Tender For Repair And Maintenance To Central Ac Plant Under Ge (Af) Jamnagar No 01. ; 1 Comprehensive maintenance including servicing of 9.01 KW capacity VRF based air conditioning system with connected indoor and outdoor units detail as under installed under GE(AF) Jamnagar for complete contract period detail as under all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge.Out door unit 12 TR capacity VRF unit of Make -Daikin, Model No - RXYQ12TRY69Indoor unit :- Make-Daikina) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000894b) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000895c) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000891d) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000900e) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000828f) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000835g) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000888h) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000893j) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No- E000538k) Model no - FXAQ32PVE6, Sr No- E000887 2 All as per item No 1 butOut door unit9.01 KW capacity VRF unit with 05 No Indoor unit of Make -Daikin, Model No - RXYQ12TRY69 Indoor unit :- Make-Daikina) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001464b) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001486c) Model no - FXAQ32PVE6, Sr No - E000541d) Model no - FXAQ32PVE6, Sr No - E000492e) Model no - FXAQ32PVE6, Sr No - E000537 3 All as per item No 1 butOut door unit9.01 KW capacity VRF unit with 04 No Indoor unit of Make -Daikin, Model No - RXYQ12TRY69. Indoor unit :- Make Daikin a) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No - E000829b) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No - E006896c) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001874d) Model no - FXAQ32PVE6, Sr No - E000544 4 All as per Item No 1 above but 7.29 KW capacity VRF unit of Make Daikin, Model No - RXYQ10TRY69,with 04 Nosindoor unit.(1) Indoor unit :- Make Daikina) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001606b) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001601c) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001873d) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001491(2) Indoor unit :- Make Daikin(a) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001875 (b) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001482(c) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001607(d) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001466 5 All as per Item No 1 above but 7.29 KW capacity VRF unit of Make Daikin, Model No - RXYQ10TRY69,with 05 Nosindoor unit.(1) Indoor unit :- Make Daikina) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No - E000899b) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No - E004325c) Model no - FXAQ40PVE6, Sr No - E004343d) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001785e) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001904(2)Indoor unit :- Make Daikina) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001599b) Model no - FXAQ50PVE6, Sr No - E001603c) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001779d) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001756e) Model no - FXAQ63PVE6, Sr No - E001764 6 All as per Item No 1 hereinbefore but 50 KW capacity VRV unitof Make Hitachi, Model no - RAS18FSXNK, Sr. No. 190G06595 -02 Nos with following indoor unit.(1) Indoor unit :- Cap-4.1 TR, Make Hitachia) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT251015 b) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT291016c) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT25100Wd) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT25100V (2)Indoor unit :- Cap-4.1 TR, Make Hitachia) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT391054b) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT391057c) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT291014d) Model no - RCL-5.0 FSKDNQ, Sr No - QCK7PT391056 7 Note for Sr No 1 to 6: - Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance of VRF based air conditioning shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check listand not less then six months interval from last maintenance and carried out onetimes during contract period and shall be measured one times, Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect during break down without any extra cost during contract period complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(a) Testing / Checking of compressor for its proper functioning and rectification of minor defect if any.(b) Testing / Checking of control switch such as pressure cut outs, water flow switch, temperature sensor for proper function.(c) Testing / Checking of PCBs of the Indoor unit & Outdoor unit for its proper functioning and rectification of minor defects if any.(e) Testing / Checking of Cooling coil for leakage and Rectification of leakage by brazing including cleaning of Cooling coil. 8 (f) Testing / Checking & servicing of blower fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any.(g) Testing / Checking of all electrical connection and control wiring tighting of electrical connection and rectification of minor defect if any complete.(h) Testing / Checking & servicing of condenser fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any.