
Tender For Infra Structure 3 Works Under Ugf (Vp) 2024-25- Oddanchatram Block - Tn-05-01, oddanchatram-Tamil Nadu

Rural Development And Panchayats Department has published Tender For Infra Structure 3 Works Under Ugf (Vp) 2024-25- Oddanchatram Block - Tn-05-01. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-11-2024. Godown Tenders in oddanchatram Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Infra Structure 3 Works Under Ugf (Vp) 2024-25- Oddanchatram Block - Tn-05-01
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Infra Structure 3 Works Under Ugf (Vp) 2024-25- Oddanchatram Block - Tn-05-01; 1 1. Construction of Cement Godown (No:1) at Oddanchatram Panchayat Union Office Cambus.Estimate Amount Rs.18.35 Lakhs 2 Earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the compound in places shown by thedepartmental officers with an initial lead of 10 mts and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and levelling the site, etc., complete complying with standard specification. 3 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling sand in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well watered, rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 4 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One Cement, Four sand and Eight hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 5 Brick work in Cement Mortar1:5 (one cement and five sand) using best quality of country bricks of size 8-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 2-1/4for foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction. 6 Supplying and filling inbasement with U.S.Gravel in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed,watered and compacted including cost & conveyance of sand and all labour charges etc., complete as per std. Specifications. 7 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at abote 90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specificaiton 8 Below Ground level 9 Above Ground level 10 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of steel and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc. complete complying with standard specification. 11 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 (One Cement, One and a half sand and Three hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 12 Finishing the exposed surfaces of RCC items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshade facia, canopy slab,staircase waist and landing slab, etc., with cement mortar 1:3 mix to 10mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials, beading or nosing for sunshade and staircase steps, landing slabs, etc.,complete complying with std. Specifications. 13 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 14 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 15 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four aggregate) using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread lining, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 16 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers. 17 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 200mm x 200mm x 20mm of approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 18 White washing two coats with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 19 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper over one coat of water based cement primer including cost for distemper, primer, cleaning and scrapping the walls, rendering the wallssmooth with necessary putty, brushes, scaffolding arrangements, labour charges, etc., as per standard specification. 20 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic Exterior emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. 21 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. 22 Towards the cost of Supply and erecting ofpull and push type Steel Rolling Shutter of size2.10mx2.10 m with ISI make using 18 GI sheet and paintedwith one coat of best quality of red oxide primer inclusive of hood covers, transportationcharges etc. complete 23 Rolling shutter 24 Fabrication and supply of N TYPE MILD STEEL GLAZED VENTILATOR (in two parts)of of the following size outer frame made of 25x25x5mm equal M.S.L angle with intermediate rails using25 x 25 x 5mmequal M.S. T section for panels with 3mm thick pin headed glass with teak wood beading and glass putty and also fixing by welding protective grill with 12mm square M.S rods at an interval of not greater than 10cm centre to centre to the outer frame,4 Nos. of hold fasts connecting the 2 parts at 75mm clear and with 45 degree inclination with 25x25mm 10G weld mesh and wire mesh including painting the whole unit with one coat of best quality of red oxide primer for Cement Godown 25 N Type Ventilator 26 Labour charges for fixing of Doors, windowsin position including allcharges etc.,complete 27 Doors 28 Windows and Ventilator 29 Supplying and fixing of 110mm dia PVC pipein position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain water down fall pipes having a pressure of 4 kg. / sq.cm including cost of necessry PVC shoe, PVC bend, cast iron gratings of required diameter and special clamps, brass screws, nails, etc., and fixing of cast iron gratings at junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finishing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cast of removable cast iron grating. The PVC pipe shall be fixed in wall with special type of U clamp at the centre of the pipe line in addition to those for more than 3.0 metre pipe length, etc., complete 30 Electrification 31 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box in flush with wall covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable colour for open PVC light point/fan point(for electronic regulator) - S.D.No: 20 32 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessoriesand with 150 x 100 x 113 TW switch box for 5A 3pin non inter locking CS plug with painting of suitable colour with continuos earth wire connection of 14 SWG TC wire for open PVC plug- S.D.No: 36 33 Supply and run of 2 of 1.50 sq.mm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100 V on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains. - S.D.No: 64 34 Supply and fixing of single box type 440 W flu fitting complete with copper choke and condensor with TW round blocks on wall or ceiling with flu tube with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminals to the fitting - S.D.No: 88 35 Provision for Rain water Harvesting structureincluding cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.,complete 36 Provision for Name Boardincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etx.,complete 37 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package} 38 2. Construction of Cement Godown (No:2) at Oddanchatram Panchayat Union Office Cambus.Estimate Amount Rs.18.35 Lakhs 39 Earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the compound in places shown by thedepartmental officers with an initial lead of 10 mts and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and levelling the site, etc., complete complying with standard specification. 