Tender for Fire Fighting Work In Chc Sirathu, District Kaushambi - Excavations in foundations in ordinary soil (Loam clay) or sand including lift upto 1.5m(5 fts) and lead upto 30 metre (100 feets) and including filling,watering and ramming of excavated earth upto the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of foundations trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer in charges upto a distance of 30 metre ( 100 feet) from the foundation trenches. 3 Providing and laying of cement concrete 1:4:8 1 cement, 4 coarse sand :8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials , Labour T&P ETC REQUIRED for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of framework in foundations and flors. 4 RCC work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm guage approved stone balast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in slab excluding supply of reinforcement and its fixing and binding the same with 24 bwggi BINDING WIRE AND INCLUDING NECESAARY centering and shutering etc and also including supply of all materials , labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the works .Binding wire cost being included in the item. 5 RCC work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm guage approved stone balast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in BEAMSexcluding supply of reinforcement and its fixing and binding the same with 24 bwggi BINDING WIRE AND INCLUDING NECESAARY centering and shutering etc and also including supply of all materials , labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the works .Binding wire cost being included in the item. 6 RCC work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm guage approved stone balast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in RAFT FOUNDATIONS and FOOTINGS excluding supply of reinforcement and its fixing and binding the same with 24 bwggi BINDING WIRE AND INCLUDING NECESAARY centering and shutering etc and also including supply of all materials , labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the works .Binding wire cost being included in the item. 7 RCC work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm guage approved stone balast in the proportion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in Colummsexcluding supply of reinforcement and its fixing and binding the same with 24 bwggi BINDING WIRE AND INCLUDING NECESAARY centering and shutering etc and also including supply of all materials , labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the works .Binding wire cost being included in the item. 8 PT mild steel or iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced , brick work (when not included in all rates) wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and including supply of all steel and overlapping and hooks. 9 12mm cement plaster in single coat on roughside of single or half brick wall for exterior plastering up to floor two level required for proper completion of work. (1)1 cement : 6 fine sand. 10 Finishing wall with water proof cement paint of approved angle and quality on new wood with two coat to give an even shade including supply of all materials , labour, tools and plant etc.required for proper completion of the work. Three coat. 11 Chequered precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick in footpath and courtyard,jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles,including rubbing and cleaning etc complete on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4(1 cement,4 coarse sand) light shade pigment using white cement. 12 Providing and fixing stainless steel(Grade 304) rainling made of hollow tubes,channels ,plates etc including welding,grinding,bufling,plishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necesaary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete I/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories and stainless steel fasteners,stainless steel blts etc of required size.On top of the floor or side of the waist slab with suitable arrangements as per approval of the engineer in charge (for payment purpose only weight of the stainless steel members shall be considerd excluding fixing accessories such as nuts bolts fasteners) etc. 13 PART-B- FIRE FIGHTING WORKS 14 Supplying, Installation, Testing& Commissioning of Intelligent Addressable2 loop fire alarm controlpanel is ableto connect250devices(DetectororModule)per loop in any combinationwith20%spare addressfor detector ineach & every loop shouldhave min. 854 char LCD multi- line QVGA LCDdisplay complete withinbuilt additional seven customizedpregrammable function switch for direct activation of any device or control along with three programmable LEDs indication along with 9A powersupply inbuilt min three Notificationappliance circuit with sufficient power supply to drive sounder cum strobeunitalongwithinbuilt50AHULlistedbattery charger along with required SMF batteries for 24 hours in normal condition 15 Supplying Installation testing& Commissioning of Addressable 2 wire optical smoke detector with built in short circuit isolator, 100% sof addressing single LED that covers 360 Deg light pipe technology, drift compansation, removable detector chamber, with operating tempreture of 32°F to 100°F, anolog level monitered on panel, alarm current of 5mA (max), stand by current 220μA (average), option to connect remote indicator. The detector shall be inbuilt isolator. 16 SupplyingInstallationtesting&Commissioning of Intelligent Addressabletype heat Detector along with base as per specification rate of rise temperature range is at8.3dgree c/ 11.1dgree c perminandfixed temperaturesensingis independent of rate of rise sensingto operateat57.2dgreec/68dgreecsupport digital communication and magnetically operated functional test. The detector shall be inbuilt isolator. 17 Supplying, Installation testing & Commissioning of Response indicator on single guage Stainless Steel plate. 18 Supplying Installation testing & Commissioning of Intelligent Addressable 2 wire single action Manual Call points with built in short circuit isolator, 100% soft addressed from panel, wall mounting, resettable key option. 