
Tender For Provision Of Baffle Range At Tibri Cantt Under Ge Gurdaspur, jalandhar-Punjab

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Baffle Range At Tibri Cantt Under Ge Gurdaspur. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-03-2025. Firing Range Tenders in jalandhar Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Baffle Range At Tibri Cantt Under Ge Gurdaspur
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Baffle Range At Tibri Cantt Under Ge Gurdaspur; 2 LUMPSUM/ OTHER PRE-PRICED PROVISIONAL SCHEDULES OF WORKS 3 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for BUILDING WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-I brought forward from serial page No. 24 & 25. 4 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for SITE CLEARANCE AND EARTHWORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-II brought forward from serial page No. 26 & 27. 5 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-III brought forward from serial page No. 28 to 30. 6 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-IV brought forward from serial page No. 31. 7 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for SEWAGE DISPOSAL WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-V brought forward from serial page No. 32 & 33. 8 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for AREA DRAINAGE WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-VI brought forward from serial page No. 34. 9 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for SECURITY WALL, FENCING AND STEEL GATE WORKS listed in Schedule A Part-VII brought forward from serial page No. 35 to 38. 10 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for ROAD, PATH, HARDSTANDING AND CULVERTWORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-VIII brought forward from serial page No. 39 to 41. 11 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for EXTERNALWATER SUPPLY WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-IX brought forward from serial page No. 42. 12 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION WORKSas listed in Schedule A Part-X brought forward from serial page No. 44. 13 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for TOE WALL WORKS as listed in Schedule A Part-XI brought forward from serial page No. 45. 14 INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION WORKS 15 M&L for point wiring with 1.5 sqmm, PVC insulated but unsheathed, stranded copper conductor single core FRLS cable, IS-694 marked, drawn through and including non metallic rigid PVC concealed conduit medium grade 20mm dia (minimum) or higher size as specified and cutting chasing on wall complete with all PVC conduit accessories such as socket, elbow, junction box, bell mouth, reducer, bend and flexible conduit etc/ fittings ISI marked for modular fittings andbrass screws and cup washers including 1.5 sqmm stranded copper conductor PVC insulated FRLS cable green in colour as continuous earth conductor connected to common earth and earth dolly with all accessories complete all as specified and directed.Note : Cost of Metal boxes and modular accessories like cover plates will be paid seprately in respect items (a)Fan point/ exhaust fan point / one light point / bell/ buzzer controlled by one switch/ bell push. 16 (b)One socket outlet 5 pin 5 Amp controlled by one, one way switch on same board. 17 (c) One socket outet point 5 amps on the independent board. 18 All as Ser item 3.01 here in before but with 2.5 sq mm wire and earth wire of 2.5 sq mm for 3 Pin 15 Amp modular type socket outlet. 19 Supply and fix modular metal flush box made out of GI sheet, thickness not less than 1.2mm with earthing terminal, 8 module complete all as specified and directed. 20 Supply and fix modular Dummy plate complete all as specified and directed. 21 Supply and fix LED energy efficient LED bulb B22 9 watt complete all as specified and directed. 22 Supply and fix sheet metal enclosure for DB’s (Double door type) when MCB’s to be used, single pole and neutral, 4ways with 200 ampere rated bus bar, 240 volts fixed sunk/ flush to the wallwith IP-54 and IK-09 protection complete all as specified and directed. Make: Havells cat part No. DHDPSHODPW04 or equivalent make of Bajaj/ Crompton/ Philips. 23 Supply and fix LED tube light fitting for all purpose surface and wall mounted with single side connection polycarbonateLEDbatten with polycarbonate housing and integrated electronic driver of capacity 18/20 W, four feetand connection with PVC insulalted twin core 23/0.0076 twisted copper cable from ceiling rose to tube light fitting complete all as specified and directed. Make: Havells cat part No. LUMILINEEOBS18WLED865SPCWH or equivalent make of Bajaj/ Crompton/ Philips. 