
Tender For Rate Contract For Procurement Of Implants Material At Ggsmch, Faridkot, faridkot-Punjab

Baba Farid University Of Helath Sciences has published Tender For Rate Contract For Procurement Of Implants Material At Ggsmch, Faridkot. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-11-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in faridkot Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Procurement Of Implants Material At Ggsmch, Faridkot
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Procurement Of Implants Material At Ggsmch, Faridkot , Surgery Implants , Pedicle Screws With Rods :- All Sizes (Imported) , Pedicle Screws With Rods :- All Sizes (Indian) , Aneurysm Clips- Angled, Straight, Fenestrated, Curved With Clip Applicator.Imported , Aneurysm Clips- Angled, Straight, Fenestrated, Curved With Clip Applicator. (Indian) , (Dental) Bone Plates -2.5Mm Stainless Steel Mini 4 Hole Plate With Gap For Mandible , Bone Plates-2.5Mm Stainless Steel 6 Hole Plate With Gap For Mandible , Bone Plates-2Mm Stainless Steel Mini Bone Plate With Gap For Maxilla , Bone Plates-6Mm Screws For 2.5 Mm Maxila Stainless Steel , Bone Plates-8Mmscrews For 2.5Mm Mandible Stainless Steel , Bone Plates-6Mm Screws For 2Mm Maxilla Stainless Steel , Bone Plates-2Mm 6 Hole Titanium Mini Bone Plate With Gap For Mandible , Bone Plates-2Mm 4 Hole Titanium Mini Bone Plate With Gap For Mandible , Bone Plates-1.5Mm 4 Hole Titanium Mini Bone Plate With Gap Form Maxilla , Bone Plates-6Mm Screws For 2Mm Maxilla Titanium , Bone Plates-8Mm Screws For 2Mm Mandible Titanium , Bone Plates-6Mm Screws For 1.5Mm Maxilla Titanium , Bone Plates-4 Hole Plates ( L-Shaped) , Bone Plates-4Mm Screws , (Ophthalmology)-Non Foldable Poly Methyl Methaacrylate Lens, Optic Size 5.25 Mm (All Powers) , -Non Foldable Polymethyl Methaacrylate Lens Optic Size 6.0Mm (All Powers) , -Non Foldable Poly Methyl Methaacrylate Lens Optic Size 6.5Mm (All Powers) , -Indian Hydrophillic Foldableacrylic Lens (Unifocal) Optic Size 6.0Mm (All Powers) , - Indian Hydrophobic Aspheric Acrylic Lens (Unifocal) Optic Size 6.0Mm (All Powers) , - Indian Hydrophobic Multifocal Aspheric Acrylic Lens (All Powers) , -Indian Hydrophobic Toric Aspheric Acrylic Lens (All Powers) , -Imported Monofocal Hydrophobic Acrylic Lens (All Powers)--Imported Monofocal Hydrophobic Aspheric Acrylic Lens (All Powers) , -Imported Multipfocal Hydrophobicaspheric Acrylic Lens (All Powers) , (Ped. Surgery)-Slit And Spring, Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt, Low Pressure , Slit And Spring Vp Shunt, Moderate Medium Pressure , Slit And Spring Vp Shunt, Moderate Pressure , (Chemo Implants)-Port-Base Fits Within 32Mm Diameter , Port-Internal Volume 0.5Ml , Port-2000 Unctures Maximum With 22G Non Coring Needle , Catheter-9.6 F, 3.1 Mm Od, 1.6Mm Id , Catheter-Depth Marking Every 1 Cm , Catheter-Priming Volume 1.5Ml (0.20Mlper 10Cm Of Length) , Catheter-Average Gravity Flow Rate>500Ml/H W/19G Non Coring Needle. , (Orthopaedic)-Dcp Small Locking & Unlocking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S, All Sizes Available. , Dcp Small Locking & Unlocking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium, All Sizes Available. , Dcp Narrow Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Dcp Narrow Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Dcp Broad Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws Andinstruments Implant Material S.S , Dcp Broad Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws Andinstruments Implant Material Titanium. , Distal Radius Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S (Volar, Dorsal, Oblique/ Straight All Types). , Distal Radius Plate Locking And Unlocking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium (Volar, Dorsal, Oblique/ Straight All Types). , Olecranon (Anatomical, Hook) Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Olecranon (Anatomical, Hook) Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Humerous Nail With Locking Bolts And Instrumentsimplant Material S.S , Humerous Nail With Locking Bolts And Instrumentsimplant Material Titanium , Philos Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Philos Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Extra Articular Plate Humerus With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Extra Articular Plate Humerus With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Distal Humerous Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Distal Humerous Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Anterio Lateral Distal Humerous Plate (Aldhp) With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Anterio Lateral Distal Humerous Plate (Aldhp) With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Medial Distal Humeros Locking Plate With Screw And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Medial Distal Humeros Locking Plate With Screw And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , 1/3Rd Tubular Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , 1/3Rd Tubular Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Tibia Nail Cannulated With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Tibia Nail Cannulated With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Expert Tibia Nail Ss With Complete Instrumentation , Expert Tibia Nail Titanium With Complete Instrumentation , Suprapatellar Tibia Nail With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Suprapatellar Tibia Nail With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Lateral Tibia Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Lateral Tibia Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , T-Butteress Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Ss , T-Butteress Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , L-Butteress