
Bids Are Invited For Reagents For Microbiology Investigations Antibiotic Disc Aztreonam 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefotaxime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefoxitin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid 30 And 10 Mcg , Antib, Bengaluru Urban-Karnataka

Employees State Insurance Corporation has published Bids Are Invited For Reagents For Microbiology Investigations Antibiotic Disc Aztreonam 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefotaxime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefoxitin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid 30 And 10 Mcg , Antib. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-11-2024. Indicators and Reagents Tenders in Bengaluru Urban Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Reagents For Microbiology Investigations Antibiotic Disc Aztreonam 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefotaxime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefoxitin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid 30 And 10 Mcg , Antib
Open Tender
Bengaluru Urban

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Reagents For Microbiology Investigations Antibiotic Disc Aztreonam 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefotaxime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Cefoxitin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid 30 And 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Ceftriaxone 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Cefazolin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin 5 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Cotrimoxazole 25Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Meropenem 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Imipenem 10Mcg , Antibiotic Amikacin 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Discs Piparacillin Tazobactum 100 And 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Discs Gentamicin 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Discs Gentamicin 120 Mcg , Antibiotic Colistin 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Clindamycin 2 Mcg , Antibiotic Linezolid 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Erythromycin 15 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Tetracycline 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Penicillin 10 Mcg , Antifungal Disc Vancomycin 30 Mcg , Antifungal Disc Voriconazole 1 Mcg , Antifungal Disc Fluconazole 25 Mcg , Antibiotic Ampicillin 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Discs Amoxyclav 20 And 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Chloramphenicol 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Nitrofurantoin 30Ug , Antibiotic Nalidic Acid 30 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Norfloxacin 10 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Fosfomycin 200 Mcg , Antibiotic Disc Teicoplanin 30 Mcg , Optochin Disc 5 Mcg , Bacitracin 10 Units , Bacitracin 0.04 Units , Oxidase Disc , Sheep Blood Agar , Sheep Chocolate Agar , Urea 40 Percentage , Mannitol Motility Agar , Zn Stain Test Kit 1 37 Total Quantity : 4565

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