24 Supply and fix wall/ ceiling mounting LED 9/10 Watt tube light fitting with polycarbonate housing and integrated electronic driver complete withall acessories 1x9 Watt LED,with CCT of 6000k suitable for domestic application, 240 Volts, 50 Hz,and internally pre-wired with 1.5 sqmm twin twisted flexible cable copper conductor and connection complete all as specified and directed. Make: Havells cat part No. LUMILINEBS9WLED865SPCWH or equivelent make of Bajaj/ Crompton/ Philips. 25 Supply and fix LED tube light fitting for all purpose surface and wall mounted with single side connection polycarbonateLEDbatten with polycarbonate housing and integrated electronic driver of capacity 36 W ,four feetand connection with PVC insulalted twin core 23/0.0076 twisted copper cable from ceiling rose to tube light fitting complete all as specified and directed. Make: Gold Medal cat part No. MAGICLINE PLUS-36 W-GL9C0101536CD or equivalent meke of Bajaj/ Crompton/ Philips. 26 Supply and fix LED tube light fitting for all purpose surface and wall mounted with single side connection polycarbonateLEDbatten with polycarbonate housing and integrated electronic driver of capacity 20 W Weather Proof IP 65,four feetand connection with PVC insulalted twin core 23/0.0076 twisted copper cable from ceiling rose to tube light fitting complete all as specified and directed.Make: Jaquar cat part No. IIL-WHT-LPRD01X020XC or equivalent meke of Bajaj/ Crompton/ Philips. 27 Supply and fix security light fitting LED 25 Watt withdusk and down sensor aluminum pressure dia cast housing with touched glass cover IP-66 protectionincluding connection with 3 core PVC insulated overall sheathed flexible cable with muyltistranded copper conductor of size not less than 1.0 sq mm from celing rose to fitting terminal including taking down old CFL security light fittingall as specified and as directed. 28 S & F GI pipe bracket made of GI pipe light grade 32mm dia and bend to shape 1.5 mtr long MS clamp made out of MS flat iron of size 32 thick with nut and bolts washer complete including drilling of holes for nut and bolts etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 29 S&F energy saving new generation 10 watt LED built up, 6000kbulk head luminaire with opal diffuser light fitting complete with all acessories and connection complete. 30 Supply & fixing exhaust fans metal body of 230 mm sweep, 1200 RPM, heavy duty, ISI marked suitable for single phase 230 V/250 V, 50 Hz AC supply complete including cutting opening and fixing/grouting of frame in wall complete and connection with and including PVC insulated, unsheathed FRLS cable with multistanded copper conductors from ceiling rose to fan complete all as specified and directed. 31 SEWAGE DISPOSAL WORKS 32 M&L RCC Septic tankdesigned to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 Design Mix in Walls , Base Slab , Baffle walls and Roof Slab including beams etc with Vent shaft , manhole openings with cover connection etc., complete with effective depth of 1.5 meter and overall depth of 3 meter wih upflow filter for 50 users 33 M&L on site LLDPE septic tank designed to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, Vent shaft, connection etc., completewith upflow filter including media for 20 Users, complete all as specified 34 M&L for construction of soakage well 2.40 mtr dia 3.00 mtr effective deep including excavation, in any type of soil, foundation in PCC 1:3:6 ,wall of hony combed masonry with top ring of M25 concrete intercepting chamber and screen chamber made of brick masonary in CM RCC cover slab in M25/ SFRC cover, interconnecting pipes of RCC/DWC complete filled with brick bats complete all as specified 35 SECURITY WALL, FENCING & STEEL GATE WORKS 36 Supply only RECRON FIBRE as specified and directed 37 ROAD, PATHAND CULVERTS WORKS 38 M&L preparation of road surfaces and painting lines dashes, arrows, letters etc on road pavements and the like with road hot applied thermoplastic compound paint with 1.25mm thick layer by machine(not by hand) all as specified and directed 39 Supply and fixing road solar stud, size 125mm x 125mm x 25mm made from aluminium alloy and PC construction, solar powered by monocrystel solar panel alongwith high capacity rechargable battery (LED - 10mm, 3 pieces each side and total 6 pieces used for high brightness) water proof confirming to IS-67-1977 having load capacity of 40 tonnes complete all as specified and directed.Make:- Dark Eye Cat Part No DA-110 or equivalent of makes specified in List of Makes 40 EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY WORKS 41 M&l for taping