(j) Testing / Checking of condenser coil for leakage and Rectification of leakage by brezing including cleaning of condenser coil.(k) Testing / Checking of refrigerant pipe for leakage and Rectification of leakage by brezing including cleaning of refrigerant pipe.(l) Cleaning of entire indoor & outdoor unit for removing all dirt dust, grease etc.(m) Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect and maintain plant in running condition within 24 hours during break down, without any extra cost to govt during contract period. Failure to repair will attract penalty of @1000/per day, decision of GE in this regard final and binding 9 (n) (i) All defective spare parts & compressor etc if found unserviceable will be measured & paid separately as supply only under respective items of This BOQ, any other item not mentioned in BOQ if required will be provided and quoted rates for the same is included in rates of comprehensive maintenance .(ii) Topping of refrigerant gas will be measured & paid separately.(iii) The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor repair, which are obviously and fairly, intended which may not have been included in these documents, but which are essential for the execution and entire completion of works.The decision of the Engr-in-charge as to what constitutes Minor details of the construction’ shall be final and binding.(iv) Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance including servicing of VRF unit, & repairing the VRF unit during breakdown / emergency shall be carried out. 10 Note for Item No 1 to 9 :- (i) Labour charges for, taking out old and supply new spares,T&P and Misc charges, items to be deemed to be included in the quoted rate for Comprehensive maintenance i.e. item No 1 to 6. (ii) Make of spare part shall be as recommended by the OEM and the same shall be used only after approval by the GE.(iii) Unserviceable parts shall be property of contractor as per credit schedule 11 Supply onlyinverter compressor suitable for 9.01 KW capacity VRF type AC unit (Make Daikin, Model no - RXYQ12TRY69) with base frame & electrical Phase reversal protection comprising following JOB:-(i) Charging of nitrogen Gas inunit & complete system at 300 psi pressure and checking of any dropping of pressure / leakage up to 72 Hrs after replacement of compressor & rectification of leakage if any.(ii) Vaccumisation of complete system for minimum 2 days for dropping of vacuum pressure& rectification of leakage if any. (iii) Charging of complete system with R410 / R407 gas for maintaining the system pressure up to HP - 175 psi & LP - 65 psi.(iv) Measure the inlet and outdoor temperature of package unit. (v) Testing & commissioning of compressor after completion. 12 Supply only of inverter compressor suitable for 7.29 KW capacity VRF type AC unit (Make Daikin, Model no - RXYQ10TRY69) with base frame & electrical Phase reversal protection comprising following JOB:-(i) Charging of nitrogen Gas inunit & complete system at 300 psi pressure and checking of any dropping of pressure / leakage up to 72 Hrs after replacement of compressor & rectification of leakage if any.(ii) Vaccumisation of complete system for minimum 2 days for dropping of vacuum pressure& rectification of leakage if any. (iii) Charging of complete system with R410 / R407 gas for maintaining the system pressure up to HP - 175 psi & LP - 65 psi.(iv) Measure the inlet and outdoor temperature of package unit. (v) Testing & commissioning of compressor and system to satisfactorycompletion. 13 Material and labour for maintenance of VRF air conditioner of 9.01/ 7.29/50 KW capacity, VRF type unit with replacement of old/unsv spare parts mentionedas under or as per manufacturer instructions including testing on load complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-chargeNote:- Make of VRF unit is Blue star, Hitachi & Daikin therefore spare part provided in the work shall be of of authorised spares as approved by the OEM. 14 Supply only main control PCBof indoor Unit of VRF type AC unitcomplete all as specified and as directed. 15 Supply only power PCB for indoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 16 Supply only pump to indoor unit of VRF AC unit complete all as specified and as directed. 17 Supply only hiwall controller to indoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 18 Supply only HP/LP sensor to indoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 19 Supply only sensors(Liquid, gas temp, room temp,supply temp) to indoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 20 Supply only SMPS Board to indoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 21 Supply only Over Voltage PCB to outdoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 22 Supply only HP Switch to outdoor unit of VRF AC complete all as specified and as directed. 23 Supply only motor to outdoor unit of VRF AC of any capacitycomplete all as specified and as directed. 