
Scada, Smart Technology Integration, 33 & 11Kv (Link Ug Line,Ug Lines For Separate Source, Replacement Ofold Damaged Underground Lines,Feeder Bifurcation Underground Lines ,Outgoing Underground Lines Work Due To Augmentation Of Power Transformers, Compact, meerut-Uttar Pradesh

Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Scada, Smart Technology Integration, 33 & 11Kv (Link Ug Line,Ug Lines For Separate Source, Replacement Ofold Damaged Underground Lines,Feeder Bifurcation Underground Lines ,Outgoing Underground Lines Work Due To Augmentation Of Power Transformers, Compact. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2024. Laser Printers Tenders in meerut Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Scada, Smart Technology Integration, 33 & 11Kv (Link Ug Line,Ug Lines For Separate Source, Replacement Ofold Damaged Underground Lines,Feeder Bifurcation Underground Lines ,Outgoing Underground Lines Work Due To Augmentation Of Power Transformers, Compact
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

SCADA, Smart Technology Integration, 33 & 11KV (Link UG Line,UG Lines for Separate Source, Replacement ofOld damaged underground Lines,Feeder bifurcation underground Lines ,Outgoing underground Lines work due to augmentation of Power Transformers, Compact Substation works etc) on turnkey basis in Noida Town of PVVNL, Uttar Pradesh under Moderenization -revamped reforms- based and results-linked, distribution sector scheme - 1 Supply & Erection of Hardware for Control CentreAs per TS 2 SCADA Server 3 DMS Server 4 OMS Server 5 FEP server with interface switches 6 ISR server 7 NMS server 8 DTS server 9 Developmental server 10 CommnunicationServer incl ICCP 11 Web/Directory server 12 SMS gaterway 13 Workstation with dual TFT Monitors( S/S monitoring) 14 Workstation with dual TFT Monitors (Network monitoring) 15 Remote VDUs with one TFT Monitors 16 Developmental console with one TFT 17 DTS/Workstation Console withdual TFTs 18 DLP/Laser based Video Projection system with 3x4 Module configuration with each module at least 67 diagonal with common projector (1080- resolution) 19 External RAID Mass storage device ( for 24 months online backup) 20 Exteranl DAT drive 21 Switches 22 Layer III switch (SCADA/DMS LAN) 23 Layer III switch ( Planning & Development system LAN) 24 Routers 25 Router for interfacing IT system & SCADA/DMS DR centre 26 Router at remote VDU 27 Security system (DMZ) 28 Web server with load balancing 29 Mail server 30 Router 31 Firewall & network IDS/IPS 32 Layer III switch 33 Other Active Devices 34 GPS Timesynchronisation system 35 Time, day & date digital displays 36 Printers 37 Color inkjet printer 38 B/W Laser printer 39 Software For Control Center 40 SCADA software 41 ISR Software 42 DMS software 43 OMS Software 44 ICCP Software 45 DTS software 46 Developmental software 47 Network Management Software 48 WEB /Network security software (INCL IN WEBSERVER) 49 RDBMS package 50 GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing data from GIS system under IT system 51 Any other software to meet functional /performance requirement ofMTS (GIS Sw ) 52 Mandatory Spares 5% of Control Centre Hardware 53 Supply & Erection of Hardware For DR Center As per TS 54 SCADA Server 55 DMS Server 56 OMS Server 57 FEP server with interface switches 58 ISR server 59 NMS server 60 DTS server 61 Developmental server 62 CommnunicationServer incl ICCP 63 Web/Directory server 64 SMS gaterway 65 Workstation with dual TFT Monitors( S/S monitoring) 66 Workstation with dual TFT Monitors (Network monitoring) 67 Developmental console with one TFT 68 DTS/Workstation Console withdual TFTs 69 Storage & Backup Devices 70 External RAID Mass storage device ( for24months online backup) 71 Exteranl DAT drive 72 Switches 73 Layer III switch (SCADA/DMS LAN) 74 Layer III switch ( Planning & Development system LAN) 75 Routers 76 Router for interfacing IT system & SCADA/DMS DR centre 77 Security system (DMZ) 78 Web server with load balancing 79 Mail server 80 Router 81 Firewall & network IDS/IPS 82 Layer III switch 83 Other Active Devices 84 GPS Timesynchronisation system 85 Time, day & date digital displays 86 Printers 