Tender For Additional / Alternator To Drain And Sewage Line Of P-5 (Nest), P-104 (S&T) And P-11 And P-21 (Chinar), Provn Of Footpath With Strom Drain For OrS Married Qtrs (Mdf), And Special Repair To Ante Room, Bar Room And Dinig Hall Of Bldg No P-7 Of Mg & G Area Officers Mess Under Ge (W) Colaba.; 1 Excavation in trenches n exc 1.5 m width n exc 1.5 mdepth in any type of soiland getting out all as specified and directed. 2 All as per item No 1 above but exc 1.5 m depth all as specified & directed 3 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes of dia 150 mm (Salt glazed stone ware, AC or Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar all as specified and directed. 4 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes of dia 200 mm (Salt glazed stone ware, AC or Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar all as specified and directed. 5 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes of dia 300 mm (Salt glazed ware, AC or Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar all as specified and directed. 6 S&F Reinforced concrete pipes, class NP3, 150 mm dia laid and jointed including complete demolition with collars all as specifed and directed. 7 S&F Reinforced concrete pipes, class NP3, 200 mm dia laid and jointed including complete demolition with collars all as specifed and directed. 8 S&F Reinforced concrete pipes, class NP3, 300 mm dialaid and jointed including complete demolition with collars all as specifed and directed. 9 M&L PCC in 1:3:6 type C-2, (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate concrete bed to 150mm dia drain pipes including packing under and completely surrounding pipes with concrete after they are laid and tested all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 10 M&L PCC in 1:3:6 type C-2, (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate concrete bed to 200mm dia drain pipes including packing under and completely surrounding pipes with concrete after they are laid and tested all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 11 M&L PCC in 1:3:6 type C-2, (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate concrete bed to 300mm dia drain pipes including packing under and completely surrounding pipes with concrete after they are laid and tested all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 12 Cutting into existing manhole for connecting new drain for bore of pipe 200mm, making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out existing benching and forming branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B1, smooth finished and reforming benching as required all as specified and directed 13 Cutting into existing manhole for connecting new drain for bore of pipe 300mm, making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out existing benching and forming branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B1, smooth finished and reforming benching all as specified and directed. 14 Returning, filling in including spreading leveling watering and well ramming in layers n. exc 25 cm in soft/loose soil all as specified and directed 15 Removing excavated soil to a distance n. exc 50 m and depositing where directed at a level not exc 1.5 m above the starting point all as specified and directed 16 Demolition of brickwork or stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stone work and precast concrete articles all as specified and directed 17 M&L in repairs for brick work with sub class B brick straight or curved on plan exc 6 metre mean radius with old size bricks built in CM 1:4 for cracked wall of man holes, septic tank, soak pits etc including demolition all as specified and directed. 18 M&Lfor Except bricks with old sub class B bricks (obtained from demolition) straight curved on plan exc 6 metre mean radius with old size bricks built in CM 1:4 for cracked wall of manholes, septic tank, soak pits all as specified and directed. 19 M&L in repairs PCC 1:2:4 grade Solid block of size 390x150x200 /600x300x300 mm, built in cement mortar 1:6 including demolitionall as speified & directed. 20 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls, etc. including raking out joints,hacking for key, scrubbing down with water all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 21 M&L plastering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on brick or concrete masonry walls, finished surfaces even and fair without using extra cement by using 2 % water proofing compound all as specified and directed.Note- (i) WPC shall be measured and paid for separately as Supply only. 22 Supply only integral water proofing compound.Make - Fosroc / Sica / Dr Fixit 23 Demolition of Cement Concrete (unreinforced) in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) all as specified and directed. 