Tender For Provision Of Sewage Treatment Plant At Cgae Kochi; 1 M&L for Designing (Hydraulically, structuraly & aesthetically) , supply, construction, hydraulic testing, installation, testing & commissioning of advanced fully automatic 3 KLD capacityPackage Type STP MS,FRP coatedbased on SBR technology / MBBR technology with tertiary treatment & disinfection complete in all respect including foundation for E/M equipments , associated piping work withall electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Piping & Instrumentation works along with detailed specification and yard stick for all civil works for STP, electrical and mechanical components at Sewage Treatment Plant to achieve the characteristics of effluent after treatment as per Note appended here-in-after all as specified and directed. 2 Note for Item No1(i) The parameters of treated water shall be suitable for toilet flushing and arboriculture . The inlet raw sewage characterestics given in particular specificationare indicative only,Contractor shall collect sample of raw water sewage in presence of GE to analysis the actual characterestics of raw sewage and submit the test results to GE before design of STP. 3 Note for Item No1 (Contd...)(ii) Design and scheme for STP including electro-mechanical and civil works shall be designed according to the actual sewage characterestics test results and the same shall be got vetted from IIT/ NIT and submit for approval of accepting officer prior to exicution. Quoted rates are deemed to be included for all these provisions such asdesign , preparation of layout scheme of STP and vetting of all details from NIT/IIT for the entire completion of the project. Nothing extra shall be payable in this regard. V belt shall deem to be included in quoted rate.) 4 Note for Item No1 (Contd...) (iii) The characteristics of effluent after treatment shall conform to the following tolerance limits:1. pH - 6.5-8.52. Suspended Solids:10mg/l 3. BOD (3 days @ 27 degree Celcious) :3 mg/l & BOD (5 days) < 10 mg/l4. COD :25mg/l5. Ammoniacal Nitrogen :5 mg/l6. Total Nitrogen:10mg/l7. Total Phosphorous :1mg/l8. Oil & Grease :1mg/l9. Fecal Coliform: Nil 10. Odour : No foul odour 5 Note for Item No1 (Contd...)(iv).Adequate air pollution control measures shall be provided before commissioning of the plant. Additional facilities required, if any, to achieve the standards laid down by the Kerala Pollution Control Board shall also be made along with.(v) The Quoted rates are deemed to be included the sewage line connection from nearest septic tank to STP (Approx 4m)(vi).The Design of STP shall be get approved from accepting officer after vetting from IIT/NIT. 6 Note for Item No1 (Contd...)(vii)The Manning and Operation of STP is to be ensured by the contractor during the defect liability periods, the Quoted rates are deemed to be included in the same and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The Manning and Operation of STP comprises of the following works:-(a) Being fully automatic type STP plant, no tradesman is required to be employed on daily basis , however Operation of STP is to be monitored and ensured by the contractor during the defect liability period.(b) Maintaining Log book for STP(c) Carrying out minor repairs Viz, repairs to pipe lines, priming of pumps, cleaning of installation and its surrounding areas.(d) Necessary tools , uniform and other accessories required for the smooth functioning of installation shall be provided by the contractor and the rate for the sameshall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates(e)Assurance of proper operation of all units of STP(f) Checking of all electro mechanical systems inorder to ensure proper working condition(g) Spares, lubricants, filter media , chemicals required etc which are not covered under the guarantee shall be supplied by the department as per OEM reccomendations with justification for replacemn 7 Cutting into existing manholes in brick walls in cement mortar for inserting/connecting new drain pipes exceeding one bricks but not exceeding two bricks and making good dismantled portion in cement mortar 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 TypeB-1 as required for 300mm dia bore pipe etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 8 Demolition and breaking up 150mm bore drain pipes (RCC pipe/Salt glazed wareor Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar including haunching and removing debris to a distance exc 1.5Km and n.exc 5Km all as specified and as directed. 9 Material and Labour for PCC 1:3:6, type C-2 as in concrete bed to drain pipes including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laidand tested for 150mm diapipe and tested complete all as specified and as directed. 10 Material and Labour for PCC 1:3:6, type C-2 as in concrete bed to drain pipes including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested for 200mm dia pipe complete all as specified and as directed. 11 Supply and Fix PVC (SWR) pipes 150 mm dia. single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to wall complete all as specified and as directed. 12 Supply and Fix PVC (SWR) pipes 200 mm dia. single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to wall complete all as specified and as directed. 13 Demolition of cement concrete in ground floors and pavings not exceeding 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as specified and as directed. 14 Demolition of cement concrete in ground floors and pavings not exceeding 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as specified and as directed. 15 Material and labour for 80mm thick machine pressed precast concrete interlocking paver block, any shape and size of M-40 grade conforming to IS 15658-2006 with grey cement and pigment laid over and including 50mm thick 6.3mm course aggregate cushioning, watering and consolidation in the same position complete all as specified and directed. 16 Removal of existing paver block and refixing the same interlocking paver block after levelling sunken portions with and including required thickness of sand/stone chipping cushioning and levelling the top surface to match with existing all as specified and as directed.Note:The quoted rate is inclusieve of sand/stone chipping required for bedding(50mm thick) and levelling sunken portion, nothing extra shall be payable on this account. 17 Material and labour for Plain cement concrete 1:3:6, type C1, using 20mmgraded stone aggregate as in copings, kneelers, apex stones,bed plates, kerbs, bed block for hold fastincluding necessary form work all as specified and as directed. 18 Demolition of brick work / PCC block masonary built in cement mortar of any despciption and at any position complete all as specified and as directed. 19 Material and labour for precastPCC 1:3:6 Type C1 using 20 mm graded aggregate solid block masonryexceeding 10 Cm width(with plain or interlocking joints as directed), built in cement mortar 1:6 all as specified and as directed. 20 Taking down cement plastering on concrete or Brick works surface racking out joints, hacking for key , scrubbing down with water, removing rubbish/debris etc complete all as specified and as directed. 21 Material and labour for 15 mm thick renderingon brick/concrete surfaces in two layers in CM 1:4, finishing coat of 5mm thick using water proofing compound @3% by weight of cement, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed.Note: Water proofing compound shall be measured separately. 22 Supply only integral water proofing compound all as specified and as directed. 23 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.5 M wide and n. exc 1.5 M depth and getting out in soft/loose soil getting out complete all as specified and as directed. 24 Excavation in trenches in soft/loose soil not exceeding 1.5 mtrwide and exceeding1.5 M and not exceeding 3.0 meter in depth and getting out, excavated earth, forming bottomsurfaces to required level complete all as specified and directed. 25 Returning, filling in soil including spreading leveling, watering and well ramming in layers n.exc.25cm thick complete all as specified and as directed. 26 Removing excavated soil to a distance exc 10Km andnot exc 15Km and deposited where as directed at a level not exc 1.5 m above the starting point complete all as specified and as directed. 27 Schedule of Credit (Minus) Rs.300.00NOTE: Bidder shall insert credit amount of Rs. 300.00 as ratein Green field under Col-13.