87 Color inkjet printer 88 B/W Laser printer 89 Software For DR Center As per TS 90 SCADA software 91 ISR Software 92 DMS software 93 OMS Software 94 DTS software 95 ICCP Software 96 Developmental software 97 Network Management Software 98 WEB /Network security software (incl in web server) 99 RDBMS package 100 GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing data from GIS system under IT system 101 Mandatory Spares 5% of DR Center Hardware 102 RTU 103 RTU base equipment comprising panels,racks, sub-racks, Power Supply modules, CPU,interfacing equipment, required converters & all other required items/accessories including complete wiring for all modules for locations mentioned at Vol Vi(Should be compatible for IEC 62056 along with other protocols mentioned in SBD) including layer -II Switch for integration of Numerical Relay with RTU ( Min. 24 Port industrial grade) via protocol IEC 61850. 104 Multifunctuions transducers 105 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) 106 Heavy duty relays for Control 107 Dummy Breaker Latching Relays 108 Transformer Transducers 109 Single TFT PC for LDMS 110 Layer II Switch for integration of Numerical Relay with RTU ( 24 Port CU +4 FO)( Industrial grade ) IEC 61850 111 Software For LDMS 112 LDMS software 113 TEST EQUIPMENTS for RTU 114 RTU Database Configuration & Maintenance Software tool 115 Master Station cum RTU Simulator & Protocol analyser software tool 116 Laptop PC for above software tools along withinterfacing hardware including Hub 117 Mandatory Spares 5% of RTU Hardware 118 FRTUs 119 Mini pole mounted FRTU base equipment along with enclosure suitable to work in open environment (Adequate protection from water & dust),racks, sub-racks, Power Supply modules with power backup, I/o modules, CPU,interfacing equipment, required converters & all other required items/accessories including complete wiring for all modules for locations mentioned at Vol Vi, suitable with minimum digital inputs-80 nos, digital outputs- 16 Nos, 2 Nos ethernet ports, 2 nos RS- 485 ports. 120 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) 121 Heavy duty relays for Control 122 Multifunction trnasducer 123 Test Equipments for FRTU 124 FRTU Database Configuration & Maintenance Software tool 125 Master Station cum FRTU Simulator & Protocol analyser software tool 126 Laptop PC for above software tools along withinterfacing hardware including Hub 127 Mandatory Spares 5% of FRTU Hardware 128 communucation system 129 Supply & laying of optical fiber cable by HDDmethod including road restoration charges at 102 substations & SCADA control center & DR center cover in 200km area for Optical Fiber - (MPLS Links [pointto Point connectivity at SCADA Control Centre & DR Control Centre on 100Mbps bandwith) 130 Supply & Laying 48/24 core optical fibre cable 131 Supply & Laying of PLB HDPE duct (40 MM) by HDD Method 132 Supply & Installation of FDMS ( Joint Closure) 133 Supply & Installation of Route / Joint Indicator 134 Supply & Installation Manhole 135 Supply & Installationfibre patch cord upto (1M) 136 Supply & Installationfibre patch cord upto (3M) 137 Supply & Installationfibre patch cord upto (5M) 138 Supply & Installationfibre patch cord upto (10M) 139 Supply & Installation - LIU- 42 Port (Rack Mounted) with all accessories. 140 Supply & Installation - LIU- 12 Port (Wall Mounted) with all accessories. 141 Annual chargesfor 100MBps Links with Remote VDUs & FRTU (Link for MCC & DRCC) and Internet Link (for Web Browsing). 142 MPLS Router 143 Stringing of Optical Fiber cable overhead on existing poles 144 Fiber optical cable stringing on existing poles 145 Media Convertor 146 Switch for end point 147 Miscellionus items for fiber cable installation 148 GPRS 149 Annual chargesfor 2 MBps Sim/Links with FRTUs /FPI 150 Modems (4G- Dual Sim) 151 Mandatory Spares 5% of MPLS Router 152 Main Equipments - Control centre 153 30kVA UPS with suitable rating running in parallel redundant mode* ( with VRLA type Battery banks for above UPS for minimum 2 HOURS backup duration) 154 Main Equipments - DR Centre 155 30KVA UPS with suitable rating running in parallel redundant mode*( with VRLA type Battery banks for above UPS for minimum 2 HOURS backup duration) 156 For RTU / Data Concentrator / Communication Eqpts. 