
Hire Charges Of Tent And Other Arrangement For Foundation Laying Function Of Critical Care Block At Churu., Churu-Rajasthan

Rajasthan State Road Development And Construction Corporation Limited has published Hire Charges Of Tent And Other Arrangement For Foundation Laying Function Of Critical Care Block At Churu.. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-10-2024. Forming Tools Tenders in Churu Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Hire Charges Of Tent And Other Arrangement For Foundation Laying Function Of Critical Care Block At Churu.
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Hire Charges Of Tent And Other Arrangement For Foundation Laying Function Of Critical Care Block At Churu.-1 PVC chair 2 Steel pipe pedded chair 3 white cotton cloth cover for padded chair inculding ribbon 4 VIP Chair with cushion 5 Centre Table sunmica Top 2x4 6 Floor Covering : Non woven synthtic carpet (Red/Green) (New) 1800 x 1.5 7 White Cotton chader (Sheet) (Washed) 8 Pipe Pandal with covering ht from to 12 to 18 ft 40 x 30 9 Curtain cloth (View cutter ) made out of steel pipe frame covering with good quality white cloth to cut view including making holes and made necessary strengthening support against wind pressure complete .200 x 5.5 10 Kanat fixed with tent(15*6) 11 Water Proof Tripal. 12 Wooden stage height 120 to 180 cm.with steps made of 50 mm dia iron pipe frame with adjustable height system and having smooth top wooden board complete .20 x 10 13 Barricading with M.S. Pipe as per design including tying with vertical post including digging out holes in all types of soil complete in all respect with two horizontal members height from 1.2 m to 1.5m above ground level and vertical supports upto centre and upto 3 days period including removal and cleaning the site complete in all respect & including dressing of sides all types of soil. 14 Add extra for item No. 5.18 & 5.19 in barricading for each subsequent day after 3 days 15 Making of holes in cement concrete/ Bitumenous road by power driven hammer for barricating work as per direction of Engineer in charge 16 Deluxe sofa Two Seater 17 Speech Stand having Sunmica top. 18 Floor Covering : Cotton Durry (New)1800 x 1.5 19 5mm Galvanised Iron (G.I) pipe 6 mtr. long with new silk flag. 20 Construction of foundation / Inaugration pedstal in 35 cm thick brick masonry in CM 1:4 of size 1.40 m x 1.80 m above ground level with 0.30m deep foundation in 46 cm thick brick masonry and 0.10m thick PCC 1:3:6 including providing and fixing granite stone of size 0.90mx0.60m with engraving letters and figures, 20mm cement plaster in CM1:4, white washing etc.complete as per direction Engineer-In-Charge ELECTRICAL WORKS 21 Hire charges for LED Flood light luminaire ( white or warm white as required )for 90- 150 watt with the standard housing ,pole & mounting accessories with wiring, connection with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) With suitable pole 22 With out pole Hirechargesforpower/lightplugonboardincl.wiringinPVC casing or in PVC conduit , controlling switch and circuit protectionMCBs withskilledoperator tooperate systemas andwhen etc as required. for shops/ stalls etc. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) Hire charges for Silent type D.G. Set, including change over switch. Control panel etc. and excluding POL with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. of following capacity: 62.5 KVA 125KVA Hire charges of Main service line for 3 phase connection upto 50 mtr. Length (without any joint) including meter board, panel/distribution Board and supports with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one week , rates for next subsequent weeks will be 50% of the original rates.) Upto 25.0 sq.mm size PVC insulated and Sheathed cable(Armoured or Un-armoured as required.) above 25.0 sq.mm & upto 95 Sq.mm PVC insulated and Sheathed cable(Armoured or Un-armoured as required.) Hire charges of Sub service line for single/ three phase connection upto 30 mtr. Length including dist. Board and supports with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one week , rates for next subsequent weeks will be 50% of the original rates.) Single phase upto 6 Sqmm PVC insulated and Sheathed cable Three phase & neutral upto 10 SqmmPVC insulated and Sheathed cable Hire charges for pedestal fan of size 18 / ceiling fan of size 48/56 sweep including connections etc.with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) Supply and filling