
Supply Of Miscellaneous Materials At Rogi Kalyaan Samiti Office Ujjain M.P., ujjain-Madhya Pradesh

Directorate Of Health Services has published Supply Of Miscellaneous Materials At Rogi Kalyaan Samiti Office Ujjain M.P.. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-11-2024. Connectors Supply Tenders in ujjain Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Miscellaneous Materials At Rogi Kalyaan Samiti Office Ujjain M.P.
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Supply of miscellaneous materials at Rogi kalyaan samiti office Ujjain m.p. 1 izox 2 Suvidha Anudan Katte (Black Ink) (O White+D GVG Super Yellow) (100+100) 18*23 1/16 3 Medical Store Ujjain (Black Ink) (100+100+100) 18*23 1/4 4 Breast Feeding Certificate (4 color)18*23 1/4 5 Continuation Sheet Form (Indoor Pt, Ticket) (Black ink) (200 page - 1 Pad) 18*23 1/4 6 Blood Bank Requisition From (Black Ink) (FB) (200 page - 1 pad) 17*27 1/4 7 Divyang Prarup-5 (4 color) (single side) (200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/4 8 Divyang Prarup-7 (4 color) (FB)(200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/4 9 Divyang Panjiya Register (Black Ink) (100 pag per reg.) 18*23 1/4 10 Divyang Praman Patra Jaavak Reg.(Black Ink) (100 page per reg.) 18*23 1/4 11 Main O.T. Operation Register (Black Ink) (250 page per reg.) 18*23 1/4 12 Main O.T. Patient Call Book Reg.(Black Ink) (300 pg. per reg.) 18*23 1/4 13 Main O.T. Patient Inter Depart. Transfer Reg. (Blk. Ink) (300 pg./reg.) 18*23 1/4 14 Gyn. O.T. L.S.C.S. Reg. (Black Ink) (200 pg. reg.) 18*23 1/4 15 Gyn. O.T. Tubal Ligation (Female Sterlization Reg.(Black Ink) (200 pg. reg.) 17*27 1/4 16 White Board 2ft*3ft 17 Notice Board2ft*4ft 18 Hand Hygiene Audit Tool (Hand washing format)(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 19 Lama / DOR Form (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 20 Consent Form(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 21 Fridge Temperature Format (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 22 Whole Abdomen Form (Sonography Depart.) (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 23 Pelvis Form (Sonography Depart.) (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 24 Examination of Urine Report Form(Pathology Depart.)(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 25 ANC Report Form (Pathology Depart.) (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 26 Department of Pathology (Pathology Depart.)(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 27 Other Test Register (Pathology Depart.)(Black Ink) (200 page/reg.) 18*23 1/4 28 Urine Test Register (Pathology Depart.)(Black Ink) (200 page/reg ) 18*23 1/4 29 ANC Entry Register (Pathology Depart.)(Black Ink) (200 page/reg. 18*23 1/4 30 ETAT Reg. (Shishu ward) (Black Ink) 18*23 full 31 Admission Reg. (Shishu ward) (as per sample) (Black Ink) 18*23 full 32 OPD Reg. (Shishu ward)(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 33 Investigation Sheet (Shishu ward)(4 color) 18*23 1/4 34 Discharge Ticket (Shishu ward) (as pe (4 color) (FB) 18*23 1/4 35 Nurses Monitoring-Order Sheet (Shishu ward) (4 color) (FB) 18*23 1/4 36 Treatment Continuation Sheet (Shishu ward) (4 color) (FB same 18*23 1/4 37 Admission Reg. (Shishu ward) (Blk. Ink) (200 pg./reg.) 18*23 1/4 38 Follow up Reg. (Shishu ward)(Black Ink) (200 pg. reg.) 18*23 1/4 39 Blood Reg. (Shishu ward) (Black Ink) (200 pg. reg.) 18*23 1/4 40 Referral Summary Pediatric Ward(Shishu ward)(4 color)(FB) 18*23 1/4 41 Family Participatory Reg.(Shishu ward)(Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 42 M.L.C. Xray Report (MLC Xray dep.) (Black Ink) (200 page / pad) 18*23 1/4 43 IPD Register (MLC Xray dep.) (Black Ink) (100 pag / reg.) 17*27 Full 44 Summary Sheet (NHDU dep.) (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 45 Nurse Monitorin Sheet (NHDU dep)(Black Ink) (FB) 18*23 1/4 46 Neonatal High Dependency Reg.(NHDU dept.)