157 48V DC Power Supply (DCPS) system based on SMPS with ( Battery bank for above DCPS (VRLA Type) for minimum 4 hrs backup ) 158 For FRTU 159 24V DC Power Supply (DCPS) system based on SMPSwith Battery bank for above DCPS (VRLA Type) for minimum 4 hrs backup 160 Remote VDU location 161 UPS (2 kVA ) 162 Mandatory Spares 5% of UPS & DCPS 163 Supply & Erection SECTIONLIZER 164 11 Kv Sectionlizer.Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip(1 nos) & structure 165 FPI 166 Supply & Erection 11 Kv FPI Communicable 167 SCADA Compatible RMUs 168 Supply& Erection of Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with One VCB and two LBS,FPI & FRTUalong withsupply through 1 kVA auxilliary power transformer 11/0.230 KV as per Discom Specs along with other allied materials.to connect the same with system Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip ( 2 nos) & foundation work 169 Supply& Erectionof Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 4 way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with two VCB and two LBS, FPI& RRTU along with supply through 1 kVA auxilliary power transformer 11/0.230 KV as per Discom Specs along with other allied materials.to connect the same with system Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip ( 2 nos) & foundation work 170 Supply& erection of Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 5 way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with three VCB and two LBS ,FPI & FRTU along withI along withsupply through 1 kVA auxilliary power transformer 11/0.230 KV as per DiscomSpecs along with other allied material.to connect the same with system Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip ( 2 nos) & foundation work 171 Supply & Erection of Outdoor type 33 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with one VCB and two LBS withFPI & FTRU along withsupply through 1 kVA auxiliary power transformer 11/0.230 KV as per DiscomSpecs along with other allied material.to connect the same with the system, Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip ( 2 nos) & foundation work 172 Numerical relay /BCPU 173 Supply & Laying of 11 kV XLPE, 3 C X 300 Sq.mm Cable for 3 Way, 4 way & 5 way RMU ) 174 11KV XLPE Cable(3x300 sq.mm.) Heat Shrinkable Jointing kit Outdoor (3 Way, 4 way & 5 way RMU ) 175 Supply & Laying of 33 kV XLPE, 3 C X 400 Sq.mm Cable for (3 Way RMU - 33kV ) 176 33 KV Indoor/ Outdoor Box for (33 KV) 177 Mandatory Spares 5% Scada Enablers 178 FMSSERVICESFOR 5 YEARSAFTER GO-L IVE 179 Project Management Cost Including all Taxes & Duties 180 Field survey for design, engineering, supply, installation, testing & commissioning and submit the final quantity of items for SCADA-DMS-OMS System 181 Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying of SCADA, DMS and OMS System (Including all the necessary hardware, software, workstations, Printer, Cyber security, IT Tools, Storage devices, UPS with battery Bank, and other accessories of MCC). 182 Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying of SCADA, DMS and OMS System (Including all the necessary hardware, software, workstations, Printer, Cyber security, IT Tools, Storage devices, UPS with Battery Bank, and other accessories of DRCC). 183 Erection, Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying any minor civil work, for RTU including all the necessary hardware,accessories (CMR, HDR, MFT/MFM, Numerical Relays (IEDs), LDMS, DCPS with Battery Bank set). 184 Erection, Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying any minor civil work, for FRTU including all the necessary hardware,accessories (CMR, HDR, MFT/MFM, DCPS with Battery Bank set). 185 Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying of FPI (Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories of FPI). 186 Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying of RMU (Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories of RMU). 