40 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling sand in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well watered, rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 41 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One Cement, Four sand and Eight hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 42 Brick work in Cement Mortar1:5 (one cement and five sand) using best quality of country bricks of size 8-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 2-1/4for foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction. 43 Supplying and filling inbasement with U.S.Gravel in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed,watered and compacted including cost & conveyance of sand and all labour charges etc., complete as per std. Specifications. 44 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at abote 90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specificaiton 45 Below Ground level 46 Above Ground level 47 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of steel and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc. complete complying with standard specification. 48 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 (One Cement, One and a half sand and Three hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 49 Finishing the exposed surfaces of RCC items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshade facia, canopy slab,staircase waist and landing slab, etc., with cement mortar 1:3 mix to 10mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials, beading or nosing for sunshade and staircase steps, landing slabs, etc.,complete complying with std. Specifications. 50 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 51 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 52 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four aggregate) using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread lining, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 53 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers. 54 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 200mm x 200mm x 20mm of approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 55 White washing two coats with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 56 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper over one coat of water based cement primer including cost for distemper, primer, cleaning and scrapping the walls, rendering the wallssmooth with necessary putty, brushes, scaffolding arrangements, labour charges, etc., as per standard specification. 57 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic Exterior emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. 58 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. 59 Towards the cost of Supply and erecting ofpull and push type Steel Rolling Shutter of size2.10mx2.10 m with ISI make using 18 GI sheet and paintedwith one coat of best quality of red oxide primer inclusive of hood covers, transportationcharges etc. complete 60 Rolling shutter 61 Fabrication and supply of N TYPE MILD STEEL GLAZED VENTILATOR (in two parts)of of the following size outer frame made of 25x25x5mm equal M.S.L angle with intermediate rails using25 x 25 x 5mmequal M.S. T section for panels with 3mm thick pin headed glass with teak wood beading and glass putty and also fixing by welding protective grill with 12mm square M.S rods at an interval of not greater than 10cm centre to centre to the outer frame,4 Nos. of hold fasts connecting the 2 parts at 75mm clear and with 45 degree inclination with 25x25mm 10G weld mesh and wire mesh including painting the whole unit with one coat of best quality of red oxide primer for Cement Godown 62 N Type Ventilator 63 Labour charges for fixing of Doors, windowsin position including allcharges etc.,complete 64 Doors 65 Windows and Ventilator 66 Supplying and fixing of 110mm dia PVC pipein position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain water down fall pipes having a pressure of 4 kg. / sq.cm including cost of necessry PVC shoe, PVC bend, cast iron gratings of required diameter and special clamps, brass screws, nails, etc., and fixing of cast iron gratings at junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finishing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cast of removable cast iron grating. The PVC pipe shall be fixed in wall with special type of U clamp at the centre of the pipe line in addition to those for more than 3.0 metre pipe length, etc., complete 67 Electrification 68 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box in flush with wall covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable colour for open PVC light point/fan point(for electronic regulator) - S.D.No: 20 69 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessoriesand with 150 x 100 x 113 TW switch box for 5A 3pin non inter locking CS plug with painting of suitable colour with continuos earth wire connection of 14 SWG TC wire for open PVC plug- S.D.No: 36 70 Supply and run of 2 of 1.50 sq.mm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100 V on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains. - S.D.No: 64 71 Supply and fixing of single box type 440 W flu fitting complete with copper choke and condensor with TW round blocks on wall or ceiling with flu tube with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminals to the fitting - S.D.No: 88 72 Provision for Rain water Harvesting structureincluding cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.,complete 73 Provision for Name Boardincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etx.,complete 74 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package} 75 3. Construction of Cement Godown (No:3) at Oddanchatram Panchayat Union Office Cambus.Estimate Amount Rs.18.35 Lakhs 76 Earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the compound in places shown by thedepartmental officers with an initial lead of 10 mts and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and levelling the site, etc., complete complying with standard specification. 