Tender For R J Shankar Eye Hospital Water Supply Scheme Supply Of All Materials Labour T P Etc Complete Required For Proper Completion Of Following Works Of Rj Eye Hospital Water Supply Scheme, 1 CivilWork 2 RISING MAIN 3 Supply, Carting, lowering, laying of following dia of DI K-7/9 of following dia and requisite specials to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. It includes provision of making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigates location of various under ground services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipments, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. 4 150 mm dia DI K-7 5 Supply, carting laying and jointing with fixing in proper position of the following sizes of C.I. Double flanged sluice valves and tail peace asperI.S.780/1969 class-1working pressure10kg/sqcm F.O.R destination including lowering, fixing in position and jointing then with pipe line etc comlete including all jointing material and specials of following sizes. 6 150 mm 7 Excavation of earth in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) for pipe line and rising main trenches including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and refilling watering, ramming of the excavated earth into the trench and also disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches including supply of all material labour, T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 8 Dismantling of the following type of road surface for laying of pipe line including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materias upto a distance of 50 m. as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 9 Bituminous surface 10 C.C. Road 11 Permanent re-instatement of the f ollowing ty pe of road surface (road shall be re-instate as specif ication found during cut) after laying of pipeline including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of work. it also includes necessary excavation required for preparation of trench for reinstatement of road, disposal of surplus unserviceable material, watering, ramming, cleaning surface for proper completion of the work as per directions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge 12 Bituminous surface (PWD Road) 13 C.C. Road 14 Provision for Crossing of Culvert for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. completeas per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. (casing of pipe is done by concreting) 15 Provision for Crossing of Nala/drain for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. completeas per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. (casing of pipe is done by concreting) 16 Crossing of Road by trenchless method for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete. 17 Road Crossing through trenchless technology 18 Construction of following type chambers as per department type design and drawing including Heavy duty M.S.Manhole Cover and all materials, labour, T&P etc complete for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 19 Sluice valve chamber (masonry Type)- 1000 (L) x 1200 (W) x 1300 (H) mm (drawing no.D-4) 20 Design and construct Thrust Block made in R.C.C. with cement coarse sand & 20 mm gauge stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 for pipe line excluding supply of MS reinforcement wrought to required shape as necessary its bending fixing & binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire in position & necessary centering & shuttering including curing and supply of all materials labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as per specifications for RCC work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 21 Supply of MS reinforcement wrought to required shape as necessary its bending fixing & binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire 22 Supply of all material and construction of RCC, CWR Cum Pump House including appurtenant works such as MS ladder and manhole cover, water level indicator, GI pipe railing around top slab, appron, drain, painting on exposed surface with three coats of approved water proof cement paint, painting of vertical pipes and railing with approved synthatic enamel paint including supply of all materials, labour fixing of inlet, outlet over flow and wash out CI D/F pipe of required size, CI Specials and duck foot bend etc. As per norms complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer in-charge and approved design which will be submitted by contructer at the time of execution. 23 100 KL CWR 24 E&M 25 CLEAR WATER PUMPING PLANT120 H.P. 26 Supply,installation ,testing and commissioning of HSC Clear waterpump and appurtenant / related accessories ,etc complete.to lift 100 LPM discharge at 15m head complete with column Pipe of size 150mm, 8mm thickness Suitable length , Delivery Size of 150mm.(1W+1S) M.O.C. Casing & Suction Bell:CI IS 210 FGImpeller:CF8M / Bronze 3. Pump ShaftStainless Steel: AISI 410 Line Shaft Stainless Steel: AISI 410 5. Pump & line shaft SleeveStainless Steel 6. Strainer ss 304 7. Coupling between Pump and Motor Flexible Pin Bush Type Flange Mounted Solid Shaft Motor, 1475 RPM , LT Type of motor with arrangement suitable to operate on 415 volt, 3 Phase 50 HZ AC supply. or Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible Centrifugal Pump of aforsaid capacity with installed in horizontal orientation. 27 Pump Foundation, Base plate, Installation 28 Level Sensor for pump automation 29 Cost of3m long GI/M.S. flange columnpipe. 30 Kirloskar/IVC makesluice Valve, NRV, Air Release Valve havingspecification confirming (as per IS 1446-2000) 31 SITC of Suitable capacity Fully automatic Oil cooled unbalanced type 3 Phase copper winding voltage stabilizer for input voltage 190 volt to 480 volt output voltage 415±1% to 2% including all associated accessories components for proper functioning of 25 H.P. submersible pumping plant. 32 Smart Soft starter panel fabricated with suitablethicknessM.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items. 33 Power Connection (LT cable, wiring etc.) 34 Internal Electrification and Campus Lighting 35 GPRS/GSM basedRemote Terminal Unit(RTU) with CPU, Analog & Digital parameters as specified to store and transmit data on GSM backbone to LCS and should be able to send & receive SMS from registered mobile parallel mode.(one iRTU for two pumps) and GSM/GPRS based wireless communication hardware for RTUs. Capable to transfer data from site to LCS with all accessories etc complete. 36 Transportation, handling and installation charges 37 Testing and commissioning