
Tender For Supply Of Construction Materials Required, Kollam-Kerala

Local Self Government Department has published Tender For Supply Of Construction Materials Required. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-11-2024. Excavation Work Tenders in Kollam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Construction Materials Required
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Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Construction Materials Required Compost pit construction MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 1060.487 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 0.9096 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 0.9912 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 1.422 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 3.66 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 0.5652 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm thick sqm 250 75.348 1208 Bitumen washer Stainless steel screws 50 mm Construction of Compost Pit Soak Pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 1348.475 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 1.1696 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 1.4118 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 1.6086 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 4.27 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 0.6594 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm thick sqm 250 87.906 1208 Bitumen washer 50 nos 0.94 366.9064 8210 Stainless steel screws 50 mm 50 nos 8.5 183.4532 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 25.2 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 10 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 0.2388 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 0.2264 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size cum 2515.8 0.0744 Construction of Compost Pit Soak Pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 2431.21 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 2.16 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 2.4246 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 3.1902 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 7.93 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 1.2246 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm thick sqm 250 163.254 1208 Bitumen washer 50 nos 0.94 681.3976 8210 Stainless steel screws 50 mm 50 nos 8.5 340.6988 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 25.2 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 10 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 0.2388 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 0.2264 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size cum 2515.8 0.0744 Construction of Compost Pit Soak Pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 3962.924 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 3.6442 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 4.9672 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 3.9279 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 10.338 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 1.5964 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm thick sqm 250 216.384 1208 Bitumen washer 50 nos 0.94 903.1559 8210 Stainless steel screws 50 mm 50 nos 8.5 451.5768 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 226.8 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 90 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 2.1492 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 1.8971 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size cum 2515.8 0.6231 Construction of Compost Pit Soak Pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 972.4229 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 0.8866 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 1.2669 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 0.8754 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 2.103 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 0.3247 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm thick sqm 250 46.851 1208 Bitumen washer 50 nos 0.94 195.5507 8210 Stainless steel screws 50 mm 50 nos 8.5 97.7742 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 63 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 25 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 0.597 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 0.5379 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size cum 2515.8 0.1967 Construction of Compost Pit Soak Pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 2336.038 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 2.1264 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 2.486 983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 2677.5 2.9364 1007 Structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and R.S. joists quintal 10030 7.32 4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer Litre 159.3 1.1304 MR11001 GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm sqm 250 150.696 thick 1208 Bitumen washer 50 nos 0.94 628.9824 8210 Stainless steel screws 50 mm 50 nos 8.5 314.4912 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 50.4 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 20 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 0.4776 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 0.4528 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size cum 2515.8 0.1488 Construction of soak pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 682.2736 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 1.0144 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 1.8416 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 201.6 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 80 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 1.9104 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 1.8112 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size Construction of soak pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 1151.337 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 1.7118 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 3.1077 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia metre 148 340.2 6kgf/cm2 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 135 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 3.2238 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 3.0564 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size Ward 12-soak pit construction MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 2473.242 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 3.6772 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 6.6758 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 730.8 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 290 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 6.9252 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size cum 2452.8 6.5656 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size Construction of soak pit MR4 Solid blocks of size 30x20x15cm each 38 895.4841 367 Portland Cement tonne 11648 1.3314 982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 2824.5 2.4171 MR52 PVC pipe 75 mm outer dia 6kgf/cm2 metre 148 264.6 MR70 PVC bend 75 mm dia each 60 105 1005 Twisted steel/deformed bars quintal 12266.1 2.5074 295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size 297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size

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