Tender for Supply of equipment/material, design, erection, testing & commissioning forSOP toJSV by prov. 11/0.4kv, 63KVA S/Stn T/Well PC habitation a/w HT Line in Vill. Papahan near Bogdeyan Di Pukharin (E) Sec. Sidhatha UESD Jawali. (TS No. 57/2024-25)-11 KV HT Line 2 Prov. ACSR (6/1/3.35, 50 mm²) { Neutral conductor including 1% (Sag, Jumpering and wastage} 3 Prov. Steel Tubular Poles 10 m, Working Load > 300 kgf/m²) 4 Prov. Steel Tubular Poles (9 m, Working Load > 200 kgf/m²) 5 Prov. Muffs with concerete filling 6 X-Arm: [Channel Iron (75x40x6 mm), Length : (2340 mm X 4 Nos] for supporting DO fuse unit & GO switch 7 GO Switch Handle Supporting: [Channel Iron (75x40x5 mm), Length : 460 mm 8 Cross Arm: [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length: 1270 mm i/c tolerance of 100 mm either side) 9 Angle Iron (50x50x6 mm), Length: 750 mm x 2 No. x 9 structures 10 Pole Top Bracket [MSCI:100x50x6 mm- 100 mm] 11 Prov. Pin Insulator with GI Pin 12 Prov. Disc Insulator Set cleave & Tounge halicaly formed fitting 13 Prov. GO AB Switch Unit (11kV, 400A,)O/D type 14 Prov. D.O Fuse Unit 15 Prov.Stay set complete HT i/c Egg 16 Prov. Stay Wire (7/3.15 mm) (7.0 kg Per Stay Set) (Prov. By HPSEBL) 17 Prov. HT Earthing set complete 18 Prov. GI Wire 8 SWG. (Prov. By HPSEBL) 19 Prov. Eye hook For earth wire 20 Prov. earth wire Clamp 21 Prov. Half clamps: [On Double Pole Dead End structure: 4 No; On Run Thro structure: 2 No ] 22 Prov. Full clamps: [On Double Pole Dead End structure: 4 No, Single Pole Run Thro structure: 2 No] 23 Prov. Danger Plate (250X200X1.6 mm) 24 Prov. Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes (Galvanised / Coated) [Preferably 16 mm Φ or more(with flat and spring washers)] 25 Prov. Barbed Wire 26 Prov. Aluminium Paint 27 Erection of 10 Mtr. ST pole Single structure i.e. digging of pit, fixing of insulator, x-arms,K.B. set, Top clamp, barbed wire, danger plate, drilling of holes and filling of pit + rammingcomplete in all respect. 28 Erection of 9 Mtr. ST pole Single structure i.e. digging of pit, fixing of insulator, x-arms,K.B. set, Top clamp, barbed wire, danger plate, drilling of holes and filling of pit + rammingcomplete in all respect. 29 Erection of Stay set HT i.e. digging of pit, fixing of stay road, filling of pit, nozzeling & tightning. 30 Erection of HT Earthing set complete 31 Erection of G.O. switch 400 Amp. Comp. 32 Sagging of ACSR (6/1/3.35, 50 mm²)i.e. laying, stringing and sagging & binding with insulator (Single wire per KM). 33 Sagging of GI Wire i.e. laying, stringing and sagging & binding(Single wire per KM). 34 Mannual carriage of material 1 KM HT line considering average distance from road to site of work (0.200 Km) 35 63 KVA Trsanformer 36 Prov. Distribution Transformer (Ordinary), 11/0.4 kV,63 KVA 37 Prov. Steel Tubular Poles (9 m, Working Load > 200 kgf/m²) 38 Prov. Muffs with concerete filling 39 Prov. X-Arm: [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : 2800 mm X 2 Nos] for incomer line 40 Prov. MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length: (2800 mm) x1 Nos for LAs 41 Prov. X-Arm: [Channel Iron (75x40x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm X 4 Nos] for supporting DO fuse unit & GO switch 42 Prov. Transformer Bed, Belting & Knee Bracing 43 Prov. X-Arm: [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : 2800 mm X 2 Nos] for Transformer Bed 44 Prov. X-Arm [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : (460mm) x 2 Nos for supporting Main Channel of Transformer] 45 Prov. MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm) x 2 Nos 46 Prov. MS Angle Iron (35X35x5 mm), Length : (460 ) x 2 Nos 47 Prov. MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (950 mm) x 2 Nos for Bed Knee Bracing 48 Prov. Transformer LT Distribution Box and GO Switch fixing Assembly 49 Prov. MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm) x 2 Nos 50 Prov. MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (450 mm) x 1 Nos 51 Prov. GO Switch Handle Supporting: [Channel Iron (75x40x6 mm), Length : 460 mm 52 Prov. GO AB Switch Unit (11kV, 400A, 25 KA ) Tripple pole O/D type 53 Prov. D.O Fuse Unit 54 Prov. Lighting Arrester, 9 kV Station Class(Porcelain Type) 55 Prov. Discs insulator sets (comprising 1 No. Disc: ^^(Porcelain, BS, 12 kV, 90 kN) including Dead End Clamps etc.) 56 Prov. Stay set complete 57 Prov. Stay Wire (7/3.15 mm) (6.0 kg Per Stay Set) (Prov. By HPSEBL) 58 Prov. Pipe Earthing Set 59 Prov. LT Distribution Panel Box WithMCCB 100 amp 3P 35kA , ICS =100 % ICU, Kit-Kit 200 Amp 60 Prov. Half Clamp (M.S. Flat 50X6 mm) 61 Prov. Full Clamps (M.S. Flat 50X6 mm) 62 Prov. Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes (Galvanised / Coated) [Preferably 16 mm Φ or more(with flat and spring washers)] 63 Prov. Aluminium Thimble 64 Prov. Aluminium Thimble 65 Prov. Danger Plate 66 Prov. Barbed Wire 67 Prov. LT Cable (3.5 Core) 95 mm² 68 Prov. Energy Meter 3-ɸ, 4 wire CT operated Static Tri-Vector meter with Box(CT-100-200/5A) 69 Prov. Aluminum Paint. 70 Prov. Prov. 6/1/3.35, 50mm² 71 Prov. Transformer structure Chain Link fencing , Angle Iron ,Gate etc & Protection plinth (Civil Work as per HPSR) . 72 Erection of 63 KVA S/Stn. i.e. digging of pit for pole & earthing two No. poles & 3 Nos. for earthdrilling of holes in X-arms, preparation of plateform str. Members C.I., A.L. i.e. X-arms & K.B. set, errection of D/P, concreating of RCC muff errection of plateform, errection of X-arms, D.O., L.A., MCCB, Switch LT box, energy meter, errection of transformer, earthing connection to G.O. switch, Transformer L.A. etc., errection of stay set, jumper, pipe earthing 3 Nos set, L.T. cable, barbed wire and painting complete in all respect. 73 Prov. Transportation charges of 63 KVA pole mounted distribution S/Stn. 74 Prov. Manual Carriage of 63 KVA Pole Mounted Distribution Sub Stn. Average Distance 1 km from road to site of work (0.080 Km) 75 Prov. HP LaserJet Pro MFP M126nw Multi-function WiFi Monochrome Laser Printer (for Division office) 76 Quantities are mentioned above are tentative and Actual Quantity shall be worked out after Check Survey to be carried out by the successful Tender and detailed Engineering and finalization of Tower location Chart.Payment shall be made as per Approved Bill of Material/Actual Quantities measured at site.