(Black Ink) 17*27 1/4 47 ROP Reg. (SNCU Charak Bhawan) (Black Ink) (300 pag / reg.) 18*23 1/4 48 Whole Abdomen Sonography Form(Main Sonography Dept.) (Black Ink) 18*23 1/4 49 TPR Sheet(Black Ink) (FB) 17*27 1/4 50 MLC/Non MLC Katte (Black Ink) (200 page / 1 pad) 18*23 1/16 51 Free Medicine Katte (Black Ink) (200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/16 52 Pathology Slip Katte (Black Ink)(200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/16 53 IPD Feedback Form (Black Ink) (200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/4 54 SNCU File(4 color) (FB) 18*23 Full 55 Treatment Continuation & Clinical (2 color) (FB Same) 18*23 1/4 56 Nurses Monitoring-Order Sheet (2 color) (FB) 18*23 1/4 57 Neonatal Case Record Sheet (4 color) (4 page folder) 18*23 1/4 58 Discharge Card (4 color) (4 page folder) 18*23 1/4 59 Investiagation Sheet (2 color) (single side) 18*23 1/4 60 Discharge Notes (4 color) (single side) (200 page - 1 book) 18*23 1/4 61 Referral Summary (4 color) (single side) (200 page - 1 book) 18*23 1/4 62 Admission Reg. (Black ink) (150 page - 1 reg.) 18*23 Full 63 Follow-up Register (Black Ink)(100 page - 1 reg.) 15*20 1/2 64 OPD Register (Black Ink) (100 page - 1 reg.) 15*20 1/2 65 Facility Follow up Record Book(4 color) (single side)18*23 1/8 66 PICU File (4 color) (FB) 23*36 1/3 67 Treatment Continuation (2 color) (FB Same) 18*23 1/4 68 Nurses Monitoring-Order (2 color) (FB) 18*23 1/4 69 Child Case Record Sheet (4 color) (FB) 18*23 1/4 70 Discharge Ticket (4 color)(FB) 18*23 1/4 71 Investigation Sheet (2 color) (Single side) 18*23 1/4 72 PICU Admission Register (Black Ink) (100 page - 1 Reg.) 18*23 Full 73 Mannhit Pemplet (4 color) 18*23 A4 74 Certificate (26/01/24 + 15/08/24)(4 color)18*23 1/4 75 Laundary Katte (Black Ink) (100 page - 1 pad)18*23 1/8 long 76 Attendence Register (Black Ink) 17*27 77 Blood Consent Form (Black Ink)(200 page - 1 pad) 18*23 1/4 78 Aay-Vyay Patrak (as per sample) (23 page) (single side photocopy) (spiral binding) A4 79 OPD Register (Black Ink)(100 page - 1 Reg.) 16*26 1/2 80 Prashasti Patra (4 color) (2 types)18*23 1/4 81 Divyang Concession Form(Blk. Ink) (100 page per pad) 18*23 1/4 82 Laundry Book 83 IPD Paper Continuation (200 page per pad) 84 Blood Bank Register(420 page - 1 reg.) 85 Blood Bank Register(420 page - 1 reg.) 86 Blood Bank Register(420 page - 1 reg.) 87 Saathi Pass 88 Stock Register 89 Folder (Blood Donor questionaire) 90 Cross Match report 91 Divyang panjiyan card (Black ink) Single side 22*28 1/16 92 Divyang OPD form Black ink Single side 18*23 1/4 93 Divyang audiological Form (Black ink) (FB) 18/23 1/4 1.95 HV 12A toner refilling (medium) 1.96 Teflon (Medium) H. P. / Fenon 1.97 pressure roller H. P. / Fenon 1.98 fuser unit 1.99 pickup roller 2 12A New Tonner Cottage 2.01 Chahar toner refilling 2.02 Im Brother 2.03 computer software (Presaturation) 2.04 computer virus scanning 2.05 Antivirus NetProtector (NPAV) 2.06 2.07 2.08 LAN connectivity (one computer) SSD 256GBSATA SSD 128GBSATA 2.09 SSD 256GB NVME M.2 2.1 SSD 128GB NVME M.2 2.11 WITH OUT PARTS A.M.C. COST PER COMPUTER 2.12 UPS INTEX 600VA 2.13 Wireless Keyboard mouse Rapoo/dell 2.14 UPS Duble battery UPS Duble battery MICROTECH U.P.S. Battery 7.2 (UPS BATTERY (7.2 AMP) MMPS Power Supply (450 Watts) CMOS Battary Speaker U.Mc Naspel (SPEAKER USB Narmal) Hard Disk 500 GB sata (USB Extarnal Hard Disk 500GB) hard disk. Teacup (1000GB) Normal Desktop (USB Extarnal Hard Disk 1TB-(1000GB) External Len Foble Dlink (1 meter) LAN CABLE LAN CABLE CAT-6 (1 Meter) Lane Connector RJ 45 (Connector) (1 Piece) 4GB RAM DDR 4 8 gm ram 127 Normal Flex Per Sq ft 128 Normal Flexwith frame Per Sq ft 129 Star Flex per sq ft 130 Star Flex with frame pr sq ft 131 Glowsine board with light per sq ft 132 Vinyl per sq ft 133 Vinyl +4x per sq ft 134 Vinyl + 4x + frame per sq ft 135 Acrylic boardper sq ft 136 Acryllic letter per letter 137 Identity card with QR code plastic protected with printed dori 138 1.5 tonne NON inverter Split ac with installation and warranty 139 2 tonne Non Invertor Split AC with installation and warranty 140 NVR 16 channel 141 NVR 8 channel 142 NVR 32 channel 143 NVR 4MP 144 Cat 6 cable 145 Connector 146 LED screen 32 inch 147 LED screen 43 inch 148 NVR rack Iron 149 Camera box Plastic 150 Hard disk 4 TB 151 Hard disk 8 TB 152 Hard disk 6 TB 153 Power supply 12 volt 10AMP 154 Installation+reinstallation charge per camera 155 DOM camera 4MP 156 Bullet camera 4 MP 157 Pest control with anti termide and roddent control (certification) 158 Frame plain running feet

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-11-2024 DATE EXTANTION Date 27-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 25000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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