Renovation Work At Tnhb Park ( Eb Office Back Side ) In Ward No 41 - Earth work excavation in all classes of soil except sand and rock such as hard stiff clay black cotton soil murrums hard red earth hard gravelly soil etc complete 2 Supply, delivery and filling with stone dust from approved quarry in layer not more than 15 cm thick including watering with all layers and consolidation complying with standard specifications including cost and conveyance of sand at site and labour chrages and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specifications 3 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (one cement four fine aggregates and eight coarse aggregates) using 40mm size ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges etc., complete as per standard specification 4 Brick work in CM 1:5 (one cement & Five Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand)) using II class ground moulded bricks of size 9 X 43/8X 2 3/4 including finishing, curing, etc., complete complying with standard specification 5 Plastering with CM 1:5 mix using 20mm thick including cost and conveyance of materials and labour charges etc., complete as per Standard Specification 6 Supplying and filling the basement with Good Earth filling in layers of not more than 15cmthick well rammed watered and compacted - etc., complete complying with standard specification. 7 Painting two coats with ready mixed Plastic Emulsion Paint S.I.358 Plastic emulison paint ofapproved quality and colour over a priming coat, including thorough scrap ping,clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required - 10m2 8 Painting two coats using ready mix enamel paint with including cost and conveyance of all materials and including all labour charges etc complete 9 HORTICULTURE WORKSProviding and planting of Border plants using duranda clirodendrom, foliage, Exora, PMC neerium etc with inclosing cost of plants, red earth manure and including all labour charges earth work excavation fertilizing planting, etc complete 10 Providing and planting of Grafied flower beds like as Muzanda, legestonia, bottle brush, powder pup etc with including cost of plants, red earth excavation fertilizing planting etc 11 Providing and planting of palm clusters like as Harika palm phoenix palm sun palm, table palm etc with including cost of plants, red earth manure and including all labour charges for pit (2x2x2) excavation fertilizing planting, etc complete 12 Providing and planting of Ornamental plants like golden, bamboo, Focus Verities, Albania Verities, Buda Bamboo trees, Avenue trees etc with inclosing cost of plants,red earth manure and including all labour charges for pit (2x2x2) excavation fertilizing 13 Supplying and laying Rubberised interlocking Paver blockM40 grade Providing and laying of83mmthick high strength type conforming IS 15658-2006 of rubberized interlocking paver lock in size of minimum compressive strength of 40N/mm2 in uniform shape of approved make to be laid in flurring bone pattern with sand cushion below the uniform shap of approvednon skitting surface in the top and the rate including levelling the base preparation ofpavers as sub base, sand cushion 150mm thick layingout of pavement cut the pieces to fix the edge vibring the pavers,sweeping tranporting loading unloading of laying paver block as per standard specification,. 14 Supply,delivery and Fixing of Following GYM Outdoor Fitness Equipments,including cost and conveyance of material, loading ,unloding and trasportation charges,incidential charges etc,complete as per Engineer inchargeHorse Rider 15 Standing Twister -Double 16 Air walker 17 Tai chi Spinner 18 Hand Rower 19 Elliptical Trainer 20 lat Pull Down- Single 21 Hip Shaper 22 Leg Press - Dual 23 Chest Press - Single 24 Stepper cum Twister 25 LIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS Supply,delivery and fixing of LED OUTDOOR FITTINGS (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE) 30W LED Street Light Fitting with LED 26 Supply delivry and fixing of 2.5 (36/0.3) PVC unsheathed SCcopper cable