19 Supplying Installation testing& Commissioningof IntelligentAddressable Loop powered Hooter cum strobe with built in fault isolator 20 Supplying Installation testing & Commissioning IntelligentAddressable 2 wire Control Module 100% soft addressed with built in short circuit isolator usages like shutting down AHUs and magentic fire door holdas, Elevator recall, fire damper, pressurization fan, speakers, strobes etc 21 Supplying Laying testing & Commissioningof flexible type of 2 core x 1.5 sqmm wire. 22 Surface dressing ofroadwithPaintingbetweenusing 2.25kg.ofbitumenpersq.mtwith1.65cumofstone chipping, 13.2 mm nominal size/100sq.mt of road surface including corolidation . 23 Supplying,fixingtestingandcommissioningofbutterflyvalveofPN1.6 rating with bronze/ gunmetal seat duly ISI marked complete with nuts, bolts, washer, gasket, following sizes as required. (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 24 (a) 100 mm 25 (b) 80 mm 26 Providing installation testing and commissioning of non returnvlave of followingsizescompletewithrubbergasket,GIbolts,nuts,washeretcas required (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 100 mm 27 Supply fixingfirstaid hosereelwith MSconstructionspray painted in post officered,confirmingtoIS884completewiththefollowingasrequired 20mmnominalinternaldiawaterhosethermoplastic(TextileReinforced) type-2 20mm nominal internal dia gun metal globe valve & nozzle. Drum and bracketsforfixingtheequipmentsonwall.Connectionsfromriserwith 25mmdiastopgunmetalvalve&MSPipeandsocketISImarked (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 28 Supplying Installation testing & Commissioning of 25 mm Air Release valve gun mentalhaving rubber ball and with 25 mm BSP threaded male inlet including necessary accessories and connections complete in all respect. 29 Supply & fixing 25mm dia ball valve, C.I. class- 125 (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 30 Providing/FixingofFireHoseInternal cabinetboxmadeoutof18gaugeMSsheet including two coats of post office red paint over onecoat of primer with 4 mm, thick glass door in front painted FIRE in red luminous paint. The size oftheboxshouldbe750 mmX600mmX250mmsizecapable of accommodating a pair of hose wit h coupling and nozzle. The box should be floormountedtypewithrailwaycoachlockarrangementandleverfor opening the door after breaking the glass complete. (Superior Quality) (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 31 Supply&fixing63mmdia15mlong|RRLhosepipewith63mmdia male/female coupling duly boundedwithGIwire,rivetetc. (type-A)as required with ISI marked (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4 ) 32 Supply and fixing of 63 mm dia gum metal/ss short branch pipe with 20mm nominal internal diameter size nozzle suitable for instantaneous connection to inter connected hose pipe as coupling. ISI marked. (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 33 Providing/FixingofFire Fighting pumpsetsuitablefor automatic operation consisting of the following as per the specification. Horizontallymounted,centrifugaltypesingle /multi stagefire pump having cast ironbody,bronzeimpeller, stainlesssteelshaftandcapableofdelivering450LPM, 7.5H.Pagainstatotalheadof52mtrs.Completewith pressure gauge & gun metal cocks ondeliveryside including bypass arrangement. 34 SupplyingInstallationtesting&Commissioningof verticalairvesselfabricatedfrom6mmthickMSplate with dished ends 250 mm dia DN 1.2 m high common for fire and jockey pump complete with springloaded safety valve. Test pressure 12 kg/Sq.cm) 35 SupplyingInstallation testing&Commissioningof PressureGuage/Pressure Switchrangingfrom 0to14kg.persq.cm.ISI marked fromappovredmanufacturescomplete in all respect. 36 Supply and Fixing of fire brigade connection of cast iron body with gun metal male instantaneous inlet coupling complete with cap and chain as reqd. for suitable dia MS pipe Two way connection 37 Providing/Fixing of cubical type floor mounted Fire pump control panelfabricated from 16 GM.S. sheet duly powdercoatedfinishofapprovedshadeandcomprising of: (a)One63amp.TP+NLM.C.C.Bwithrotaryhandleof breacking capacity 35 KA. (b)One Volt meter (0-500 V) with selector switch. (c) One set including lamps. 38 SupplyingandlayingofPVC Insulated and PVCsheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on wall surface 39 (a) 2 crore x 1.5 sq.mm Cu. Cable 40 (b) 3.5 crore x 25 sq.mm AL. Cable 41 Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Single/Double sided Signage with 20 mtr. viewing distance with built in LED, High efficiency L80 LED with 50,000 hour life, Usage: Exit Signage cum Emergency light with Function Use either as an emergencyluminaireorexitsign,withstandalone Testing system, Housing of Polycarbonate, Glow wire test : 850°C, RAL9003, Type of mounting: Wall or ceiling, Operation Mode Non -Maintained or Maintained modeselectable,Connectionvoltage230V-/+5%[220V-240V],LED,Built in Battery:Ni-Cd, Duration 3 hours, 42 Supply of Fire man axe 43 Supply and Fixing of Fire extinguisher CO2 type 4.5 kg capacity (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol.1 Patr-4) 44 Supply and Fixing of Fire extinguisher ABC Type 4.00 kg capacity ISI marked IS: 15683 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all material and labour for proper completion of work 45 Providing and fixing of Pressure Switch including connection as required(Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol.1 Patr-4) 46 Pipes-Providing,laying,testing&commissioningofCclassheavydutyMS pipeincludingWeldingFittinglikeelbow.Tees,flanges,tapers,nutsbolts, gasketetc. andfixingthepipeonthewall/ceilingwithsuitableclamp/ support frame and painting with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade complete as required. (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol-1, Part-4) 47 (a) 100 mm 48 (b) 100 mm 49 (c) 100 mm 50 Providing & installation of ISI mark P.V.C. water tankwith complete fitting and making foundation 51 Single Headed External Yard Hydrant Gun Metal Landing Valve comprising of 75mm inlet dia complete with min 63mm dia single female outlet (Type-A) with pull out gun metal/PVC blank cap, lugs (to lock, unlock blank cap) & chain with ISI marked (Specification as per NBC 2016 by BIS Vol. 1 Part-4) 52 GST extra as aplicable