187 SCADA, DMS & OMS software integration with third party IT Integration with Billing, RAPDRP, Non-RAPDRP, RTDAS, Call Centre, GIS, Weather System for weather forecast prediction, AMI, ERP, etc. 188 Training for the Employees1. Operator’s Training.2. Maintenance Training 189 DT Health Management ( DTHM)Installation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories. 190 Supply & Installation of Lug temperature Sensors 191 Supply & Installation ofOil Level Sensor 192 Supply & Installation ofOil Temperature Sensors 193 4G/5G Gateway 194 Any other sensor 195 Software as a Service (SaaS) based web-dash board( 12 Month) 196 Annual Maintenance ( 12 month) 197 Drone based asset managementInstallation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories. 198 Supervisor 199 Drone rental 200 Payload rental 201 Data collection 202 Transportation 203 Demand ResponseInstallation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories. 204 Autogrid - 50 k participants (Annual License &Integration) 205 Autogrid - 200 k participants(Annual License &Integration) 206 Autogrid - 250 k participants(Annual License &Integration) 207 Voltage Regulation and Harmonics ManagementInstallation, commissioning, testing, Integration, cable Laying Including all the necessary hardware, software, and other accessories. 208 Power Quality Meter/ Analyser 209 Active Harmonics Filter 210 Smart Inverter (Pilot) 211 GIS Mapping Update and Integration 212 Asset survey update 213 GIS software operations and maintenance (AMC) 214 GIS software Integration with AMI 215 Network Planning Tool 216 Network Planning Tool (AMC support for 1 year) 217 IT Service Cost(2.5 %) - Installation , Commissioning , system integration etc. 218 Capacity building and handholding support 219 Supply & Erection for New 33 KV Line byUG Cabling by open trench method (3x400 sq mm) asper technical specifications, as per scope of works and approved drawings 220 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 221 Supply & Erectionof M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 222 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 223 Supply & Erection of33 KV Polymer Pin Insulator with Nut & Bolt . 224 Supply & Erection ofG.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 225 Supply & Erection ofM.S.Holding clamps 226 Supply & Erection ofBolts, Nuts & Washers 227 Supply & Erection ofNumber Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 228 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & Nut & Bolt 229 Supply & Erection ofG.I. Barbed wire 230 Supply & Erection of Insulated Dog Conductor (Al-59 ACS) 231 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 232 Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire (2.0Kg). 233 Supply & Erection ofAl.Binding wire 234 33KV cable route marker 235 Sundries Items. 236 33KV Cable laying. 237 Supply of Cable H.T.XLPE 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M 238 Supply of Cable Box O/D 33KV 3x400 XLPE 239 33KV 3x400Sq.mm XLPE cable laying charges in Air on Cable riser Double Pole 240 Digging of trench of size (750x1200)mm 241 Laying of 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M XLPE Cable laying charges with sand & Brick in open cut with Road Restoration charegs. 242 Making of Cable Box O/D 33KV 3x400 XLPE 243 Cartage of 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M XLPE cable. 244 Supply and erection of a new 33 KV Line using UG Cabling by the trenchless method (3x400 sq mm) as per the technical specifications, the scope of works, and approved drawings. 245 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 246 Supply & Erectionof M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 247 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 248 Supply & Erection of33 KV Polymer Pin Insulator with Nut & Bolt . 249 Supply & Erection ofG.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 250 Supply & Erection ofM.S.Holding clamps 251 Supply & Erection ofBolts, Nuts & Washers 252 Supply & Erection ofNumber Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 253 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & Nut & Bolt 254 Supply & Erection ofG.I. Barbed wire 255 Supply & Erection ofInsulated Dog Conductor(AL-59 ACS) 256 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 257 Supply & Erection ofEarthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire 258 Supply & Erectionof Al.Binding wire 259 33KV cable route marker 260 Sundries Items. 