
Tender For Provision Of Hvac System To Igloo At Chakkigam Under Ge 874 Ews.(Job No: 31 Sa/Maj Wk/Amwp-02/2018-19), Baramulla-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Hvac System To Igloo At Chakkigam Under Ge 874 Ews.(Job No: 31 Sa/Maj Wk/Amwp-02/2018-19). Submission Date for this Tender is 11-01-2025. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Baramulla Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Hvac System To Igloo At Chakkigam Under Ge 874 Ews.(Job No: 31 Sa/Maj Wk/Amwp-02/2018-19)
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Hvac System To Igloo At Chakkigam Under Ge 874 Ews.(Job No: 31 Sa/Maj Wk/Amwp-02/2018-19); 1 OIL FIRED BOILERSupply, installation, Testing & Commissioning of oil fired glycol based Hot Water Generator using Kerosene/HSD oil complete with combustion chamber and equipment automatic monoblock burner assembly tubes, control panel with sequence controller, photo cell for flame failure, HT transfer electrodes, blower assembly, electric panel, mounting frame, pressure gauges at inlet and outlet suitable for operation on 50 Hz. 3 phase 415 Volts A C supply Hot water inlet temp. 650C Hot water outlet temp. 750C Capacity: 50,000 Kcal/Hr at MSL all as specified. 2 GLYCOL CIRCULATION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS:Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of monoblock centrifugal pump driven by suitable capacity electric motor along with variable frequency drive, temperature transducer control panel for controlling the flow as per temperature requirement for ethylene glycol of following capacity complete with accessories and including cement concrete foundation 70 LPM @ 20 mtr headall as specified. 3 GLYCOL MAKE UP CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS:Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of mono block Centrifugal Pump with Bronze impeller, driven by suitable capacity electric motor for glycol fluid make up and mixing complete with accessories including cement concrete foundation suitable for a flow rate of 5 LPM and 5 mtr head all as specified. 4 FLUE GAS CHIMNEY25000.00 50000.00 Supply and installation of MS flue gas chimney made out of 3 mm thick MS sheet, minimum 1.2 m above the highest point of the plant room and including connection from boiler to main chimney fabricated from 3 mm MS sheet. The item shall be complete with the mounting/fixing arrangement. The generators shall be connected to a independent chimney. The portion of the chimney inside the building shall be insulated with fiber glass insulation wool of 24kg/cum. The item shall be complete with mounting/fixing arrangement all as specified. 5 EXPANSION TANK:Supply & Installation of overhead expansion tank of size 500 Liters M S tank complete covered with 13 mm closed cell electrometric insulation complete with removable lid, in/out /drain/ overflow system mounting arrangement and complete connection all as specified. 6 GLYCOL FLUID TANK:S&F 500 Liters capacity PVC Tank Complete with removable lid, in/out/ drains/overflows system, mounting arrangement and complete connection, all as specified. 7 BULK OIL STORAGE TANK:Supply, installation, testing connecting semi burying with the system and commissioning of Horizontal Cylindrical oil storage tank made out of mild steel Design temperature 30 deg C and design pressure atmosphere + static head of liquid Storage Cap. (Nominal): 2000 liters Gross capacity (Not exceeding 2.2 KL) Shell thickness: 3 mm End Plate Thickness: 4 mm Tank shall be complete with manhole, lifting lugs, earthing lugs, vent pipe dip stick inlet out let connections all as specified. 8 DAY OIL STORAGE TANK:Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Kerosene/HSD oil Day service Tank rectangular MS construction with capacity of 500 Liters complete with inlet, outlet, drain. Tank will be made out of 3mm MS sheet and will be provided with supports made out of minimum 50mm NB class B pipe to keep tank base at minimum (500 mm) above finished floor level all as specified. 