
Tender For Electrical Connection Work And Supply And Installation Of 02 Open Gyms In Parijat Apartment Residential Scheme., 1 Part (A) 2 Electrification Work 3 Supplyandlayingof Aluminiumconductorpvcinsulated Armoured Served Sheathed Cables 1100 Vol, lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow Development Authority has published Tender For Electrical Connection Work And Supply And Installation Of 02 Open Gyms In Parijat Apartment Residential Scheme., 1 Part (A) 2 Electrification Work 3 Supplyandlayingof Aluminiumconductorpvcinsulated Armoured Served Sheathed Cables 1100 Vol. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-11-2024. Bolts Tenders in lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Electrical Connection Work And Supply And Installation Of 02 Open Gyms In Parijat Apartment Residential Scheme., 1 Part (A) 2 Electrification Work 3 Supplyandlayingof Aluminiumconductorpvcinsulated Armoured Served Sheathed Cables 1100 Vol
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender for electrical connection work and supply and installation of 02 open gyms in Parijat Apartment Residential Scheme., 1 PART (A) 2 Electrification Work 3 Supplyandlayingof aluminiumconductorPVCinsulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size or as directed by the Engineer-Incharge, complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. pwd 2018/501-507 4 10 sq. mm 4 core 5 50 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 6 16 sq. mm 4 core 7 10 sq. mm 2 core 8 240 sqm 3.5 core 9 Supply and erection of factory fabricated and wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting panel TPN switch board complete with the following HRC type heavy duty TPN fuse switches with fuses and instrument chamber etc. complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type ammeter, voltmerer, selector switches for ammeter and voltmeter, instrument fuses, current transormer etc. The board shall have suitable capacity electroytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 istulate with heat shrink sleeving and mountendon non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, reverse entery boxes in case of pedestaal type, cable sockets, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc.The job includes the grounting of the board as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. All coutgoing switches of 100 Amp. and above will be provided with ampere metre current transformers and selector switches and instrument fuses etc. The switches board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2 mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A B & B-II and pedestal type for Cat-B and C only.pwd 2018/801A 10 Incoming 100 Amp. TPN-1 No Outgoing 63 Amp. TNP-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 11 Supply & fixing of 9 mtr GI Octagonal Pole of approved make (top dia 70mm, Bottom dia 155 mm and base plate 12mm thik) having 3mm thikness with single arm bracket (1 Mtr length) on RCC foundationincluding the cost of foundation, foundation bolts, excavation & back filling and Required T&P completee in all respect.pwd 2018/645 12 Supply and fixing offactory wired integral LED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housing built with dirver set suitable for 140 to 150 Watt. Confirming to IP 66 protection complete in all respect.pwd 2018/1454 cat-AAA 13 Supply and fixing of M/S bracket (circular/sqaure shape)for fixing of four number LED flood light on top of pole complete of work with labour T&P etc as E/i 14 Supply and fixing offactory wired integral LED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housing built with dirver set suitable for 100 to 120 Watt. Confirming to IP 65 protection complete in all respect.pwd 2018/1453 cat-AAA 15 S/F of 20 E 27 CDL LED adore as per direction of I/ic make havells/bajaj/phillips/eqivalent (PSR) 16 Supply and fixing ofdecorative 40 to 45 Watt LED Post top indirect light luminaire having Pressure die cast aluminium body and Clear glass with driver set confirming to IP 65 and aboveprotection complete in all respect.Pwd 2018/1443Cat-AAA 17 Supply and erection of perforated type cable trays made out of prefabricated galvinized sheet steel including tees bends crossing, reducers coupling to be laid in cable trenches over head on wall or hanged from ceilling including all neccessart supports brackets at every 1500 c/c grouting leveling suspension and fixing arragements dash fasteners G.I. nut & bolts complete in respect. (PSR) 750 Mm (w) X 50 mm (H) x 2 mm (T) 18 150mm (w) x 35 mm (H) x 1.5 mm (T) 19 PANEL-1, LT, METER PANEL BOARD Qty-1No.Design manufacturing Supply Installation testing and commissioning of LT METER Panel Board. The Panel shall be fabricated out of 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet steel, painted with Powder coated paint of shade as per the direction of Engineer In-Charge after proper sheet treatment process of sheet steel. The Bus bar of panel shall be of High grade Electrical grade High Conductive Aluminium alloy of appropriate cross section as per rating. The Calculation of continuous rating of Bus Bar shall be submitted. The Bus Bar shall be supported by non hygroscopic SMC/DMC Bus Bar supports which shall be mounted on proper interval to ensure bear the jerks of short Circuit as fault level require All Indicating Lights shall be LED type and all wiring shall be done from PVC Insulated copper flexible wire. The Panel shall be complete in all respect and shall consist of following material.