24 M&L for cement concrete 1:2:4 type B0,(using 12.5 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in coping/cills using necessary form work weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating all as specified and directed. 25 M&L in repairs for PCC (1:3:6), type C2 (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate ) in foundation filling and mass concrete for bottom of manhole including demolition complete all as specified and directed. 26 Demolition of Concrete (reinforced) in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as specified and directed. 27 M&L in repairs for RCC (1:2:4), type B1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) in Precast cement concrete cover slab in walls or retaining walls, any thickness, size or shape including plasters, buttresses columns, pillars, boundary pillars and posts (including caps and bases) for manholeand similar article with plain face, set in cement mortar 1:4 including demolitionall as specified and directed. 28 M&L in repairs for RCC (1:2:4), type B1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone stone aggregate) Precast cement concrete cover slab for man hole and similar article with plain face, set in cement mortar 1:4 including demolitionall as specified and directed. 29 Use & waste formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter all as specified and directed 30 S&F in repairs factory made precast RCC drain cover of size 1000mm x 500mmx100 mm thick, fixed to drain in CM 1:4 all as specified and directed.Note: No extra payment is to be given to contractor for reinforcement and formwork) 31 S&F TMT bars 8 mm dia and over cut to length bent to shape required including cranking, binding with MS wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia all as specified and as directed. 32 M&L in repairs for 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) multi floor trap with grating including jointing with solvent cement all as specified and directed 33 S&F in repairs PVC (SWR) gully trap 125/110 mm, setting and jointing with solvent cement/adhesive including dismantling of existing gully trap with chamber and making new chamber with PCC 1:2:4 type B1covered with RCC cover all as specified and directed. 34 S&F in repairs 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints, sealed with adhesive suitable for PVC pipes andfixed to walls all as specified and directed. Note : work shall be carried out upto any height including necessary scafolding. 35 S&F in repairs 110 mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints, sealed with adhesive suitable for PVC pipes andfixed to walls all as specified and directed. Note : Work shall be carried out upto any height including necessary scafolding. 36 S&F 75mm dia PVC (SWR) bends with access doors any radius all as specified and directed. 37 S&F 110 mm dia PVC (SWR) bends with access doors any radius all as specified and directed 38 S&F 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) junction single, (single T) equal or uequal provided with access door all as specified and directed. 39 S&F 110 mm dia PVC (SWR) junction single, (single T) equal or uequal provided with access door all as specified and directed. Note : upto 5th storey of bldg. 40 S&F 75mm dia PVC (SWR) branch piece,single (single Y) equal or unequal all as specified and directed. 41 S&F110 mm dia PVC (SWR) branch piece, single (single Y) equal or unequal all as specified and directed. 42 S&F 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) branch piece, single (double Y) equal or unequal all as specified and directed. 43 S&F 110mm dia PVC (SWR) branch piece, single (double Y) equal or unequal all as specified and directed. 44 S&F 75 mm dia PVC (SWR) vent cowl all as specified and directed 45 S&F 110mm dia PVC (SWR) vent cowl all as specified and directed 46 S&F cast iron manhole covers alongwith frame grade A-35 T/A-350 KN, machined each exc 5 Kg by weight all as specified and directed. 47 Dismantling and refixing after preparation of sub base, 25mm thick coloured chequred cement concrete tiles with gray cement and colour pigment of size 300mm x 300mm/200x200mm set, jointed and pointed with neat cement slurry as in floor including 20mm thick screed bed in CM 1:4 all as specified and directed. 48 Dismantiling and refixing after preparation of sub base, 60mm/80 mm thick coloured interlockingtiles with gray cement and colour pigmentset, jointed and pointed with neat cement slurry with as in floor including 20mm thick cement mortar screed bed in CM 1:4 and complete all as specified and directed. 49 S&Fframed work such as grills, gratings with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted or forged into spikes,framed guard bars, barred iron doors, ladders, windows, balcony in ground floor, framed balusters, walk ways, railings, framework of water tanks and similar work conforming to FE 290 Gde -E-165 all as specified and directed. 