Locking Plate Left/Right With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , L-Butteress Locking Plate Left/Right With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Low Profile Proximal Tibia Plate With Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Low Profile Proximal Tibia Plate With Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Proximal Medial Tibia Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S , Proximal Medial Tibia Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Low Profile Proximal Tibia Plate (Posterio Medial) With Instruments Implant Material S.S , Low Profile Proximal Tibia Plate (Posterio Medial) With Instruments Implant Materialtitanium. , Distal Tibia Locking Plate (Admt) Medial With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Distal Tibia Locking Plate (Admt) Medial With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Anterolateral Distal Tibia Locking Plate Implant Material S.S. , Anterolateral Distal Tibia Locking Plate Implant Material Titanium. , Antegrade Femur Nail Cannulated With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Materials.S. , Antegrade Femur Nail Cannulated With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Pfna2 Ss.With Blades And Instruments , Pfna2 Titanium With Blades And Instruments , Proximal Femur Nail (Pfn) With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material S.Slong And Short Both. , Proximal Femur Nail (Pfn) With Locking Bolts And Instruments Implant Material Titanium Long And Short Both. , Retrograde Femur Nail With Locking Bolt And Instruments Implant Material S.S. With A-P Locking Proximal (Long & Short Both). , Retrograde Femur Nail With Locking Bolt And Instruments Implant Material Titanium With A-P Locking Proximal (Long & Short Both). , Distal And Proximal Femur Locking Plate (Both Medial And Lateral) With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Distal And Proximal Femur Locking Plate (Both Medial And Lateral) With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Reconstruction Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Reconstruction Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Reconstruction Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Reconstruction Locking Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , K-Wire Implant Material S.S(Smooth & Threaded Both). , K-Wire Implant Material Titanium (Smooth & Threaded Both). , Tension Ba Nd Wiring Implant Material S.S. All Sizes (16-20Mm) , Dhs/Dcs Plate Locking/Non-Locking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Dhs/Dcs Plate Locking/Non-Locking With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , .5Mm Cancellous Cannulated Screw With Washer Implant Material S.S. (All Sizes With Long Screws 80-120Mm For Pelvis). , .5Mm Cancellous Cannulated Screw With Washer Implant Material Titanium. (All Sizes With Long Screws 80-120Mm For Pelvis). , .4Mm Cancellous Cannulated Screw With Washer Implant Material Titanium.(All Sizes With Long Screws 80-120Mm For Pelvis). , .4Mm Cancellous Cannulated Screw With Washer Implant Material S.S.(All Sizes With Long Screws 80-120Mm For Pelvis). , Malleolar Screw With Washer Implant Material S.S. , Malleolar Screw With Washer Implant Material Titanium , T-Oblique Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , T-Oblique Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 6” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 8” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 10” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 12” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 14” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 16” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tubular Rod 18” , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Ao Type Single Pin Clamp , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-Tube To Tube Clamp , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-T-Clamp , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-6.5 Cancellous Schanz Pin , External Fixator Setimplant Material S.S-4.5 Cortical Schanz Pin , Ring Fixator (Ilizarov)With Accessiories Implant Material S.S. , Ring Fixator (Ilizarov)With Accessiories Implant Material Carbon , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Small, Distractor Small, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Small, Distractor Medium 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Small, Distractor Large, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Medium, Distractor Small, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Medium, Distractor Medium, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Medium, Distractor Large, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Large, Distractor Small, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Large, Distractor Medium, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Jess Fixator(Beta Clamp Large, Distractor Large, 2.5 Pin) Implant Material S.S , Rail Fixator With Accessiories Implant Material Carbon , Mini Plate With Screws Andinstruments Implant Material S.S. , Mini Plate With Screws Andinstruments Implant Material Titanium , Tense Nail Implant Material S.S. With All Instrumentation. , Tense Nail Implant Material Titanium With All Instrumentation. , Herbert Screw Implant Material S.S. , Herbert Screw Implant Material Titanium , Calcaneum Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Calcaneum Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Ankle Arthrodesis Nail With Bolts And Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Ankle Arthrodesis Nail With Bolts And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Cloverleaf Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Cloverleaf Plate With Screws And Instruments