
Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Various Items In B.O.P.E.E (Board Of Professional Entrance Examination) Barzulla Srinagar. - Engagement Of Labours For Site Clearance ,Removal Of Mulba Etc.As Per The Directions Of Eic At Site Complete. 2 Distempering, srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Works Department has published Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Various Items In B.O.P.E.E (Board Of Professional Entrance Examination) Barzulla Srinagar. - Engagement Of Labours For Site Clearance ,Removal Of Mulba Etc.As Per The Directions Of Eic At Site Complete. 2 Distempering. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-11-2024. Absorbents Tenders in srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Various Items In B.O.P.E.E (Board Of Professional Entrance Examination) Barzulla Srinagar. - Engagement Of Labours For Site Clearance ,Removal Of Mulba Etc.As Per The Directions Of Eic At Site Complete. 2 Distempering
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Repair and renovation of various items in B.O.P.E.E (Board of Professional Entrance Examination) Barzulla Srinagar. - Engagement of labours for site clearance ,removal of mulba etc.as per the directions of EIC at site complete. 2 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand andmanufacture to give an even shade on New work (two or more coats) overand including priming coat with water thinnable cement primer 3 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufactureof required colour to give an even shade, one or more coats on old work door & windows 4 P/F of aluminium powder coated doors consisting of aluminium sections 83.5mm x 45mm x 2mm vertical, top and middle horizontal members and bottom members of size 114.60 x 44.45 × 2mm thickness. Bottom upto 5 height will be provided with 12 mm thick both side pre laminated particle board mentioned in item above and rest above provided with 5.5 mm thick transparent float glass. Doors to be provided with 100 mm brass deadlock godrej make, hydraulic floor spring, heavy quality ISI marked with cover plate 100 mm dia circular plate type handles (2 nos) tower bolt of size 250 × 10 mm including cutting the floor etc complete as directed by engineer in charge 5 Providing and fixing C.P long nose brass bib cock of approved quality 15mm nominal bore. 6 Providing and fixing of 50-literwater heater (geysers) Venus, Recold all equivalent incl. cost of dash fasteners with nuts and washers, complete. 7 Providing and fixing ofplyboard economy grade of 12mm thickness (water proof) incl. cost of nails etc. 8 Renewing glass panes with wooden fillets where ever necessary, float glass panes of 5.0mm thick glass pane (weighing not less than 12.50 kg/sqm) 9 P/F of 1.5 ton capacity hot & cold A.C of approved quality and brand with all fittings complete as per the directions of EIC. 10 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufactureof required colour to give an even shade, one or more coats on old work .grills 11 Providing andfixingof 12mm thick imported wooden panelling (T&G) incl. budloo wood frame work, and necessary nails etc. complete. 12 French spirit polishing, Two or more coats on new works including a coat of wood filler 13 P/F of 8mm thick laminated wooden flooring with foam incl. all necessary beeding/cornices of approved quality required shade as per directions of EIC inclusive of all carriages complete job. 14 P/F of horizontal ventilation blinds for windowsincl. cost of all necessary fittings and carriages complete job. 15 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 liter low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS:7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required:18.2.1 W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid 16 Providing and fixing P.V.C low level flushing cistern with manuallycontrolled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete:10 liter capacity -White 17 P/F of excel matting with foam incl. adhesive and carriage upto site of work complete job as per the direction of EIC 18 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 liter low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe (of approved make) with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required.White vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440mm with integral type foot rests. 19 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required :White Vitreous China Wash basin size 550x400 mm with a pair of 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps. 20 P/F of electric items, make (havells/anchor) or equivalent make including necessary fittings, accessories etc. complete. 21 Light points 22 Led bulb 12 watt 23 Heating points 24 fan points 25 fan of standard quality 26 Engagement of electrician for removing of old/damaged electric fittings wiring etc. all complete. 27 Providing and fixing P.V.C waste pipe for wash basin incl. P.V.C waste fittings complete: flexible pipe 32mm dia 28 P/F of C.P Basin mixer of approved brand as per the directions of EIC 29 P/F of 19mm water-proof plyboard (ply to ply) for making almirah compartments incl. cost of sunmica (8mm thick) of commercial quality and adhesive complete job. For repair of existing. 30 P/F of 100 mm handles (for door/windows) 31 P/F of stainless steel butt hinge 125x64x1.90 mm IS :12817 COMPLETE JOB

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 800 /-
INR 36440.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 18.22 Lakhs /-
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