
Tender For Provision Of Mechanical Laundry At Ins Gomantak, vasco-Goa

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Mechanical Laundry At Ins Gomantak. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-11-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in vasco Goa. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Mechanical Laundry At Ins Gomantak
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Mechanical Laundry At Ins Gomantak; 1 Internal Electric Supply 2 Material and labour for Sub main wiring with 4 run of10 sqmm single core PVC insulated but unsheathed FRLS grade multi stranded1100 Volts with copper conductor drawn in and including non metallic rigid PVC Conduit of suitable dia, ISI with all accessories such as tees, elbows, junction box Reducers etc as required along with 1 Run of 10 sqmm single core PVC insulated but unsheathed FRLS grade multi stranded1100 Volts with copper conductor as continuousearth wire and connecting to Distribution Board and drying thumbler/ flat bed press including testing on complete all as specified and directedNote : 4 run of main cable, one run of earth cable with conduit will be measured as one length. 3 Material and labour for Sub main wiring with 4 run of6 sqmm single core PVC insulated but unsheathed FR grade multi stranded1100 Volts with copper conductor drawn in and including non metallic rigid PVC Conduit of suitable dia , ISI with all accessories such as tees, elbows, junction box Reducers etc as required along with 1 Run of 6 sqmm single core PVC insulated but unsheathed FR grade multi stranded1100 Volts with copper conductor as continuousearth wire and connecting to Existing main switch board Distribution Board and Washing Extractor including testing on completion complete all as specified and directed.Note : 4 run of main cable, one run of earth cable with conduit will be measured as one length. 4 Supply and fix sheet metal enclosure TPN +E with three pin and earth plug with socket complete with one MCB TP 63A,415V complete all as specified and directed.( for Washing Extractor & drying thumbler .) 5 Supply and fix sheet metal enclosure TPN +E with three pin and earth plug with socket complete with one MCB TP 32A,415V complete all as specified and directed.( for Vacuum finishing Table,and flat bed press) 6 Supply and fix sheet metal enclosure (DB) for MCCB (Suitable for 160 Amps), verticaltype,8way, triple pole and neutral, 415 volts, double doorwith 250 Amps rated bus bar with IP 54- IK 09complete all as specified and directed. 7 Supply and FixMCCB 415V, 3 phase 50 HZ FP 160 Amps breaking capacity 36KA.Note MCCB Should suitable to fit in VTPN DB complete all as specified and directed. 8 Supply and fix MCB, Triple pole & neutral, 40 -63 Amp, 415 Volts, C series 10 KA complete all as specified and directed. 9 Material and labour for earthing complete with GI steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 m deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5m below normal ground level, connected to GI Strip 25x4mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of GI or steel including necessary earth work and excavation of in any type of strata, PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 GI tubing 20 mm dia for watering and 32 mm dia GI tubing for protection of wire etc all as per electrical plate No.5 of SSR part I including connecting to electrical equipments and testing on completion complete all as specified and directed. 10 Supply and fix GI strip 25x4mm for ring conductor complete all as specified and directed. 11 Supply , install, commissioning and testing of following equipment for mechanical laundry and all other connected work seriveces of plumbing workwith suitable size pipe,and ducting workcomplete all as specified and directeda) Washing Extractor 1 x 60 KG Capacity electrically operated,water inlet 25mm and drain outlet 65mm heating coil 23KW,Net Weight1250 KG,Water cosumption 600 LTRS/HR and overall dimention 1350X1450X1725mm Model SWE/60/E Make: Supershine or equivalent in model in Stefab/Fabcare:-qty - 02 Nos c) Drying Tumbler 1 x60 KG capacity electrical heating coil 19.3 KW,Exhaust size 225 mm,Air rate 12mm/8KG,Net Weight 575KG,overall dimention 1060x 1570x 1980mm Model: SDT/60/E Make: Supershineor equivalent in model in Stefab/Fabcareqty - 01 Nosd) Flat bed press head and buck size 1500x 750mm ,15.75KW electrical heating coil,Net Weight 570KG, overall dimention 1600x 1570x 1280mm Model : SFB/30/E Make: Supershine or equivalent in model in Stefab/Fabcareqty - 01 Noe) Vaccum Finishing Table with Iron and buck size 1200x750,8.25 electrical heating coil,Net Weight 70KG,overall dimention 1066x 605x840mm, Model : VFT , Make : Supershine or equivalent in model in Stefab/Fabcare 12 External Electric Supply 13 Supply and lay cable XLPE insulatedarmored (heavy duty)electric power cables 1100 volts grade withaluminium conductor of size 185 sqmm 3.5 core complete all as specified and directed. 14 Supply and fix for DWC high density polyethylene pipeshaving outer side wall corrugated and inner surface plain confirming to IS 14930 (Part-I & II) for protection of underground cable laid in trenches/floor/fixed on pole/wall including all fittings(coupler) and clamps as required complete all as specified and directed. following inner dia of size 50mm complete all as specified and directed 15 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m width andnot exc 1.5m in depthgetting out in hard/dense soilcomplete all as specified and directed 16 Returning filling in including spreading levelling watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm in thick using excavated hard/dense soil/soft rockcomplete all as specified and directed 17 Removal of surplus soil/soft rock to a distance not exceeding 50 m and depositing where directedcomplete all as specified and directed 18 External Water Supply 19 Supply and laying GI tubing with all fittingssuch as nipple,bend,elbow,union etclaid in trenches forGI tubing 50 mm dia medium grade complete all as specified and directed 20 Supply and laying GI tubing with all fittingssuch as nipple,bend,elbow,union etclaid in trenches forGI tubing 25 mm dia medium gradecomplete all as specified and directed 21 Excavating in trenches n exe 1.5 m wide and notexceeding 1.5m in depth for removing and laying G.I tubing and getting out in soft/ disintigrated rockcomplete all as specified and directed 22 Supply and Fixing Gun metal Globe or gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed in 50 mm dia pipecomplete all as specified and directed 23 Supply and Fixing Gun metal Globe or gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed in 25mm dia pipecomplete all as specified and directed 24 M/L for Cutting the existing GI/CPVC pipe of 50 mm dia and connecting the new pipe line for pressure booster including all jointscomplete all as specified and directed

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 23-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 30-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 68500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 34.25 Lakhs /-
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