
Tender For Construction Of Ipb Street Kashmiri Lal Wali Gali W-13., mandi-Haryana

Urban Local Bodies has published Tender For Construction Of Ipb Street Kashmiri Lal Wali Gali W-13.. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-11-2024. Road Work Tenders in mandi Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Ipb Street Kashmiri Lal Wali Gali W-13.
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Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Ipb Street Kashmiri Lal Wali Gali W-13.; 1 [14.1]Dressing bed and preparation of sub grade for lining by mechanical/ mannual means [Through Rate] 2 [17.22.3]Water Bound Macadam Gr I 3. Water Bound Macadam Grading I with crushable screeningsProviding, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density complete as per technical clause 404 of MORT&H specifications [Through Rate] 3 [17.69.3]Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement 3. Providing and Laying 60 mm thick ISI marked Interlocking Paver Blocks conforming to IS 15658:2006/IRC SP 63: 2004 of all shapes and colours in design mix cement M 35 over the bed of 25 mm thick fine sand complete in all respect. [Through Rate] 4 [17.70]Removal of existing IPB by manual means and disposal of dismantled material with all lead and lift as per technical specification clause 202.3. [Through Rate] 5 [2.B0241] B0241. 100 mm dia PVC pipe [Rate] 6 [2.B0242] B0242. 150 mm dia PVC pipe [Rate] 7 []Constructing brick masonry road gully chambers as per standard drawings (as per sizes given below) including dressing of beds and sides of chambers to exact profiles, 15cm thick lime concrete 16:24:100 (as per specified in item No.10.6) in foundations 1st class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5, 40 mm thickcement concrete 1:2:4 topping inside the chamber with a floating coat of 1.5mm thick neat cement laid in one operation to the topping, the entire inner surface of the chamber rendered with neat cement not less than 12mm in thickness of 1:2 cement sand plaster and finished with floating coat of neat cement 1 mm thick left absolutely smooth polished and correct to templates including labour for fixing the C.I. road gully grating and frame including painting with coal tar (as Specified in item No. Item 21.48) complete to the requirement of the Engineer in-charge 1.2. Single road gully chamber - Size.-610 mmx457 mmx1105mm [Through Rate] 8 [21.93.1]Providing and fixing SFRC MANHOLE COVERS AND FRAMES MARKED WITH IS: 12592 including setting the same to correct lines and levels in 1:3 cement sand mortar over manhole including carriage loading unloading stacking handling re-handling etc. complete in all respects to the satisfaction to the Engineer-in-charge. 1. Type:- Extra Heavy Duty Set (EHD-35) 560MM Clear Opening [Through Rate] 9 [3.1.18]By Mechanical Transport including loading, unloading and stacking18. Disposal of moorum/building rubbish/ malba/ similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste material by mechanical transport including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground for lead up to 10 km for all lifts, complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. [Rate] 10 [3.1.2]By Mechanical Transport including loading, unloading and stacking2. Earth [5km] 11 [30.87.2]Raising manhole cover and frame slab to required level including dismantling existing slab and making good the damage as required (Raising depth of manhole to be paid separately) : 2. Rectangular manhole 120x90 cm with circular cover 500 mm dia of grade MD - 10 [Through Rate]

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INR 1000 /-
INR 33126.0 /-
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