50 M&L for preparation of new or previously untreated surfaces and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer red oxide, zinc chrome all as specified and directed. 51 Demolition of stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness in floors aprons etc laid, bedded and pointed in any mortar and removal of rubbish off the site all as specified and directed 52 M&L rubber moulded glossy finished 60 mm thickness precast concrete interlocking paver block of any shape and size confirming to IS 15658 -2006 of, M-35 Grade with grey cement and pigment laid over sand cushningincluding compaction of paver blocks using surface vibrator including 25 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.Make - Vitco or equivalent 53 M&L Chequered cement concrete tiles 20cm x 20cm x 25mm thick, set, jointed andpointed in neat cement slurry in floors all as specified and directed. 54 M&L PCC type D-2, 1:4:8 (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) in foundations, filling and mass concrete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 55 M&L for crushed stone sand filling under precast interlocking paver blocks of any thicknessand all other similar works all as specified and directed. 56 S&F 900mm x 600mm FRP manhole cover of 20 Ton loading capacity with frame over manhole coping concrete all as specified and directed. 57 Dismantling wrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided forall as specified and directed. 58 M&L for preparing old damaged road surfaces and repairing by using PCC 1:2:4 type B-2, (using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) all as specified and directed. 59 (a) Cleaning and desilting of manholes depth not exc 1.50 meter by pumping out/removing liquid waste/sewage and plugging the ends sewer pipes or diverting the flow into drains if necessary, removing silt, sludge etc,sprinking bleaching powder on the silt to avoid bad smellincluding all precautionary and safety measures, such as safety belts, lighting arrangements face mask etc and removing the same (silt, sludge & other waste material) inleak proof trucks covered with tarpoline to outside of MD land allas per existing rules and regulations of civil authorities and cleaning the man holes with fresh water all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. (b) If required getting a honey sucker and cleaning the heavily congested sewage line. (c) JCB and other machinery required on special basis would be called on requirement basis. 60 Cleaning and desilting of manholes depth exc 1.50 m but not exc 3.00 mby pumping out/removing liquid waste/sewage and plugging the ends sewer pipes or diverting the flow into drains if necessary, removing silt, sludge etc,sprinkling bleaching powder on the silt to avoid bad smellincluding all precautionary and safety measures, such as safety belts, lighting arrangements face mask, etc. and removing the same (silt, sludge & other waste material) inleak proof trucks covered with tarpoline to outside MD land all as per existing rules & regulations of civil authorities and cleaning the manholes with fresh water etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 61 Empting choked up sewage lines and manholes exc 3.00 mtr depth by providing sewage suction vehicle of capacity 5000 ltrs (BMC Pattern) including necessary other arrangments such as sweepers to clean up the site after work and desposing the same at places earmarkd outside MOD land upto 25 KM lead and lift all as specified and directed.Note :- (a)All precautions to be taken by all workers while working in foul condition. Contractor shall take all necessary actions. (b)After cleaning vehicle will be contractors property. (c) Contractors accredated representative shall be available during the cleaning. (d) Complete process shall be completed in all respects within a day. 62 M&L PCC 1:4:8, type D2(using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in surface channels and drains all as specified and directed. 63 M&L PCC 1:2:4, type B2(using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in surface channels and drains all as specified and directed. 64 M&L plastering 10mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in CM (1:4) surfaces shall be finished even and smooth (without using extra lime or cement) all as specified and directed. 65 M&L RCC type B1 1:2:4 (using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate) slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and inshelves and the like all as specified and directed. 66 M&L mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips all as specified and directed. 67 S&F joist, channel, angle or tee sections, or MS Flats fixed independantly without connecting plates, etc. Fe 410-W (Gde-E- 250) quality- A (cut to ordinary lengths i.e within 20mm of length indicated) as in frame work for Galvalume / CGI chajjas all as specified and directed. 