261 Supply &laying of 33KV Cable 262 Supply of Cable H.T.XLPE 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M 263 Supply ofCable Box O/D 33KV 3x400 XLPE 264 33KV 3x400Sq.mm XLPE cable laying charges in Air on Cable riser Double Pole 265 laying of HDPE Pipe PE-80, PN-6, DN-160mm dia Pipe for laying of 33KV, 3x300Sq.mm, XLPE Cable with HDD (trenchless) method including cable laying.with Road restoration charges. 266 Making of Cable Box O/D 33KV 3x400 XLPE 267 Cartage of 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M XLPE cable. 268 Supply & Erection ofof Heat Shrinkable Jointing Straight Through Kitfor 33 KV 3x400 sq. mm XLPE Cable 269 Supply & Erection for New 11 KV Line byUG Cabling by open trench method (3x300 sq mm) asper technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 270 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 271 Supply & Erection of M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 272 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 273 Supply & Erection of 11 KV 5 KN Polymer Pin Insulators with Nut & Bolt. 274 Supply & Erection of G.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 275 Supply & Erection of M.S.Holding clamp 276 Supply & Erection of Bolts, Nuts & Washers 277 Supply & Erection of Number Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 278 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & NutBolt. 279 Supply & Erection of G.I. Barbed wire 280 Supply & Erection ofInsulated Dog Conductor(AL-59 ACS) 281 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 282 Supply & Erection of Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire 283 Supply & Erection of Al.Binding wire 284 Sundries Items. 285 Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 286 Supply of11KV XLPE cable 3x300 Sqmm 287 Supply & Erection ofHeat Shrinkable jointing kit for 11 kV 3x300 Sq. mm. XLPE outdoor 288 11KV cable laying charges in Air on End Double Pole/ Riser Double Pole 289 Digging of trench of size (750*1050) mm 290 11 Kv Cable laying charges with sand & brickin open cut with road restoration charges 291 Making of11KV cable Boxes 3x300 Sqmm O/D type 292 11 KV Cable Route Marker 293 Cartage of 11KV cable 3x300 Sqmm 294 Supply & Erection ofof Heat Shrinkable Jointing Straight Through Kitfor 11 KV 3x300 sq. mm XLPE Cable 295 Supply & Erection of 11 KV Line by UG Cabling trenchless method (3x300 sq mm) asper technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 296 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 297 Supply & Erection of M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 298 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 299 Supply & Erection of 11 KV 5 KN Polymer Pin Insulators with Nut & Bolt. 300 Supply & Erection of G.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 301 Supply & Erection of M.S.Holding clamp 302 Supply & Erection of Bolts, Nuts & Washers 303 Supply & Erection of Number Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 304 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & NutBolt. 305 Supply & Erection of G.I. Barbed wire 306 Supply & Erection of Insulated Dog Conductor (AL-59 ACS) 307 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 308 Supply & Erection of Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire (2.0Kg). 309 Supply & Erection of Al.Binding wire 310 Sundries Items. 311 Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 312 Supply of 11KV XLPE cable 3x300 Sqmm 313 Supply & Erection ofHeat Shrinkable jointing kit for 11 kV 3x300 Sq. mm. XLPE outdoor 314 11KV cable laying charges in Air on End Double Pole/ Riser Double Pole 315 11 Kv Cable laying charges with sand & brickin open cut with road restoration charges 316 Making of11KV cable Boxes 3x300 Sqmm O/D type 317 11 KV Cable Route Marker 318 Cartage of 11KV cable 3x300 Sqmm 319 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of33 KV Replacement of Damaged UG Cable (Older Then 25 Years), as per the Technical Specification, Scope of Work, and approved drawing. 