9 TRANSFER GEAR OIL PUMPS K.OIL (SELF PRIMING):Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Rotary gear transfer pumps for capacity 15 LPM 10 Mtr head for K. Oil complete with base frame, foundation bolts, coupling and coupling guard and TEFC Flame Proof motor (.5HP), and other accessories required for commissioning Make-Rotodel, or equivalant 10 HSD OIL PIPING:Supply, laying, jointing and testing galvanised steel water tubing medium grade 25 mm bore with and including all fittings (such as Tee, bends, socket, reducer, short peices, connectors backnuts, diminishing pieces, caps, cap plugs, wall hooks, clips, unions etc.) fixed to wall ceiling etc, complete all as specified and directed. 11 -Ditto- all as per item No 10 here -in before but 20mm bore 12 S&F Brass ball valves of sizes 25 mm for iron pipe complete all as specifiedand directed. 13 S&F Gun-metal, Non Return Valve 15mm, screwed both end for iron pipe complete all as specifiedand directed. 14 S&F stainless steel Y-Oil Strainer 15mm complete all as specifiedand directed. 15 S&F Brass ball valves of sizes 15 mm for iron pipe complete all as specifiedand directed. 16 HOT GLYCOL FLUID PIPINGSupplying and laying, connecting, firing and testing of MS ERW C class piping complets with fittings, valves duly insulated with 16 mm thick closed cell elastomeric insulation 30 to 40 Kg/m 3 density covered with shrink wrap polythene sheet for the following sizes of Hot Glycol fluid pipes (The pipes exposed to atmosphere or buried under ground will be insulated with below mentioned thick insulation 50 mm dia pipe with 16 mm thick nitrile nsulation, all as specified.Note : Ball valves will be measured and paid separately under Item No 12 here -in-before 17 S&F Cast iron butter fly valves 50 mm, all as specified 18 S&F Gun metal dual plate Non Return Valves 50 mm, all as specified 19 S&F Gun metal Balancing Valves 50 mm dia 20 S&F pressure gauges with cocks and syphon, all as specified 21 S& F Water flow switches , all as specified 22 S&F automatic air purgers valves all as specified 23 S&F stainless steel Y-Oil Strainer 50mm complete all as specifiedand directed. 24 GLYCOL CHARGESupply and first fill for makeup requirement for the first year of operation of glycol concentrate along with the necessary additives and inhibitor in cognition and supplied in barrels. The mixture freezing temperature shall be -20 deg C all as specified. 25 AIR HANDLING UNITSProviding, fixing, testing and commissioning horizontal double skin 50 mm thick puff panels air handling unit outdoor mounting type complete with fan, lan motor drive, with 2 no 4 row deep al finned copper tube hot water heating coil and 2 circuits of 4.5 TR each DX cooling coil complete with expansion valve/soloniod valve 50 mm GI/Al frame HDPE 3 ply air filters of efficiency down to 5 microns TEFC flame proof sq cage induction motor centrifugal fan, flame proof controls and switches SS drain pan, control panel including cabling and earthing, canvas connection, airtight ducted supply and return connections complete item as per specifications a) Capacity 4000 CFM 50mm SP , all as specified. 26 CONDENSING UNITProviding, fixing, testing and commissioning of Air cooled factory tested dx condensing unit and shall contain reciprocating/ rotary compressor high efficient evaporator coil, hp/lp cut out, thermostat accumulator, liquid reciever, contactors for the condenser fans expansion valve, high efficient condensing coil ets. The unit shall comprise high efficient condenser coil fans and fan complete with MS powder coated casing, base frame duly charged with refrigerant. The cost shall include supplying, fixing and testing of insulated L. tyne copper refrigerant piping with valve and fittings for connection between condensing unit and AHU property laid on Track Capacity Nominal 4.5 TR at 35 deg C Ambient , all as specified.Make:- Emmerson, Bluestar, Voltas, Copeland 27 LT PANELSSupply, assembly, erection, testing & commissioning of dust, damp and vermin proof free standing CPRI approved factory built sheet steel enclosed LT main distribution board suitable for 3 Ph 415V 50 Hz fabricated out of 2.0 mm thick CRCA sheet duly spray painted complete Al. bus bar 200 Amp rating and nbbed with sheet of suitable size complete for heating/ airconditioning system to be installed in Plant room(CPRI Approved)Incomer-150A MCCB Phase indicating lights& control fuses-1No Voltmeter (0-500V) range with selector switch-1 SetAmp meter (0-200A) range with C.T.S. of 200/5 ratio, And selector switch-1 Set Outgoing -62A, TPN MCB for circulation pumps with automatic starter with indicating lamp: 4 Nos 0-60 A. Ammeter with CT 4 Nos 32 