24 Supply only main power PCB of outdoor unit of VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 25 Supply only master controller PCB of outdoor unit VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 26 Supply only capacitor board of outdoor unit VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 27 Supply only noise filter board of outdoor unit VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 28 Supply only sensors (Liquid temp HeX 1&2, Gas temp HeX1&2) of outdoor unit VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 29 Supply only Solenoid valve of outdoor unit of VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 30 Supply only Fan Blade of outdoor unit of VRF AC of any capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 31 Supply onlyPCB (master controller card) suitable for cassette type AC forof outdoor & indoor (set) unit of any capacity (upto 6 TR) complete all as specified and as directed. 32 M&L for descaling of complete copper condenser pipe of centralAC Plant Air condenser unit, (34 TR) Make : Bluestar.circulating suitable descaling compound / solution in--to the tube with pump, and running the pump continuously till all the scale from tube are removed including removing side covers of condenser and cleaning thecopper tubes by means of nylon brushes till the complete scaling is removed and refixing of covers including replacement of rubber gasket and refixing pipe connection etc. all as specified and directed to complete satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 33 M&L for descaling of complete copper condenser pipe of water cooled central type AC plants (30 TR ) capacities by circulating suitable descaling compound / solution into the tube with pump, and running the pump continuously till all the scale from tube are removed including removing side covers of condenser and cleaning the copper tubes by means of nylon brushes till the complete scaling is removed and refixing of covers including replacement of rubber gasket and refixing pipe connection etc. all as specified and directed to complete satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 34 M&L for descaling of complete copper condenser pipe of centralAC Plant Air condenser unit, (22 TR) Make : Bluestar.circulating suitable descaling compound / solution in--to the tube with pump, and running the pump continuously till all the scale from tube are removed including removing side covers of condenser and cleaning thecopper tubes by means of nylon brushes till the complete scaling is removed and refixing of covers including replacement of rubber gasket and refixing pipe connection etc. all as specified and directed to complete satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 35 Comprehensive maintenanceincluding servicing of AHU shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check list and detailed as under all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(a) Testing / Checking & servicing of blower fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any.(b) Testing / Checking of blower fan blade for proper functioning.(c) Cleaning of cooling coil of AHU unit with pressurised water and then testing/ checking of Cooling coil for leakage and rectification of leakage by brazing including.(d) Testing / Checking of all electrical connection and control wiring tighting of electrical connection and rectification of minor defect if any complete.(e) Testing / Checking and Cleaning the moisture drain pipe.(f) Cleaning of entire AHU unit for removing all dirt dust, grease etc Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect and maintain plant in running condition within 24 hours during break down, without any extra cost to govt during contract period. Failure to repair will attract penalty of @1000/per day, decision of GE in this regard final and bindingNote: Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance of AHU shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check listand not less then six months interval from last maintenance and carried out onetimes during contract period and shall be measured one times, Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect during break down without any extra cost during contract period complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 36 AHU unit 51 TR, 14500 CFM capacity, Make -Zeco Aircon Ltd 37 AHU unit 12 TR, 4500 CFM capacity, Make -Zeco Aircon Ltd 38 AHU unit 13 TR, 5500 CFM capacity, Make -Zeco Aircon Ltd 39 AHU unit 60 TR, 27700 CFM capacity, Make -Zeco Aircon Ltd 40 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of hot water generator heating coil of capacity 25KW, fixed in repair complete all as specified and as directed. 41 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of hot water generator heating coil of capacity05 KW, fixed in repair complete all as specified and as directed. 42 Comprehensive maintenanceincluding servicing of industrial dehumidifier shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check list and detailed as under all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(a) Testing / Checking of Ecordy desicant honeycomb rotor/bed mounted on a horizontal fixed shaft arrangement and rectification of minor defect if any.(b) Testing / Checking of all electrical connection and control wiring tighting of electrical connection and rectification of minor defect if any complete.(c) Cleaning of inlet pre filter EU-4 synthetic non woven media filter with pressurised water. (d) Testing / checking of serviceability of Thermostat and rectification of minor defect if any.(f) Testing / Checking of Electrical heater bank or steam coil with electric heater for steam reactivation and rectification of minor defect if any complete.