Implant Material Titanium , Clavicle Plate Locking Implant Material S.S. , Clavicle Plate Locking Implant Material Titanium , Clavicle Superior Anterior Distal Locked Plate Implant Material S.S. , Clavicle Superior Anterior Distal Locked Plate Implant Material Titanium , Lateral Distal Fibula Locked Plate (Left & Right) Implant Material Titanium , Lateral Distal Fibula Locked Plate (Left & Right) Implant Material S.S , Pelvic Straight/Curvedlocked Plate Implant Material S.S. , Pelvic Straight/Curvedlocked Plate Implant Material Titanium , Acetabulum Surface Plate With Instruments Implant Material S.S. , Acetabulum Surface Plate With Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Figure Of 8 Plate And Stapples For Knee Osteotomy. , High Tibial Osteotomy Plate (Tomofix) With Complete Instrumentation. , Laminar Spreader , Distractor Both For Upper Limb And Lower Limb. , Pelvic C- Clamps With Fixator , Cc Screw (6.5Mm) For Fracture Neck Femur With Angle Guide Titanium , Fns System For Fracture Neck Femur Fixation With Instrumentation. , Plate Bender , All Nail Set Accompanied With Flexible And Manual Reamer Set. , Every Set Had New And Sharp Drill Bit (Titanium) With Drill Sleeve Counter Sink Device, Screw Driver, Bone Tap. , Nail Removal Set (Complete Instrumentation) , Broken Screw Removal Set. , Bone Holding Forceps, Plate Holding Forceps. , Total Elbow Indian Uncemented/Cemented Implant Material S.S. , Total Elbow Imported Uncemented/Cemented Implant Material S.S. , Total Elbow Imported Uncemented/Cemented Implant Material Titanium , Total Elbow Indian Uncemented/Cemented Implant Material Titanium , Radial Head Prothesis Implant Material Silicon And Mettalic. , Total Shoulder/Total Reverse Shoulder Implant Material Co-Cr And Titanium. , Bipolar Prothesis With Bone Cement And Dispenser. , Modular Bipolar Prothesis With Bone Cement And Dispenser , Modular Bipolar Uncemented Imported With Instruments. , Modular Bipolar Uncemented Indian With Instruments. , Uncemented Thr Indian With Instruments. , Uncemented Thr Imported With Instruments. , Cemented Thr Indian With Instruments. , Cemented Thr Imported With Instruments. , Total Knee Replacement Indian. , Total Knee Replacement Imported. , Fibre Wire For Ligament Reconstruction , Acl Reconstruction Endo Button With Loop And Peak Screw , Acl Reconstruction Tightrope With Flip And Peak Screw , Lasso Suture , Loose Endo Button, Loose Suture Disc , Titanium Anchor Suture 5Mm With Loaded Thread And Needle , Titanium Anchor 1.8 With Loaded Thread And Needle , Peak Anchor Double Loaded. , Peak Anchor Single Loaded. , Meniscal Repair Needles With Fibre Wire , All Inside Meniscal Repair And Bone Staplers , Tumourprosthesis Total Hip Implant Material Co-Cr. , Tumourprosthesis Total Hip Implant Material Titanium. , Spine Surgery With Mono Screws With Instruments Implant Material Titanium. , Posterior Cage Implant Material Titanium , Occipital Y Plate 31±2Mm , Occipital Y-Plate 37±4Mm , Occipitaly- Plate 45±4Mm , Occipital T-Plate 31±2Mm , Occipital T-Plate 37±4Mm , Occipital T-Plate 45±4Mm , Bias Screw ¢ 3.5× 14Mm , Bias Screw ¢ 3.5X 16 Mm , Bias Screw ¢ 3.5 × 18 Mm , Bias Screw ¢ 3.5 × 20Mm , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X14mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X16mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X18mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X20mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X22mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X26mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw¢ 3.5 X30mm For Lateral Mass , D- Connector For Lateral Mass , D Connector Rod¢ 2.5 X50 Mm For Lateral Mass , D Connector Rod¢ 2.5 X75 Mm For Lateral Mass , D Connector Rod¢ 2.5 X100 Mm For Lateral Mass , Occipital Rod , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X24 Mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X26mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X28 Mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X30 Mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X35mm For Lateral Mass , Poly Pedicle Screw ¢ 4.3 X40 Mm For Lateral Mass , Locking Head Screw ¢ 3.5×6Mm For Occipital Plate , Locking Head Screw ¢ 3.5×8Mm For Occipital Plate , Locking Head Screw ¢ 3.5×10Mm For Occipital Plate , Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 40 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 40 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 40 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 40 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 45 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 50 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 30 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 35 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 40 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 45 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 5.5 X 50 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 30 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 35 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 40 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 45 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 6.5 X 50 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 30 Mm , Polyaxial Pedicle Screw Unilock 4.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 4.5 X 40 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 4.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 4.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 5.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 5.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 5.5 X 40 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 5.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 5.