
Tender For Kolkata-Basantiroad From 68.00 To 96.255 Kmrestoration Of Damagescaused /To Be Caused By Already Laid /To Be Laidof Pipe Line By Phe Dte Under Severalschemes Within Basanti Blockunder South 24Parganas Highway Division In The District Of South 2, south 24 Parganas-West Bengal

Public Works Roads Department has published Tender For Kolkata-Basantiroad From 68.00 To 96.255 Kmrestoration Of Damagescaused /To Be Caused By Already Laid /To Be Laidof Pipe Line By Phe Dte Under Severalschemes Within Basanti Blockunder South 24Parganas Highway Division In The District Of South 2. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-12-2024. Road Work Tenders in south 24 Parganas West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Kolkata-Basantiroad From 68.00 To 96.255 Kmrestoration Of Damagescaused /To Be Caused By Already Laid /To Be Laidof Pipe Line By Phe Dte Under Severalschemes Within Basanti Blockunder South 24Parganas Highway Division In The District Of South 2
Open Tender
West Bengal
South 24 Parganas

Tender Details

Tender For Kolkata-BasantiRoad from 68.00 to 96.255 KMRestoration of damagescaused /to be caused by already laid /to be laidof pipe line by PHE Dte under severalSchemes within Basanti Blockunder South 24Parganas Highway Division in the District of South 24 Parganas.(Materials supply by the agency)- 1 Supplying, spreading and consolidating an uniform and homogeneous mixture of Stone Dust and Sand (mixed in proportion of 3 : 1 by volume and by any approved method as per direction of Engineer-in- Charge) to the required thickness in layers at 97% Proctor Density (not less than 1.7 gm/cc) with power roller to proper gradient and camber, including watering as necessary, lighting, guarding, barricading and making adequate earthen bundh where necessary to protect the edges and curing with water for 2 to 3 days, mending cracks and depressions by rolling where necessary complete as per Specification including all incidental charges of roller, cost of fuel & lubricants. 2 Granular Sub-base with Graded Material (Table:- 400-1)A. Plant Mix Method:Construction of granular sub-base by providing graded material, mixing in Wet Mix Plant at OMC, carriage of mixed material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with Motor grader on prepared surface in proper grade and camber, compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, including lighting, guarding, barricading, including cost of all materials, machinery, tools and plants and cost of quality control complete as per Clause 401 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H(5th Revision).(v) Grading - V 3 Wet Mix Macadam Base Course Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadam specification including screening of aggregates and granular materials, premixing the material with water at OMC in Wet Mix Plant, carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with Paver in Sub- base / Base course on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory Roller to achieve the desired density, including supply of all materials, machinery, fuel and lubricants, including incidental costs for lighting, guarding, barricading, making earthen bundh to protect the edges including cost of quality control complete as per Clause 406 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 4 Supplying and laying in the specified pattern of interlocking concrete block pavements (ICBP) with concrete blocks (with concrete grade as specified as per Table 1 of IS 15658:2006) manufactured in steel mould clamped to a vibrating table by hydraulic pressure (as per cl. no. 6.30 of IRC:SP:63 (2018), from BIS licensee manufacturer, with spacer nib (small protruding profiles on the vertical face of a paver block used as a device for keeping minimum joint gap in between the paving blocks, as per clause no 3.26 of IS 15658) and of specified size and shape with aspect ratio (the ratio of length to thickness of a paver block, as per cl. no. 3.3 of IS 15658) as per Table 2 of IS 15658 with flexural strength/breaking load as per Annexure G of IS:15658, on the prepared base course of specified CBR as per Table 1 of IRC:SP:63 (2018) or else as mentioned in design and drawing with a cushion of compacted bedding sand of 25 to 35 mm thick (grading of the bedding sand as per clause 6.5.1 of IRC:SP:63) and fining up the gaps in-between paver blocks with joint filling sand (the grading of the joint filling sand will be as per clause 6.5.2 of IRC:SP:63 and completing the edge with cut blocks as per clause no 8.7 of IRC:SP:63 (2018) with proper confinement of bedding and joint filling sand, compacting, levelling and filling up of the edge gap.100 mm thick 5 Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open foundation with or without reinforcements, in any part of foundation of bridges / culverts with graded stone chips of appropriate nominal sizes, including screening and cleaning of coarse aggregates, fine aggregate (sand) conforming to proper grading zone, both of approved quality and cement, as necessary, cost of curing with water, including cost and carriage of all materials and including preparation of design mix, approval of the same by the Engineer-in-Charge, cost for quality control, sampling, testing etc. including cost of formwork but excluding reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specifications.E. PCC Grade M30I) Using concrete mixer 6 By mechenical means ( with milling machine)Cold milling of bituminous pavement surface with upto the required depth by manual means using milling machine, without disturbing the underlaying layers, to proper line and levels cleaning the surface properly after milling and removing the loose materials,stacking the milled materials for re-use, necessary garding , barricading & lighting, including hire charges of machinary, cost if fuel and labour and other incidental charges all complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge. (i) For depth 100 mm to 150 mm. 7 Tack Coat:Providing and applying tack coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion of approved grade conforming to IS:8887-1978 on the prepared surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom, moistening the surface including cost and carriage of emulsion, hire charges of machinery and labour, cost of fuel and lubricants all complete as per Clause 503 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).