(g) Testing / Checking of Regeneration fan ang regeneration fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any complete.(e) Cleaning of entire unit for removing all dirt dust, grease etc Note :- Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance of industrial dehumidifier shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check listand not less then six months interval from last maintenance and carried out onetimes during contract period and shall be measured one times, Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect during break down without any extra cost during contract period complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 43 Dehumifier unit 3000 CMH capacity, Make- Bry Air 44 Dehumifier unit 2500 CMH capacity, Make- Bry Air 45 Supply only master controller card (PCB) suitable for outdoor unit Dehumidifier of capacity upto 3000 CMH, Model F113000 complete all as specified and as directed. 46 Supply only master controller card (PCB) suitable for outdoor unit Dehumidifier of capacity 1500 CMH, SOP 330 complete all as specified and as directed. 47 Supply only display unit suitable for Dehumidifier of capacity 3000CMH, Model No F113000 complete all as specified and as directed by Engr in Charge 48 Supply only V belts of size A-24 of blower motorof AC plant any type all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make : Fenner / Dunlop / JK. 49 Supply only V belts of size A-34/38 of AHU motorof AC plant any type all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make : Fenner / Dunlop / JK. 50 Supply only V belts of size B-56 of AHU motorof AC plant any type all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make : Fenner / Dunlop / JK. 51 Supply only V belts of size B-100/112 of AHU motorof AC plant any type all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make : Fenner / Dunlop / JK. 52 supply onlyOil/HP/LPpressure sensor Probe suitable for reciprocating Chiller unit of 30 TR central AC plant all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make:- Voltas Model : 09066 or equivalent make approved by The GE. 53 Supply only water differential pressure cut out switch MP-55 for compressor of central type AC plant of any capacity all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Make : INDFOSS / DANFOSS/ HONEYWELL. 54 Supply only Single phase preventer relay for precision Air condition unit Make :- Minilec , Model No :- S2 VMR 6 or equivalent of make L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 55 Supply only compressor over load protection type 3RP15761NP30 , starting time range 3-60 sec rated voltage :- 200-240V, 50HZ including connecting complete.Make:- SIEMENS / L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 56 Supply only Blower timer type Micron Electronic Timer , including connecting complete.Make:- SIEMENS - Cat No :- 20SDTO or L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 57 Supply onlyBlower over load protection type MN-2 SS01212 , rated voltage :- 200-500V, 50HZ, 2A ,AC-15, Maximum fuse 6A including connecting complete.Make:- SIEMENS / L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 58 Supply only2 pole front mounted add on Auxiliary contact block type MNX -A2 for power contactor, 1 NO & 1 NC contactincluding connecting complete, all as specified & directed by Engg-in-charge.Make:- SIEMENS / L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 59 Supply only 4 pole front mounted add on Auxiliary contact block type MNX -A1 for power contactor, 10 Amp capacity, 415 Vincluding connecting complete all as specified & directed by Engg-in-charge.Make:- SIEMENS / L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 60 Supply only 3 pole power contactor 25 A, 415 V, coil voltage 230 V including connecting complete all as specified & directed by Engg-in-charge.Make:- L&T type MNX 25 or equivalent of make SIEMENS // BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 61 Supply only 4 pole power contactor 18 A, 415 V, coil voltage 230 V including connecting complete all as specified & directed by Engg-in-charge.Make:- L&T type MCX 01 or equivalent of make SIEMENS // BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 62 Supply only 3 pole power contactor 12 A, 415 V, coil voltage 230 V including connecting complete all as specified & directed by Engg-in-charge.Make:- L&T type MNX 12 or equivalent of make SIEMENS // BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 63 Supply only 3 pole power contactor 32 A, 415 V, coil voltage 230 V including connecting complete.Make:- L&T type MNX 32 or equivalent of make SIEMENS // BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 64 Supply only 3 pole power contactor 45 A, 415 V, coil voltage 230 V with including connecting complete.Make SIEMENS type 3TF4602-0A or equivalent of make L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 65 Supply only 4 pole power contactor 175 Amp AC 1 and 140 Amp AC 3, suitable for 75 KW/100HP compressor , 415 V, coil voltage 230 V with including connecting complete.Make SIEMENS / L&T / BHARATIA CUTTLER HAMMER / C&S 66 Supply only (PCB Card ) suitable for 01 x 26 TR Capacity AC Plant of Make Blue Star Model No XAC 25024 MAR 2 67 Supply & fixing in repair Bty 12 V 1.2 AH suitale for Package type AC Plant of capacity 3 TR 68 Supply and fixing in repair AC variable voltage & variable frequency (VVVF drive) drive with sheet metal enclosure including electrical connection with suitable size of cable complete with all standard accessories conforming to IS: 14665, simple collective selective automatic and manual dual controlledoperation with/without attendant,automatic speed control ofmotor capacity 25 HP for AHU 28000CFM complete all as specified and as directed by Engr in Charge, 69 Supply & fixing in repair MCCB 40 Amp, Three Pole, breaking capacity 25 KA, 415 V - 50 Hz, fixed in existing panel & connecting complete all as specified & directedby Engr in charge. 