Rate Contract For Supply Of Disposables Medicines Suture And Devices Package Wise Required For The Dept Of Ctvs Ir At Agmc And Gbph Agartala , Consumables, Suture , Devices & Medicine Items : , Salbutamol Resperator Solution 2.5 Ml, 2.5Mg/2.5Ml , Ing Atracurium 2.5 Ml Amp, 10Mg/Ml , Ing Adenosine 2Ml Amp, 3.0Mg/Ml , Budesonide Nebuliser Suspension 0.5Mg/2Ml , Ing Metoprolol Tartrate 5 Ml Amp, 1Mg/Ml , Inj Heparin Sodium 25000 , Ingcalcium Gluconate And Calcium Lactobicarbonate 10Ml Amp, 50Mg/Ml , Ing Amiodarone 3Ml Amp, 50Mg/Ml , Ing Levo Salbutamol(1.25Mg/2.5Ml) And Ipratropium Bromide Respirator Solution(500Mcg/2.5Ml) , Ing Diclofenacsodium 1Ml Amp, 75Mg/Ml , Ing Ondan Setron 2Ml Amp, 2.0Mg/Ml , Inj Protamine Sulphate , 50Mg/5Ml , Inj Nitroglycerin 5Ml , Ing Esmolol Hydrochlorid 10Ml Vial, 10Mg/Ml , Ing Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 1Ml Amp, 10Mg/Ml , Ing Glycopyrrolate 1Ml Amp, 0.2Mg/Ml , Ing Isoprenaline 1Ml Amp, 2.0Mg/Ml , Inj.Potassium Chloride 10Ml Amp,15%W/V/Ml , Inj.Moxifloxacin Infusion, 400Mg/100Ml , Ing Frusemide 4Ml Amp, 10Mg/Ml , Ing Medazolam 10Ml Vial, 1.0Mg/Ml , Ing Glycopyrolate And Neostigmine Methoil Sulphate 5Ml Amp, 0.5Mg/Ml & 2.5Mg/Ml , Inj.Vecuronium Bromide 10Mg Vial (Powder Form) , Inj.Vecuronium Bromide 4Mg Amp (Powder Form) , Ing Cardioplejia Solution 20Ml Amp , Ing Propofol 1% W/ V 10Ml Vial, 10Mg/Ml,50Ml , Inj.Thiopentone 500Mg Vial, (Powder Form) , Ing Sodium Bicarbonate 25Ml Amp, 7.5%W/V/Ml , Inj Sodium Nitroprusside 50Mg , Ing Tramadol Hydrochloride 2Ml Amp, 50Mg/Ml , Inj Milrinone Lactate 10Ml , Ing Phytomenadione 1Ml Amp, 10Mg/Ml , Ing Vasopressin 1Ml Amp,20Units/Ml , Inj.Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% 50Ml Vial, 21.3Mg/Ml(Loxicard) , Inj.Lignocain Hydrochloride 2% 30Ml Vial, 21.3Mg/Ml , Inj.Lignocaine Hydrochloride And Adrenaline Bitartrate30ml Vial, 21.3Mg/Ml & Adrenaline 0.009Mg/Ml , Lignocaine Hydrochloridegel 30Gm, 2% , Ing Rocuronium Bromide 5Ml Vial,10Mg/Ml , Inj Sildenafil 10Mg/12.5Ml , Betadine/Wokadinesolution 10% 500Ml , Betadine/Wokadine Scrub 7.5% 500Ml , Normal Saline O.9% With Rubber Port500 Ml , Sevoflurane Usp Liquid For Inhalation,250Ml , Plasmalyte A 500 Ml , Uidistrong Sachet , Inj.Dobutamine, 5Ml/500Mg , Tab. Faropenem Sodium 300 Mg , Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate 100 Ml , Inj. Pantoprazole, 40Mg , Linezolid Infusion 600Mg,300Ml , Ecg Electrode , Disposable Syringe 10 Ml Luer Lock , Iv Canula 20G , 3Way With 100Cm Extention , 3Way Stop Cock , Surgical Paper Tape 2 , Surgical Paper Tape 3 , Arterial Catheter 22G Or Arterial Catheter 3Fr 8Cm( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Central Venous Catheter 5.5 Fr8cm( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 10 X 4 Cm , E.T.Tube Cuff No3& 4 , Disposable Ventelator Circuit (Adult &Paed) ( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Suction Catheter No. 8 Fr , 10 Fr& 14 Fr , Ryles Tube 14 Fr , Pressure Monitoring Line 200Cm(Mm&Mf) , Oxygen Mask (Adult&Paed) , Nebulisation Mask (Adult&Paed) , Blood Transfusion Set , Micro Infusion Set , Hme Filter (Adult&Paed) , Needle.18 G/20 Ga , Act Tube ( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Oxygenerator(Paediatric )( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Custom Pack (Paediatric) , Connector 1/4 X1/4 X 1/4 , P V C Tube 1/4 , Venous Cannula , Aortic Arch Cannula , Cardioplegia Cannula , Lv Vent Catheter , Sump (Pericardial)Sucker , Cardiotomy(Intracardiac) Sucker , Hemoconcentrator (Paediatric) , Sls (Hemostatic)Clip , Plain Sheet , Uro Meter , Thoracic Drainage Catheter St. 24 Fr( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Thoracic Drainage Catheter Cr.20 Fr( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Drain Collection Bottle ( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Wearon , Disposable Cap , Disposable Mask , Sterile Gloves 6.5 , Foleys Catheter , Bovine Pericardialpatch 4X4( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Blower Mister Kit , Aortic Punch 3 Mm ( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Spinal Needle23g , Lung Stapler( Greenload ) (Europian Ce/ Us Fda) (Specification Attatched) , Linear Cutter 10Cm(Europian Ce/ Us Fda) , Double Lumen Endo Bronchialtube 35 Fr Lt(Europian Ce/Ec Certified) , Insulin Syringe , Endotracheal Tube 