of POL for DG sets HirechargesforMistFancompletewithrequiredconnections and operatorwithskilledoperator tooperate systemas and whenetcas required. (Ifworkcontineueformorethenone day , rates fornext subsequentdayswillbe50%of the original rates.) Hire charges for Jumbo polycarbonate/fiber bodymoveable desert cooler completewithwater filling and operatorwith skilledoperatortooperate systemasandwhenetcasrequired. (Ifworkcontineueformorethenoneday, rates fornext subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) Hire Charges for LED Screen Day light type of suitable size for Display complete with mounting arrangement/scaffolding, masking of mounting stand, signal booster, network switch /splitter, data and power cables and sound system arrangement etc. with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) Hire charges for 50/55 HD LED/Plazma TV complete with mounting arrangement , connections, testing etc.with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) 36 Hire charges for Equipments Required for Public Address & Sound System for a very important public function/ VVIP visits including transportation,T&P,Scafolding, testing and connections with trial etc. with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) Required necessary audio connection cables, speakers cables,electrical wiring, boards, connector etc for speakers/horns etc. as required 37 Core i5/i7LaptopwithHDMI cable&Stereo sound output make- HP/Dell/Lenovo or Equivalent. 38 DigitalCDconsoleswithbuilt inCDplayers&DJmixermake: pioneer or equivalent. 39 D.I. Boxes of Make DBX or equivalent 40 32 Channels Equilizers make-DBX or Equivalent. 41 Cross Overs for the speakers Distributions make- DBX or equivalent. 42 Hire charges of public address system for a important public function with 5/ 6 no. of microphones with following nos of stand Hi Fi box, speakers/ Horns, stand by amplifiers , battery backup complete including transportation etc. with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. : ( At district Head Quarters ) (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) 8 Nos 3 Way Big Box Speakers,(above 10000 to 25000 audiences) 43 Hire charges for clip microphone with long lead lavilier. (If work contineue for more then one day , rates for next subsequent days will be 50% of the original rates.) 44 Hire charges for collar cordless/Handheld microphone with long leadlavilier.(If work contineue for more thenoneday, rates for next subsequent days will be50%of the original rates.) 45 Hire Charges for HD Video camera suitable for HDMI output, recording in DVD/hard disk faction complete with two operator as and when etc as required. 46 Hire charges of public address system for a important public function with 5/6no. of microphones with following nos of stand HiFibox, speakers/Horns, stand by amplifiers ,battery backup complete including transportation etc. with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required. :(At district Head Quarters) 4 Nos 3 Way Big Box Speakers,(upto 5000 audiences) Pipe Earthing as per IS:3043- 1987 with 3.0 Mtr. Long, 40 mm dia. B class G.I. Pipe IS: 1239 (Part-1) 2004, Equivalent to BS : 1387 with perforated holes of 12 mm dia ,including all accessories like nut, bolts, reducer, nipple, wire meshed funnel, and Heavy duty weather proof poly-propylene earth pit chamber with lockable Jam free lid suitable for safe working load 5000 Kg or more of size Top Dia. 225 to 260 mm, Bottom Dia 300 to 350 mm. and Height 250 to 300 mm. and embodying the pipe complete with alternate layers salt and coke/ charcoal, testing of earth resistance for value of 5 ohms or less as required & must record by engineer in charge during site visit and ensure to enter in measurment book.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . Supply & Laying following size earth wire in horizontal or vertical run in ground/surface/recess including riveting, soldering, saddles, making connection with GI/Cu purity purity >95% thimble etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 8 SWG G.I. ( Hot Dipped ) Wire Hire charges for video Projection Arrangement (excluding screens) with 3 Nos. Video Camera (PWM120 sony NX 5Z7/Equivalent) including mixer (PansonixMX70/DataVideo MX500/ Equivalent) Complete with required HDMI/VGAetc. wiring VTR, switchers, with skilled operator to operate system as and when etc as required.

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INR 4.99 Lakhs /-
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