70 Supply & fixing in repair MCCB 125 Amp, Four Pole, breaking capacity 36 KA, 415 V - 50 Hz, fixed in existing panel & connecting complete all as specified & directedby Engr in charge. 71 Supply & fixingin repair MCCB 160 Amp, Four Pole, breaking capacity 36 KA, 415 V - 50 Hz, fixed in existing panel & connecting complete all as specified & directedby Engr in charge. 72 Supply & fixingin repair MCCB 400 Amp, Four Pole, breaking capacity 36 KA, 415 V - 50 Hz, fixed in existing panel & connecting complete all as specified & directedby Engr in charge. 73 Supply and fixing in repair MCB 32 Amp 3 Pole , 415 Volt 10 KA C Curve complete all as specified and as directed 74 Supply and fixing in repair HRC Fuse unit of capacity 250 Amp complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in- charge 75 M&L for taking out Pump along with motor of capacity 11 KW from central type AC plant, opening the motor, cutting & removing old and burnt winding wire, rewinding the motor with new super enameled copper winding wire of suitable size including insulating materials, varnishing, drying, replacement of both driven end non driven end bearings and base plate, reassembling, refixing in same position & connecting including testing and commissioning complete all as specified & directed. 76 M&L for taking outMotor & pump of 7.5 KW/ 10 HP cap , Dismantling the motor with disconnecting the same from the compressor and remove rubber coupling and its connected accessories and transporting to reputed work shop for rewinding . opening themotor, cutting & removing old and burnt windingwire, rewinding the motor with new super enameled copper winding of suitable size including insulating materials, varnishing, drying, replacement of both driven end non driven end bearings and base plate,reassembling, refixing in same position & connecting including testing and commissioning complete all as specified & directed 77 M&L for taking out AHU blower Motor 13 KW/17HP cap , Dismantling the motor with disconnecting the same from the compressor and remove rubber coupling and its connected accessories and transporting to reputed work shop for rewinding . opening themotor, cutting & removing old and burnt windingwire, rewinding the motor with new super enameled copper winding of suitable size including insulating materials, varnishing, drying, replacement of both driven end non driven end bearings and base plate,reassembling, refixing in same position & connecting including testing and commissioning complete all as specified & directed 78 M&L for taking out AHU blower Motor 5 HP cap , Dismantling the motor with disconnecting the same from the compressor and remove rubber coupling and its connected accessories and transporting to reputed work shop for rewinding . opening themotor, cutting & removing old and burnt windingwire, rewinding the motor with new super enameled copper winding of suitable size including insulating materials, varnishing, drying, replacement of both driven end non driven end bearings and base plate,reassembling, refixing in same position & connecting including testing and commissioning complete all as specified & directed 79 M&L for taking out Pump along with motor of capacity 11 KW (406 USGPM & 486 USGPM) fromBMS central type AC plant, opening the pump, removing old mechanical seal and replaced with new mechanical seal of same size including impeller shaft, replacement of both end bearings and base plate, reassembling, refixing in same position & connecting including testing and commissioning complete all as specified & directed 80 Comprehensive / Preventive maintenanceincluding servicing of Package Air conditioning of fallowing capacities, maintenece shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check list and detailed as under all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(a) Cleaning the evaporator coil of indoor unit with pressureized water then apply one coat of descaling solution and clean with nylon brush and then testing/ checking of evaporator coil for leakage and rectification of leakage by brazing including.. (b) Cleaning of condensing coil of outdoor unit with pressurised water and then testing/ checking of Cooling coil for leakage and rectification of leakage by brazing including.(c) Testing / Checking and Cleaning of Air filter.(d) Testing / Checking of compressor for its proper functioning and rectification of minor defect if any.(e) Testing / Checking & servicing of blower fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any.(f) Testing / Checking & servicing of condenser fan motor and rectification of minor defect if any.(g) Testing / Checking of control switch such as pressure cut outs, refrigerent flow switch, temprature sensore for proper functioning.(h) Testing / Checking of refrigerant pipe for leakage and Rectification of leakage by brazing including cleaning of refrigerant pipe.