68 M&L coloured digital ultra strong / heavy duty outdoor anti skid vitrified tiles 15 mm thick (Square / Rectangular) polished, area of each tile exc 0.09 Sqm and not exc 0.36 sqm, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles laid over and including 20 mm thick rendering in CM (1:4)for fixing oftiles all as specified and directed. 69 M&L20mm thick Granite (of any type) machine cut in, wall lining, steps, jambs, pillars, window cills, skirting/dado laid over cement screed and jointed with grey cement slurry and pointed with white cement with admixture of pigment to match the shade of granite stone including cutting and polishing and including rendering 10 mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in CM (1:4) all all as specified and directed. 70 M&L PCC 1:2:4 type B0 (using 12.5 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in coping, bed concrete and all other similar works including necessary formwork all as specified and as directed. 71 Dismantling plain or corrugatedsteel sheeting, any gauge, thickness, including Nainital or similar pattern roof coverings including scafoldings of any height all as specified and directed. 72 S&F Pre-painted galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based trapezoidal/mangalore tile profile roofing sheets, chajjas,0.50 mm thick of any colour/length having tensile strength of 550 MPA as in roof coverings having effective & overall width 1015 mm & 1072 mm respectively, profile height 28.5 mm and centre to centre distance between ribs 203 mm fixed with self tapping screws as directed by manufactureron wooden/steel membersincluding scafoldings of any height of the bldg all as specified and directed. 73 S&F Pre-painted galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based Plain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 MPA as in roof coverings /claddings to wall, fixed with self tapping screws including scafoldings of any height all as specified and directed. 74 S&F structural steel work in tubular/square tube trusses including special shaped washer, gusset/bearing plate using ERW or induction butt welded tubes conforming to I.S.1161-1979 grade St.-240 all as specified and directed. 75 M&L RCC 1:2:4 type B1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in columns, foundations, beams, slabs, parapet, staircase including demolition all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 76 Use & waste special water tight centering and shuttering including bolting, strutting, propping etc. so as to withstand a pressure of 0.1 Mpa including removal of form work of all locations including beams, columns, slabs, walls, foundations, footings, landings, stairs, balconies all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 77 All as per item No 66 here in before but 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mmdia in stirrups, spacers and binders 78 Rebuilding the section of damaged RCC elements to its original size or as per consultants recommendations in thicknesses of 40-100 mm by providing and casting with micro-concrete of grade M-40 and above including providing and fixing of water tight foam faced finish shuttering of minimun 18 mm thick with supporting framework, all lead lift, mixing, placing, deshuttering, levelling the surface by grinding off cementitious slurry or construction joint differences if any to satisfaction of engg. incharge, curing etc. complete.(Rate including- cube test to be conducted for every 5 M.T. workdone.6 nos of sample required per test). Ensure the quality of water by testing water as per IS 456 and document the same. Ensure temperature at time of mixing should be between 25 to 40 degree celcius by electronic temperature gauge 79 Taking down Chowkhats and shutters of windows/ventilators with wire mesh / glassand MS grills of any size including all fittings and fixtures all as specified and directed. 80 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC rigid coloured three track sliding window, made of extruded profiles. Profiles of frames and sash will be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling of holes for fixing hardware and drainage of water etc., making arragement for fixing hardware, EPDM gasket, 1.2+- 0.2 mm thick galvanized steel profile to be inserted in required profile,frame will be fixed to the wall with 8mmx100-mm long fasteners all as specified and directed. 81 Providing and fixing Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powdercoating 50 micron) for shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making, provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket required with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-Charge.Note : (i) Glass panes will be measured & paid separately . (ii) The quoted rate shall be inclusive of cost of rubber beading and glazing clips, hionges, handle. However it will be not be weighed and not paid separately.