any control components defective to be replaced. (h) Remove impeller lock nut and take out the impeller. (j) Remove mechanical seal. (k) Remove bearing cover from other side and take out shaft. (l) Renew mechanical seal and bearings. (m) Clean all parts post inspection and assemble. (n) Calibrate suction and discharge pressure gauge (-1 to 3) kg/cm2 & (0 to 6) kg/cm2 . (p) Re-fitment of pump and motor on foundation and alignment to be carried out. System to be proved for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service and Material seperately seperately. 100 Bilge Pump (Make:- B.E. Pumps, Model:- CV-40-250,CV-80-400, 30 TPH, Centrifugal) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Remove suction and discharge pipe flange fasteners, coupling bolt of motor coupling. (b) Remove pump foundation bolts and take out pump from motor. (c) Motor drive end and driven end bearings to be replaced. (d) Motor load trials to be undertaken prior assembly, followed by SPM checks. (e) Insulation checks to be undertaken and rewinding of the motor to be undertaken if low insulation. (f) Motor windings to be fabricated with high temperature cut out. (g) Continuity and insulation checks of Starting panel of the PUMP to be carried out. Relays, MCBs, single phase preventor, timers and any control components defective to be replaced. (h) Remove impeller lock nut and take out the impeller. (j) Remove mechanical seal. (k) Remove bearing cover from other side and take out shaft. (l) Renew mechanical seal and bearings. (m) Clean all parts post inspection and assemble. (n) Calibrate suction and discharge pressure gauge (-1 to 3) kg/cm2 & (0 to 6) kg/cm2 . (p) Re-fitment of pump and motor on foundation and alignment to be carried out. System to be proved for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service and Materialseperately. 101 Fire/ GS Pump (Make:- B.E. Pumps, Model:- CV-40-250,CV-80-400, 30 TPH, Centrifugal) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Remove suction and discharge pipe flange fasteners, coupling bolt of motor coupling. (b) Remove pump foundation bolts and take out pump from motor. (c) Motor drive end and driven end bearings to be replaced. (d) Motor load trials to be undertaken prior assembly, followed by SPM checks. (e) Insulation checks to be undertaken and rewinding of the motor to be undertaken if low insulation. (f) Motor windings to be fabricated with high temperature cut out. (g) Continuity and insulation checks of Starting panel of the PUMP to be carried out.Relays, MCBs, single phase preventor, timers and any control components defective to be replaced. (h) Remove impeller lock nut and take out the impeller. (j) Remove mechanical seal. (k) Remove bearing cover from other side and take out shaft. (l) Renew mechanical seal and bearings. (m) Clean all parts post inspection and assemble. (n) Calibrate suction and discharge pressure gauge (-1 to 3) kg/cm2 & (0 to 6) kg/cm2 . (p) Re-fitment of pump and motor on foundation and alignment to be carried out. System to be proved for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service and Material seperately 102 Fuel Oil transfer Pump (Make:- Tushaco Pumps, Cap- 5 TPH) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Pump to be overhauled (b) Overhauling of motor to be undertaken. (c) Bearing & seal to be renewed. (d) Impeller balancing to be undertaken. (e) Shaft to be renewed if worn out. (f) Starter panel to be overhauled. System to be proved for satisfactory designed performance. Note:- Pump inner casing machining not to be done, suitable bush to be used.Quote for Service and Material seperately seperately. 103 Dirty Oil Pump (Make:- Tushaco Pumps, Cap- 1 TPH) - Following works to be carried out:- (a) Pump to be overhauled (b) Overhauling of motor to be undertaken. (c) Bearing & seal to be renewed. (d) Impeller balancing to be undertaken. (e) Shaft to be renewed if worn out. (f) Starter panel to be overhauled. System to be proved for satisfactory designed performance. Note:- Pump inner casing machining not to be done, suitable bush to be used.Quote for Service and Materialseperately. 104 Heat Exchangers:- Following works to be carried out:-(a) Both Alfa coolers to be dismantled in-situ, mechanically cleaned and boxed back with new gaskets. System to be pressure tested and proved for operation post fitment of coolers. Test pr- 3.5 kg/cm2. (b) Existing inlet and outlet pipes with flanges of both Alfa coolers to be replaced with Cu-Ni(90:10) pipe. Length- 2 mtr, Mat- Cu Ni, Dia- 100 mm (c) Both Alfa coolers Inlet/ Outlet pipes securing fasteners to be replaced with stud and nut (Mat- SS). Job involves drilling and tapping. (d) Sea water and Fresh water pressure and temperature guages line adaptors to be fabricated/ renewed in both Alfa coolers, respective pressure and temperature guages to be supplied. Qty- 08. Quote for Service and Materialseperately. 