320 Supply of Cable H.T.XLPE 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M 321 Supply & Laying of Heat shrinkable Join kit Outdoor type 3x400 sq mm 322 Laying of Cable of 33KV 3x400Sq.mm XLPE cable laying charges in Air on Cable riser Double Pole 323 Supply and laying of HDPE Pipe PE-80, PN-6, DN-160mm dia Pipe for laying of 33KV, 3x400Sq.mm, XLPE Cable with HDD (trenchless) method including cable laying with road restortaion charges 324 Making of Cable Box O/D 33KV 3x400 XLPE 325 Cartage of 33KV 3x400SQ.M.M XLPE cable. 326 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of33 KV Replacement of Damaged UG Cable (Older Then 25 Years), as per the Technical Specification, Scope of Work, and approved drawing. 327 Supply of Cable H.T.XLPE 33KV 3x300SQ.M.M 328 Supply & Laying of Heat shrinkable Join kit Outdoor type 3x300 sq mm 329 Laying of Cable of 33KV 3x300Sq.mm XLPE cable laying charges in Air on Cable riser Double Pole 330 Supply and laying of HDPE Pipe PE-80, PN-6, DN-160mm dia Pipe for laying of 33KV, 3x300Sq.mm, XLPE Cable with HDD (trenchless) method including cable laying with road restortaion charges 331 Making of Cable Box O/D 33KV 3x300 XLPE 332 Cartage of 33KV 3x300SQ.M.M XLPE cable. 333 Feeder Bifurcation -(11 KV Line) - Supply & Erection for New 11 KV Line byUG Cabling by open trench method (3x300 sq mm) asper technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 334 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 335 Supply & Erection of M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 336 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 337 Supply & Erection of 11 KV 5 KN Polymer Pin Insulators with Nut & Bolt. 338 Supply & Erection of G.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 339 Supply & Erection of M.S.Holding clamp 340 Supply & Erection of Bolts, Nuts & Washers 341 Supply & Erection of Number Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 342 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & NutBolt. 343 Supply & Erection of G.I. Barbed wire 344 Supply & Erection of Insulated Dog Conductor(AL-59 ACS) 345 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 346 Supply & Erection of Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire 347 Supply & Erection of Al.Binding wire 348 Sundries Items. 349 Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 350 supply of11KV XLPE cable 3x300 Sqmm 351 Supply & Erection ofHeat Shrinkable jointing kit for 11 kV 3x300 Sq. mm. XLPE outdoor 352 11KV cable laying charges in Air on End Double Pole/ Riser Double Pole 353 Digging of trench of size (750*1050) mm 354 11 Kv Cable laying charges with sand & brickin open cut with road restoration charges 355 Making of11KV cable Boxes 3x300 Sqmm O/D type 356 11 KV Cable Route Marker 357 Cartage of 11KV cable 3x300 Sqmm 358 Feeder Bifurcation -(11 KV Line) - Supply & Erection for New 11 KV LinebyUG Cabling trenchless method (3x300 sq mm) asper technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 359 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 360 Supply & Erection of M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 361 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 362 Supply & Erection of 11 KV 5 KN Polymer Pin Insulators with Nut & Bolt. 363 Supply & Erection of G.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 364 Supply & Erection of M.S.Holding clamp 365 Supply & Erection of Bolts, Nuts & Washers 366 Supply & Erection of Number Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 367 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & NutBolt. 368 Supply & Erection of G.I. Barbed wire 369 Supply & Erection of Insulated Dog Conductor(AL-59 ACS) 370 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 371 Supply & Erection of Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire (2.0Kg). 372 Supply & Erection of Al.Binding wire 373 Sundries Items. 374 Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 375 11KV XLPE cable 3x300 Sqmm 376 11KV cable jointing kit 3x300 Sqmm O/D type. 377 11KV cable laying charges in Air on End Double Pole/ Riser Double Pole 378 Cable laying by HDD trenchless method including cost of HDPE Pipe (110mm Dia) size PN-6. 