(iii) All other minor details including cost of locking arrangement shall be included in the quoted rate. 82 S&F sheet glass, ordinary quality, 6.3 mm thick, plain or frosted on one side and glazed with oil putty or fixed with rubber beading in square exc 0.5 Sqm in each pane or as required all as specified and directed. 83 S&FAluminium deco grill Cat No DG-916, 7.5 mm thick, cut to required size/shape and fixed in position with aluminium beading all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 84 S&F in repair 12mm thick, toughened glass for door shutters, partitions in bathroom or other places, shelves, table top etc and in similar work with and including fitting and fixtures such as glass handles stailess steel studs, fittings for door pivots all as specified and directed. 85 S&F Sun control film, 50 micron non reflective type, sticked to glass as per manufacturers instructions all as specified and directed. 86 S&F in repair SS 202 Stain finish Handle D type, 25mm dia 600mm longfor glass shutter all as specified and directed 87 S&F in repairs bottom/top patch fitting for pivot all as specified and directed 88 S&F in repairs bottom lock patch fitting all as specified and directed 89 S&F aluminium (Die cast) body, door closer,hydraulically regulated, designation No. 3, unversal type, suitable for door shutters of 851 to 1000mm in width and of weight between 61 to 80 kg all as specifed & directed. 90 S&F in repairs SS 304 Grade metal letters of height 200mm with PU paint to match the logo colours, mirror polish finish, anti rust and including necesssary arrangements to fixing in walls, using scaffolding at any height all as specified and directed. 91 S&F In repairs 3 mm thick panel of any type, pattern and shape Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP), aluminium thickness of0.5mm, Front side finish of aluminum roll coated with Plain / coloured / wooden texture PE / PVDF, Core material ofNon-toxic polyethylene, Macromolecular lamination film, Rear side of Aluminum coated with primer and including frame work using of Fasteners, including concealed screws, nuts, bolts and other items requiredfor connecting aluminium to aluminium / steel / wooden / ply board, Blind rivets all fixing anchors, brackets and similar attachments used in the erections, shall be of aluminium, non-magnetic stainless steel, zinc coated steel, for fixing in both internal / external wall cladding complete weather proofing sealant of a polyurethane elastic joint / structural silicone sealant / pre-formed gasketsto the Horizontal & Vertical Joints in the Aluminium cladding / facade as per manufacturers instructions all as specified and directed.Note : 1. The unit rate quoted is deemed to be inclusive of all necessary fixing acceserries mentioned in the description of work and scaffolding works at any height for installation.2. For payment purpose panels areas will be measured on one side only. 92 M&L 75 mm PCC 1:3:6 type C-2using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as in plinth protection, flooring/subbase including necessaryshuttering all as specified and directed. 93 M&L broken stone or bouldershardcore of gauge n exc. 63 mm,deposited, spread and levelled inlayers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a true surface using power roller all a specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 94 M&L Earth filling in floors, including spreading and leveling in layers, well ramming including watering as required all as specified and directed. 95 Dismantling of ceiling board (Plup insulation or insulation etc) or insulation board any thickness including cover fillet/grid all as specified and directed. 96 S&F in repairs POP false ceiling consisting of frame work made with 50 mm Sq MS tube of 18 G thickness as main runner at 600 mm c/c both ways suspended/supported with MS flats 25x4 from existing RCC slab including providing and fixing expended metal of size 5.25 mm x 1.25 mm thickness welded to main runnersand applying POP (calcium silicate semihydrate variety) to the expended metal of thickness not less than 10 mm finished smooth to line and level including necessary supports scaffolding etc as required and also including applying a coat of red oxide zinc chrome primerover the MS frame work andtwo coats of OBD apply oncelling and suspended portion all as specified and directed 97 Extra over above items no. 96for any sunk or raised moulding all as specified and directed. 98 M&L 8/10 mm thick PVC ceiling or wall panelling (any colour) with aluminium frame work for receiving ceiling board / wall panelling including all necessary accessories for fixing at various levels all as specified and directed. 