105 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 65mm globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 106 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 80mm globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 107 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 80mm NR valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 108 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 80mm Butterfly with pinion drive valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 109 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 125mm globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 110 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 50mm Quick close valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 111 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 125mm Butterfly valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 112 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 50mm butterfly valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 113 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 100mm globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 114 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 40mm SDNR valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 115 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 40mm globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 116 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 25mm SD valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 117 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 32mm SDNR valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 118 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 50mm Globe valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 119 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 65mm SDNR valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 120 Valves:- Removal, overhauling, pressure testing and fitment of 300mm Butterfly valves. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 121 System Pipelines: -Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (Cu- Ni– 65 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately 122 System Pipelines: -Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance(Cu- Ni– 100 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 123 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance(Cu- Ni– 125 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 124 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance(MS– 125 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 125 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (MS– 100 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 126 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (Cu- Ni– 40 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 127 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance(MS– 125 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 128 System Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (Stainless Steel– 250 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 129 Sea Water Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (Stainless Steel– 150 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 130 Sea Water Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (CuNi– 100 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 131 Sea Water Pipelines: - Removal, chemical clean and repair system pipelines to be undertaken, followed by pressure testing to 1.5 times working pressure (kg/cm2). Thereafter undertake fitment onboard and prove for designed performance (CuNi– 125 mm). Quote for Service and Material seperately. 132 Both Main engine FIFI pump drain line damaged. To be renewed with valve. Dia - 15mm.Quote for Service and Material seperately 133 Supply of Sea water suction Strainers: - Replace following suction strainers as per sample: Main sea chest, Bilge suction, DA suction and fuel system. Mat - SS. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 134 Renewal of hot lagging with metallic clading for DA and Main Engine exhaust system pipeline. Material- MWMB. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 135 Overhauling of fire hydrants to be carried out, brass coupling to be renewed. Respective O ring and plastic cap to be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 136 Replace of hand pump at Main deck and Engine room to be undertaken. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 137 Temperature thermometers of various system lines to be renewed as per sample. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 138 Air bottles (Capacity- 500 ltrs) to be pressure tested and proved up to 45 bar, Qty-02. Associated safety valves to be overhauled, Dia- 20 mm. Pressure test and overhauling work to beaccredated by NABL and certificates to be provided accordingly. Quote for Service 139 Both bilge pump foundation corroded. Foundation to be renewed as per sample. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 140 Fuel and Lub oil RU tank Guage glass coloumn to be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 141 System pressure guage line including end fittings of various sytem perished, to be renewed/ positioned. Mat- Copper, Dia- 5mm. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 142 Fuel shutt off valves along with associated fittings to be overhauled. System to be proved for satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately 143 Main Switch board: Following works to be carried out:- (a) Undertake calibration of instrument panel/ meters fitted on MSB (Qty- 10), Defective meters to be renewed/ supplied. (b) Replace bus bar insulators (Qty 06). (c) 01no. breaker handle damaged, handle to be renewed/ supplied. (d) Carryout calibration of all breakers, RPR/ UVR relay, CT, PT and other protection circuit, replace defective relays/ components.(e) Replace defective lugs, connector and wiring.(f) Earth fault parameter with hooter to be checked and proved. (g) Synchronising panel to be overhauled and proved.(h) Transformer chnging breaker to be proved.(J) Defective Wiring to be Renewed(Length-100Meters).(k) insulations sleeves (red,yellow,blue) inch each 1 roll ,qty-03All defectsto be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 144 Navigational lights (230V 65W, 24V 40W) fitted at various locations defective, to be repaired/ supplied. Job also involves renewal of securing brackets. Quote for Service and Material seperately 145 Navigation light cable damaged/perished at various location. Cable to be replaced. (2.5sqmm, 60 mtrs). Quote for Service and Material Seperatly 146 Navigation control panel-Carry out repair of the panel and prove system for both (230V AC & 24V DC) operation. PCBs, toggle switches, Buzzers and indicator lamps to be proved. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 147 Air Whistle and Electric Horn not working. To be renewed/ supplied to latest version alongwith panel and prove system for both electrical and pneumatic mode. Quote for Service and Material seperately 148 Indication panel in wheel house for Anemometer not showing reading. Undertake calibration of the system and prove system as per designed performance.Quote for Service and Material seperately 149 Overhauling of domestic transformers (15KVA, Qty-02) and lighting transformer (10KVA, Qty-02) to be carried out. To be proved for satisfactory operation.Quote for Service and Material seperately 150 Sound power telephone in various locations is not working. To be replaced and proved for satisfactory operation. (Qty- 05 nos, Make - M/s Elcome).Quote for Service and Material seperately 151 Wall mounted fans defective in accommodation area and wheel house. To be replaced as per sample. Make -Orient. Quote for Service and Material seperately 152 02 no. search light (1000W) not working. To be replaced and rotaing mechanism of both search light defective, to be repaired. Job involves renewal of securing bracket and fitment. Quote for Service and Material seperately 153 Echo sounder(Furuno)- (a)Undertake calibration of main recorder, repeater, transducer and prove system as per designed performance. Replace defective components. (b) Examine the transducer and casings. Preserve the transducer surface during dry-docking. Carry out visual examination of the transducer cables, check continuity and insulation. Replace all defective components. Replace component in case of spares/eqpt obsolete. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material seperately 154 Emergency light fittings (24V DC, 40W) at various locations not working, to be renewed. Job also involves renewal of fitting at 40 locations. Additionally, change over contactor, control wiring and cables to be checked and proved for satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately 155 Tube light (25W) fitted in engine room defective. All lights to be replaced with LED (18W) tube light. Job also involves renewal of securing brackets at 15 locations. Quote for Services and Material 156 Deck lights (60W) and Deck lights guard/ fitting are broken. To be replaced with fittings as per sample. Job involves renewal of securing arrangement and fitment.Quote for Service and Material seperately 157 Flood light- Flood lights (200W Bulb, 230V) fitted on upper deck and Engine Room not working, to be renewed as per sample. Quote for Service and Material seperately 158 Tube light (40W) fitted onboard at various locations to be replaced/ supplied with LED (15W) tube lights. Job also involves renewal of securing brackets at 30 locations. Quote for Services and Material 159 Switches faulty / defective in various location. To be renewed/ supplied:- (a) 32 A Switch (Qty - 15), (b)16 A switch (Qty 32), (c)10 A switch, Qty-28. Quote for Serviceand Material 160 Sockets faulty / defective in various location. To be renewed/ supplied:- (a) 32 A Sockets (Qty 15), (b)16 A Sockets (Qty 32), (c)10 A Sockets, Qty-28.Quote for Serviceand Material 161 Magnetic compass(Reflector type)-Magnetic compas to be calibrated and proved for satisfactory performance. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material seperately 162 Both Main engine SMPS voltage fluctuating. SMPS to be replaced. Input Rating - 15 A/ 230V, Output - 24V/ 50 A. Existing model fitted - M/s Powertron. Quote for Service & Material 163 Following domestic equipment to be renewed/ supplied :- (a) Microwave oven (23 liters) (b) RO purifier (20 liters) (c) Refrigerator(210 liters)Quote for Service and Material seperately 164 SART to be replaced/ renewed with latest version (path finder pro). Quote for Material 165 EPRIB to be replaced with latest version (path finder pro). Quote for Material 166 Following batteries to be replaced :- 12V, 7.2 AH,Quote for Material 167 Following batteries to be replaced :-12V, 180 AH, Quote for Material 168 Following batteries to be replaced :- 12V, 120 AH, Quote for Material 169 Both DA breaker tripping, breaker to be replaced with new one (Existing - M/s L&T).Quote for Service and Material seperately 170 Shore supply breakers tripping, breaker to be replaced with new one along with male female socket.Quote for Service and Material seperately 171 Following work on Window wiper to be carried out: - (a) 06 nos Motor not getting start, to be renewed. (c) 03 nos rotary switch defective, to be replaced. (d) Rubber beading of 10 nos Wiper damaged. Window wiper to be renewed/supplied.(e) Wiper control panel to be overhauled. repace all defective lamps and switches. Complete system to be proved for satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately 172 Clear view screen in wheel house not working, to be renewed. Quote for Service and Material seperately 173 Split AC-(Cap- 2 TR) fitted onboard (1 nos.) to be replaced. Job involves following work :- (a) Renewal of cables for each ACs (b) Renewal of ODU foundations (c) Drilling of bulkhead and removal and fitment of panels.(d) Provisioning of 02 transformer (10KVA, input 415/ output 230v,in current13A/ out current 25A) along with cables Quote for Service and Material seperately 174 Trans rectifier unit to be replaced withM/s L&T, 3 KW. System to be proved thereafter for satisfactory operation. Quote for Service and Material seperately 175 Galley hot plate- (a) Hot plate defective. Coils To be replaced. Qty - 02 Make-Kirst. (b) Defective indication lamps and selector switches (Qty-05 as per sample) to be replaced. © Carry out insulation checks and improve (if below 01 Mohm). (d) Earthing cables to be replaced. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material seperately 176 Shore supply flexible cable 35 sqmm 3 core. Quote for Material 177 VHF-DSC, Sailor 6222 (Thrane & Thrane), Denmark - Undertake calibration of the system and prove system as per designed performance. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks.Quote for Service and Material seperately 178 PA system - Following work on PA system to be carried out:- (a) Amplifier unit to be changed/ supplied. (b) 02 nos. microphone and 02 nos speakers to be renewed. © remote panel of PA system to be overhauled, all defective components to be renewed and system to be proved for satisfactory performance.Quote for Service and Material seperately 179 Carry out overhauling of following Ventillation motors along with starters:- (a) E/R supply blower, 10 HP. Balancing of Engine room supply fan impellers to be undertaken. (b) Galley ventillation blower, 0.5 HP, Qty- 02 (c) Accomodation ventillation blower, 1 HP(d ) Bathroom ventillation blower, 0.5 HP (e) CO2 room exhaust blower, 0.5 HP (f) Wheel house supply blower, 1 HP. Additionally, associated trunking/ cages/ wire meshes to be renewed with fittings. Quote for Service and Material seperately 180 Shore supply connection box -(a)Shore supply box damaged. To be supplied. Job involves renewal of securing brackets and fitment. (b) 05 no. meters of shore supply box to be calibrated, defective meters to be renewed. (c) Male female connectors to be renewed, qty- 04. (d) Control MCBs, Glass, indicator switches and control wiring to be renewed. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Note- Box to be of weather resistant(IP66).Quote for Service and Material seperately 181 Engineering and Electrical log books with covers as per sample to be printed. Quote for Material 182 Both DA battery charger (both control & Main) to be supplied. Additionally, selector switch to be placed for individual battery bank charging. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 183 Portable PA system as per sample to be supplied. Quote for Material. 184 Portable GPS to be provisioned. Quote for Material 185 Main engine Rotary Switch (360 degree rotation) fitted in ME control panel. Quote for material 186 Main Engine Starter Solenoid (Make- M/s ASCO). Quote for material 187 Magnetic Pickup (MPU) of Cummins DA (80Kw). Quote for material 188 Replacement of ME RPM indicator at bridge as per sample. System to be proved for satisfactory operation. Quote for material 189 Main DB Panel 24VDC (VOID SPACE) (a)01 no voltmeter (0-30VDC) to be replaced (b) 10 no each 32A, 63A, 100A, 05A, 02A fuses are blown. Same to be replaced. Quote for Service and Material seperately (c) HRC fuse 02A, 06A to be faulty 15 nos. each to be replaced.All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks.Quote for Service and Material seperately . 190 Lighting distribution board (LDB 1&2) 230VAC: Following works to be carried out (a) C40 3 pole MCB 04 no faulty to be replaced (b) C10 2 pole MCB 05 no faulty to be replaced (c) Indication lamps (Red, Yellow, Blue) 02 no each to be replaced (d) 05A, 06A, 10A HRC fuse 08 nos. each to be replaced. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checks. Quote for Service and Material Seperately. 191 Lighting distribution board (LDB 3&4), 230VAC: Following works to be carried out (a) C40 3 pole MCB 02 no faulty to be replaced (b)C10 2 pole MCB 05 no faulty to be replaced (c) Indication lamps (Red, Yellow, Blue) 02 no each to be replaced (d)05A, 06A, 10A HRC fuse 06 nos. each to be replaced. All defects to be rectified subject to QC checksQuote for Service and Material seperately. 192 Anchor Windlass (415VAC) Following works to be carried out: (a) Overhauling of panel to be carried out (b) Renewal of Both main and control cables to be carried out. Quote for Service and Material seperatelyCapstan (415VAC) (a) Capstan Control panel damaged.(b) Contactor & control transformer to be Replaced Quote for Service and Material seperately.Electrical Boat Davit (415VAC) Following works to be carried out: (a) Both Main and control cable damaged. To be renewed. (b) Limit switch -03 no’s, Push button - 02 no’s, Connectors- 20 no’s faulty. To be replaced. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 193 Accommodation supply fan (a) Control Panel, Motor (0.5HP,3PH) and cables burnt out. To be replaced Quote for Service and Material seperatelyGalley supply fan /Exhaust fan (a) Control Panel & Motor(0.5HP,3PH) and cables burnt out. To be replaced. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 194 Crew Accomodation Cabin-Materials for Following works to be supplied subject to QC Checks. Quote for Material (a) Power Socket <16 Amps AC ,QTY-12Nos.(b) Bed Lights ,230V AC qty-08 Nos. (d) Led lights 7W,with fittings, qty-20nos. (f) Main cable feeder lines (MSB TO ACCOMMODATION) ,6 mm2, 4 core Qty-80mtr. Quote for Service and Material sepertaley. 195 Switches and Sockets are required- as per below :-(a) WT DP switch 230V,10Aqty - 18 Nos. (b) WT DP switch 24V,10A ,qty - 03 No.(c) WT DP switch socket with plug 230V,10Aqty - 15 Nos. (d) TP, WT metal clad socket and plug 415V,32A,qty - 04 Nos.(e) NWT DP switch (modular type) 230V,6A,qty- 10 Nos. (f) NWT DP switch and socket (modular type) 230V,10A,qty - 04 Nos. (g) NWT DP switch 230V,10A,qty - 04 Nos. (h) WT DP switch socket and plug 24V DC,10A,qty - 04 Nos. ( j) NWT DP switch socket (modular type) 230V,6A,qty - 20 Nos. (k) NWT DP switch socket (modular type) 230V,16A,qty - 15 Nos. (m) NWT DP switch socket (modular type) 2 pin 24V,10A,qty – 04 Nos. Quote for Service and Material seperately. 196 Light fittings are required as per below, Material for following works to be supplied subject to QC checks. Quote for Material. 01 Job(a) LED light fitting-40 Nos,(b) WT ´V’ glass incandescent fitting -10 Nos, (c) WT bulked incandescent fitting- 04 Nos (d) Table lamp- 04 Nos (e) Chart table -01 Nos (f) Explosion proof light -02 Nos (g) Ship name board light fittings -04 Nos (h) Search light - 02 Nos (j) WT emergency light -25 Nos (k) Flood light-10 Nos (l) Mirror lamp -04 Nos, (m) Hand lamp - 05 Nos (n) Reading light- 05 Nos (p) Insulation tape-(steel grip), Red, Yellow, Blue-20 nos each 60 Nos Quote for materials and service seperately with frames. 197 Naviagtion Lighting DB LP1 24V DC , Following Works to be carried out , all defects to be rectified subject to be QC checks. Quote for Service. (a)MNX 32DC Contractor 01 no to be replaced. (b) 22E L&T 230V, Contractor 01 no defective to be replaced .(c) connectors (40 Amps ) are malfunctionoingto be replaced. Quote for Service& Materials Seperately.