A SPN MCB for boiler 2 Nos 20 A TPN MCB for Glycol Circulation pumps 2 Nos 20 A TPM MCB for oil transfer pump 2 Nos 15 A SP MCB for oil transfer pump 2 Nos 32 A TPN MCB for Condensing units 4 Nos 32 A TPM MCB for AHU with DOL stator for AHU Motor 15 A SP MCB for Humidifier 2 Nos 28 Earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60cm x60 cm x6 mm thick buried in ground (Ea earth pit not less than 2,25 meters deep below normal ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 meters below normal ground level, connecting to the Galvanized iron earth lead 32x6 mm size by means of bolts, nits check nits and washers of galvanized iron and 32 x6 mm earth lead protection by provision of GI light grade pipe 40 mm bore including provision of concentrate pit in PCC (1:2:4) type by using B-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregates with 40 mm thick cover of RCC 1:2:4) reinforced with XPM (weigh not less than 4gs/sqm) and frame of angle iron 25 mm x 25 mm x6 mm with lugs 02 Nos and with 6 mm dia MS bar handle made to shape, Gl light grade 20 mm bore pipe for watering perforated at the bottom 1.75 meter long placed on top edge of earth plate common salt and charcoal filling test point made out of 40 mm x 8 mm Fl with fixing arrangements, funnel, wire mesh and earth work in hard/ dense soil, returning filling in and removal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 59 meters, all a per electrical plate No 5 of SSR, 1991 Part and connecting to earth test point all as Note item of earthing included cost of 7.5 m long Galvanized iron earth lead 32x 6 mm size and protection pipe of 40 mm bore GI light grade any variation in length shall be adjusted through deviations order, all as specified. 29 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5 m wide exc 1.5 m in depth for foundations etc and not exceeding 10 Sqm on plan and not exceeding 1.5 meter in depth for shafts, wells cess-pit pier holes etc and getting out hard, dense soil all as specified. 30 Returning filling in with approved earth/soil including spreading leveling watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm complete all as specified. 31 Removing excavated soil (spoils) to a distance not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 m above starting point For payment purpose only surplus spoil after using in returning- filling in floors etc shall be considered For payment purpose only surplus spoil after using in retuming-filling in floors etc shall be considered all as specified. 32 M&L sand cushioning to the under ground electric cables all as per clause 19.75 of MES Schedule Part 1 Note:- Punned thickness shall be measured . 33 S&F notice board (Display Board) of size 1200 mmx 900 m and including resuscitation chart in three languages for electric shock and burn injury complete all as specified and directed 34 CABLE TRAYS:M & L fabricating and installing following sizes of perforated M.S. Cable trays Including horizontal and vertical bends, reducers, tees, cross members and other accessories as required and duly suspended from the ceiling with MS Suspenders and including painting. (For cabling work in plant room) 150mm width x 50mm depth all as specified. 35 CABLES:-Supplying and fixing of insulated PVC sheathed aluminum conductor armored cables of size 3 x 4 Sq.mm (Al),1.1 KV grade confirming to IS 7098 (Part 1) 1988 all as specified. 36 -Ditto- all as per Item No 35 but 2 x 4 Sq.mm (AL) cable 37 -Ditto- all as per Item No 35 but 25 x 3.5 sq mm (AL) cable 38 Supplying and fixing of insulated PVC sheathed copper conductor armored cables 1.5 Sqmm 6 coreCopper Flexible Insulated and sheathed FRLS cable, all as specified 39 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIESProviding and fixing 6SWG dia G.I. wire on surface of in recess for loop earthing interconnecting main panel and other electrical equipment all as specified. 40 False Celing, Underdeck Insulation and Dust proof flooring.