99 M&L 15-25 mm average thick Ready Mix Plaster in multy layermixed withliquid water proofing compound on other than fair faces of brick wall or concrete surfaces,including use of scaffolding all as specified and directed.Note :-Liquid water proofing compound will be measured and paid seperately as supply only. 100 M&L for 12 mm thick ready mix plaster in single layer on brick wall or concrete surfaces including making groove of appropriate size, on other than fair faces of concrete/brick surfaces (internal surface) and finished surfaces even & smooth without using extra cement all as specified and as directed. 101 Supply only liquid water proofing compound. 102 M&L for preparing new plastered surfaces of externalwalls / ceilings by scrapping / rubbing and applying two coats of weather proof acrylic exterior paint (100% Acrylic)over a coat of primer including use of scaffoldings all as specified and directed 103 M&L for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of walls and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of birla putty (avg 2 mm thick) all as specified and directed. 104 M&L for complete removal oldplastered surfaces of walls and applying two coats of Plastic emulsion paint over a coat of birla putty (avg 2 mm thick)all as specified and directed. 105 M&L for two coats of smooth interior acrylic emulsion with Texture finish having VOC less than 50 grams per ltr complying LEEDS criteria @1 ltrs (unndiluted) /10 sq mtrs diluted with water in 2:1 ratio applied over priming coat with fully automatic airless spray machine of paint application with a flow speed of min 1 ltr per minute having a pressure of 3300 PSI. Allow 6-8 hrs to dry the surface in both the coats of paint as per manufacturer instructions all as specified and directed. 106 S&F in repairs curtain rod (decorative type) Stainless steel 25 mm dia painted with powder coating of any colour on S.S. as approved by GE all as specified and directed. 107 S&F curtain brackets decorative type (antique), for receiving single/double curtain rod,fixing for 20 mm rod all as specified and directed. 108 Complete removal of old existingpolish of doors/windows by using blow lamp or by grinder and applying French polishing on surfaces of any description, width or girth including cleaning and preparing the surface including a coat of wood filler one or more coats of best quality all as specified and directed 109 M&L Granite (of any type and colour) 20 mm thick machine cut, bedded and jointed with grey cement slurry and pointed with white cement with admixture of pigment to match the shade of granite stone including grinding and polishing laid in floors/Jambs/WHB conters and all other similar works in approved design laid over 20 mm thick screed bedin CM 1:4 all as specified and directed. 110 M&L in repairs coloured double charged polished glazed vitrified tiles 10 mm thick (Square/rectangular) polished, area of each tile exc 0.36 sqm but not exc 0.64 sqmin floors,set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shades of the tiles including dismantlingall as specified and directed. 111 M&Lcoloured double charged digital glazed vitrified tiles 10 mm thick (Square/rectangular) polished area of each tile exceeding 0.36 sqm but not exec 0.64 sqmin vertical surfaces such as skirting & dados,set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to matchincluding dismantlingall as specified and directed. 112 M&Lin repairs for providing and fixing stainless steel (Grade 304) railing made of hollow tubes, channels, plates etc. including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (where ever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, including fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners, stainless steel bolts etc. of required size, on the top of floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangemet for Stainless Steel grade 304 decorative designer railings, staircase, covers, sitting place, shed etc.(design and pattern as approved) made out of completeall as directed by Engineer-in-Charge 113 Taking down rainwater pipes (anysize or pattern), including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks, etc.,removal to Store(measured overall as fixed along thecentre line over fittings andaccessories) all as specified and directed. 114 S&F rain water gutter in half round shape 110mm dia PVC ( SWR) grade pipes single socketed in any length with integral outlet of 110 mm dia all as specified and directed. 115 S&FPVC (SWR), 110mm bore, Doublesocketed in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls with MS clamps made out of flat iron of size 25mm x 3mmincluding nuts bolts at any location, any floor including necessary scaffolding all as specified and directed. 116 S&f 110mm dia PVC (SWR) bends /elbow any radiusincluding GI clamps of approved shape and size approved by GE at any height, any location, any floor including necessary scaffolding all as specified and as directed. 