(i) On Bituminous Surface: (Using Bitumen Emulsion at the rate of 0.20 to 0.30 kg per sqm.) 8 Tack Coat:Providing and applying tack coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion of approved grade conforming to IS:8887-1978 on the prepared surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom, moistening the surface including cost and carriage of emulsion, hire charges of machinery and labour, cost of fuel and lubricants all complete as per Clause 503 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).(ii) On Granular surfaces treated with primer (Using Bitumen Emulsion at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm.) 9 Dense Bituminous MacadamProviding and laying dense bituminous macadam withHot Mix Plant using crushed aggregate of specified grading, filler(Cement /hydrated lime / Rock dust) premixed with bituminous binder of approved grade @4.0% (min) for Grading -1 and 4.5% (min) for Grading -2 by weight of total mix as per table 500-10 and mix design done as per table 500- 11 and job mix formula as per clause 505.3.3 to Mirth (5th Revision), including screening, cleaning of chips , transporting the hot mix to work site, laying the mixed materials at specified laying temperature, as specified In Table 500-2 with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment over prepared surface coated with tock coat, rolling with smooth wheeled and vibratory or tandem rollers or with a pneumatic tire roller of 12 to 15 tonne weight with a tire pressure of at least 0.56 Map, to achieve the desired density as per clause 505.3.5, all including cost and carriage of bitumen, crushed aggregates, fiIIer materials and hire charges of machinery and equipment for construction and quality control complete as per Clause 505 of Specifications for Rood & Bridge Works of Morth (5th Revision).A. For Grading 1(37.5 mm nominal size, 75-100 mm thick.)(i) Using Batch type HMP of minimum capacity 100-120 TPH. 10 Bituminous ConcreteProviding and laying bituminous concrete with Hot Mix Plant using crushed aggregates, filler materials (Cement /hydrated lime /Rock dust) and premixed with bituminous binder of specified grading @5.2% (min) for Gr.-1 & @5.4% (min) for Gr. -2 ,asper table 500-17 and mix design done as per table 500- 10 and job mix formula as per cl. 505.3.3, Including screening, cleaning of chips and preparing a uniform and qualify mix, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying the mixed materials at specified laying temperature as specified in Table 500-2 with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment over prepared surface coated with tock coat, rolling with smooth wheeled and vibratory or tandem rollers or with a pneumatic tire roller of 12 to 15 tonne weight with a tire pressure at least 0.56 Map, to achieve the desired density as per clause 505.3.5, Including cost and carriage of bitumen, crushed aggregates, filler materials and hire charges of machinery and equipment for construction and quality control, complete as per Clause 507 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of Mirth (5th Revision).B. For Grading 2(13.2 mm nominal size, 30-40 mm thick.)(i) Using Batch Type HMP of minimum capacity 100-120 TPH. 11 Supplying, spreading and compacting Sand to required thickness, in layers not exceeding 150 mm to proper gradient and camber, inundating each layer by water and packing and ramming layer by layer to achieve desired compaction, including lighting, guarding, barricading and making adequate earthen bundh where necessary, curing with water as per direction, mending cracks and depressions by ramming wherever necessary. (Fine Sand) 12 Water Bound Macadam Sub BaseWater Bound Macadam Sub Base by consolidating Jhama metal / Laterite chelly or stone metal / shingles of specific size in hard crust to requisite thickness (measured after compaction) in layers including screening of metals etc. as necessary, hand packing, sweeping, watering and rolling in stages with power roller to proper line, grade and camber, lighting, guarding & barricading and making necessary earthen bundh of one metre width on each side where necessary to protect edges and preparing the bed by necessary cutting or filling and rolling all complete including the cost of all materials and hire and labour charges of all men and machineries and compacting to the required density, as per Clause 404 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).(i) For Construction of Sub Base by consolidating Jhama metal (63 mm to 45 mm) with moorum screening :

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-12-2024 1st Corrigendum Date 11-12-2024
2 04-12-2024 2nd Corrigendum Other 11-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 1000000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 8.21 Crore /-
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