(PSR) 20 Incoming MCCB 250 a TP 25 ka 01 nos 21 Phase indicator (R,Y,B) 1 set 22 Metering (MFM) 1 set 23 Bus Bar 24 250A TPN aluminium busbar 01 set 25 outgoing 26 MCB 63A FP 10 KA 25 nos 27 ACCL 63A DP 25 nos 28 Space for 3 phase KWH meter 25 nos 29 Supply and erection of factory fabricated and wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting panel TPN switch board complete with the following HRC type heavy duty TPN fuse switches with fuses and instrument chamber etc. complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type ammeter, voltmerer, selector switches for ammeter and voltmeter, instrument fuses, current transormer etc. The board shall have suitable capacity electroytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 istulate with heat shrink sleeving and mountendon non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, reverse entery boxes in case of pedestaal type, cable sockets, compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc.The job includes the grounting of the board as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. All coutgoing switches of 100 Amp. and above will be provided with ampere metre current transformers and selector switches and instrument fuses etc. The switches board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2 mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A B & B-II and pedestal type for Cat-B and C only.(Market Rate 30 Incoming 125 Amp MCCB 01 NosOutgoing 90 DP MCB 10 Amp 90 Nos 31 Motorise control valve butterfly type block B1, B2, A-1, A-2, A-3 (water supply) (M.R) 32 Supply and burying earth electrode for lighting conductor of 600mm x 600mm x 3mm Copper plate vertically with its top at least 3 metres below ground level complete with 20mm dia G.I. pipe for watering funnel, 30cm square C.I. frame with hinged cover masonry housing alternate layers of charcoal/coke and salt at least 150mm thick alround etc. as per directions of Engineer-in-charge complete in all respect.pwd 2018/708 33 S&F of 200 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work as per direction and satisfaction of Engineer in charge. Pwd 2018/379 34 S&Fof 32 Amp. 415 V metal clad TPN HRC type switch fuse unit complete with HRC fuse on angle iron bracket complete in all respect.pwd 2018/326 35 PART (B) 36 Supply & Installation of 02 Open Gym 37 CHEST PRESSDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA :3.6 FT X 2.8 FTSAFE PLAY AREA :7.6 FT X 6.8 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHENS GLUTES, CHEST, SHOULDER, UPPER & MID ABS, FORE ARM & TRICEPSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:CENTER FRAME: 100 NB GI C-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEMAIN FRAME: 40 NB & 32 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE FRAME: 32 NB & 25 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKECONNECTING PIPE: 32 NB & 25 NB & 40 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE - JINDAL MAKESEAT & BACK REST: LLDP ROTOMOULDED SEAT WITH INBUILT BOLTS 3/8 X 1.5.PIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING SYSTEMS: SELF LOCKING BEARING SYSTEMS. IT WILL RESTRICT ITS MOVEMENT IN 120° ANGLE.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARBEARINGS: REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)NUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTSNUT BOLTS CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED WITH SS M6 FASTNERS.POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAND 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PURE POLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE 38 CYCLEDIMENSION:PRODUCT AREA: 3.2 FT X 2.2 FTSAFE PLAY AREA:7.2 FT X 6.2 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHEN UPPER & LOWER LIMB, IMPROVES BODY CONSISTENCY & EGIBILITY, IMPROVE LUNGS & HEART EFFICIENCY AND STRENGTHENS HEART.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 25 NB & 40 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKESEAT FRAME: 32 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE & SEAT: LLDPE STERING IS USEDPIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARNUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTS.BEARINGS: PERMANENT SEALED OF REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAND 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PUREPOLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTALTHICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTEDBY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 39 PULL UP STATIONDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: 4 FT X 3.4 FTSAFE PLAY AREA: 8 FT X 7.4 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHEN ABDOMINAL AND UPPER THIGH ALSO IMPROVES REFLEXES AND MIND BODYINTERACTION.