117 Taking down carefully copper/aluminum point wiring light/fan/sockets out let/power point complete (fittings such as switches, sockets, ceiling rose, pendent holders, light fittings etc. are to be measured separately) and/or drawing out from existing conduit/batten and making good disturbed surface of walls/floors/ceiling, complete all as specified. 118 M&L for Point wiring with 1.50 Sqmm single core PVC insulated, unsheathed cable FRLSH, 1100 volts grade with multi stranded copper conductor drawn through and incuding medium grade, ISI marked, PVC conduit not less than 20 mm dia with accessories, concealed on wall/ceilingand incuding provision of 1.50 Sqmm single core PVC insulated, unsheathed cable FRLSH, 1100 volt grade with multi stranded copper conductorgreen colour as earth continuity conductor and connected to common earth dolly with suitable size of lugs, including mild steel sunken box/metal flush box with suitable modular or pressed steel terminal boxes made out of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet metal conforming to IS-5139(pt-I) of 1969 and IS:14772-2000 with earth dolly and coated with two coats of anti corrosive paint over a coat of red oxide primer bothinternally and externally including provision of new 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheet top cover for housing the switches, socket outlets, fan regulators, etc. with brass screws and brass washersand making goodthe disturbed surfaces as per existingfor one light point controlled by one switch. Note :- Switch, socket and fan regulators to be measured and paid for separately . PVC Conduit confirming to IS 9537 part I & III Note (All chases will be cut by chase cutter only) 119 Description all as per Srl item No.119 here in before but for socket outlet point 5 Amp on same board. 120 Description all as per Srl item No.119 here in before but for socket outletpoint 5 Amp on Independent board. 121 Description all as per serial item No.119 above but with 4 sqmm cablefor 3 pin 15 Amps switch socket outlet (Power point) 122 S&F modular switch 1 way 6 A module 230/250 volt , AC supply,ISI Marked, with white cover plate with frame all as specified and directed. 123 S&F modular switch 1 way 16 A module 230/250 volt, AC supply,ISI Marked, with white cover plate with frame all as specified and directed. 124 S&F modular sockets 6A,2/3 pin combined 2 module 230/250 Volts,50 Hz , AC supply, ISI Marked, with cover plate all as specified and directed. 125 S&F modular sockets 6A/16A,2/3 pin combined 2 module 230/250 Volts,50 Hz , AC supply, ISI Marked, with white cover plate with frame all as specified and directed. 126 S&F in repairs Modular type AC Box, 4 Module with Socket and 25 Amp SP mini MCB in plastic box enclosure along with cover plate and top all as specified and directed. 127 S&F modular Fan step/ electronic regulator, 120W - 2 module A module 230/250 volt , AC supply,ISI Marked, with cover plate all as specified and directed. 128 S&F ceiling rose surface bakelite 65x50mm, 3 terminal all as specified and directed. 129 S&F LED lights fitting 1x 20W, 220V, AC decorative box type, warm white / white type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete pre wired fixed to wallwith 2 nos PVC block of suitable size all spcifided and directed. 130 S&F LEDWall bracket decorativefancy light fitting warm white /white type with lamp 12 Watt with necessary connection all as specified and directed. 131 S&F LED down lighter 15 watt warm white fancy light fitting warm white /white type with lamp 12 Watt with necessary connection all as specified and directed. 132 S&F Exhaust fan 230 volts, 250mm, plastic body includingmaking all electric connection all as specified and as directed including cutting of hole on wall and makng good disturbed surface of wall and outer wooden box for fan fix on wall all as specified and directed. 133 S&F Ceiling fan complete with blades, down rods, electronic regulator and accessories, 230 V, 1200 mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00 BEE. Five star rated with brushless direct current motor (BLDCmaking all electric connection. huck and suitable size rod for hanging ceiling fan all as specified and directed 134 S&F LED security Buildinglight LED 35 Watt, pressure die cast aluminum housing, heat resistant glass, IP65 protection, better optics for uniform distribtion complete with all accessories internally pre wired and including connecting up with three core 1.5 sqmm flexible copper conductor cable from ceiling rose to connector of light all as specified and directed. 135 S&F in repairs MCB Distribution board, 240 volts single pole andneutral, double door, sheet steel, enclosure powder coated with 100 Amps rated busbar with neutral link, 12 ways , fixed on wall duly grouted in solid block wall or on wooden board with electrical connection, including taking down old MCB DB all as specified and directed. 