(j) Testing / Checking of all electrical connection and control wiring tighting of electrical connection and rectification of minor defect if any complete. 81 NOTE :-(i) Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance including servicing of Package AC unit shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check listand not less then six months interval from last maintenance and carried out onetimes during contract period and shall be measured one times, Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect during break down without any extra cost during contract period complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (ii) Charging of gas, if required, shall be measured and paid for separately under appropriate item. However, vacuum and pressure leakage testing with nitrogen (N2), if any required, is deemed to be included under the unit rate quoted by the contractor for this item.(iii)After completion of Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance including servicing of Precision type Package AC unit shall be tested by the contractor all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 82 Package Air conditioning unit (Make: Emerson, Model: PEX-135 EC I-COM) of Capacity 10 TR 83 Package Air conditioning unit (Make: Bluestar, Model: DPA2163R3-I) of Capacity 33000K/cal/Hr 84 Precision type Package Air conditioning unit (Make: Emersion, Model: PEC113 RA/DA withI Com) of Capacity 3.0 TR 85 Precision type Package Air conditioning unit (Make: Emersion, Model: PEC120 RA/DA withI Com) of Capacity 5.0 TR 86 Precision type Package Air conditioning unit (Make: Emersion, Model: PEC130 RA/DA withI Com) of Capacity 7.5 TR 87 Material and labourfor maintenance of Precision type Package Air conditioning along with cost of replacement of old/unsv spare parts as underincluding testing on load complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge 88 Supply only Evaporator centrifugal blower motor with rotor of same size and capacity of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 89 Supply only condenser fan motor with blade of same size and capacity of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 90 Supply only LP cutout for compressor of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 91 Supply only HP cutout for compressor of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 92 Supply only microwave filter for compressor of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 93 Supply only filter liquid drier for compressor of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 94 Supply only Micro-processing Controller (I Com)(PCB Card )of Precision type Package Air conditioning. Upto 10 TR Capacity all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge 95 Supply only Infrared Humidifier of Precision type Package Air conditioning. 96 Supply only Expansion Valve for compressor of precision Air conditioning unit complete all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge Make Emersion 97 Supply only Air sensor for compressor of precision Air conditioning unit all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge MakeEmersion 98 Supply only Printed Circuit Board of Precision type Package Air conditioning of capacity 33000 kcal/Hr unit all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge Make: Blue Star 99 Supply only Condenser fan motor with blade of Precision type Package Air conditioning of capacity 33000 kcal/Hr unit all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge Make: Blue Star 100 Supply only Pre Filter box type suitable for Precision type package Air conditioning of capacity upto 10 TR all as specified and directed by Engg in charge . Note : Filter size be vary as per the capacity of the package AC Plant. No extra cost will be paid to the contactor to provide different size of filter as per site requirement. 101 Supply, filling & testing in repair of Water softener filter (Cation Exchange) with all necessary equipment of capacity 3 cum/hr complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 102 Supply, filling & testing in repair of 40x40 RO membrane of capacity 1 Micron, Max operating pressure at 300 PSI complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge.Make : PENTAIR, Model No 40L30N 103 Supply, filling & testing in repair of multi plot valve mounted at polyglass pressure vessel to control the direction of flow complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 104 Receiving and attendingcomplaints fromconcern Incharge ofAC sectionlodged by the occupants/user of Central/Package/VRF/VRV air conditioningnature and making plant/unit in serviceable condition in including followingrectification of error showing in display, electrical fault if any , repair/replacement of minor parts andrectifingthe fault ,complete all as directed at site to the entire satisfaction of Engr-in-charge/users.Note - (i) spare partsrequired for repairing will be paid under relavent supply only items of this schedule.2. fixing cost of replacement of any part are deemed to be included in the quoted rate 105 supply & fix in repair hermetically sealed Scroll Compressor with base frame & electric phase reversal protection of capacity 7.5 TR of Precision type Package Air conditioning (Make: Emersion, Model: PEC130 RA/DA with I Com) comprising fallowing job:-(i) Charging of nitrogen gas in unit & complete system at 300 psi pressure and checking of any dropping of pressure/ leakage upto 72 Hrs after replacement of compressor & rectification of leakage if any.