
Tender For Repairs/Maintenance Of Dg Sets, Stp And Cranes Under Ge Golconda., hyderabad-Telangana

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repairs/Maintenance Of Dg Sets, Stp And Cranes Under Ge Golconda.. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-11-2024. Cleaning and Disinfecting Solutions Tenders in hyderabad Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repairs/Maintenance Of Dg Sets, Stp And Cranes Under Ge Golconda.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repairs/Maintenance Of Dg Sets, Stp And Cranes Under Ge Golconda.; 1 Carrying out `B check as specified by respective manufactures of existing DG set including replacement of `B check kit, filters, such as oil fitters, bypass filter, fuel filter, lubricant/oil filter, air filter and rubber gasket for filters complete with `O ringsincluding testing all as directed by Engineer-in-Chargefor 250 KVA DG SET.Note : Engine oil, required for `B check shall be measured and paid separetely under relevant items of this schedule. 2 All as per item No.1 above but 200 KVA DG SET 3 All as per item No.1 above but 160 KVA DG SET 4 All as per item No.1 above but 100 KVA DG SET 5 All as per item No.1 above but 82.5 KVA DG SET 6 All as per item No.1 above but 40 KVA DG SET 7 All as per item No.1 above but 35 KVA DG SET 8 All as per item No.1 above but 30 KVA DG SET 9 All as per item No.1 above but 25 KVA DG SET 10 All as per item No.1 above but 15 KVA DG SET 11 Replacement of exisisting unserviceble automatic voltage regulatorwith new one as that of existing make and model for the alternator of DG Set suitable for250 KVA all as specified and directed. 12 All as per item No.11 above but 200 KVA DG SET 13 All as per item No.11 above but 160 KVA DG SET 14 All as per item No.11 above but 100KVA DG SET 15 All as per item No.11 above but 82.5 KVA DG SET 16 All as per item No.11 above but 40 KVA DG SET 17 All as per item No.11 above but 15 to 35 KVA DG SET 18 Disconnecting all electrical cable connections from the dynamo assembly and taking down the dynamo assembly for carrying out repairs and complete overhauling the system including replacing the unserviceable parts like carbon brushes, bearings, armature, burnt out coils etc reassembling and re-fixing the dynamo assembly to its original position and reconnect all disconnected cable connections including testing complete for 250 KVAcapacityDG set all as specified and as directed . 19 All as per item No.18 above but 200 KVA DG SET 20 All as per item No.18 above but 160 KVA DG SET 21 All as per item No.18 above but 100KVA DG SET 22 All as per item No.18 above but 82.5 KVA DG SET 23 All as per item No.18 above but 40 KVA DG SET 24 All as per item No.18 above but 15to 35 KVA DG SET 25 Disconnecting all electrical connections from the self starter assembly of existing make and model and various capacity 24 volts, 180 AH and taking down the self starter for carrying out repairs and complete overhauling the system including replacing the unserviceable parts, reassembling and refixing the self starter to its original position and reconnect for 250KVA DG Set capacity all as specified and asdirected. 26 All as per item No.25 above but 200 KVA DG SET 27 All as per item No.25 above but 160 KVA DG SET 28 All as per item No.25 above but 100KVA DG SET 29 All as per item No.25 above but 82.5 KVA DG SET 30 All as per item No.25 above but 40 KVA DG SET 31 All as per item No.25 above but 15to 35 KVA DG SET 32 Draining out the old used engine oil from the sump and cleaning the sump including supply and filling the same with new engine oil (20W -40 or 15W - 40) upto the required level complete all as specified and directed. 33 S&F change over switch 63 Amps with sheet metal enclosure 4 pole 415Volts, On load type with side handle complete after disconnecting and reconnecting of incoming and out going connections with necessary nuts, bolts, washers and lugs including taking down of old unserviceable change over switch complete all as directed. 34 All as per item No.33 here in beforebut 100 Amps. 35 All as per item No.33here in beforebut 200 Amps. 36 All as per item No.33here in beforebut 300/ 320 Amps. 37 All as per item No.33 here in beforebut 400 Amps. 38 Disconnecting and dismantling the fuel injection pump of any make and model of 250KVA DG Set duly isolating the fuel lines, opening and checking the pump, examining the delivery of fuel through fuel lines including replacing of pump repair kit and serviceability of FIP, including servicing, calibrations and testing complete all as specified and directed. 