136 S&F in repairs MCB DP,240 Volts, 40 Amps, 10 kA rupturing capacity C series all as specified and directed including taking down old one all as specified and directed. 137 S&F in repairs MCB, single pole 240 volts 6 to 32 Amps capacity fixed in DBsincluding taking down old one all as specified and directed. 138 S&F in repairs MCCB DB 4 way vertical sheet metal enclosure TPN 415 volts, 50 Hz, with IP-43 protection, double door with200 Amps standard bus bar of suitable size and common neutral link all enclosed in standard sheet flush mounting all as specified and directed.Note:MCB SP/TPN shall be measured and paid seperately under appropriate items of this schedule Note:Copper thimble shall be used for connection of cable . 139 S&F in repairs MCCB TPN, 240 Volts, 63 to 100Amps, 10 kA rupturing capacity 415 Volts all as specified and directed including taking down old one. 140 M&Lin repairs Sub main wiring with two run of 6 sq mm stranded copper conductor PVC unseathed FRLSH wire along with 6 sq mm green colour wire as earth contuinity conductor connected to common earth dolly including PVC FR heavy duty conduit of adequate size (not less than 32 mm dia) for housing the wires from Pannel / Main DB to house SPN DB including taking down old Unsv submain with all associated fixtures complete all as specified & as directed by engr-in-charge.Note: Thimble/lugs of rating of MCB should be used with wire for fixing in the MCB. Note: Mode of measurement two runs of 6 sqmm cable and one run of 6 sqmm cable with PVC conduit shall be measured as one length. 141 M&L in repairs Sub main wiring with two runs of single core 4 Sqmm FRLSH copper conductor cable PVC insulated, unsheathed, 1100 V including 20 mm dia Cassing cappingISI markedwith all accessories such as Tees, elbows, junction boxes, etc. as required fixed on wall alongwith one run of 4 Sqmm single core PVC FRLSH insulated unsheathed copper conductor cable as continuous earth wire and connecting to existing main switch board / distribution board and testing on completion inculding taking down old wiring etc complete all as directed.Note: (i) Two runs of 6 sqmm and one run of6 sqmm cable and one run of PVC conduit shall be measured as one RM. 142 M&L in repairs Sub main wiring with two run of single core 1.5 Sqmm FRLSH copper conductor cable PVC insulated, unsheathed, 1100 V including 20 mm dia Casssing cappiingISI markedwith all accessories such as Tees, elbows, junction boxes, etc. as required fixed on wall alongwith one run of1.5 Sqmm single core PVC FRLSH insulated unsheathed copper conductor cable as continuous earth wire and connecting to existing main switch board / distribution board and testing on completion inculding taking down old wiring all as specified and directed.Note: (i) Two runs of 1.5 sqmm and one run of1.5 sqmm cable and one run of PVC conduitshall be measured as one RM. 143 Supply & lay in trenches, floors, fix on wall/pole, passing through pipes etc. LT UG cable , 1100 volts grade, PVC/ XLPE insulated, with multistrandedaluminium conductors, armoured with galvanised steel wire or tape, gland, lugs etc. of size 35 Sq.mm 3.5core confirming to IS specifications including taking down existing cable all as specified and directed. 144 Supply, laying connecting and testing XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured LT electric power UG cable (heavy duty) with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 Volts grade, cross sectional area 10 Sqmm, 2 core laid through duct/ pipe / in trench etc. including cable glands & lugs including taking down existing cable all as specified and directed. 145 Shifting and fixing, Checkingand make functional condition ofSplit type AC 1.5 /2 ton at installed new locations asper site requirements including bracket, gas charging, using new/ old copper tubefrom indoor to outdoor unit, necessary fixing materials all as specified and directedby Engineer-in- charge. 146 M&L for earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60 cm X 60 cm X 6 mm buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level with top edge of earth plate at a depth not less than 1.5 m below normal ground level connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0 mm dia by means of bolts, check nuts and washers, galvanised steel and protected by GI pipe 15 mm bore light grade & connected to main switch board or main control board as directed and including concrete pit in PCC (1:3:6) type C1, precast RCC (1:2:4) type B1 cover slab 30 cm X 30 cmX 5 cm with 10mm dia TMT bars 8 cm C/c both ways andone handle for lifting made out of 8 mm dia TMTbar, funnel, wire mesh, 20mm bore galvanised iron pipe (medium grade) for watering, charcoal or coke and salt in alternative layers, necessary excavation and earth work in any type of soil and including necessary testing on completion all as shown in Electrical Plate No 3 of SSR part -I.