
Tender For Annual Repair Of Nirman Sadan At Kaithal In Kaithal Distt. For The Year 2024-25 - 1 [11.4.2]10 Mm Thick Cement Plaster 2. 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Fine Sand) 2 [11.5.4]12 Mm Cement Plaster Of Mix : 4. 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Fine Sand) 3 [11.58]Providin, kaithal-Haryana

Public Works Department has published Tender For Annual Repair Of Nirman Sadan At Kaithal In Kaithal Distt. For The Year 2024-25 - 1 [11.4.2]10 Mm Thick Cement Plaster 2. 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Fine Sand) 2 [11.5.4]12 Mm Cement Plaster Of Mix : 4. 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Fine Sand) 3 [11.58]Providin. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-11-2024. Machine Tools Tenders in kaithal Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Annual Repair Of Nirman Sadan At Kaithal In Kaithal Distt. For The Year 2024-25 - 1 [11.4.2]10 Mm Thick Cement Plaster 2. 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Fine Sand) 2 [11.5.4]12 Mm Cement Plaster Of Mix : 4. 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Fine Sand) 3 [11.58]Providin
Open Tender

Tender Details

Annual Repair of Nirman Sadan at Kaithal in Kaithal Distt. for the year 2024-25 - 1 [11.4.2]10 mm thick cement plaster 2. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) 2 [11.5.4]12 mm cement plaster of mix : 4. 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) 3 [11.58]Providing and applying two coats white cement based putty of approved brand and manufacturer, over plastered surface and grinding the surface smooth with sand paper to get en even and smooth finish including cost and carriage of all material , labour charges, scaffolding, sundries etc. complete 4 [11.6.2]15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 2. 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) 5 [11.64.1]Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade : 1. New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer 6 [12.177.1]Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item): 1. With toughened glass panes of 6 mm thickness (weight not less than 15 kg/sqm) 7 [30.28.1]Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : 1. One or more coats on old work 8 [30.37.2]Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : 2. Old work (One or more coat applied @ 0.90 litre/10 sqm). 9 [9.46.1]Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts and bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering up to 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer`s specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cut outs made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with : 1. 12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum plain board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part I) :2011 (Board with BIS certification marks)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 5000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.19 Lakhs /-
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