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 100 NB C-CLASS G.I. PIPES. -JINDAL MAKEBACK REST: DETACHABLE WITH 25NB GI B-CLASS WITH SPECIAL CASING-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE: 25 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE. -JINDAL MAKECONNECTING MAIN HORIZONTAL PIPE: 50 N B GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEINTERMIDIATE PIPE: 25 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE. -JINDAL MAKEPIPE END CAP: GALVANISED CAP.POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAND 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PUREPOLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 40 AIR WALKERDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA:4.8 FT X 2.1FTSAFE PLAY AREA:8.8FT X 6.1FTFUNCTION: STRENGTHENS LEG MUSCLES, IMPROVES CARDIO VASCULAR ENDURANCETECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 100 NB GI C-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKELEG FRAME: 32 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE FRAME: 25 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEFOOT REST: LLDP ROTOMOULDED SEAT WITH INBUILT BOLTS 3/8 X 1.5.PIPE END CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BAR BEARING SYSTEMS; SELF LOCKING BEARING SYSTEMS. IT WILL RESTRICT ITS MOVEMENT IN 120° ANGLE.NUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTS.BEARINGS: PERMANENT SEALED OF REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF) POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAND 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PURE POLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 41 TWISTER THREE WAYDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: DAIMETER 5.5 FTSAFE PLAY AREA: DIAMETER 11 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHENS ABDOMINAL MUSCLETECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 100 NB GI C-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE FRAME: 20 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE JINDAL MAKETWISTER DISC: LLDP ROTOMOULDED SEAT WITH INBUILT BOLTS 3/8 X 1.5.PIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARNUT BOLTS CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED WITH SS M6 FASTNERS.BEARINGS: PERMANENT SEALED OF REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)NUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTS.POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAD 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PURE POLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 42 PARALLEL BAR DOUBLEDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: 7 FT X 2 FTSAFE PLAY AREA: 13 FT X 4 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHENS ARMS AND SHOULDERMUSCLESTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:PARALLEL BAR: 25NB GI PIPE B-CLASS ISI MARKCLAMPS: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED CASINGCENTRE PIPE: 100 NB GI C-CLASS PIPE JINDAL MAKEPIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARBEARINGS: REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)STOPPER: PU ROD 50MM DIANUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTS.POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAD 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PURE POLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 43 ROWERDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: 4.7 FT X 2.5 FTSAFE PLAY AREA: 8.7 FT X 6.5 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHENS BACK MUSCLES, SHOULDER ARM MUSCLES AND ABDOMEN, ALSO IMPROVES CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 80 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE JINDAL MAKE SEAT FRAME:50 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKE HANDLE FRAME:32 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEPIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED.BEARING SYSTEMS: SELF LOCKING BEARING SYSTEMS. ITWILL RESTRICT ITS MOVEMENT IN 120° ANGLEBEARING HOUSING AND PIN: SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARNUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTSBEARINGS PERMANENT SEALED OF REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAND 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PUREPOLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTALTHICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTEDBY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 44 TAI CHI SPINNERDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: 3.3 FT X 2.5 FT SAFE PLAY AREA: 7.3 FT X 6.5 FTFUNCTIONS: IMPROVES SHOULDER & HELPS IMPROVESWRIST ALIGILITYTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME: 100 NB GI C-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKEHANDLE FRAME: 32 NB GI B-CLASS PIPE-JINDAL MAKESPINNING RING: LLDP ROTOMOULDING WHEEL.PIPE CAP: GALVANISED CAP.BEARING CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED.BEARING HOUSING AND PIN:SEAMLESS PIPE & ROUND BARNUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTSNUT BOLTS CAP: NYLON 66 INJECTION MOULDED WITH SS M6 FASTNERS.BEARINGS: PERMANENT SEALED OF REPUTED MAKE (FAG/SKF)NUT BOLTS: GALVANISED NUT BOLTS.POWDER COAT: DONE BY FIRST COAT OF PRIMERBRAD 40-50 MICRON THICKNESS AND TOP COAT OF PURE POLYESTER POWDER WITH 70-80 MICRON THICKNESS. TOTAL THICKNESS IS 110-120 MICRON COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 45 ABB TRAINERDIMENSIONS:PRODUCT AREA: 5.7 FT X 2.1 FTSAFE PLAY AREA :9.7 FT X 6.1 FTFUNCTIONS: STRENGTHEN ABDOMINAL MUSCLES AND PREVENT LOWER BACK STRAINTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:MAIN FRAME IS MADE UP OF 40 NB & 32 NB GI B CLASSPIPESTIFFENER IS MADE UP OF 25 NB GI B CLASS PIPE.FOOT LOCK IS MADE UP 50 NB GI B CLASS PIPEABB TRAINER TOP IS MADE UP OF LLDPE PLASTICSIZE OF TOP WILL BE 375 MM X 1150 MM X 40 MM THICK COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 18-11-2024 Date Extension Date 20-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2950 /-
INR 129600.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 51.97 Lakhs /-
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