379 Making of11KV cable Boxes 3x300 Sqmm O/D type 380 11 KV Cable Route Marker 381 Cartage of 11KV cable 3x300 Sqmm 382 Suppply , Installation , Testing & commissioning of 11kv VCB, outgoing (feeder Bifurcation), asper technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 383 Supply & Erection of 3X300 MM2 11KV ,XLPE AL. CABLE 384 Supply & Erection ofHeat Shrinkable jointing kit for 11 kV 3x300 Sq. mm. XLPE outdoor 385 Sectional Double Pole for 11KV Line Single Circuit on 11Mtr long PCC Pole for single Ckt line. 386 Supply & Erection of 11 Mtr PCC Poles - (PCC Pole as per state practice) 387 Supply & Erection of M.S. channel 100x50mm 2.4Mtr. Long. 388 Supply & Erection ofStone Pad.(300x300x75 mm) 389 Supply & Erection of 11 KV 5 KN Polymer Pin Insulators with Nut & Bolt. 390 Supply & Erection of G.I.Pipe 150mm Dia 391 Supply & Erection of M.S.Holding clamp 392 Supply & Erection of Bolts, Nuts & Washers 393 Supply & Erection of Number Plate with clamp & Nut & Bolt. 394 Supply & Erection ofDanger Board with clamp & NutBolt. 395 Supply & Erection of G.I. Barbed wire 396 Supply & Erection ofInsulated Dog Conductor (AL-59 ACS) 397 Concreating of Pole support 0.44CuM 398 Supply & Erection of Earthing of Pole by M.S.Earthing Rod 2540x20mm & 6SWG G.I.Earthing wire 399 Supply & Erection of Al.Binding wire 400 Supply & Erectionof 12 KV 3 Ph 1250 A, 25kAfor 3 seconds, 3-ph, indoor typeVacuum Circuitbreaker along with 12 kV, 1-Phase, 25kA, 400-200/5-5 A,3 Nos indoor type CurrentTransformer,indoor mounting type control panel for feeder protection and required accessories, A-meter, Numerical Relay & accessories complete as perspecifications for feeder breaker protection & Protection for Earth fault and over current) with extensible arrangement for future 401 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning ofCOMPACT SUB-STATION 990KVA 11/0.4KV, as per the Technical Specification, Scope of Work, and approved drawing. 402 Supply& Erection of Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3-way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with One VCB and two LBS, FPI alongwith FRTUwithsupply through 1 kVA auxiliary power transformer 11/0.230 KV as per Discom Specs along with other allied material like cable, termination kits etc.to connect the same with system Rod Type Earthingcomplete with GI strip ( 2 nos) & foundation work As per TS ( RMU & LV PART should be the same make.) 403 Supply & Erectionof 11 kv/415V,990 KVA oil cooledTransformerwith of load tap changer 404 Supply & Erection LV SB 413, 3P,1600 A Air CircuitBreaker as Incomer and 5 nos 3P.400A,MCCB As outgoing Feeder having separate DT Metercompartment 405 Supply& ErectionAutomatic PowerFactorcoorection panelof 300 KAVR capacitorbank ,contractors andintellegentpower factorcorrection Relay 406 Supply & Erection of DTHM software platform fee for 12 months 407 MAKING PLINTH , as per the Scope of Work, and approved drawing. 408 WATER LEVEL EARTHING, as per the Scope of Work, and approved drawing. 409 Supply& Erection of 11KV 3X120 SQMMM XLPE 410 Supply& Erection 11KV Outdoor jointkit3X120 SQMM 411 Supply& Erection ofLT XLPE Cable 3.5X400 SQMM 1.1KV 412 Supply& Erection ofAluminium Crimping LUG 400 SQMM 413 Supply & Erection of Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Straight throughfor 11 KV 3x120 sq. mm XLPE Cable 414 Extension of Control Room and Other Civil Works for 33/11 KV Sub-Stationcontrol Room 415 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, for all lift, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. DSR. 2.8.1 416 Excavating, supplying, stacking and filling of local earth (including royalty) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 5km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in foundation trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete for all lift.2.25A 417 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)(4.1.10) 418 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)(4.1.2) 419 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources).(5.3) 420 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)(5.1.2) 421 Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement :1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)(5.2.2) 422 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete (5.9.1) 423 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 5.9.3 424 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers (5.9.5) 425 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts (5.9.6) 426 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) (6.1.2) 427 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) (6.4.2) 428 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete.(10.2) 429 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more.(5.22.6) 430 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:6(1 cement: 6 coarse sand) (13.4.2) 431 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete.40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate(11.3.1) 432 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture (13.62.1) 433 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. (13.80) 434 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre, of approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour all complete to achieve even shade and colour : New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer having VOC content less than50 gram/litre (13.41.1) 435 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.(15.7.3) 436 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge.(15.3) 437 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc as required..Group C (1.10.3)(E&M) 438 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. Single pole (2.10.1)(E&M) 439 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, 240 volts, isolator in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.63 amps (2.12.2)(E&M) 440 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit along with 1 No 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. (1.12)(E&M) 441 Providing & fixing fly proof wire gauze to windows, clerestory windows & doors with M.S. Flat 15x3 mm and nuts & bolts complete.Stainless steel (grade 304) wire gauze of 0.5 mm dia wire and 1.4 mm aperture on both sides :(10.29.2) 442 Providing & fixing glass panes 5.5mmwith putty and glazing clips in steel doors, windows, clerestory windows, all complete with :(10.30.2) 443 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 210 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC supply Earthing etc(19.1 E&M) 444 Finishing with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications :Two or more coats applied on walls @ 1.25 ltr/10 sqm over and including one coat of Special primer applied @ 0.75 ltr /10 sqm (13.48.1) 445 Highway Road Crossing 446 Supply & Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 11 KV LINEFORUNDER GROUND Highway CROSSING BY 2 Nos (INCLUDING ONE SPARE) 3Cx300 Sqmm XLPE Armored Cable (0.3 km each) USING 160 mm HDPE pipe at road crossing and 150MM DIA GI PIPES (gradeB for pole support), OUTDOOR HEAT SHRINKABLE CABLE JOINTING KITS, 11 KV LIGHTENING ARRESTOR STATION CLASS 10KA (6 NOS.), LUGS, 4 Nos GI 3-Meters LONG pipe EARTHING, 6 SWG GI WIRES, 7/20 GI wire, CABLE MARKERS, BI METALLICK CLAMPS and JUMPERING etc AS REQUIRED AS PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS AND SCOPE OF THE WORK. 447 Supply & Erection , testing & commissioning of 33 KV LINEFORUNDER GROUND Highway CROSSING BY 2 Nos (INCLUDING ONE SPARE) 3Cx400 Sqmm XLPE Armored Cable (0.3 km each) USING 160 mm HDPE pipe at road crossing and 150MM DIA GI PIPES (gradeB for pole support), OUTDOOR HEAT SHRINKABLE CABLE JOINTING KITS, 11 KV LIGHTENING ARRESTOR STATION CLASS 10KA (6 NOS.), LUGS, 4 Nos GI 3-Meters LONG pipe EARTHING, 6 SWG GI WIRES, 7/20 GI wire, CABLE MARKERS, BI METALLICK CLAMPS and JUMPERING etc AS REQUIRED AS PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS AND SCOPE OF THE WORK.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 12-11-2024 Corrigendum-1 Technical Bid 09-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 29500 /-
INR 50000000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 584.55 Crore /-
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