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 6.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 6.5 X 35 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 6.5 X 40 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 6.5 X 45 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 6.5 X 50 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 4.5 X 30 Mm , Pedicle Reduction Screw Unilock 4.5 X 35 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 70 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 80 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 90 Mm , Pinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 100 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 110 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 120 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 150 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 200 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 250 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 300 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 350 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Single Lock Dia 5.7 X 400 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Single Lock Dia 5.7 X 450 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Single Lock Dia 5.7 X 500 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 50 Mm , Spinal Precut Rod For Unilock Dia 5.7 X 60 Mm , D Connector For Unilock , D Connector Rod Dia 4 X 75 Mm , D Connector Rod Dia 4 X 100 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 8 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 10 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 10 X 20 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 10 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 12 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 12 X 20 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 12 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 8 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 8 X 20 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 8 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 10 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 10 X 20 Mm , Pl If Cage 4 Degree 10 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 12 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 12 X 20 Mm , Plif Cage 4 Degree 12 X 25 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 8 X 15 Mm , Plif Cage 0 Degree 8 X 20 Mm , Radial Pliff Cage 7 Mm , Radial Pliff Cage 8 Mm , Radial Pliff Cage 9 Mm , Radial Pliff Cage 10 Mm , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 30 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 35 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 40 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 45 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 50 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 60 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 20 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 25 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 30 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 35 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 40 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 45 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 50 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 12 X 60 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 8 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 9 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 10 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 11 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 12 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 13 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 14 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 17 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 20 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 25 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 30 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 35 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 40 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 45 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 50 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 14 X 60 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 10 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 15 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 20 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 25 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 30 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 35 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 40 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 45 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 50 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 16 X 60 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 20 Mm Length , Titanium Spinal Mesh Dia 10 X 25 Mm Length , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 16Mm Total Length 24Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 18Mm Total Length 26Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 20Mm Total Length 28Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 22Mm Total Length 30Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 24Mm Total Length 32Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 26Mm Total Length 34Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 26Mm Total Length 34Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 28Mm Total Length 36Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 30Mm Total Length 38Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 32Mm Total Length 40Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 34Mm Total Length 42Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 