39 All as per item No.38above but 200 KVA DG SET 40 All as per item No.38 above but 160KVA DG SET 41 All as per item No.38above but 100 KVA DG SET 42 Supply and filling in replacement of pre mixed coolant Ethyelene Glycol based coolent (Complete EG)/DCA-2 suitable for DG sets of any Capacities and all as specified and directed. 43 Supply and fill Distilled water for batteries all as specified and directed. 44 M&L for isolating, disconnecting and dismantling of burnt out lugs from the main switches and crimping with proper new lugs as per existing one including fixing insulation tape termination to main switch for 240 Sqmm of LT cables complete all as specified and directed. 45 All as per item No.44 above but for 120 Sqmm/150 Sqmm/185 Sqmm cables. 46 All as per item No.44 above but for 50/70/95 Sqmm cables. 47 M & L for MCCB 3 pole, 415 Volts, adjustable type, 100 Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA complete with all connected accessoires including taking out old unserviceable one all as specified and directed 48 All as per Item No.47 abover but 125 Amps16 KA 49 All as per Item No.47 abover but 160 Amps36 KA 50 M & L for MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, adjustable type, 160 Amps with breaking capacity 36 KA complete with all connected accessoires including taking out old unserviceable one all as specified and directed 51 All as per Item No.50 abover but 200 Amps36 KA 52 All as per Item No.50 abover but 250 Amps36 KA 53 All as per Item No.50 abover but 400Amps36 KA 54 S&F earth continuity conductor 32x6 mm of GI strip fixed by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and GI washers complete all as specified and directed. 55 M & L Synthetic insulating mat (rubber matting), ISI Marked suitable for 1100 Volts electrical grade 2m X 1m X 19mm thick chequered top, ISI marked to be laid in front of LT panel board complete all as specified and directed. 56 Supply and replace existing unserviceableDigital Ammeterincluding suitabale CTs as that of existing range all as specified and direcated. 57 Supply and replace existing unserviceableDigital Voltmeter 96 x 96 mmas that of existing range all as specified and direcated. 58 Supply and replace existing unserviceable selector switch for voltmeter. 59 Supply and replace existing unserviceable selector switch for Ammeter. 60 Supply and replace existing unserviceable indicating lamp LED type suitable to operate on 230 volts AC Supply of R/Y/B colour as per site requirement all as specified and directed. 61 M & L cutting of road, hard standing made of concrete or premix carpet, WBM, soiling and morrum filling including excavation for laying of cable/pipe all as directed and making good the road/hard standing by using all old/new materials and with PCC (1:2:4) etc, required to match with the existing surface complete all as specified and directed. 62 S&F on load change over switch of capacity 100A front operated 415 Volts, 50Hz conforing to IS 13947-3 complete all as specified and directed. 63 All as per Item No.62 above but for 160A capacity all as specified and directed. 64 All as per Item No.62 above but for 250A capacity all as specified and directed. 65 All as per Item No.62 above but for 320A capacity all as specified and directed. 66 M & L GI tubing 100 mm dia light grade laid in trenches/floors/walls for earth lead protection and cables at road crossing etc complete including taking out rusted unserviceable one all as specified and directed 67 All as per item No.66 above but 80mm GI pipe light grade. 68 All as per item No.66 above but 50mm GI pipe light grade. 69 Supply and Laying or fixing or passing through pipe, 1100 Volts heavy duty cable, with XLPE insulated, aluminium conductor, served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape armoured with galvanised steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathedincluding connecting testing and commissioning complete with necessary lugs, nuts, bolts, washers and glands all as specified and directed for 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core. 70 All as per item No.69 above but 185 Sqmm 3.5 Core 71 All as per item No.69 above but 150 Sqmm 3.5 Core 72 All as per item No.69 above but 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core 73 All as per item No.69 above but 95 Sqmm 3.5 Core 74 Disconnecting all the incoming and outgoing rubber hoses and draining out the water from the choked radiator assembly of the existing make and model for various capacities of DG sets 100KVA to 250KVA and taking down the radiator assembly by unscrewing all mechanical connections from the existing mounting, transporting the same to civil workshop for carrying out servicing, opening the top and bottom covers ofradiator assembly cleaning thoroughly the chocked pipe of the radiator by using detergent, lime caustic soda, cotton etc., cleaning of all the deposited sediments in the pipes/tubes including arresting of leakage if any by means of soldering, brazing and transporting back to site and refixing the same in its original position with suitable size nuts, bolts and washers etc., complete all as specified and directed. 