from existing GI 80mmto GI 50mm including cutting, jointing and testing Tee and all accessories on quoted rate. 42 M&L for construction of valve pit of size 60cm x 60cm x 60cm (internal dimensiions), stone/ brick construction, including all necessary excavation and earth work in any type of soil, returning, fillingin disposalf of surplus spoil to distance not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed, PCC in foundation of the mix (1:2:4) type D-2, stone masonary in cement mortor (1:4) rendering 12 mm duck in cement mortar (1:4) internally, finished even and fair and pointing flush externally as the work proceeds in the same mortor. Mild steel angle iron 40 x 40 x 6mm frame MS sheet cover 3.15 mm thick with handle and locking arrangement, painting all the exposed MS work with two coats of sunthetic enamel paint of the that as approved by the GE over a cost of red oxide primer and painting all the MS embeded in PCC with two coats of black bitumenous paint complete all as specified and shown on drawing 43 EXTERNAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY WORKS 44 Supplying, installing, testing of LT out doorfeeder pillar box double door type with neoprene rubber gasket and locking arrangement vermin/dust / weather proof, self ventilation with wire mesh at suitable interval on both side, totally enclosed, busbar chamber, fullly comparted type, front openable hinged independent door for each compartment with L Type Rubber Headtype locking arrangement and Rear and front door with L drop Locking arrangement made out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet duly powder coated paint, 415 Volts, TPN, 50Hz both sides properly weldedand connecting the incoming / out going feeders by providing cable glands and cable lugs complete all as specified and directed comprising of following accessories.(i)01x MCCB 63 Amp 4 pole, 16 KA 415 Volt AC with fixed thermaland fixed magnetic with spreader -: Incoming(ii)TPN25 Amp10 KA-01 Nos (out going for Target Panel)(iii) 12x MCB SPN 6 to 10 Amp 10 KAC Series(Outgoing for Bldgs)(iii) Bus Bars : 150A TPN aluminium busbars (iii)Volt meter 0 to 500 volts digital type with inbuilt VSS = 1 No(iv)Ampere meter 0 to 200 Amp digital type with inbuiltslector swtich = 1 No (v) LED Phase indicator lamp Set of three(vi) All connections from MCCBs to bus bar & bus bar to MCCB shall be made with suitable size of aluminium strip thimble lugs cost of which included in the quoted rate of item.(vii) All acessories prewired with copper conductor cable single strand PVC insulated with copper thimbe lugs etc all as specified and directed(viii) Above all complete in all respect including installation of panel andframe pedestal legsmade of ISA 5050 of size 40x40x5mm of length900 mm . 450 mmbelow the ground and 450 mm above thegoundlevel grouted in PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) 45 Supply and fix compact air insulated rising main with aluminium bus bar 63Amp IP 54 with incoming MCB SPN 25 Amp complete all as specified and directed.Notes:(1) All connections from MCCBs to bus bar & bus bar to MCCB shall be made with suitable size of aluminium strip thimble lugs cost of which included in the quoted rate of item.(ii) All acessories prewired with copper conductor cable single strand PVC insulated with copper thimbe lugs etc all as specified and directed(iii) Above all complete in all respect including installation of panel andframe pedestal legsmade of ISA 5050 of size 40x40x5mm of length900 mm . 450 mmbelow the ground and 450 mm above thegoundlevel grouted in PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) 46 Supply and fix junction box poly corbonatesize with glass fibre reinforced , environment friendly, recylable, UV resistant , halogen and silicon free anti acid and anti corrosive IP 66/67 in accordancewith IE rule internally embedded gasket, junction box including 3 phase 415 volt aluminium bus bar and one No. MCB SP 6A 10KA to control the street light including necessary clamps, nuts bolts to fix the junction box with poles all specified and directed. 