Bids Are Invited For Blade chassis Primary DC , Blade Server Type 1 Application server Primary DC , Blade Server Type 2 Primary DC , Blade Server Type 3 Primary DC , SAN Storage 225 TB Usable Primary DC , SAN Switches 48 Port Primary DC , Backup Appliance 120TB Usable Primary DC , VMWARE VVF license considering 6 nos Application Servers Primary DC , Redhat Linux Enterprise Virtual Data Center Primary DC , Redhat Linux Enterprise for Physical Servers Primary DC , Windows Server 2022 Standard Licence 40 VM s over 6 nos application Servers PRIMARY DC. , Database Server Oracle Enterprise License NUP Based. , Backup Software license Primaty DC , TOR switches 48 port Primary DC , Blade chassis NDR , Blade Server Type 1 Application server NDR , Blade Server Type 2 NDR , Blade Server Type 3 NDR , SAN Storage 225 TB Usable Primary NDR , SAN Switches 24 Port NDR , Backup Appliance 120TB NDR , TOR switches 24 port Layer 3 NDR , VMWARE VVF license considering 5 nos Application Servers NDR For Virtualization , Redhat Linux Enterprise Virtual DataCenter NDR , Redhat Linux Enterprise for Physical Servers NDR , Microsoft Windows Server , DATABASE Oracle Enterprise License NUP based , DATABASE Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Standard License , Backup Software license NDR , Blade Server Type 1 Application server FDR , Blade Server Type 2 FDR. , Blade Server Type 3 FDR. , Blade chassis FDR , SAN Storage 125 TB Usable FDR , SAN Switches 24 Port FDR , Backup Appliance 120 TB FDR , TOR switches 24 PORT Layer 3 FDR , VMWARE VVF license considering Application Server FDR For Virtualization , Redhat Linux Enterprise License Virtual Data Center for Application servers 4nos FDR , Redhat Linux Enterprise for Physical Blade Servers 4 Servers 8CPU , Backup Software license FDR , File Acesss Server 200 TB Usable NAS BOX Primary DC and NDR , SIEM Software , DR orchestration Tool , Core Switch 24 Port Layer 3 all Finer Primary DC , Distribution Switch lAyer 3 min 24 port 1 10G ethernet and min 4 porst 1 10G Fiber , Access Switch Layer 2 min 24 port 1G ethernet and min 4 ports 1 10G Fiber , 1 G Transeivers Fiber Single Mode , 10 G Transeivers Fiber Single Mode , Modular UPS Primary DC , Modular UPS NDR , Server Room Upgrade NDR with Smart Racks Cooling IPDU CCTV DCIM SECURITY AND SAFETY SENSORS and other MISC ITEMS and activities. , OFFICE AREA Area Augumentation REVAMP , Firewalls , Windows Server 2022 or higher Server CAL Device Based , FTP Security Setup , AMC 4th Year Vmware PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 4th Year Oracle Database software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 4th Year Windows Servers PRIMARY NDR and FDR and CAL licenses , AMC 4th Year Redhat Enterprise Software Virtual Data Center and Physical PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 4th Year Backup Software , AMC 4th Year SIEM , AMC 4th Year DR Orchestration , AMC 4th Year All the Hardware Servers Storage Backup appliances network switches with transceivers Firewalls , AMC 5th Year Vmware PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 5th Year Oracle Database software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 5th Year Windows Servers PRIMARY NDR and FDR and CAL licenses , AMC 5th Year Redhat Enterprise Software Virtual Data Center and Physical PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 5th Year Backup Software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 5th Year SIEM , AMC 5th Year DR Orchestration , AMC 5th Year All the Hardware Servers Storage Backup appliances network switches with transceivers Firewalls , AMC 6th Year Vmware PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 6th Year Oracle Database software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 6th Year Windows Servers PRIMARY NDR and FDR and CAL licenses , AMC 6th Year Redhat Enterprise Software Virtual Data Center and Physical PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 6th Year Backup Software , AMC 6th Year SIEM , AMC 6th Year DR Orchestration , AMC 6th Year All the Hardware Servers Storage Backup appliances network switches with transceivers Firewalls , AMC 7th Year Vmware PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 7th Year Oracle Database software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 7th Year Windows Servers PRIMARY NDR and FDR and CAL licenses , AMC 7th Year Redhat Enterprise Software Virtual Data Center and Physical PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 7th Year Backup Software PRIMARY NDR and FDR , AMC 7th Year SIEM , AMC 7th Year DR Orchestration , AMC 7th Year All the Hardware Servers Storage Backup appliances network switches with transceivers Firewalls , Onsite Technical Personnel 1st Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 2nd Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 3rd Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 4th Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 5th Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 6th Year , Onsite Technical Personnel 7th Year Total Quantity : 3255