77 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling sand in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well watered, rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 78 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One Cement, Four sand and Eight hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 79 Brick work in Cement Mortar1:5 (one cement and five sand) using best quality of country bricks of size 8-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 2-1/4for foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction. 80 Supplying and filling inbasement with U.S.Gravel in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed,watered and compacted including cost & conveyance of sand and all labour charges etc., complete as per std. Specifications. 81 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at abote 90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specificaiton 82 Below Ground level 83 Above Ground level 84 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of steel and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc. complete complying with standard specification. 85 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 (One Cement, One and a half sand and Three hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 86 Finishing the exposed surfaces of RCC items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshade facia, canopy slab,staircase waist and landing slab, etc., with cement mortar 1:3 mix to 10mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials, beading or nosing for sunshade and staircase steps, landing slabs, etc.,complete complying with std. Specifications. 87 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 88 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundationincluding dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 89 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four aggregate) using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread lining, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 90 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers. 91 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 200mm x 200mm x 20mm of approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers 92 White washing two coats with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. 93 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper over one coat of water based cement primer including cost for distemper, primer, cleaning and scrapping the walls, rendering the wallssmooth with necessary putty, brushes, scaffolding arrangements, labour charges, etc., as per standard specification. 94 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic Exterior emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. 95 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. 96 Towards the cost of Supply and erecting ofpull and push type Steel Rolling Shutter of size2.10mx2.10 m with ISI make using 18 GI sheet and paintedwith one coat of best quality of red oxide primer inclusive of hood covers, transportationcharges etc. complete 97 Rolling shutter 98 Fabrication and supply of N TYPE MILD STEEL GLAZED VENTILATOR (in two parts)of of the following size outer frame made of 25x25x5mm equal M.S.L angle with intermediate rails using25 x 25 x 5mmequal M.S. T section for panels with 3mm thick pin headed glass with teak wood beading and glass putty and also fixing by welding protective grill with 12mm square M.S rods at an interval of not greater than 10cm centre to centre to the outer frame,4 Nos. of hold fasts connecting the 2 parts at 75mm clear and with 45 degree inclination with 25x25mm 10G weld mesh and wire mesh including painting the whole unit with one coat of best quality of red oxide primer for Cement Godown 99 N Type Ventilator 100 Labour charges for fixing of Doors, windowsin position including allcharges etc.,complete 101 Doors 102 Windows and Ventilator 103 Supplying and fixing of 110mm dia PVC pipein position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain water down fall pipes having a pressure of 4 kg. / sq.cm including cost of necessry PVC shoe, PVC bend, cast iron gratings of required diameter and special clamps, brass screws, nails, etc., and fixing of cast iron gratings at junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finishing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cast of removable cast iron grating. The PVC pipe shall be fixed in wall with special type of U clamp at the centre of the pipe line in addition to those for more than 3.0 metre pipe length, etc., complete 104 Electrification 105 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with TW switch box in flush with wall covered with hylum sheet of 3mm thick with painting of suitable colour for open PVC light point/fan point(for electronic regulator) - S.D.No: 20 106 Wiring with 2 x 1.5 sq.m (22/0.3) PVC insulated unsheathed SC Cu. Conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with PVC accessoriesand with 150 x 100 x 113 TW switch box for 5A 3pin non inter locking CS plug with painting of suitable colour with continuos earth wire connection of 14 SWG TC wire for open PVC plug- S.D.No: 36 107 Supply and run of 2 of 1.50 sq.mm (22/0.3) PVC insulated SC unsheathed Cu.Conductor of 1100 V on 7/20 GI bearer wire for service connection mains. - S.D.No: 64 108 Supply and fixing of single box type 440 W flu fitting complete with copper choke and condensor with TW round blocks on wall or ceiling with flu tube with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminals to the fitting - S.D.No: 88 109 Provision for Rain water Harvesting structureincluding cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.,complete 110 Provision for Name Boardincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etx.,complete 111 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

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