75 Disconnecting defective excitor from the alternator of 250 KVA DG Setand taking out burnt out excitor to the work site for rewinding as per the existing gauge and sizeand refixing the same after duly repaired in alternator and testing complete all as specified and directed.Note : The quoted rate quoted shall includes for complete rewinding and necessary repairs. 76 M&L for Repair & cleaning thoroughlyMild Steel Industrial Boiler Smoke distribution chimney of any height and any description (Maximum 15to 20 Mtr long) with necessary cleaning agent including scrapping of old corroded paint dirt/ rust carefully and applying two coats aluminium paintincluding colour washing of Chimneyall as specified and directed. 77 M&L for repairs & servicing of Incinerator capacity of 10Kg/Hrs including motor, Oil Fire injector, Tank cleaning and Boiler complete all as specified and directed. 78 Draining out the fuel from the fuel tank of DG set of capacity upto 600 Ltrsand keeping it in separate container safely, disconnecting all the fuel lines and other mechanical connections and taking out the fuel tank for cleaning, internally and externally by removing all the accumulated dirt / sediment, leak testing the tank and welding / brazing includingrefixing the tank in its original position, replacing the drain plug and PVC pipe, calibrating the fuel tank, refilling the drained out fuel back into the tank and marking of liters in gauge and provision of locking arrangements complete all as specified and directed. 79 All as per item No.78 but of fuel tank capacity above 600 ltrs to 1000 ltrs all as specified and directed. 80 Supply and replace unserviceable Radiator Rubber Hose pipes upto 1.5 Mtr length all as specified and directed. 81 Supply and replace hose clamps of DG set all as specified and directed. 82 Replacement of exisisting unserviceble Engine Top Overhauling kit, thermostat housing, oil pressure guage, oil pressure pipe, Amp meter, Volt meter, Frequency meter, door hinzer, diesel flexible hoses, fan belt, oil filling cup, ball valve, diesel pipe clamps, radiator hose etc with new one including servicing of FIP, Radiator, Cyl Head, Self Motor, CH Dynamo and welding of Cylenser pipe including Nozzle Calibration for the DG Set suitable for25 KVA as that of existing make and model all as specified and directed. 83 Alignment of HOT crane Tracks on both sides including gas cutting and welding and grinding for smooth functioning of crane travel complete all as specified and directed. 84 Taking down and overhauling of chain pulley block of capacity 2 Ton cross travel unit of HOT crane by applying suitable oils and greases wherever required and applying cadmium compound to wire ropes including supplying and replacing unserviceable bolts and nuts complete all as specified and directed. 85 Material & labour for painting all parts of HOT cranes with one coat of synthetic enamel paint including filling cavities using putty, writing letters and figures complete all as specified and directed. 86 Dismantling of 5 HP capacity motor from HOT crane taking down and transporting to work shop for rewinding and bringing back and refixing on crane with proper alignment with gear boxes etc complete all as specified and directed. 87 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 3.5core 50 sqmmcomplete all as specified and directed. 88 Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode of size 60cm X 60cm X 6.3mm buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below the normal ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5m below normal GL connected to GI earth strip 32mm x 6 mm by means of GI bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers and earth strip protected by 40 mm dia GI pipe medium grade and connected to main distribution board/earthing test point all as shown on electrical plate No.3 of SSR Part I and all as specified including testing on completion.Notes: The unit rate shall also include for excavation, earth work in hard/dense soil, plain cement concrete 1:3:6 mix, Cement Earth pit and pit cover, GI funnel with watering pipe, wire mesh, protection pipe for earth lead upto 7.50m long complete in addition to item No. 1(a) to (e) of preamble (Notes) under sub heading earthing, specified in SSR Part II and also refer Plate No-03.Earth strip and protection pipe beyond 7.5m shall be measured and paid separately. Note :- Earthing will be redone if desired earth result not found during testing of the same at site. 89 Excavation in trenches not exc 1.5 mtr wide and n.exc 1.5 mtr in deep and getting out in Hard/Dense soil laying of cables etc. complete all as specified and directed. 