37Mm Total Length 45Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 40Mm Total Length 48Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 43Mm Total Length 51Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 2 Hole Spacing 46Mm Total Length 54Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 39Mm Total Length 47Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 42Mm Total Length 50Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 45Mm Total Length 53Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 48Mm Total Length 56Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 51Mm Total Length 59Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 3 Hole Spacing 54Mm Total Length 62Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 12Mm Total Length 20Mm , Cervical Spine Locking Plate Level 1 Hole Spacing 14Mm Total Length 22Mm , Locking Head Screw 4Mm*16Mm , Locking Head Screw 4Mm*18Mm , Locking Head Screw 4.35*12Mm , Locking Head Screw 4.35 * 14Mm , Locking Head Screw 4.35*16Mm , Locking Head Screw 4.35*18Mm , Locking Head Screw 4Mm*12Mm , Locking Head Screw 4Mm*14Mm , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 12X 35-50 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 12X 55-70 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 14X 20-25 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 14X 25-35 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 14X 35-50 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 14X 55-70 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 16X 20-25 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 16X 25-35 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 16X 35-50 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 16X 55-70 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 18X 20-25 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 18X 25-35 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 18X 35-50 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 18X 55-70 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 12X 20-25 , Assy Of Expandable Cage Dia 12X 25-35 , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 5.5 X 40 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 5.5 X 45 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 5.5 X 50 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 6.5 X 30 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 6.5 X 35 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 6.5 X 40 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 6.5 X 45 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 6.5 X 50 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 5.5 X 30 Mm , Mis Polyaxial Screw Dia 5.5 X 35 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 40 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 45Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 50 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 55 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 60 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 65 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 70 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 75 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 80 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 85 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 90 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 95 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 100 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 110 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dia 5.5 X 120 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dia 5.5 X 150 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dia 5.5 X 200 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 30 Mm , Mis Precut Rod Dai 5.5 X 35 Mm , Mis Spinal Straight Rod Dia 5.5 X 120 Mm , Mis Spinal Straight Rod Dia 5.5 X 150 Mm , Mis Spinal Straight Rod Dia 5.5 X 200 Mm , Mis Spinal Straight Rod Dia 5.5 X 300 Mm , Instrument Set For Mis Tube Retractor , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 4 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 5 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 8 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 9 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 4 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 5 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 6 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 7 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 8 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 18 X 14 X 9 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 6 Mm , Cervical Disc Spacer 15 X 12 X 7 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 6 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 7 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 8 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 9 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 10 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 11 Mm , Zero-P Acif Stand Alone Cage 12 Mm , Locking Screw For Zero-P Acif Alone Cage 14 , Locking Screw For Zero-P Acif Alone Cage 16 , Locking Screw For Zero-P Acif Alone Cage 18 , Catheter-9.6 F, 3.1 Mm Od, 1.6Mm Id , Catheter-Depth Marking Every 1 Cm , Catheter-Priming Volume 1.5Ml (0.20Mlper 10Cm Of Length) , Catheter-Average Gravity Flow Rate>500Ml/H W/19G Non Coring Needle. , E.N.T-(Partial Ossicular Reconstruction Prothesis) (Ptfe/Tt), Id-.95Mm, Od-1.40Mm, Collar Nod-2.85Mm, Length-6.32Mm , Torp ( Total Ossicular Reconstruction Prothesis)(Ptfe/Teflon), Id-0.65Mm, Od-2.800Mm, Length-6.32Mm , Stapes Prothesis, Shaft Diameter-0.4Mm, Loop Shaft Diameter-0.20Mm, Timmable Length-7.00-3.50Mm, Length-7.00Mm

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