(ii) Vaccumisation of complete system for minimum 2 days for dropping of vaccume pressure & rectification of leakage if any.(iii) Charging of complete system with R-407 gas for maitaining the system pressure upto HP-175 psi & LP-65 psi(iv) Measure the inlet and outlet temperature of package unit.(v) Testing and commisioning of compressor after completion.Make: Godrej/Teccumesh /Emerson copland 106 supply & fix in repair hermetically sealed Scroll Compressor with base frame & electric phase reversal protection of capacity 03 TR of Precision type Package Air conditioning (Make: Emersion, Model: PEC113 RA/DA with I Com) comprising fallowing job:-(i) Charging of nitrogen gas in unit & complete system at 300 psi pressure and checking of any dropping of pressure/ leakage upto 72 Hrs after replacement of compressor & rectification of leakage if any.(ii) Vaccumisation of complete system for minimum 2 days for dropping of vaccume pressure & rectification of leakage if any.(iii) Charging of complete system with suitable gas for maitaining the system pressure upto HP-175 psi & LP-65 psi(iv) Measure the inlet and outlet temperature of package unit.(v) Testing and commisioning of compressor after completion.Make: Godrej/Teccumesh /Emerson copland 107 Supply and toping up refrigerant gas R-22 to the central / package AC plant of any capacity system all as directed by the Engineer in charge. 108 Supply and toping up refrigerant gas R-410 A to the central / package AC plant of any capacity system all as directed by the Engineer in charge. 109 Supply and toping up refrigerant gas R-407 C to the central / package AC plant of any capacity system all as directed by the Engineer in charge. 110 Supply and toping up refrigerant gas R-134 A to the central / package AC plant of any capacity system all as directed by the Engineer in charge. 111 Note for Item Ser No 1 to 6, 9, 13, 16, 49 &50 : Cost of necessary tools and plant/technician for toping up of refrigerant are deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 112 Supply and Charging Lubricating Oil for scroll type compressor (Mineral oil SUILE BSE 170) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.Make: Bitzer/Synthetic refrigeration compressor oil 113 Supply , Installation , testing , commissioning of fan assembly unit suitable for 180 TR chiller of size 800mm dia fixed in repairs all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Make Voltas, ZAHIL , ABEGG 114 supply and fixing in repair filter liquid drier suitable for 90 TR compressor of air cooled central AC Plant complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge Make Danfoss or any other make approved by GE 115 Supply and fixing in repair Solonide valve suitable for 90 TR compressor of air cooled central AC Plant complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-chargeMake Danfoss or any other make approved by GE 116 Supply and fixing in repair expensionvalve controllersuitable for 180 TR chiller unitof air cooled central AC Plant complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge , Model EXV Driver , supply voltage 110V-240 V AC Make Danfoss or any other make approved by GE 117 Supply and fixing in repairmainelectroniccircuit control board of Central type AC plant (MAKE : BLUE STAR Model No :XAC5S060MAR2) of capacity 50 TR including connecting complete.Make as per manufacturer recommendation after written approval by The GE 118 Supply and fixing VRF cassett AC indoor unit of capacity 4.1 TR complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge 119 Supply and fixing in repair EC fan motor assembly (including fan) complete of I Com Package AC for Indoor unit all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge 120 Supply and fixing in repair scroll type compressor suitable forPrecision type Package Air conditioning of capacity 33000 kcal/Hr unit all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge Make: Blue Star Model No DPA2163R3-I 121 Supply and fixing in repair blower motorsuitable for indoor unit ofPrecision type Package Air conditioning of capacity 33000 kcal/Hr unit all as specified and directed by Engg -in-charge Make: Blue Star Model No DPA2163R3-I 122 Supply and fixing in repairMVPD 30 - 220 Amp , Model - EC Aux Supply - 230VAC complete all as specified and as directed by Engr in Charge 123 Supply and fix in repair Display Controller unit of Industrial type Air conditioning of capacity 2.0 TR.Model:- MCH2EP1031, Make-CARELor any other make as per recommendation of OEM and approved by the GE. 124 M&L for Painting of complete water cooled central AC Plant(comprising 3 Nos chiller unitof capacity193536 K Cal/Hr, pipe lines, valves, pump sets (04 Nos), steel surface, AHU pipe lines and chiller pipes etc) by preparation of old painted surface removing of dirt / dust / oil grease etc and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint all as specified and directed by Engg-in-Charge. 125 M&L for Painting of complete Air cooled central AC Plant of capacity 102 TR (comprising 4 Nos chiller unitof capacity 34 TR, pipe lines, valves, pump sets (04 Nos), steel surface, AHU pipe lines and chiller pipes etc) by preparation of old painted surface removing of dirt / dust / oil grease etc and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint all as specified and directed by Engg-in-Charge. 