47 Supply and fixing of three core PVC insulated cable with stranded copper conductor of size 1 Sqmm fixed in and incl non metallic PVC conduit including clamp nut bolt and washers complete all as specified 48 Supply and fixing three phase 8 KW Automatic street light control switch using Infrared Sensor based NATURE SWITCH for automatic switching of street lights. Nature switch switch operation should be based on Natural Light Lux level. Switching off illuminance level should be of minimum 30 Lux and Switching off illuminance should be greater than or equal to 10 LUX. The sensor should also have part night operation facility of min 4 hrs to max 12 hrs. The circuit shall have a provision for manual over ride operation. The sensor along with suitable power contactors and incoming outgoing MCBs should be enclosed in apole/wall mountable enclosures made of rust proof , electric shock proof , termite proof and FR grade with Hensel Enclosures, conforming to IP 66 complete all as directed by Engr-in-charge. The Make of Nature switch Kaatiya Energy System, /Havells , /Havells/Healer Enterprises. Contactor : BCH/L&T/Schneider, MCBs: Hager/Schneider/L&T/C&S, SMC enclosure and circuit sheetHensel. 49 SUMMER APPLIANCES 50 Supply,Installation ,Comminssioning of Water coler fully stainless steel, electric driven single phasehaving approx storage capacity of 80 lt and nominal cooling capacity 40 lt per hour. 51 Supply and fix voltage stablizer for automatic operation, single phase naturally air cooled indoor type & designed for input variation bteween 170 V to 250 V with output voltagestablized at 230 V with accuracy of +2.5% to -2.5% and of capacity 2 KVA 52 Supply & fix desert cooler electric driven single phase having nominal air flow capacity of 4000 CuM per hour steel body 53 Supply & fix stand for desert cooler made of angle iron 40mmx40mmx4mm in size including bracing supports, clamps and back plates fabricated from structure steel section including nuts, bolts, welding, bending cold or hot, drilling bolt in any shape of size as directed and any inclusing one primer coat , one under coat and one finishing coat of paint all as specified and directed. 54 Supply and fixing, testing commissioning POP up type targets 08 Nos and slicing/turning targets (04 Nos) fully automatic targets size (1100 x 450)mm, modular in nature, electronic controlled and fully mechanised to suit present Baffle Range shouting at 50 Mtr, 100 Mtr, 200 Mtr and 300 Mtr range with no manual control at target end.The bullet hitting a target cab be automatically sensed by using bullet sensing target sheet and bullet sensing really unit.The targets an controlled with the help of programmable central control unit which is placed in observation room at shooter end.The center signals generated by PCCU are carried with the help of control cable to the local control unit which are placed at target end to observation room/PCCU as required to Programmable Central Control type unit (PPCU) for controlling the targets to issue command for controlling indiviual targets complete with copper control cable multi-core as required from target with complete accessories as described below compelet at as specified and cirected. (a) Turning targets - TUT 2003 (02 Nos).(b) Pop Up targets - PUT 2001 (08 Nos). (c) Slicing targets - SLT 2102 (02 Nos).(d) Weather proof covers (12 Nos).(e) Power distibution and monitoring panel PDP - 2080.(f) Programable cewntral control unit - PCCU 2060, if should have programmable center control unit system.It should able to control all the tagets from one location.(g) LOcal control unit (LCU) - 2070, Each target should have local control unit. (h) Junction box (01 x power cableing junctgion box & 01 x control cabling junction box.).(j) Control - it should have two modes of control. (i)Manual mode - it should have manual control of all targetswith capability to operate independentlyone by one. (ii)Automatic mode - Automatic mode with motion sensor - It should have automatic mode with motion sensor for one target which cab also work manualy.Automatic mode with preprogrammed timing - itsould have automatic control in terms of Nos of hit and timings.(l) Guarante period of 12 months from the date installation willbe provided by the contractor. Note : The entire system should operate with electricity of generator and to be operated sequential or one by.The system inclue all civil work shall be deemed to be included in unit range of each target ad no extra payment shall be given to contractr for cvil work.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-01-2025 CorrigendumNo4dated06JAN2025 Date 20-01-2025
2 08-01-2025 CORRIGENDUM NO 05 DATED 08 JAN 2025 Date 27-01-2025
3 09-12-2024 datecorrigendum81070 Date 26-12-2024
4 10-02-2025 CorrigendumNo8dated10Feb2025 Date 27-02-2025
5 18-01-2025 CorrigendumNo06dated18jan2025 Date 07-02-2025
6 18-12-2024 CORRIGENDUM02dated18DEC2024 Date 03-01-2025
7 19-02-2025 CorrigendumNo09dated19Feb2025 Date 07-03-2025
8 26-12-2024 CORRIGENDUM03DATED26DEC2024 Date 13-01-2025
9 29-01-2025 Corrigendum No 7 dated 29 Jan 2025 Date 17-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 1500000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 34 Crore /-


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