(a) S&F Prepainted snap grid size 605x605 frame work for false ceiling including hangers 6mm dia GI upto alength of 300mm adjusting level fixed to roof slab by means of ceiling cleats made out of GI flat and expansion hold fastners all as specified and directed, (Qty -150 Sq Mtr)(b) M&L 6 mm thick thick asbostace cement plain boards fixed on snap grid frame work including two coats of synthatic enamal paint. (Qty-150 Sqm)(c) Providing and fixing of roof insulation of fiber glass 50 mm thick mineral wool insulation of 24 kg/cum density above the false celling wrapped in polythene bags properly stapled from all four sides areas including removing ceiling panels and re fixing them in original shape all as specified (Qty- 150 Sqm)(d) Providing and fixing PVC sheet homogeneous 3 mm lamanated plain coloured marbled, mosaic of motted finish laid and approved based addisive in the floor. (Qty-170sqm) 41 DUCTINGProviding, fixing, testing and commissioning Aluminum sheet metal of thickness 0.63 mm (20 Gauge) ducting complete with supports, dampers, etc. all as specified. 42 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning Aluminum sheet metal of thickness 0.80 mm (22 Gauge) ducting complete with supports, dampers, etc. all as specified. 43 INSULATIONSupply installation testing and commissioning of 50 mm thick Puff insulation on ducts covered with shrink wrap sheet, and aluminum cladding inslucing sealing of joints with butumen and weather proof duct tape. complete as per specifications 44 GRILLESProviding, fixing, testing and commissioning following aluminum powder coated supply and return air grilles/ diffusers as per specifications :- 45 Jet nozzle type grilles with adjustbale flow 300 mm dia 46 Aluminum return air grilles without damper 47 FRESH AIR DAMPERProviding, fixing, testing and commissioning, of extruded aluminum fresh air dampers with grills, louvers and bird screen as per speciffied. 48 FIRE DAMPERProviding, fixing testing and commissioning fire damper of G.l construction in supply air duct along with motorised actuater with smoke/ temperature sensor panel for automatic AHU shut off at supply and return as specified. 49 HUMIDIFIERSupply installation testing and commissioning of ultrasonis electric Automising humidifier of capacity 5 liters and emitting fine mist inside the conditioned space complete with humidistat and water connections all as specified. 50 AIR CURTAINSupplying and fixing of air curtain made out of powder coated body of size 20G suitable for width of 8 ft and throw of 3 Mtr fitted with suitable motors and blowers as per specification of manufactures. The air curtain velocity shall be 16-20 mtr/sec and noise level limited to 60 to 89 dBA all as specified. 51 Providing outsourcing servicing for manning and operation of HVAC conditioning plant capacity 4 x 4.5 TR. including its day to day maintenance round the clock in three shift, each shifts of 08 hours, including Sunday and holiday by employing technically qualified team /resources comprising of one FGM (SKILLED) per shift for entire system including security of plant/ equipment, providing services, maintenance of Oil fired boiler, Glycol Make up & circulation pumps. Air handling pumps. condensing unit. Air curtain installed inside the installation area as and when required, maintaining daily log sheet, temperature record, testing of earthing including general cleanliness of the installation and surrounding etc complete all as specified & directed.Shifts innings are as underShift - 1- 0600 hrs to 1400hrs Shift - 2- 1400 hrs to 2200 hrs Shift- 3- 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs Minimum Nos of Skilled FGM required for outsourcing of services required:-03 Nos/day (01 for each shift) No of Installation 01 No 52 The details of Plants/Equipments to be operated arc as follows(i) Oil fired boiler-02 Nos(ii) Glycol circulating & Make up pumps - 03 Nos(iii) Fuel Gas chimney-2 Sets(iv) Transfer gear oil pump-2 Nos(v) Air Handling unit 4 5 TR -2 Nos(vi) Condensing unit 4.5 TR - 4 Nos(vii) LT Panel 440 volts comprising of MCCBs capacity upto 150 Amps - 02 Nos[viii) Air Curtain - 01 No(ix) DG Set-01 No

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 05-12-2024 Corrigendum to Date Date 23-12-2024
2 06-01-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 11-01-2025
3 13-12-2024 Date Date 30-12-2024
4 18-11-2024 Date postponed Date 02-12-2024
5 19-12-2024 Other Other 30-12-2024
6 23-11-2024 Corrigendum to date Date 12-12-2024
7 30-12-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 06-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 141100.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 77.40 Lakhs /-
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