126 M&L for Painting of complete Air cooled central AC Plant of capacity 52 TR (comprising 3 Nos chiller unitof capacity 26 TR, pipe lines, valves, pump sets (03 Nos),steel surface, AHU pipe lines and chiller pipes etc) by preparation of old painted surface removing of dirt / dust / oil grease etc and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint all as specified and directed by Engg-in-Charge. 127 M&L for Painting of complete water cooled central AC Plant of capacity 60 TR (comprising 3 Nos compressor of capacity 30 TR, pipe lines, valves, pump sets, cooling tower steel surface, AHU pipe lines and chiller pipes etc) by preparation of old painted surface removing of dirt / dust / oil grease etc and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint all as specified and directed by Engg-in-Charge. 128 S&F in repair gate valve 20mm dia with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge 129 Supply , installation, testing and commissioning in repalcementof PN 16 Butterfly valves of 150mm dia (MS Pipe) duly insulated with companion flanges, nuts, bolts, gaskets etc as specified , Butterfly valves with cast iron body, seat of black nitrite rubber, nylon coated SG iron disc PTFE coated SS (AISI 410) shaft etc as required . These valve shall conforming to BS 5155, MSS SP 67 & API 609 and shall be desiged to fit without gasket between mating flanges. The valves shall be suitable for flow in either direction and seal in both direction . 130 Supply, inastallation, testing and commissioing in repalcement of mild steel chilled water piping of class C heavy duty conforming to IS : 1239 (part I) 1991 and IS : 3589 to 1991 grade 330 of size 150 mm dia thickness 5.40mm, cut to reqd length, and installed with welded joints, including all necessary fittings such as elbows, tees, bends, reducers, flanged, supports, Air purge, valves, drain valve etc. duly insulated and as per specification 50mm thick TF quality EPS pipe section insulation of 18 Kg/ cum density and covered with 28 gauge aluminium sheet caleding and as per specification. Make : TATA/Jindal/Zenith / Surya Prakash 131 Supply, inastallation, testing and commissioing in repalcement of mild steel chilled water piping of class C heavy duty conforming to IS : 1239 (part I) 1991 and IS : 3589 to 1991 grade 330 of size 125 mm dia thickness 5.40mm, cut to reqd length, and installed with welded joints, including all necessary fittings such as elbows, tees, bends, reducers, flanged, supports, Air purge, valves, drain valve etc. duly insulated and as per specification 50mm thick TF quality EPS pipe section insulation of 18 Kg/ cum density and covered with 28 gauge aluminium sheet caleding and as per specification. Make : TATA/Jindal/Zenith / Surya Prakash 132 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m wide and not exceeding 1.5mtr in depth for foundation and laying of under ground cables / pipes in soft/loose/muddy soil and getting out all as directed. 133 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.5 mtr wide and not exc 3mtr depth and getting out in soft/loose/muddy soil all as directed. 134 Returning, filling in, including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm complete all specified and as directed. 135 Removal of surplus excavated soil to a distance not exceeding50metre and depositing where as directed at a level not exceeding1.5metre above the starting point, complete all as specified and as directed. 136 Note for item No 13 to 85:- (a) Comprehensive / Preventive maintenance shall be carried out as per manufacturer standard check listand not less then six months interval from last maintenance andall as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(b) Testing / Checking for its proper functioning and rectification of defect replacement of unserviceable parts consumable as required , cleaning and testing.(c) Contractor shall also be responsible to rectify any defect and maintain plant in running condition within 24 hours during break down, without any extra cost to govt during contract period. Failure to repair will attract penalty of @1000/per day, decision of GE in this regard final and binding(d) All defective speare parts & compressor etc if found unserviceable will be measured & paid separately as supply only under respective items of This BOQ, any other item not mentioned in BOQ if required will be provided and quoted rates for the same is included in rates of comprehensive maintenance .(e)The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor repair, which are obviously and fairly, intended which may not have been included in these documents, but which are essential for the execution and entire completion of works.The decision of the engr-in-charge as to what constitutes Minor details shall be final and binding.(f) Labour charges for, taking out old and supply new spares, T&P and Misc charges, items to be deemed to be included in the quoted rate for Comprehensive maintenance i.e. (g) Make of sapre part shall be as recommended by the OEM and the same shall be used only after approval by the GE.(h) Unserviceable parts shall be property of contractor as per credit schedule