90 Returningfilling in including spreading, leveling watering and well ramming in layers n.exc 25cm thick using excavated soil complete all as specified and directed 91 Removing excavated surplus soil to a distance n.exc 50 mtr and depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.5mtr above from the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 92 M&L for brick protection cover of old size bricks common burnt clay building bricks sub class B laid dry and flat abutting eachother with width equal to length ofbrick and gap between adjacent bricks not exceeding 10 mm complete allas directed. 93 M&L precast concrete cable cover, class LV, type 1 with peak, size 250mm x 150mm x 40mm complete all as specified and directed. 94 Supply and spreading river sand/m sand in trenches for cables cushioning on top and bottom of cables complete all as specified and directed. 95 M&L for Ceaning of BAR screen chamber, oil and grease trap, holding tank tube settler complete FRP /steel package tank complete all as specified and directed. 96 M&L for Replacement of of tube settler 20 Nos complete all as specified and directed. 97 M&L painting two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer to surfaces of various parts of STP plantlike pumps, motors, pipe lines of any size, MS covers, Fencing and gate etc all as specified and directed 98 M&L for servicing of main roller shaft and chain coupling and replacing of bearing 6307 SKF (4 Nos) complete all as specified and directed. 99 Supply and Fixin repair (Rotary Bio contractor ) Gear box with motor coupling box andchainspracket and rotor gear box 15 kw, RPM-1000complete all as specified and directed. Make :Bonfiglioli or equvalent. (Motor 3 phase 2 HP BE 100LA6make : Bonfiglioli or equvalent) 100 Supply and fixing cast iron Butter fly valve of size 80 mm bore with jointing materials, nuts, bolts and gasket etc including taking out unserviceable cast iron Butter fly valve of size 80 mm bore, complete all as specified and directed. 101 M&L for repair of mud pump 2/3 hp electric motor including rewinding varnishing and replacing of both bearing with alteration at site including transporting to work shop and bring back and refixing complete all as specified and directed. 102 M&L for taking down electric motor 1.5 HP capacity, transporting to workshop for repair complete, rewinding and change of bearingand back cover of NRV all as specified and directed including providing and fixing the following items:-1 ) Impeller -012 ) Bearing-023 ) Mechanical seal -014 ) NRV -01 5 ) Rewinding complete -01 103 Cleaning of main collection sewage well (Over all size of Sump 4.80 x 2.5 x 4.50 Mtr) of STP plant by taking out all sludge in liquid/ semi liquid /hardened stage as per actual site condition by sewerage extraction pumps of suitable capacity /appropriate machanical means, removing and depositingin a pit, sprinkling of bleaching powder and covering with earth to a depth not less than 30 cm after complete setting of sludge content/rubbish/debris including necessary excavation and earthworkto a distance asdirected by Engr-in -Charge. Note: Contractor shall ensure that proper hygienic condition is maintained during operation of this item to avoid any health hazards. 104 Supply and fix in replacement of Battery of Capacity 12 Volts, 180 AH Capacity of approved make complete all as specifiedand directed. 105 Supply & Fix in repairs control wiring of LT panel including CTs to Ammeter, Selector switches and Push buttons with 1.5 Sqmm copper wiring including carrying out following repiars:-(a) replacement of unserviceable CRCA sheet doors of 3.15mm on front side and backside including nuts,bolts, hinges,welding wherever necessary.(b) Painting the enitre LT panel of any size with spray paint.(c) Removing the LT cables from the LT Panel board and from ground, removing the Panel from foundation and increase the height of PCC foundation by 30cm and reconnecting the cables of panel and restore the supply complete all as specified and directed. 106 S&F MIDI AMF VMR 3P Panel (Model PR-07) Controller 200 KVA, 1.5 sq mm Copper wiring, Testing and including all service charges complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 21-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 28-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 60000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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