7 , Arterial Catheter 16G , 15 Cm( Europian Ce/ Ec Certified) , Sodalime Jar 5 Kg , Supraglotic Airway , Iv Canula 16G,18 G , Cvp Transducer(Pressure Monitoring Kit)(Double) , Nasal Oxygen Cannula , Goudal Oropharangeal Airway(Silicone Rubber) , Arterial Filter , Blood Cardioplegia Delivery Device , Catheter Fixation Kit , Pm Kit Sigle , Chg Gel Pad (10X12 Cm) , Disposable Syringe 50 Ml Luer Lock , Disposable Syringe 5 Ml Luerlock , Disposable Syringe 50 Ml , Cell Saver Kit (A) , Biopsy Container , Infusion Set , Enclose Ii , Vessel Loop , Dual Stage Venous Cannula , Coronary Shunt 1.25,1.5 , Crepe Bandage 6 Ich , Vaccum Suction Set , Vessel Cannula , Examination Gloves , Eopa Cannula Adult , Long Cardioplegia Cannula , Rapid Prime Set , Feeding Tube , Red Rubber Catheter , Asepto Syringe , Abg Cartridge Istat Egt 7 , Arterial Cannula With Flow Switch , Rolled Bandage 4 &6 Inch , Radio Opaque Mops 30X30 , Non Abs Sterile Suture Braided Silk (Black) Size 2-0Length 76Cm,45 Mm 3/8 C Rev Cutting Needle( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 4-0 Length 90 Cm ,16 Or 17 Mm1/2 C Rb Double Needle( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 4-0 Length 90 Cm ,26 Mm1/2 C Rb Double Needle( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 5-0 Length 90 Cm ,16 Mm1/2 C Rb Double Needle( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Sterilezed Stainless Steel Wire Size4(48 Mm),4X45 Cm,1/2 Circle Rb Blunt , Sterile Tempurary Cardiac Pacing Wire 79 Mm,1/2 C Taper Point And 60 Mm St Cutting Needle With Breakaway Point( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Absorbable Sterilize Suturepoliglecapron Size 3-0 Length 70Cm, 26Mm,3/8 C Rev Cutting , Absorable Antibactorial Sterile Surgical Suture Coated Polglactin 910 Size 2-0 Length 90 Cm 30&36 Mm Needle1/2 C Rb( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Non Abs Sterile Suture (Black) Synthetic Monofilamentsize 3-0,Length 70Cm,26Mm ,3/8 C Rev Cutting.( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Bone Wax( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 6-0 Length 60 Cm ,9.3Mm 3/8 C Rb Double Needle Made Of Tungsten Rhenium Alloy. ( Usfda ) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 7-0 Length 60Cm ,9.3 Mm3/8 C Rb Double Needle Made Of Tungsten Rhenium Needle. ( Usfda ) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 8-0 Length 60 Cm ,8 Mm3/8 C Rb Double Needle Made Of Tungsten Rhenium Needle ( Usfda ) , Surgical Blade No 10,11,15 , Absorable Antibactorial Sterilized Surgical Suture Coated Polyglactine 910 Size1-0 Length 90 Cm 40 Mm Needle 1/2 Crb( Us Fda) , Free Silk2-0( Us Fda) , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 6-0 Length 60 Cm ,13Mm 3/8 C Rb Double Needle Made Of Tungsten Rhenium Alloy. , Non Abs Sterile Suture Braided Silk (Black) Size 1/0 Length 76Cm,30Mm 3/8 C Rb (Usfda ) , Absorable Antibactorial Sterile Surgical Suture Coated Polglactin 910 Size 3-0 Length 90 Cm 36 Mm Needle1/2 C Rb( Europian Certified/ Us Fda) , Absorbable Antibacterial Triclosan Coatedsterile Surgical Suturepolyglactin 910 Size 3-0 Length24mm,3/8 C Rev Cutting Ethalloy Needle 70Cm. , Silk Braided Suture 3-0 Black Braided Silk Suture Free Silk(Usfda ) , Non Abs Sterile Suture Braided Silk (Black) Size 1/0 Length 76Cm,30Mm 3/8 C Rb , Non Abs Sterelized Suture Coated Braided Polyster Size 2-0 Length 75 Cm,25 Mm, 1/2 C Tapercut Double Needle 5 Green And 5 White Strands , Abs Sterile Surgical Suture Monofilament Polyglecaprone 25 Size 3-0 Length 70Cm 26Mm 3/8 C Rev Cutting , Absorable Antibactorial Sterilized Surgical Suture Coated Polyglactine 910 Size1-0 Length 90 Cm 40 Mm Needle 1/2 Crb , Ptfe Felt With Pledget , Non Abs Sterilized Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size2-0 Length 60Cm ,9 Mm,3/8 C Rb Double Needle , Nonabsorble Sterile Suture Monofilament Polypropylene Size 6-0 Length 60 Cm ,13Mm 3/8 C Rb Double Needle Made Of Tungsten Rhenium Alloy. , Non Abs Sterilized Suture Monofilament Polyamide Blacksize3-0 Length 70Cm ,26 Mm,3/8 C Rev Cutting , Ethilon 3-0 Nw3328 , Free Silk1-0 , Umbelical Cotton Tape , Bileaflet Mechanical Mitral / Aorticheart Valve (Demonstrsation Required) , Ptfe Ringinforced Tube Graft 6X60 Cm ( Usfda) (Demo Reqd) , Peripheral Drug Eluting Stent (Demo Reqd) , Peripheral Noncompliant Balloon (Demo Reqd)